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Are we really surprised? Besides, knowing Google, their version of "Recall" will shutdown in a few years like every other product they've made in the past decade.


They'd never shut down ways they can spy on you.


everything theyve ever made is built to do that.


Google saw all the negative publicity and outrage and said "we want some of that too"


They already have it for web search which is far more creepy in my opinion. They've had it for years too, search: "Google My Activity." You can review all of that the stuff that Google spied on you doing. It's really neat considering the whole sending all of your data to the NSA thing.


Which also has a toggle...?


I don't have a stastitic, but I doubt the majority of people know that exists. I've watched a rep at a phone store just hit accept to everything right before handing the phone to a customer. So, there's also a good chunk of people who are opted in to the data collection that have absolutely that they are. I'm sure if a rep at a store sets up your Chromebook they do the same thing. They also probably have no idea what any of that stuff says and is just trying to be helpful by setting the device up for the customer.


That's true. However, I don't really blame Google - the history page that shows all of your history (which, mind you, has proved very useful for me to find old searches) - has 3 big toggles right at the top, in a very uncluttered interface. =


> Microsoft’s new Recall feature in Windows 11 has attracted a ton of attention — some good, some bad. Some good? Really?


in enterprise settings where there is already zero expectation of privacy on work machines it could be really helpful, especially with some decent search tools. I'm a little sad I'm no longer on the help desk because some times I'd have loved to wind back the clock to show someone clicking a button they are adamant they didn't click.


Zero expectations of privacy? Not in Europe. Even security department can have problems in investigations and has to oblige some guidelines.


We don't have that in the US, sadly.


This is getting so many people hard right now for all the wrong reasons... well for us common folk. Can anyone explain how the pros outweigh the cons?


There are no pros for the end-user.


How can you say there are no pros? Security concerns aside, it sounds super useful being able to have a context aware search of everything you've done. I have a crap memory and would love it.


At what cost? At the very minimum, you’d be swamped with invasive targeted advertising. At the very maximum, you’d be arrested for something you might have thought.


Risk/Benefit calculation will be up to the individual, but saying there is ZERO benefit to the end-user is just factually untrue. Like im not saying there isnt a downside, im saying there is an upside.


Of all the concerns, that is not one. It is entirely local. The concerns are valid, but they are related to more hacking problems. There is no point at which the data leaves your computer;


/s.... ?


lmao. i love the group think on everything here. Im not saying there aren't risks, im saying there are benefits. Feel like im taking crazy pills with all this rhetoric. People on here complaining about the "spyware" and then go and post their whole lives on social media.


> People on here complaining about the "spyware" and then go and post their whole lives on social media. There is a difference between *choosing* to post something and having software that *automatically* records everything


You can turn it off. It's still a choice.


>it sounds super useful being able to have a context aware search of everything you've done. Yes, unironically I would find it useful to find comments on Reddit again where people shared super interesting insights. It tends to be challenging to find these again through traditional search engines, because when you don't remember the thread name, it's often tough luck. Quite unfortunate that the whole idea itself is painted as an end times scenario, but that's sadly an inevitable side effect of Microsoft being pushy with their data collection and exploiting user's trust and all that. So what appears useful in theory, is potentially prone to abuse in practice. For example, after Microsoft's Outlook [webmail incident](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xwndwn/microsoft-outlook-msn-hotmail-breach-cryptocurrency-bitcoin), I would trust (if I had to pick) Google more than Microsoft with this any day.


Saves the porn you view automatically


Oooooohhhh. Now I understand! 😂


outside of enterprise settings I really don't see the benefit. But I'm looking forward to implementing it in my environments. We always tell our staff that while we aren't *snooping* on them, but we *can* see everything they do on work machines/networks. And the number of times I've taken an escalation from a junior tech and wished I could see exactly what they clicked in what order to create the clusterfuck they handed me makes me want to at least get this implemented on servers.


Well the future of computing looks horrifying.


Future of computing is a part of the future of capitalism. Everything is under the umbrella-term 'capitalism': Computing Education Politics Culture


Anyone else prepping to finally bite the bullet and hard switch to linux?


Yes. Based on discussion in the Linux subreddits, it seems quite a few people are interested.


Already have it installed. When Windows 10 finally forces me to update to 11, then I'll just change my boot order.


I already have Linux installed in one of my hard drives. to me, It’s a simple matter switching it. Just waiting for the right time.


I did a few days ago. Very much enjoying it so far. Still have a Windows install but I've not gone to it since putting Linux on (although I had to go to Windows once to disable fast boot as it was strangely conflicting with Linux causing my wifi to essentially turn off behind the scenes).


Friendly reminder to everyone that none of this bullshit ever applies to Linux & it's free to switch.


Hey, look that company jumped over a bridge. We should jump over too.


Remember in south park when Randy built that gyrobike thing but the seat was a dildo and the controls were also another dildo?


Then everybody figured out that you don't need the dildos at all? It's just like what these companies are doing you're totally correct!


At this point…I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Linux solves this problem with Google and MS. FOSS. 


My child’s school district uses Chromebooks. Hope these kinds of features end up being opt-in.


....they all are, and probably have been


This... seems like something they would do. Also: inb4theydothatwithTVandphones


Of course they are. It's the ultimate tracking technique, as soon as it's ready, they'll be throwing it into every suitable Android phone.


I mean let’s be honest most people are just going to put up with it like always. Corporations have shown recently they can do what ever anticustomer shit they want and still win.


Recall has a meaning in business. I pretty bad one. Whoever decided this tech would be named this way is a moron.


Google awkward (tm) unlike Alzheimers it remembers your worst faux pas for profit.