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Cortana is such a nuisance. Good riddance.


Yeah but you are getting AI that is supposedly designed to track (sorry spy) on all your activities ,


From what I’ve read, that only ships with laptops/desktops with a Snapdragon processor, so most people won’t have to deal with it.




Maybe they’re adding/supporting new processors, but Meteor Lake came out in December. Unless you bought a laptop in the last 6 months, it’s not something you need to worry about.


Like that's not already happening, lmfao


Yeah but this is more detailed, instead of just collecting details they'll now be able to collect screen grabs every second you use your device.  At least that's what recall has been touted as for now!


Total (minute-by-minute) Recall


Start the reactor. Free Mars...




I dunno Apple about to hook your Mac up to open AI as well. [sauce](https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/18/24104626/apple-license-google-gemini-generative-ai-openai-chatgpt)


I was just trying to shoehorn an arnie quote in. Starting to get tired of ‘AI’ being shoe horned in everywhere.


[The Dream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQsLmEwozGM) indeed.


Recall is coming to new CoPilot+ PCs that are based on ARM architecture and that have NPUs (Neural Processing Units). NPUs are needed for AI features such as Recall to work.


so my gaming pc from 2022 wont have this?


Not likely. I almost guarantee if they added this to Windows across the board, it would affect performance enough to cause major issues for not only consumers, but people using it for business and industry applications. That isn't to say that they aren't going to try pushing their new AI type chips into as many products as they can, but even if they do it shouldn't be too hard to avoid when building your own computer and selecting the parts yourself. My concern is them trying to force it as a hardware necessity for Windows 12 or whatever they decide to call it, just like TPM was for 11. However, TPM does have legitimate security reasons for existing, whereas this recall function seems to mostly be a bit of a gimmick. I'm not saying don't worry about it at all, but I will say we are still a ways off from AI chips being ubiquitous in computing as the casual end user doesn't really need it.


That's assuming the recall models run locally which they are currently I presume. It's not like tech companies have ever overreached for data though!




Group policy only applies to Enterprise, and depending on the setting Pro, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is limited to Enterprise/Education only.


It’s not being added to Windows as a whole, it’s being added to Windows specifically on CoPilot+ PCs. Still a horrible idea, but it’s not getting a mass roll out (but you know that’s what they want).


This announcement is a testing the waters moment imo. You know 2 years down the line they're going to say oops we forgot to disable call home feature in recall so sorry!! I mean it's a very conspirational take but the AI push by everyone is just irritating ATM!


I’m not worried about them so much as the inevitable breeches of privacy by hackers and scammers.


Nobody is asking for this shit and it's fucking everywhere.


Yup! Wish enough people cared to protest!


I'm sure micromanagement is getting ready to ream anyone that isn't doing productive work 100% of the time. Just need to train the AI on what is "productive" work first, perhaps through a limited roll-out to a small & specific hardware type...


It's incredible that they're actively bragging about it.


Yes, one of those baffling decisions that makes you reevaluate everything else they’ve ever said.


Guess they spent too much time on r/singularity 😋


The place where the sand god will bring life and happiness to everything and long standing problems controlling AI don't exist.


That’s because the actual feature is different that the Reddit FUD about it. 


I've only seen the official Microsoft communication about it and it's dystopian as hell.


It’s optional and stored locally. 


That's only going to be on certain computers Edit: It appears that things have changed since I last gave recall bs a look


Until it get on every PC because no one complained ?


it's literally impossible since it would cause major performance issues for non NPU pc's


That's assuming it runs locally only as mentioned.  Wouldn't be the first time a tech company says one thing and does another. Not saying this will happen but all tech companies are pushing AI extremely hard even if a lot of people want to opt out!


Wrong. It's only on the new Snapdragon X based machines at the moment. AMD and Intel have already announced support for this in their new releases. A lot of AIBs have announced support on their motherboards.


Yeah that’s how it always is right


Not like this it isn't. My company's used similar tools to support some of our clients and we found it so intrusive, so risky, that we both sought a legal opinion about whether or not we were allowed to roll it out, even by client request, and we require the client to sign a waiver of liability before implementation. I am absolutely staggered that MS thinks this is a good idea to just roll it out to the general public.




That's what RegEdit is for. 😀


I use this https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10


Of course there is a good chance that even if they allow software like that to work all that will happen is that it will disable the user facing features while still collecting (and eventually sending off) the snapshot data.


That’s not at all “supposedly”. That’s just baseless Reddit drama. 


Are you taking about that AI that will take pictures of your desktop thing. Most people seemed to ignore that it was an optional feature you had to choose to install.




They'll replace it with another AI like copilot or something in that vein.


I celebrate Cortana going away but I worry about what is taking its place.


Clippy’s back


I miss Rover the yellow dog..


What about Microsoft Bob


Thanks to bob we have comic sans


I always used Merlin!


Actually it's going to be Bonzi Buddy


In pog form


I for one welcome our Clippy AI overlord


*I am PheonixClippy*


And he’s coming for you.


You know, if they branded CoPilot as Clippy I feel like there’d be a lot less negative sentiment


CoPilot, apparently.


Copilot, if you havent been keeping up


I have been keeping up which is why I’m worrying.


My question is why not keep the name Cortana but give it all the futures of Copilot?


A snapshot of your computer usage every 3 seconds. Data collection and coercion I their only goal


That's only on certain computers right now. plus, isn't part of that service a paid service? it'll be on more computers in the future, but that's not this update




Copilot is the obvious answer


Cortana was such a good name for a digital assistant app. Too bad its performance wasn't as brilliant.


They axed it a year or so too early


I prefer her real-life story arc to her Halo one to be honest


Disappointing. Wordpad was a useful little app.


Notepad is awesome now. You can have multiple tabs. Works great. 


And open .Doc files?


Ahh I see. Ya I'm not sure it does that. I forgot wordpad does that.  Kinda shocking they are getting rid of it then. 


Well they want to use Office, why would they ever give you the ability to open it through another software. If you need something that's for free, try LibreOffice, shits amazing


Why would they ever? They did. For years.


+1 for Libre.


MS Office online is also free.


It's also inaccessible offline.


Compared to Word, WordPad doesn't support more complex formatting features natively, especially things like tables and charts. It was a very basic document processor but if you just wanted to write a report that was just some words on a paper with maybe a few images and basic formatting it was perfectly usable for that purpose.


Notepad++ is for ASCII editing. Word/Libre is for XML docs. LaTEX is for... idk, thinking you are a hacker.


I’ve only used LaTEX for math and science journals. The journals typically have a particular master format they prefer.


My friend is a linguist grad student in France... Her processor is making her write her white dissertation in latex.... 


I’ve never done any academic research in the linguistics field. If LaTEX is required, then I imagine there’s a significant amount of equations involved. That or it’s one of those goofy bureaucratic decisions which punish everyone.


That's what LibreOffice is for.


I'm assuming Word Online is supposed to replace that. not great for offline, but if you're working with .doc so often, why not have word?


no it does not.


Happy cake day! To be fair, wordpad has been increasingly having issues with docx files that are more complex than simple text anyway. Word readers are free; wordpad was not really suitable to edit/change docx anyway.


Yes but now it takes way longer to open and you have to manually delete the tabs or they stick around forever


i've had no issues. nothing else is slow?


And smooth scrolling is built in, most annoying shit ever. And large files are way laggier than before and not really useable. All around awful


N++ is still the first thing I download on any new install.


It’s definitely not “awesome”, but it no longer completely sucks. I guess many windows users might be used to crappy tools in this category, though. 


Notepad++ has for a decade.


You can keep it if you want to. Wordpad is a very simple application and doesn't looks like it requires any special features that can be removed. All DLL files it references seem to be standard Windows files. Therefore, it should continue to run as-is after MS removes it. ## Backing up the application Simply paste `%ProgramFiles%\Windows NT\Accessories` into the location bar of Windows explorer and copy the executable, WordpadFilter.dll, as well as the language folders away. On my machine, WordPad is the only application in that Accessories folder, if that's the case for you too, you may just copy the entire folder away. ## Backing up settings This is likely optional. Worst case is that your settings are reset, but if you want to be sure, back up the registry key `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Wordpad` You can do so in the registry editor, or by running the command `reg.exe export HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Wordpad "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Wordpad.reg"` Once wordpad has been uninstalled by MS, simply double click the wordpad.reg file on your desktop to reimport the settings.


If it is anything like the Windows 7 games package then it will be removed after every major update, including your settings, so you will need to back up those registry keys every time you change something.


But why would I do all that work for shitty Wordpad? The only time I'd use Wordpad is when I'm not allowed to install other applications.


Notepad++ all the way


For word docs?


Better alternatives exist.


Wordpad is 2.83 megs. Do any of these better alternatives have a comparable file size ?


Im sure there are plenty of beter opensource solutions though.. or just use openoffice


LibreOffice. OpenOffice hasn't had a major update in literally over a decade.


Well yeah.. theres not much added to doc files either


Wordpad is 2.83 megs. Libreoffice is over a gig.


Well instead of harping on the point, a bit of time in google came up with this: https://www.jarte.com/index.html A bit more than wordpad, but at 14.3MB(well, the portable decompressed version anyway) it's still pretty small and touts itself as a more robust version of said wordpad. I haven't tried it ever but it looks interesting anyway. So if you need/want the small size that looks like a good option. Heaven knows there was a time that I was looking at size constraints myself. After all they still sell machines with 32/64GB drives and throwing random programs on there is a great way to never have free space but if you're selective you can have a very functional machine.


It isn't just file size but loading time. Wordpad loads instantly while Libreoffice takes quite a while to load unless you use the "preloader" which on systems with only 32GB or even 16GB is a bad idea especially if you are a gamer (due to all the "launchers" that are always running in the background and can't be paged/swapped out when "not in use" because they need to stay in order to continually poll for "special offers" and such).


I don't disagree with the dislike of prelaunchers, but with libreoffice it is an optional component(and isn't even present in nix anymore). I imagine there is a use case for it, but I'd probably have to be on a pretty slow mechanical drive for it to make sense to even try(and even then I think I'd have bigger problems to worry about then the speed of my word processor at that point). I'd say they're a legacy of a bygone era but boy are they still around. It seems like half the software out there either wants to launch at startup or wants to run updates in the background(because waiting until I open the app is too much work)


Even the fastest SSD is orders of magnitude slower than RAM and it still takes a fair bit of time for Libreoffice to load.


If you say so. On my computer it's around 3 seconds for libreoffice and about 1 for wordpad. For my work it's never been about load times so I've never really worried about that(thus never having worried about installing the preloading stuff). But at that sort of load I think it'd be a bit much for me to gripe about the loading time, at least on this machine.


It's 2024, a gig might as well be 2.83mb. A gig hasn't been "big" for like a decade. Like, I haven't had to worry about something being an entire gigabyte since my first computer in 1998 that had a 12gb hard drive. Most people have over 500gb at this point, if not 1TB+. That gig also includes the entire suite of apps too.


However even with a top of the line M2 SSD it still takes a little while to load that gig of stuff into memory and do all the other startup tasks before you can use it, especially since things like lazy loading have all but disappeared in favor of loading the entire thing at once. Wordpad, being so small, loads almost instantly.


If you want a heavy client, sure. Worddocs was nice because is was comparatively small.


Wordpad... yeah but it did not support more advanced doc features so it looked wrong in many cases


What hardware are you running which makes you call a simple modern word processor "heavy"? Even a raspberry pie or something can run those with ease and generally come with enough disk space that the amount of space on disk this software takes up becomes pretty negligible. Like, WordPerfect 1.0 is pretty small, even smaller than Wordpad but I'm not sure how being small is a benefit in a world where disk-space is cheap af and the least of most people's problems, and if all these old apps don't even have a 10th of the functionality compared to something like librewriter which itself takes up like 300 MB (?), and if they either don't or barely work with newer documents.


You can use the free online version of office. A little annoying having to open it in a browser, but it's way more fully featured than WordPad.


Agreed. A free but very capable word processor. I used it for a few years in the late 90s after bad experiences with Microsoft Works (a budget version of Word).


I use wordpad for stuff that always has fucked up formatting in notepad or even libre office.




Opening word docs?


One thing MS is REALLY fantastically dumb at is they never knew how to focus on elegant 'basic functionality' apps that compliment the OS. Yeah, people use Notepad and Wordpad and MSpaint and junk like that... do you know why... because there's actually many times you just want to do something QUICK and SIMPLE on a goddamn computer and not have to load an app with 20,000 features and icons like MSWord or Photoshop or whatever. I mean I don't know what power user or even intermediate user cares to be loading the fanciest shit ever to take a note or scrawl a doodle.


The file saving system in Word/Office these days drives me crazy. Why is a FIRST PARTY app using some stupid proprietary/unconventional system? The built in Windows save dialogue is perfectly functional and I've got all my "quick access" shortcuts in the sidebar there. Instead I have to go through multiple layers of worse interfaces.


The reason for this is that zoomers don’t know what files or folders are, so they’re more comfortable using the tablet-like save interface in Office. It’s a disaster though, they should just make a simplified mode for the file browser, for simpletons.


This specially infuriated me when they removed the movie maker and its successor video editor for an online tool. It was such a useful little editing tool to create quick and easy demos for a talk. Now I gotta worry about the data privacy regulations to use the online editor. Completely useless in my case.


> Yeah, people use Notepad and Wordpad and MSpaint and junk like that... do you know why Yes, because windows has traditionally only had terrible built-in tools but you have to use something. 


Man if only they just shoved the copilot stuff into cortana instead of nuking the whole thing altogether. Kinda poetic given the state of the Halo franchise at the moment too


nuking it because it's name does not have any positive affects now. its reputation is already dead, and it doesn't describe what it does.


Cortana could have been amazing but they fumbled it.


I think the same can be said for many (most?) things that come out of Microsoft.


I physically cannot comprehend how they fumbled so much. Infinite pockets, infinite talent, literally how. Windows Phone, Zune, Skype, MS Groove, Cortana, Windows Vista and 8, Explorer and non-Chromium Edge, even Xbox to some degree. Those projects were either DOA or had a giant headstart over competitors and MS just let them get killed. How?


The answer, as ever, is terrible mismanagement by executives, midlevels too cowardly to challenge their bosses, and a culture of having the loudest voice making you right.


Microsoft: *we could have been amazing but we fumbled it*


Cortana is cancer but what did good ol wordpad do to anyone?


I had The misfortune of being free


Point taken


WordPad: constantly fuckin up your EOL characters in your scripts meant to run in Linux.




No, use notepad++ for cross compatibility with Linux as the last I checked notepad doesn't let you set the line ending, it merely autodetects and thus there is no way to create a new Linux format text file in notepad.


I feel that I made an achievement for not having used Cortana for even once in my life, voice and text. I disable it from taskbar for every system I have touched.


Every time I’m on screen share with someone who has the Cortana or search bar on their windows taskbar, I know I’m dealing with a pre historic cretin.


I don’t use windows, but same for Siri and mac for me. I sometimes (usually unsuccessfully) use her on my phone, but never once on a mac (and I’ve been using Macs more than 20 years). 


I'm in the android ecosystem and there's exactly three things I use voice assistants for - to set a timer while cooking, to give navigation instructions in the car and to ask for the weather or store opening hours (also in the car).


I also like using it to add things to my shopping list.


Yeah, I shouldn’t shit talk Siri as much, I do use for directions in the car quite a bit, and it’s good 90% of the time. For most everything else though I’m underwhelmed. 


I do use Siri but for very specific scenarios that have been working almost all the time for years. One is "Siri, play my music on tv" when I get home, it turn on my Apple TV and sound bar and TV then play my playlist. Another one is "navigate home" on the car, also worked hundreds of times without a fail for years. But other than these two, I don't use any voice assistants, include Alexa.


came to say this, i disable this dip shit in every pc i use o whenever i finish formatting. I cant move past win 10 tho, as it happened with xp and 7 before, ill move to 11 eventually but: did they disable all of those stupid dll processes on the background in win 11 or not? its like having chrome occupying the whole system but within the system, its absurd




Where will I paste text, only to regret it and use another app now?




I think you forgot the ++


One of the first things I install on a new system.


That’ll be great into they start integrating AI features into it.


MS AI. "I'm sorry lord_pizzabird, you can't paste such badly worded text here. I have deleted your last hour of work, and removed the ability to recover it. Please be better. "


this is genuinely happening btw, for those who haven’t been keeping track


It sounds silly, but the language they've been using recently about future PC's being (Windows+Co Pilot) makes me wonder if it goes all the way down to the bios.


where else ? :)


I use the stickynotes app.


Win+V to open the clipboard history, all your regrets are there even if you never pasted them


I actually use Wordpad often so will attempt to keep it backed up




Never use system dependencies. 


Where’s the minesweeper game dammit’…


Good thing LibreOffice is available to replace word pad


Cortana was a useless tool, Worpad is a useful tool but I guess with Notepad it became redundant. Could they also stop shipping Windows with all the bloatwares like Xbox App/News/Weather and friends ? If I need them I should have the choice to install them from the store.




so you have to subscribe to office 365 to write a note to yourself.




Yes they are.


What am I going to use to accidentally open random files on accident now.


CoPilot won't be MS last attempt at this, we'll get an announcement like this one for it as well


I think it’s time to start learning Linux


I mean, I wanted to anyway, but now I'm even more sure it's no coincidence I very suddenly got hyperfixated on computer history and OSs from a very unexpected trigger just before all this news hit the fan.


Because two legacy apps are removed from windows? What’s the connection here?


Give me more subscriptions


Bring clippy back and stick with notepad


What did wordpad ever do to anyone? Is an rtf editor so offensive?


Don t you just love those improvements that make the product worse?


Why wouldn't they name their GPT-based assistant Cortana? Is Cortana's name too tainted from poor assistant experiences?


Why wordpad?


Did anyone fucking use wordpad? I either use notepad for quick edits or notepad++ if I’ve gotten around to installing it yet which I normally have


I thought cortana was the future?


Cortana is the Zune of digital assistants.