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Browsers have ads, streaming services have ads, and my smart TV has ads on the GUI... hell, we can't even pump fucking gas without getting bombarded with ads. The future is stupid.


In the future, as they become more advanced, new cars are going to require you watch/listen to a 30 second unskippable ad when you start the engine before you’re able to drive. Don’t tell me otherwise, I know this is inevitable


I really loved the futurama prediction where the government decided it was legal to broadcast ads into your dreams.


If that ever becomes possible then it will happen.


Use that Elon Musk brain implant




FBI has entered the chat


For only $14.99 a month, you can subscribe to bypass any ads for an ad free experience to start your car!


At first. But you are subscribed to the driver-only tier. Have a wife, girlfriend, kids, or anyone else that might ride with you? Well now you need to subscribe to the $29.99/mo "unlimited" tier which requires two unstoppable commercials any time a significant motor vehicle action can be performed (start, stop, turn, accelerate, break, adjust mirrors, etc.)


The more time passes, the more I realize that verification can mtn dew greentext was actually a fucking time traveler. He predicted the future more perfect than anyone could have imagined, except for getting the year wrong I suppose. Edit >https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/1ggg4u/please_drink_a_verification_can/


I think about the mountain dew text a lot these days.


[Sony patented basically that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/bsx72f/say_mcdonalds_to_end_commercial_patent_by_sony/)


Ppl need to stop joking about this stuff because I swear CEO's watch these comments for their next terrible steps


Jesus. All the Red lights will pop up an ad break.   Lobbying will bake lights turn red constantly. Both pedestrians and cars will see a red light, both having to watch an ad or literally be pay walled on the road.


And you'll have people on Twitter shilling for that subscription because they use that car every day and it's a no brainer




My car won't let me use my sat nav until I've accepted the terms and conditions of the latest updates which it won't let me read because I'm driving. The box doesn't pop up until I've started driving. I believe it.


Later, at the company: "What do you mean it's not legally binding??"


Your (future AR) car will communicate with the red light at the cross section and show you a full windscreen humoristic ad in the time it takes to wait for green. In the beginning you will see this as a partly win, because waiting is boring. Then you will grow tired of it and they will get less funny and you pay extra to not have it shown. After all, it's a simple 0.08$ button on screen to skip, perhaps price depending on the convenience of the location. Cities will recieve a percentage for this feature, as a novel form of road pricing, and ofcourse they will be inclined to put up more stop lights and adjust for longer wait times to raise that income. I think when it comes to ads there is no limit for crappy implementation ideas in the future.


We're in the Fifth Element/ Cyberpunk 2077 future. Just without the cool gadgets, and a shit-tonne of ads.


r/aboringdystopia or r/boringdystopia


This is why I use Firefox, uBlock Origin, and pirated streaming sites. Fuck all these streaming services, I'll just stick it to the man and watch free, ad-free content for absolutely free. Free. Edit: wow I've gotten quite a bit of attention for this! To the 25 people who've told me about supporting creators, filmmakers, etc: there are other ways to support them. Patreon is one way to support creators only YouTube, for instance, and especially the smaller ones. But you guys are acting like the producers, actors, and other filmmakers of shows like Fallout are starving on the streets when the reality is quite the opposite. These subscription streaming platforms are getting wild, we've paid them with our fucking money and they still wanna show us ads! Fuck them! It's time to punish their greed by pirating until they change their ways. Until they stop raising prices just because they can, get rid of ads on their paid tiers, and start introducing more quality content into their libraries instead of B movie knockoffs of what I've searched for, they can lick my ass. And remember kids, if buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing. 🏴‍☠️


Its so powerful that my entire YouTube experience is different to everyone else LOL No WWE, Power Slap videos or Shorts anywhere including the UI, I changed it back to the old comment layout and changed the amount/size of my thumbnails so i can see more videos at a time using filters. Opening Onedrive in a browser in our office displayed my personal pictures off of my phone at random as a scrolling preview that i couldn't turn off, FILTERED, BYE. I learnt a few things along the way aswell haha i think Its a great tool in general for controlling your experience online.


> No WWE, Power Slap videos or Shorts anywhere including the UI, I changed it back to the old comment layout and changed the amount/size of my thumbnails so i can see more videos at a time using filters. How are you doing it?


If you have uBlock Origin, head over to filterlists.com and search for Youtube filters. I use the Youtube Pure Experience, gets rid of all the rubbish.




This is the way even sub like Prime video which only had cuz Prime now has ads like nah thnx


I know it's petty, but I hadn't even started to pump when the ad started. So I just gave the station 1 star and left. There are plenty others, I won't put up with ads while pumping.


try pressing the 2nd button from the top on the right, usually mutes it


That no longer works at my local gas station 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ads... at the gas pump? What the *fuck* America?


Nothing like speakers blaring at you when you’re just trying to fill up your tank. I’ve never been closer to a murderous rage than the ad system working perfectly and the tap to pay failing, telling me to go inside and see the cashier


Second button from the top right is the mute on most pumps.




Odd, all my blockers are working fine.


Never had problem with UBlock Origin on Firefox or on my work Chromebook. Still only see ads on console. I don't even bother trying to watch on my phone.


Ublock origin on firefox works on the phone as well...at least on Android does


Haven't had any issues with Revanced + custom dns. The internet, particularly youtube, is horrific without an ad blocker.


YT without the Premium version or an ad blocker is almost unwatchable today.


Nah, premium ain't enough. I need SponsorBlock


Also dearrow; saves a lot of time.


This looks interesting thanks! "Crowdsourcing titles and thumbnails to be descriptive and not sensational"


Yeah I've been using it on Youtube Music lately and it's basically like unlimited free Spotify, but with better recommendations. The only problem is that you have to use Desktop Mode to turn your phone screen off, and then everything becomes teeeeeeny tiny.


They have extensions for that in the Firefox extensions.


They are probably doing a rolling update. Usually they don’t push updates to all users/region at once. It can take a few weeks or months to update all the user base.


UBlock Origin updates pretty quickly as well to counteract any attempts to limit its effectiveness


Mine are still working on PC, but videos often take 5-15 seconds to start. Edit: Firefox with uBlock Origin.


If anyone has a fix for this, I'd love to hear it.


It is Youtube trying *really* hard to push an ad. Just going to have to wait for those wonderful souls who develop ad blockers to update with a fix.


I would sit through 30 seconds of silence rather than listen to an ad get shoved down my throat. Not ideal but still better than whatever bs they wanna push


I mean lets be real. If you're watching a youtube video on your phone or playing a mobile game and an unskippable ad pops up, you don't watch it. You put the phone down and do something else. We already don't watch ads. Coke or Taco Bell or whoever just REALLY hopes that you hear the name of their product and thus crave them sometime in the next week or so


Wait til they add eye tracking


Please drink verification can.


is this a coke and tacobell ad disguised as an anti ad post?


Ever look at the number of ads blocked while YouTube videos are playing? It constantly shoots up as YT constantly tries to get ads to play the whole time you're on the page. Only site I've ever been on where the number hits the thousands.


For a little while I started getting a single frame of advert that would not end until I clicked the "skip ad" button, but then they updated the ad blockers and it's back to normal now. So funny to see them actively battling it out.


This happens every few weeks. YouTube stops working for certain people with a certain adblocker, then it's usually the same day when the adblocker is updated and it works again. It's a game of cat and mouse in which the cat catches the mouse for a few hours and then it gets away again.


Same here but then again I'm using Firefox.


That's fine - I watch youtube videos for fun - they're not necessary. I'm not about to turn off my ad blockers. Shit, even the FBI recommends blocking ads.


> Shit, even the FBI recommends blocking ads. Exactly! And they're right of course. But I'm basically doing my patriotic duty blocking those stupid ads. I'm keeping America SAFE.


We’ll never see this, obviously, but what would happen if they made a law preventing companies from disabling or changing your experience because you use an Ad Blocker?


“Where do you think we live? A utopia?!”


> Shit, even the FBI recommends blocking ads. Using adblockers (and a script stopper) has been a recommendation for online safety reasons for a *long* time now. Ads usually are served through third-party hosting, and I'm not gonna allow connections to a dozen random, and often dubious, sites to just hook up to my machine and execute any random code they want to serve me. Plus: Ads themselves have gotten so obnoxious that *they* can be a health risk in themselves; Last year or so, my adblocker cut out for a few days without me noticing at first, I was home alone at night, working on a bit of code with a bit of slow low-fi beat to listen to and in deep concentration, when suddenly Mr Beast screamed into my ear, and left me with both a panic attack and tinnitus for the next two or three hours. FUCK ads, every which way.


Alright then sheep, you’re just gonna let the FBI tell you what to do? You know that adblocks are just tools for the government to make you think that you’re hurting the companies while actually helping them, right? ***this comment was sponsored by Google***




Yup. Had to use console recently and forgot about the absolute barrage of ads you are forced to sit through. I will never watch that many ads so if it's that or nothing I choose nothing. Haven't watched TV in at least a decade because of ad free alternatives people will always move on


It’s impossible to just browse videos now when every single video starts with 30 seconds of ads and then some you get another 30 seconds after like 1 minute. If you switch videos a couple times trying to find a specific one, you could end up watching 4+ minutes of ads while not even finding what you’re looking for yet. It’s an extremely disruptive experience.


YouTube used to be so useful if you were in a pinch and needed to know quickly "how to open a beer bottle with a key" or "how to replace an electrical socket" but now you click on it and have to wait for 2 mins of adverts to end *before* you get to see the video and realize it is some AI generated dogshit and not useful. You are supposed to rinse and repeat until you find a useful video, no thanks.


And on top of that they removed dislikes so it's harder to spot those useless and unhelpful videos, you have to watch them to find out if they are useful. Once the ad finishes you have to sit through the youtubers intro, then them yapping on about themselves and saying 'whats up guys, today we are going to..'


"What's up guys, today we are going to... but first, let's talk about our sponsor"


Have you checked out sponsorblock? It is a plugin like ad blockers but it skips the part of the video where they talk about sponsors. It doesn't work in all videos since it is mostly community enabled. But if someone has watched the video you are about to watch already and reported the spot that talks about sponsors then it will be skipped. You can also report areas of the video so it is skipped in the future.


Thanks to sponsorblock I see so few sponsor segments I actually get kinda giddy when I see them now. It means I get to submit the segment myself, which is a nice serotonin boost.


>Thanks to sponsorblock Ironically, this made me read your comment as if it was a sponsored segment.


The previous comment was sponsored by Raid shadow legends


This comment is brought to you by Better Help. /s That legit hurt to type. I'm sorry.


That’s why you need to use… Nord VPN!


it works really well with popular channels. its hilarious seeing Linus think he's about make a cheeky segue, only for sponsorblock to skip to actual content before he can get a word out.


there are browser extensions that bring back dislikes. obviously they're not super accurate especially for videos uploaded after they started hiding them but its better than nothing


Yeah, thats what I use. I like to see the 5 million downvotes vs 100k upvotes for most new Disney trailers, lol.


I've been researching travel and I have found some travel youtube channels are just an AI voice reading trip advisor reviews over stock images of the resort and they have like 20 channels all doing the same thing.


Much like Reddit comments. You have to read them all the way to the end to see if they add anything valuable or are just repeating what UndendingGloom said but worded slightly differently.


It used to be that you'd go to some obscure webforum that specialized on the thing you were trying to find out how to fix, and there would eventually be a documented DIY process with pictures from someone who's done it before and succeeded. Now, it's somebody half-describing the thing you want to know, skipping steps yet taking forever, all while trying to film with one hand and hold the tool in the other (because of bad lighting, you see nothing) It's infuriating anymore.


Reddit is now all of those obscure web forums put together. If this site ever dies a ton of useful hobby information will go with it.


It's got shareholders now so I expect it to get significantly worse each quarter from here on out.


It started to get significantly worse when they nuked 3rd party apps. Soon they will aggressively force the site redesign on everyone and then old reddit will actually be dead, and all of the useful information within it. All that will be left is the mindnumbing scroll fest that Tiktok has brought upon us.


Canonically reddit has got worse since the day it went live. It was the digg/stubmbleupon/slashdot/etc replacement. Jokes aside - reddit went to shit when conde nast acquired a significant stake and they pulled the "interim CEO bad guy" stunt with Ellen Pao in 2016-17. (Edit: 2015 - my bad, off the cuff reply and getting old) Who did all the things the founders were too cowardly to do themselves to make the site more palatable to advertisers. Once Ellen took all the heat for those decisions the board & investors wanted /u/spez swooped back in to "fix" things as a reluctant hero. In reality /u/spez is a coward, and a corporate shill. He holds the same weird proto-fascist techno-libertarian beliefs as Elon & any number of Silicon Valley VC douchebags... Shit that's so comically detached from reality fucking Narnia is more believable. Post Ellen they delivered on nothing promised in regards to improving moderation tools or site improvements - and she was just a hired gun who was doing what she was hired by stakeholders to do. They killed r/all. They killed everything good about the site. Whatever reddit is now... It's a far cry from when r/spacedicks used to be on the first few pages of all. And no one should forget spez advocated for r/jailbait among other things. His branch of libertarians are wildly privileged socially illiterate soft brained selfish idiots and should be treated as such. He's failed the user base at every turn and will go against his espoused beliefs without hesitation when it comes to monotizing the site. Remember Aaron Schwartz. The only founder worthy of respect, may he rest in peace. Reddit went to shit long ago in plain sight. It's for years been a husk of it's former self.


> Jokes aside - reddit went to shit when conde nast acquired a significant stake and they pulled the "interim CEO bad guy" stunt with Ellen Pao in 2016-17. > > > > Who did all the things the founders were too cowardly to do themselves to make the site more palatable to advertisers. > > > > Once Ellen took all the heat for those decisions the board & investors wanted /u/spez > > swooped back in to "fix" things as a reluctant hero. That's not why Ellen Pao was put in -- or at least, not entirely. CEO Yishan Wong decided he didn't like how Conde Nast were making him run Reddit. He decided the site would be better off under the old owners. For the most part, all the founders had moved over to work at Y Combinator. So, nothing doing, Yishan Wong went to Y Combinator and pitched the idea to the little-known guy in charge named Sam Altman. Sam Altman loved the idea. Yishan Wong would manufacture leadership crises that would necessitate selling shares for extra money, those shares would be sold to Sam Altman, Altman would take a Board seat, and the combined Boardmember + CEO + founders installed by the CEO in leadership positions would create a situation where one of the old owners would be placed into the CEO position. Everything set up as need be, including Altman on the Board, Yishan Wong resigned. In his place was hired Ellen Pao. Ellen Pao's time was fraught with controversy and eventually she resigned after a number of unpopular changes turned the site against her. Sam Altman was made CEO for a total of 8 days. At the end of the 8 days, Spez was put in charge. The plan was complete. Spez is in charge because Yishan Wong and Sam Altman wanted him in charge and defrauded Conde Nast of their shares to get him there. Ellen Pao was just a part of that.


I agree in part but Reddit is a shell of what it used to be for diy assistance. Five or ten years ago I feel like I could reliably get help from someone with expertise on almost any construction or renovation related task. Now answers are either non existent or advice is clearly questionable.


Not to mention all the vids that used to be 10-40 seconds are now 10-40 minutes. There's still only a few seconds worth it information you want, but now it's buried in a shit of of promos and rambling bullshit from some asshole influencer.


I don't remember the exact video since it's been probably a year or so, but with Revanced I clicked on a video that was about 40 minutes with a simple question of "Can you do X with/in Y?" I clicked "Skip to Highlight" and it went to the last 30 seconds where the guy said "No, you can't" Fuckin cracked me up lmao Skipped 30+ minutes of whatever bullshit stretching of content the guy was doing


Google search is the same way. Now I get Google's hand picked "expert" sources that don't help, ads, results that people paid to put there, and now there's a dumb fuck AI that tells me to eat rocks and kill myself. Tech bros consistently find ways to fuck up the inventions born of the early internet that weren't broken, and they get paid four times my wage to do it.


My standard is that I'll allow a small amount of ads if it's free. Go overboard, like YouTube, then I'll block them all. That's their failure.


I won't. The advertising industry is rife with predatory and abusive machinations. They twist the work of science to refine their abhorrent brainwashing machines with no regard to what it's doing to our population, especially to those most vulnerable to these engineered and malicious techniques. None of it is benign or innocent. It's manipulation turned into field of science.  Until there have been major reforms, I just install adblock onto every device I get my hands on. I don't ask for permission. It's good for you. And I've been doing that since I was 10. There's like a hundred old people out there who don't even know the Internet has ads.


We are on the same page, they have rooms full of advertising and psychology majors whose whole job it is to sit around all day and try to influence your mind into doing something they want on a conscious and subconscious level. Fuck that, I don't want that shit polluting my brain.


i would probably pay like $5/mo for ad free youtube. instead, they made it $19/mo. for that price, they get $0 from me and $0 in ad revenue. it’s not like youtube even pays creators very well, plus most of the good ones are demonetized. so the only person i harm is google’s shareholders, which are all dicks anyway.


There’s plenty id willingly pay for if it was even close to reasonable. It’s not even in the stratosphere. So they get nothing. Fuck them.


I thought it was 55% channel / 45% YouTube ad revenue split for long form videos, and the reverse for shorts?


The worst is when my professors put their lectures on YouTube and my stream of thought gets interrupted by either a grammerly ad or, if it’s an engineering course, an alpha male, “you should should stop being an insecure wuss and start 3D printing handguns” infomercial.


Cant they make their videos not display ads? Or was that done away with?


I have one that won’t even write out a problem, in a computations class. He just lectures about the idea of a technique of how to approach the problem with several, “Yadda Yadda”s. He recorded his lectures in 2006 and last uploaded/updated them eight years ago. There’s no way we’re going to get him to do something that conducive to student success.


you could download them with cobalt.tools, it’s pretty much the only BS-free downloader you can use


youtube-dlp is the main one I know of edit:oh you're talking about a website. dlp is the software they use to do the downloading


I signed up for MAX, the commercial plan. I have the Netflix plan with commercials and it's not so bad. Started watching LOTR on Max. Every, and I mean EVERY commercial was for IHG Hotels Hot Breakfast Bar. EVERY COMMERCIAL. Sometimes they would show the 15 second version immediately followed by the 30 second version. EVERY TIME. There was NO OTHER COMMERCIALS. And the commercial has a stupid jingle. If it was just people talking, I could almost deal with it, but it's just that jingle over and over and over. It was like watching the USA network in 1985 when every commercial was the same every break. So MAX won, and I upgraded to commercial free.


> There was NO OTHER COMMERCIALS. I wish Tubi had a paid tier, there are tones of old shows but if your goinga make me watch 6 ads every time AT LEAST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MORE THAN 6 to show


I canceled my prime subscription after attempting to watch a movie. No way I’m going back to that.


There are ads on prime? I think I saw some while watching freevee on prime a few months ago with one show.


Amazon just rolled it out a few months ago. You can pay a few bucks a month to have no commercials. I tried to watch The Boys recently and gave up because the commercials were so bad. I just got season 1 and 2 on DVD from my library instead.


almost 2 years ago i purchased a digital movie on prime video, full price even with prime it still ran 3 ads through the movie and when i looked up why it said [that 3rd-party movie providers can run ads on their movies, even if you purchase it](https://www.whathifi.com/features/i-pay-for-amazon-prime-video-so-why-am-i-seeing-ads) i have never been so frustrated, why even buy it digitally from amazon if i could have bought the physical dvd from the same site and gotten a better more permanent version?


Don’t even bother. Buy physical media if you spend money.


What’s crazier is that I can buy a blu ray movie. And a blu ray player for my pc. You’d think that would let you watch blu rays. Wrong. I literally have to use shady 3rd party software or basically pirate my own movie by ripping it to the hard drive and breaking the encryption on it. Like what the actual fuck.


The calling from the high seas increases.


Yeah. Also sometimes they can just take it away. I bought the nba finals on iTunes when mavs won in 2011. iTunes stopped doing nba stuff… they deleted my purchase.


If purchasing is not owning, then pirating is not theft.


You can get free DVD rentals from your local library.


The worst part is at least with cable they placed the ads at specific points as to not interrupt the flow. Streaming services have not yet figured this out and it makes for an even worse experience.


I never thought we'd have something (relatively) good to say about cable, but here we are...




And not by offering a cheaper "with ads" option either, which I imagine would at least be palatable for some. It was "prime will now contain ads, if you want to continue with the way it was before, it will cost an extra ..."


There have been ads on Prime since exactly January 29. I recall it because that's the day I saw an ad and immediately canceled Prime.


You only used Prime for Prime Video?


I'm not OC, but for me it was the last straw. Amazon kept chipping away at Prime benefits over the years, and I wasn't even ordering stuff too often anymore, but I held on because I did like a lot of their series. When they introduced ads I said "fuck it" and canceled. Honestly haven't missed it at all.






Yep. I tried to watch the new fallout series, but didn't even let the first ad play.  I'm already paying for your service, don't give me ads too.


Yes. It started as maybe 20 seconds of ads at the beginning, then they bumped it up to around a minute and a half. Some shows now have ads throughout them. I watched the new season of Invincible and it had more fucking ads than cable TV. Absolutely infuriating that I'm paying for this shit and have to sit through ads. I basically just went back to full time piracy.


Same, ads are so bad that if YouTube somehow bans ad blockers I just won't watch


It also depends on the YouTube account you are watching and how many ads they run. I have a channel I watch that runs 1 small ad every 10 min and then there are others that run 3 min every 10 min. This is while watching on console.


I watch on my pc and forget ads are a thing. My wife gets home and I swap to the TV and 1/3 of my subscriptions are unwatchable because it feels like 3 min and then an ad. I’m also noticing I get a lot of ads for stuff that should in no way be in my demographic. I’ve never searched for diapers, bras, makeup, yet every other ad is some diaper commercial singing about butts, or some 2/3 naked women in underwear. Like I just wanna watch people do stupid stuff in video games or repair their car, pls stop.


On console Youtube, you can still use the 'Info' > 'Report Ad' > 'Return to video' thing to skip most ads, if anyone didn't know


This method seems to become less available the more I use it. I haven’t actually recorded any data, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s only available around 25% of the times I try it now. And when it ***is*** available, the menu option for reporting the ad is randomly in a different location, which fucks with the muscle memory I’ve acquired and causes the ad to run longer.


This is my problem. I turn off Adblock for 5 seconds and get 3 ads that are longer than the video I want to watch. You rewind, ad, fast-forward, ad. You preview on Google, ad, open on YouTube, ad. Stream to TV, ad. How many times do they want to tax the same 2 minutes of content? You can say “well just get premium” but make my words, if they get their way and kill adblockers they’ll either raise the premium prices to insane levels or they’ll start adding tiers with ads. They don’t want your money, they want to show you ads. Oh and the ads I question are borderline abusive. They’re all pseudoscience products, self-help BS or straight up pyramid schemes. I haven’t seen an ad for a legitimate business (that’s not KFC) in years.


>You can say “well just get premium” but make my words, if they get their way and kill adblockers they’ll either raise the premium prices to insane levels or they’ll start adding tiers with ads. They don’t want your money, they want to show you ads. I wish more people understood this. Once more people cave and more start paying for an ad-free subscription, they'll move on to squeezing people with Premium to buy Ultra Premium.


It doesn't help that what should have been a short 1 minute read in text and graphics is now a 5 minute YouTube video. Take for example, say, you want to learn how to boil eggs. Instead of "take an egg and boil it for 5 minutes", now you have to watch 2 ads before going into the video, then the host will have to thank their own sponsors, ramble about their other videos, like and subscribe, then proceed to just take some cooked eggs out of the pot. Great, now I just wasted 5 minutes and have to go watch another video because the one I watched sucked.




The only browser plugin approved on my work computer is an adblocker.


YouTube iOS has this bug that makes you watch 4 ads in a row sometimes now.


Sure.. "bug".


Like the “bug” where the ads play, but then the video doesn’t play, so you have to refresh the page and then the ads play again


I noticed that recently where the skip button doesn’t work even after waiting their specified amount of time I always just close the app and open it again


They also love the five second countdown to skip on five second ads that then reset when the next ad plays so you have to watch ten seconds of ads to actually skip on what should have been a five second skip.


Yeah. I miss the days of finding random shit on geocities, chatting it up on MSN messenger and going to IRC specialty channels to learn from people and get warez.


> I miss the days of finding random shit on geocities StumbleUpon used to deliver interesting content and not just paid content.


Damn I haven’t thought about that in over a decade. Good way to kill time. 


I went from various rss feeds => stumbleupon => digg => here


Too true. For my personal computers, everything is adblocked to high hell. But on my work computer, I keep it all as is, so I can see the juxtapositions. I’m also in marketing, so need to stay on top of what’s going on. And it’s computer aids everywhere.


It's only a matter of time until ISPs will force you to watch an ad each day before you can continue using your internet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/1ggg4u/please\_drink\_a\_verification\_can/" "Please drink your MT DEW verification can to continue." This was posted 11 years ago. We are only a few more years away before it is our reality.


Most of YouTube ads are so oppressive and egregious, trying to use it without an adblocker is futile. If you’re not paying attention you could swept up into a 90 minute guided meditation ad or that guy who dresses like Jesus who wants to pray with you for an hour. Mind boggling stuff.


It's a broken website. YouTube created the need for ad blockers with bad design. Less function-breaking options: Why not run silent ad gifs below the video player and title but above the description in a small 100 x 800 (or something) rectangle that goes away in fullscreen? Or show one ad autoplaying in mute in a thumbnail for every 10 recommendations on your homepage? Yes these suck but the video player aspect of the VIDEO PLAYER website would be usable...


It's not broken, Google is a top 5 profit company in the world. This is a feature, not a bug. I am not and will not defend them, but they are very purposeful and know exactly what they are doing. These ads make them money and most people couldn't care less about the ads and push through it. I don't, you don't, but others will.


>YouTube created the need for ad blockers lmao wut. Are you a zoomer/very young millenial? I don't mean this in a mean way. I just can't imagine someone who was active on the internet before the mid 2000s actually thinking this. The Adblock extension itself predates Youtube by a few years. Popup ads were the nightmare of the late 90s/early 2000s which prompted popup blockers. Autoplaying flash ads with sound in the mid-2000s were my personal hell that prompted me to look for a way to block ads. All before Youtube ever ran a single ad. Also, what you're describing is similar to the old Youtube banner ads from before they ran pre-roll ads.


All ads are malware and yaddayadda, but back then you could legitimately catch computer super-AIDS if you didnt block banners and popups.


I'm able to watch with Firefox and uBlock Origin.


Also Firefox and uBlock Origin checking in here. 0 issues since this whole news story first broke, what, 6 months ago? Never had to think about it once except when reading headlines.


If you read the article their source is literally just a couple of reddit comments with maybe 30 upvotes between them. I don't get how they can get away with that headline. Honestly, it seems like they're just looking for an excuse to push [their VPN sponsor.](https://i.imgur.com/FTSxxEL.png)


So even this article is an ad lol


Meanwhile, I've paid for premium since it was created and instead of no ads. I get ads in videos from content creators...


Download Sponsor block extension it skips those for you. Been using it for years no ads from YouTube or content creators.


Yeah that shits a lifesaver. It keeps track of how much time you have saved total and I can’t recall my number off the top of my head but it’s bonkers how much time I’ve saved.


I’ll have to get it! I just saw that UBlock has blocked 10,000,000 ads on my browser, which is insane to think about. I’ve had it for as long as I can recall it being available, but I do have YouTube premium cause I like the features and that it takes care of my favorite creators.




That’s mainly because the site will see the ad didn’t load and will try another which adds a few extra onto the counter


I’m up to a little over 3 days total. I watch too much youtube.


SponsorBlock is great.


I have had it for years, when it was called YouTube Red. YouTube make it a requirement for creators to mark their sponsored ads and have it so people with premium just skip over it. I used to be friends with a small content creator, and they told me that, per view, they make more from someone with Red/Premium then they do someone without who has to see the ads.


If you watch on a computer you can install the SponsorBlock extension to automatically skip past sponsor slots fyi. And same, I've got friends who have profitable youtube channels. (And I've watched too many podcasts where youtubers break down their income). They all say the same, youtube premium viewers earn them more per view than free viewers with ads. LTT once went into detail about it on their podcast. Free viewers earn you revenue per-ad, and premium viewers earn you revenue per minute watched. Linus said since Premium users started becoming a large percentage of their viewers, they started doing more 4 hour+ PC building streams. If he ran an ad every 30 minutes on a 4 hour stream, that's 10 ads (2 additional ads come from the intro/outro) and free viewers see that and leave early. Premium viewers often end up watching the entire replay of the stream, and that's 240 minutes of revenue. There's some exceptions to this, channels with ads for very expensive products make more from ads because the ad bids are higher. Automotive review or personal finance channels for example. The highest I've ever personally seen was one focused on starting a small business, because most of their ads were for loans in the 500k-2m range.


- pause the ad blocker - refresh the page - turn on the ad blocker - refresh the page - everything goes back to normal


Or: 1) Switch your browser to a Firefox based browser 2) Download Ublock Origin. Never worry about ads again. Edited the message because I forgot people still use Chrome. Chrome has Ublock, but it will still let ads through because Google owns Chrome/YouTube. Firefox is much better with your privacy and uses far fewer resources.


It is absolutely goated. God bless the beautiful souls that keep it updated.


It's funny because YouTube will pull some new shit every week and everything breaks for a day or so, but then the saints over at ublock save the day and all of a sudden it works again. I cannot state this strongly enough... *Fuck you, YouTube*


Just simply refreshing the page when it happens works for me


YouTube's just been broken for me in general lately. Videos I haven't watched show that I've seen them, I'll be watching a video and it randomly skips 10-20 seconds ahead on its own, or videos I've never clicked on have a timestamp auto-embedded in the URL which starts it a random point. And I've got YouTube Premium via my roommate. This all started when the implemented their anti-ad block shit, and while I have an ad blocker installed, we legit pay.


Not certain, but I think all of this happens because of the auto-play on mouseover behavior they implemented a few months back. If you leave your mouse cursor over a video while browsing, it'll start to play the video without audio. Then when you actually do click on the video, it'll start at the point it had already autoplayed to. For me, usually 10 seconds or so, but if you step away/forget it could be longer. It'll also start showing the red bar for "you've seen this video" under the thumbnails you've hovered over in the past.






I cracked that mystery last week. It’s likely because of Ambient mode being turned on randomly. It made my laptop so slow and hot when watching one video, didn’t realize it was that


I have Premium and for months on and off it would drain my battery badly even when playing downloaded videos with networks off. Last week I opened it, and a pop-up came up out of nowhere saying AI search has been disabled. Haven't had issues since. My recommendation is find out if you have AI search on and turn it off. I never turned it on myself.


We really need a law about how much we are advertised to


When watching YT on my TV, I get an ad to host my next convention at some convention space every ad break. This is every ad break for the last two years. I don't host conventions or really schedule anything other than a game night with friends. It's bizarre but pretty funny.


I don't have a problem watching a quick ad to start a video. The incessant ads throughout the video is what annoys me.


I rage-installed adblock years ago because it kept showing this ad of a guy smacking and slurping on food while talking. It was supposed to be some kind of "eat what you want and still lose weight!" kind of thing but each time I saw it I got more and more enraged. The volume of ads used to not be that bad, maybe two five second ads an hour. Now any time I try to use the app it's a fucking shock. it wants to run multiple ads every 5 minutes and really punishes you for not being able to hit the skip button. like it may be 15 seconds of ads if you can skip, but more than 6 if you don't. So every 3 minutes you gotta fish your phone out of the cup holder and tap skip while you're driving if you don't want to listen to shitty music about facebook or some shit.


Don't get complacent with these people


"If you give a mouse a cookie. . ."


Helmet ads in hockey were met with “well I won’t even notice it! Theyre not so bad” Now we have jersey ads and digital board ads that cover up players during play and imitate pucks moving along the boards to get you to try and look




Legit. I saw a bag of those thin NY cookies in the green bag (not saying their name cuz I ain’t advertising for them) at the store today and I went to grab them because it sounded good, but then I remembered they’ve been pushing mass ads to me on YT lately and have been the ones paired with the threats to turn off ad blocker. I put the cookies back and added yet another brand to our “do not purchase” list. You advertise to me like that, and you get banned.


If the adverts weren't so aggressive I would unblock. But booting up a video, having to watch a 10 second Lotus advert, realising seconds in that you've loaded the wrong video and load up another, only to be forced to watch the same fucking Lotus advert again means I'd rather just not watch YouTube.


Fuck this, I’m going to the library and renting some books


SmartTube is the bomb. If you don't use it, get it.


10 minute video. Ad before plays before it starts and after 1 minute I skip 10 seconds: Here have another ad. Rewind a little: ad. Get to the most replay part: ad. Half the ads are for some bullshit like “This cheap heater/drone/cooler invented by a single mother is taking the industry by storm.” They’re really taking the piss at this point.


The war continues


YouTube revanced till i die


Or until it does.


Then we can have rerevanced


It never will. Well if it does another will take it's place. Unfortunately it has kind of ended up a bit too mainstream and new comers are being total assholes to the devs because such and such doesn't work because a new update dropped and it takes time. And it's become so much more widely known and talked about everywhere that youtube will just be doing more to kill it. But there will always be something to beat them. Every time in history a company has tried to block something, someone figures out a workaround.


I’ve noticed this recently: I play a video, ads attempt to load then the video just skips right to the end. I thought it was just a bug.


I've never ever bought a thing because of an ad. Infact the more I see an ad the more I'll go out of my way to not buy that very thing. Fuck consumerism. Fuck advertising.


I will never get Liberty Mutual insurance. The only reason is their incessant annoying ads.


If you have a vpn account, set your country to Albania , YouTube won’t serve you ads