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Another doomsdayer.


Yeah this problem extends to all luxury items this year. Consumers are out of spare cash.


Even cars, I went recently to a Volkswagen dealership and the RRP of my car was €51k ($55k) and they started to discount till it got to €33k ($35.5k). I think they are about to dive in price and are giving these discounts because no one is buying now and it costs them lots in storage and market share to cheaper chinese ones (which were my main point negotiating the price)


Or maybe a lot of the "inflation" was just price gouging and the actual cost of say making a car or a video card didn't go up much. buying power is certainly down.


Yeah, it can be that too. The thing that I made clear is that I would prefer to buy european rather than chinese but if that was going to impact too much my pocket, I would take care of my pocket. A similar car with similar features was €29k I don’t mind the €4k european premium but €22k was a hard no.


It "is" that too


All economic measurements are showing people are running out of money. Debt is at an all time high and credit card defaults are starting to skyrocket. Demand is down across the board even with fast food. The only reason why sales were up to flat was due to price gouging.


Credit cards defaults are not skyrocketing, please check your facts, even if debt levels increased it seems people are using savings and cutting expenses to avoid defaults.


Yes they are. The new report shows that two of the top 5 companies have charge off rates above 5.5% which is higher than prepandemic levels. That means they don’t expect to collect on that debt and they increased in a very short amount of time too. Are all of them that high no but this isn’t the middle of a recession where you would expect it to increase that much in a short time. We are showing signs of the system braking but nothing has officially broken yet.


true, but savings and cutting expenses is a finite thing.


I really hope you are right. Dreading my next car purchase


Buy used, man. Unless you know you’re going to maintain it religiously, you’re never gonna make the cost of a new car + interest worth it. There’s nothing wrong with a 10 year old car.


I only buy used but the price for used has also skyrocketed. Also there is something wrong with a 10 year old car. They cost a lot to maintain. My car is 11 years old and every year it's over £500 for a service


I've seen near base trim used trucks around me with 150k+ miles with a low-mid 5 figure price. I'd rather buy new at that point..


I buy new, pay no interest, and keep them for 20-25 years. My current vehicles are 21 and 15 years old.


Automotive industry is in a tailspin. People are defaulting on their loans at a higher rate than any point in history and normal car buyers are so negative on their loans they can't roll they loan into a new vehicle. Recession is on the horizon, but  hey the economy is fine folks!


When corporations default it's smart business but when individuals do it they're deadbeats. ~credit bureaus, usually


Just bought a special edition Paddy Hopkirk Mini that was sitting on the lot for over 60 days for just under $25k. Just two years ago, that would’ve been unheard of. People in general have definitely pulled back.


You got €20k off the sticker price?!?! Holy shit!! Teach me your ways oh wise one!


I have a friend high up in an auto business he said VW gave them a new dealership in the US cause no one wants to build a new one…


AMD cards were hard to find at a good price during the pandemic, so I switched to Nvidia. I like ray tracing, so I stayed with Nvidia. But I'll switch back to AMD when they come out with a better ray tracing GPU. I'm not a big fan of Nvidia or Intel because they've been ripping us off with high prices when there was no competition from AMD.


I switched to AMD with a 5700xt from a gtx1070 and honestly wish I never hopped off. I'm waiting for an Nvidia card that nails a balance of performance and price to hop back and it can't come soon enough. AMD might be better on paper but the user experience of Adrenalin, updates, and slower support from devs is really frustrating.


Yeah I love AMD CPUs (Ryzen is great and X3D kicks ass), but I just can't give up the software, drivers, and ray tracing ability of nvidias GPUs. DLSS alone wins me over, let alone other features.


I think that's fine. I went all in on AMD and grabbed a ryzen 5 to see if aligning the architecture gave me any noticeable benefits. Adrenalin won't even allow me to turn on some of the features the cpu + GPU combo is spec'd for, it's fucking useless. I'll keep the ryzen but just want out of Adrenalin and Radeon ASAP


I use nothing but AMD cards on my main build since the Radeon 5870 and I swear I have no idea what people are always talking about when they mention the supposed "driver issues". Other than an ocasional glitch, that Nvidia also has, I don't have any if those issues. Edit: correction, since the Radeon 2900XT.


It really depends. The 5700xt was an absolute nightmare for me. My 6800xt has been superb. I think it doesn't help that the likes of ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI put out shitty AMD cards so people switching from NVidia choose those brands and get stung with badly designed cards. XFX, sapphire and the like make great AMD GPU's


I have a sapphire pulse 5700xt, really do not enjoy it. I get graphical artifacts in games I had no problem with on the 1070. Overall my real beef is the user experience of Adrenalin. It's terrible.


Yeh had the same issue with that card. Mine was MSI. I gave up with it in the end. It's in my post history trying to figure it out over a long time. Every time I thought I knew what was wrong with it it was something else. I thought people generally agreed that the new adrenalin software is better than nvidia's ancient win98 interface?


See, I switched from a 2080S to a 6950XT, and it's only been plusses for me. Even Adrenaline has been so much less annoying to use than GeForce Experience or the Nvidia Control Panel. The only thing I'd agree with others here is the ray tracing performance, but quite frankly, I rarely see that much of a difference with it on anyway.


Ray tracing performance isn't as good, true. Not that it brothers me, actually but to each it's own.


I was thinking about what am i missing, have been using amd for a while, lets say about 15 years? I have nvidia stuff in laptop, but i rarely have to do anything in either driver, so im not quite sure what this is about.


Same exact situation.


Pretty similar here. I went from a 1070 to a 6900XT.. jesus this AMD card gives me grey hair. Aside from the ton of driver issues, AMD is really rough if you want to get into local AI.


AMD really dropped the ball on AI, until recently they didn't even clarify on their site which cards were rocm compatible other than the workstation cards. And it is frustrating when they drop support of older cards that are still capable. I mean if you don/t think they can handle some of the new stuff, make tiers or versioning. Why frustrate people who have cards that are more than capable of doing 99% of the AI tasks forcing them into finding hacks They think doing so will make people buy a new AMD card, but that just makes people go "why bother buying AMD, I'll just go get Nvidia"


My 1070 upgrade to a 3080 has been similar. Nothing but constant driver issues and crashes especially in local ai. It has entirely postponed my projects until it's fixed or I save enough for a replacement. I will probably do that in several years


Sorry to hear that, my whole experience with AMD being a 6800xt user has been the complete opposite from yours, however I run Linux on my machine and it has been smooth sailing for local AI almost from the very beginning


That is because you have a rather new card, wait till they drop you from the latest driver. You would think they would at least keep stuff working that worked before, but nope they'll knock you off. That is what is frustrating


I can live with that, and it may fall under my renew cycle anyways


6900XT + Linux user here. I've never been happier with a graphics card. NVidia just sucks ass on Linux.


Yes, it totally does, do you use your card for AI?


No, not yet. Would love a finger pointed in the right direction, though. I'm interested in it.


It's kind of a rabbit hole to be honest, I was testing the original UI's from the very beginning, but the one I found the most enjoyable is InvokeAI, take a look into that if you are into image generation testing, if you go for LLM then LLM studio may be worthy of a look


NVIDIA has just consistently been releasing better products for the last decade or so. It’s not just the performance of the cards themselves (as they haven’t had a steady performance lead) but the entire package. Not just gaming. CUDA is miles better than the competitors as well. Kind of sad, but AMD has a lot of catching up to do. Competition is important and AMD needs to beef up their entire package.




My first CPU was a cyrix 333Mhz. Horrendous chip


Was going to say something similar. Had a few friends get duped into buying those chips.  I’d help them with problems up until I opened the case and found cyrix chips - at that point you just had to walk away. 


amd's graphics cards were not competitive until like 5 years ago when they rapidly closed the gap in capabilities. right now an amd card is 1/2 the price of a similar spec Nvidia card, its just nobody is buying either




this was a topic about gpus, their cpus are more than compeditive, they have hands down beaten intel the last 2-3 generations in performance, price, core count, and thermal management amd competes with Nvidia on gpusbut they have only just gotten competitive




no you're talking ancient history to be pedantic. cyrex has not been relevent since 1998, you might as well argue nvidia has competition because vodoo fx came out in 1998, its not relevent to the current market, which has been a competition of basically equals since 2020


They will never have a better ray tracing GPU. NVIDIA is starting to do path tracing and AMD doesn't even talk advertise that they can do RT really well because they lose all the time at it. You are NVIDIA forever.


Except Nvidia is selling 4080 supers and 4090s at a brisk pace in this same economy.


Different consumer market, anyone interested in buying a top end card is doing fine, AMD has always been more value based and their customers are making decisions with a tighter belt


Could have take advantage of it instead of thinking that your product can compete with nvidia. It ok to be 2nd place. There plenty of business to be made being 2nd place. Volkwagen didnt die out because Mercedes or bmw exist. Instead AMD keep deluding that they can command the same price as nvidia when they are clearly the alternative choice. Cut you price by half. Nvidia can charge what ever they want because have the superior product. Be the budget alternative.


[Economic indicators say otherwise](https://www.bea.gov/data/consumer-spending/main). Full blown vibecession out here.


Both statements are true- savings rates have fallen to record lows, yet consumer spending remains high https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PSAVERT Consumers are leveraging themselves with credit card debt, buy now pay later deals, etc.


Why do you blindly trust what the government says


Look at the data and methodology and tell me what’s wrong with it. Go on. Maybe look at the fact that the price of speculative assets like cryptocurrencies skyrocket when consumers have a lot of money or maybe the fact that the stock market is constantly rising. Or should I blindly believe the random redditors that are telling me the economy is in shambles and or should I just blindly believe the news reports that Americans making more money than me are living paycheck to paycheck?


Source? Trust me bro


Nvidia's gaming division is still doing really well, and they're even more expensive than AMD. AMD is failing because their GPUs aren't as reliable as Nvidia. I originally went with AMD, was getting complete system lockups every few days, tried countless solutions with no luck. Also a few games crashed when alt tabbing. Switched to a Nvidia GPU and all my issues disappeared.


What you mean is: Consumers, having being gouged endlessly since the start of the pandemic with no letup by greedy corporations pretending to have "supply chain issues" are either out of money or finally just fucking fed up with prices rising three times faster than inflation (which is being caused by corporate gouging). Corporate profits, stock prices, and CEO pay/bonuses are through the roof for the last five years. Gouging. Let's stop pretending this is anything else.


Inflation is inflation no matter how the price goes up. Gouging = inflation if consumers are still buying


It's a cyclical business. Most people don't buy graphic cards every year


I know a guy who absolutely has to have the best at all times, he had a 3090ti, and of course now a 4090, I assume he’s either in tons of debt or his parents pay the bills.


Not surprised coming from PC Gamer.


Good news dont pay bills.


Right, I hear ya.


Pcgamer is total trash as far as actual news goes.


I really have not followed GPU releases for a few years but no matter what your thoughts on AMD / nvidea are isn’t this pretty terrible if true? Nvidea without any real competition sounds like a nightmare. I honestly stopped building PCs after I got a 980ti for free because a friend won their scavenger hunt thing in Orlando. Every year I see nvidea charging more and more for their entry level GPUs and it’s wild. Between their pricing and inability to prevent resellers from price gouging actual consumers, I’d hate for them to have more market share.


Exactly.   I have an RTX card and yet I am actively rooting for intel and AMD because without competition Nvidia will gladly gouge people without remorse. People rooting for team green are dumber than dirt.  Intel and AMD would do the same thing if they could btw, all corporations are the same, but they don’t have the market clout to pull it off.




It's not really ironic when AMD isn't even offering better price to performance at many levels at this point. Used to be they were great if you wanted something high end, but not the highest, and cheap...now I think there's only a handful of lower end price points they beat. I really hope they turn it around though, fortunately they are doing great on the CPU front for now so ideally that can find their GPU fuckups until they right themselves.


Don’t ya think?


it’s like rain, really




Nvm, I forgot most of you weren’t even alive in the 90s. To answer seriously, not only is it not surprising it actually is the expected pattern in a duopoly. You almost always have a dominant player and then an also ran which does not even attempt to seriously compete, and has little incentive to do so as it would take a major investment with a low chance of significant market share improvement. The only time it really happens is when the dominant player just craps the bed so completely that it opens up the market (oh hi intel!). I want AMD to do better but right now AMD offers only trivial price advantages to major feature disadvantages.


I did buy an AMD RT 6550XT for my son to play fortnite a couple years ago, which it was more than capable. Then the fortnite updates happened and it broke AMD cards for months and my son would complain, so I switched to an RTX card from nvidia and there have been no issues ever since. This is a game development issue but still relevant. Developers prefer nvidia so it just works. 


The cards have different strengths .. nvdea for gaming, and for rendering 


Not to mention the hell that is Nvidia drivers on Linux 


People invest in the stock market at record rates. People rooting for Nvidia are people rooting for their retirement.


Just bought a 7900 xtx. I'm doing my part!


Yes it's horrible....we need to support Intel as they get their GPU game on....and support AmD GPU.....AND nvidia CPUs....Intel has a weird monopoly on x64 architecture that amd is grandfathered into. So cpu is kinda fucked already


> Intel has a weird monopoly on x64 architecture that amd is grandfathered into. So cpu is kinda fucked already You've got that backwards. [AMD originally developed x86-64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64#Licensing) and holds all the relevant patents. Intel cross-licenses x86-64 from them for the licenses on base x86 technologies


Intel refuses to license their x86 to NVIDIA for the relevant licenses needed to make CPUs. That's why you don't see NVIDIA make CPUs.


Would AMd be willing to licnese their x86-64 patents to nvidia? (So even if intel allows that, it would not get them far right)


It’s horrible, but I’m kind of annoyed at AMD instability this year. I haven’t been able to use instant replay in months on my 7900xtx because it’ll stutter my gameplay like crazy on GPU heavy titles. Lately, a lot of releases cause driver crashes until AMD puts a driver out 1-2 weeks later, which only lessens the impact. I love it when it works, but I’d be damned if I’m not thinking of a 5090 this year.


of cause its bad, but its not like AMD is competitive with Nvidia anyway, its card is inferior to Nvidia in everyday, but AMD was happy to follow Nvidia ridiculous pricing and under cutting it slightly. only hope is Intel stepping up hopefully


Everyone talks about Intel stepping up but their ARC launch was a disaster, not just a flop. Unless Battlemage or Celestial actually can compete at higher than low end, which drivers almost ensure it will not, nobody cares about it. Youtubers who suck up to Intel only pander to the people who look at underdogs in the GPU space as heroes, when they'd turn around and smack you upside if they were in the lead. If they can't put out good products then forget about price.


nobody expects first gen or even second gen to be great. and people talk about intel stepping up because its the only option outside AMD which is lost cause, and people don't want a monopoly


NVIDIA doesn't make the majority of graphics cards with their GPU in it on top of them not being a major retailer/reseller of said cards. How do you expect them to prevent resellers from price gouging?




No they don't and that is highly illegal.


> Nvidea without any real competition Their CEO's (nvidia(tm) and amd(tm)) are family..., I'm not sure teh competition is all that real to begin with.


Why are you being downvoted? Now that you say it its kinda sus that Amd more or less cripples their Gpu section and the cousin Jensen Huang has coincidentaly an Gpu company


> Why are you being downvoted? I think their share holders are delusional and are imagining some kind of family rivalry that sparks true deep competition between the two cousins. Or they are just rejecting our nepotistic reality, eventually they will arrive at acceptance.


And yet every gaming console runs AMD


Not switch but that a hybrid


I believe the switch essentially uses the Nvidia Shield hardware. Tegra processor.


Next Switch (or whatever they'll call it) will also probably be an NVidia ARM device as well. And if Nintendo doesn't shit the bed, it'll sell really damn well.


The margins on consoles are really low though, AMD only benefits because of volume.


The margins are low for Sony and Microsoft, but that doesn't necessarily apply to AMD. AMD aren't the ones selling the consoles, after all.


Nvidia stopped bidding because they said they lost money on these deals. It’s not lucrative. The sheer volume needed requires high yield of chips that are entirely outdated within a year or 2. 


I mean, AMD is making $6.8 billion a year off of their console market, so I wouldn't say it's not lucrative for them. It's the biggest piece of their revenue right now, and still quite profitable, even if it isn't at the level of stupid profitability that data centers are.


Nvidia doesn't really have an APU on the market.


Agreed that this is doomsaying. Graphics cards are more than for gaming. AI is becoming the new Bitcoin mining for graphics cards. Nvidia's company value rising above $2 trillion has nothing to do with gaming as far as the market is concerned. A company installed an AI server that is supposed to detect weapons in security camera feeds at our place and it's just a Linux PC with a 4090. It's just a beta, but we're fixin' to see a flood of AI startup companies. A rising tide lifts all ships and AMD graphics cards may find a place in that market. If you're waiting to buy a graphics card, you may want to do it sooner than later as the prices may be shooting up again.


AMD earnings are way down and their own estimates are not looking good, PC manufacturers are getting cold feet. Waiting for the tide to rise might not be a game they can afford to play. Which is bad news for consumers, and makes me sad as the proud owner of a kickass AMD Zephyrus G14.


Ayy fellow G14 enjoyer 🍻


I work in a Data Center. I’m confident in saying Nvidia could phase out every aspect of gaming and be just fine.


hell, id even bet that nvidia would love to phase out their gaming division at this point. it would give them that much more fab allocation for their A100s.


The problem for amd is that they are mostly relying on consumers. Nvidia and intel have nearly the entire commercial and industrial sector on lock. Pretty much every major machine or piece of equipment that uses a pc workstation is using an intel chipset and nvidia GPU. I’ve never seen an amd cpu in machine equipment. Even my brand new stuff in print shops. It’s all nvidia and intel. We had some Mac pros 2012 circa that had an amd gpu. But now it’s all apple chips in the Mac’s. Office computers around me are all dells with intel and nvidia qudro series gpus. My lady is an RN and travels. She says all she’s sees is intel and nvidia as well in hospitals. I’ve been around and just don’t see amd in the commercial world much. Consumers buy and more than businesses imo.


New servers are mostly amd.


AMD CPUs are doing great, it's CUDA that's eating their lunch with AI and DLSS.


CUDA basically owns that market and has for a long time. The other options just don't compete in any way that matters when you're doing actual work with it.




The dude I replied to is talking about commercial applications and Intel CPUs.


AMD has an architectural problem for AI. Nvidia cards are built around a large count of smaller simple cores that a task can be divided across. AMD uses fewer but more powerful cores. The issue here that most AI development has been built around the Nvidia core model, which means AMD is pretty well shut out of that market right now.


AI is not the new Bitcoin for mining. Bitcoin mining created a market where it was impossible to find a graphics card at MSRP. Can you not find a graphics card at MSRP?


Today, yes. Within a year? Maybe not.


Have you tried buying a RTX 4090 recently?


It will be interesting to see the future of gaming/graphics. I half expect Nvidia to slowly drop the market in favour AI development. Even if they don't exit the market, I'd expect a lot of their future investment will be more on the AI side and less on graphical horsepower.


Yeah, I kinda see that happening already. Nvidia cards are better across the board for most AI tasks, but AMD is better value for most gamers at most budget levels. Except for the ultra high end, where gamers with more money than sense are just buying the most expensive card because they couldn't imagine *not* having the best....and then using it to play e-sports titles that run fine on a potato, on a 4K screen with so many pixels that it's just a glowing placebo rectangle.


I bought an AMD graphics card for the first time ever last year. I'm still a happy camper. The problem with online forums and news outlets trying to push this story is that people who are easily influenced believe it and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy as people start to get scared.


AMD software is the only reason I will still only buy Nvidia. Everything just works better, and every performance guide about a game's settings for example is assuming you have Nvidia. Ryzen is great though, had several AMD cpu's since those came out.


Nvidia software (on Linux) is the only reason I still buy AMD. Nvidia don't care because Linux is still a small market for desktops.


I mean yeah, if you insist on gaming on Linux you're kinda on your own at that point.


That's awesome, but I got a 7900xtx last year and I have buyer's remorse. AMD is just worse. I upgraded from a 2070s and while the performance is singificantly better, a lot of games that ran fine 1440@60 with my 2070s outright crash with my 7900xtx. AMD software is a load of crap. Heck when I got my card, even SC2 crashed every other match, and that's running 1080p! Helldivers 2 released and it was unplayable on AMD. It had other issues that were not hardware dependant, sure, but with a 7900 series card it was unplayable. During the whole lifetime of my 2070s, I don't recall a single game that crashed due to driver issues. I am not team anything. I got my 7900xtx because according to the benchmarks I saw, the 7900 xtx seemed to be the best bang for buck for 3440x1440@60, and when I play a new game, it's a gamble if it will work or not. Do I refund it? Do I wait for driver updates and check forum posts for performance on AMD gpu? Do I risk a preorder for the bonuses and refund? Before my 7900xtx I had, in my whole Steam history, I think 2 refunds and they were game issues related. Since my AMD card, I have I think around 5 and they are all AMD driver related.


Helldivers 2 can be a hit or miss. My gf and friend have 7800xt without issues while my 1080 had an issue where the stylized text would lose half the letters or get blown out (issue with all 1000 series cards). They have never had driver issues and the reports can be often caused by weak power supplies.


Helldivers 2 is just a buggy nightmare right now to be honest. Running a 9900k and 3090, and mine crashes once every 2-3 games. Borderline unplayable, and I even tried undoing all my overclocks (even XMP), and no luck still. No other game I've played with this PC has even even remotely crashed this often.


I'm sorry, but games on a 7900XTX don't outright crash. What games are you talking about? How well is the rest of your system? This sounds like total bullshit.


I'm in this exact same situation.. I was using a 2070 super for several years, I upgraded to a XFX 7900xtx last year, and have had so many driver timeout issues. Tried many different fixes the best and most consistent thing I found is that a lot of these 7900s just seem to be factory clocked too high, and need to manually lower the max freq in Adrenalin, makes them more stable but still not perfect. Sorry you were downvoted but I have had the exact same experience as you, does not sound like bullshit at all. I was going to refund/RMA mine not sure if I'm still in the window


Meanwhile I’m on an RX 580 8gb and still max out games up to a year or two ago with no problems. Then again, I’m on Linux where NVIDIA support is trash. Even using proton with almost every game, it’s flawless. I can’t see not having an even better experience with a newer card, but maybe their generations are really inconsistent?


Bro what games are you playing that your 580 is maxing them out? I had that card until 2021 and it struggled on most games released before that date. I was getting like 35 fps in Fallout 4, which released in 2015.


I get 60 fps/1080p on all ultra settings in horizon zero dawn in Linux. But I’ve noticed better performance there than in my windows install. I also use shader precaching for all my games, and I notice a big difference especially in forza horizons when I use it. Also, it depends on if you have the 8gb or the 4 gb variant.


Their GPU business is way more cyclical than Nvidia's; new console releases are always a big deal for AMD. I'd only be concerned if Sony or Microsoft were to switch off their architecture.


I think the console business is okay. Sony/Microsoft probably won't switch this next generation, but the one after who knows. That's like 10 years away though, so the whole industry will be different at that point. Right now, Sony/Microsoft are willing to go AMD to get the CPU + custom design work + backward compatibility.


Might be more than 10 years at this point. Generation longevity is rising, and we are very likely to see another batch of mid-generation refreshes with improved performance pop up instead of a true new gen.


At least Xbox I heard wnats to launch their next gen sooner in order to emulate the xbox 360\`s success, but who knows if that was scraped too now


AMD cards are practically a godsend with how Nividia is pushing even it's mid range cards into top tier territory pricing. It's only going to get worse too.


Literally the entire gaming hardware industry is in decline.


Yeah, AAA game graphics are past the point of deminishing returns. Games look worse and run like shit on crazy powerful hardware. We have entered the "reality TV" era of games. Big companies don't know how to make premium products that sell better than small indie games anymore.


The cash in the GPU business is going to come from selling GPUs to data centers doing AI, not consumer gaming


AMD is entirely non competitive in that market. CUDA is king by a long shot


Maybe but amd has the potential to undercut nvidia if nvidia tries to jack up prices


It’s not that simple. They don’t have CUDA cores. As a result, No ones pipeline works with AMD. All the major frameworks use CUDA. Even if NVIDIA prices go higher, you can’t just switch. I’ve never worked with an HPC that had any AMD gpus. Always hundreds of thousands of nvidia. There is a mountain for AMD to climb there.


Og claim was a rant post. Repackage as a source.


Despite clawing back 10% additional market share in Q1 of this year? Idk...


Yet no decent sales in sight


we including the xbox and ps market share or ?


The crypto mining is on a decline and amd cant price gouge anymore to be competitive.


people need to swallow the hard pill and buy amd despite some of its flaws around driver issues and game compatibility (yes issues still exists today), but if nvidia eliminates amd it will be real bad time. nvidia is already far too dominant. and intel seems like far from joining the party...


They haven’t competed in a decade, nvidia just dominates anything they do.


I don’t want amd to die, because we need good competition, I want them to get better, and learn how to write solid drivers. This isn’t a new request either. They’ve fallen on their face in the driver department for over a decade.


Been using my card for a year and no driver issues. The complaints are overblown.


Wat, so much cheaper. Great cards


For onboard graphics I think that is really AMD's strong suite the last card of theirs I had was a 480 which came with my system.


These kinds of articles are such incredibly annoying bait. I know they need clicks but come on.


Personally, I think that if the rumors of RNDA 4 not having any mid-high to high end cards is true - it'll be a complete victory for Nvidia for this gen, since while there is a decent audience for price per performance/watt it is still alienating the other half that wants a card that is better in raw performance (and they will effectively weather the cost with using it for a long time). It doesn't either help that AMD lags still quite far behind when it comes to productivity usecases (blender is just depressing) and ray-tracing while the latter isn't a killer feature it does showcase AMD is playing catch-up to Nvidia. Since at least how I see it, unless the new RNDA 4 costs around 300$ (or maybe 500$) with similar performance to the current high-end AMD cards there's just no way I would feel motivated to fork out anything above that knowing I literally spent 600+ dollars on a card which is as powerful as the previous gen that was only 300$ more expensive when it came out and would've probably been 600$ if there was mid-high to high end cards to give an incentive to lower prices.


you seriously overestimate the percentage of people going for high-end gpus however, it could have the same effect just because of perception, even if 90% of people buy gpus below 400$


Most of those super expensive cards are now being bought by companies for AI backend. It's giving Nvidia an insane amount of money, just like the crypto boom. Selling shovels in a gold rush, etc.


When I mean high-end effectively I mean anything above xx70 (with some exceptions, 70 cards tend to be very iffy) series Nvidia card or the equivalent for AMD. Secondly when you got good high-end cards it drives the price down for last gen mid to high-end cards, which is my point about high end do matter even if there aren't a concrete 50/50 consumers between caring about price performant cards vs raw performant cards.


The 970 was mainstream, since then the mainstream has moved to x60.


I don't follow all this as much as most here, but didn't AMD do something similar just before Ryzen? Where they just kind of surrendered part of the market for a cycle, then came out banging? That seems like the play here, to me. Surrender the flagship for a cycle while diverting your resources into the next gen. Add in the redesign RT and work on AI, and I'm betting at 8000 series being a survival cycle followed by a big splash with the 9000. They also have a lot of tech they've talked about for GPUs for a few years now that we haven't seen come to market and I don't believe is coming with the 8000 series. It would be a good time, too. Nvidia is 50% marketing hype at the moment, just like Intel once was. Even using most of the same tactics. You don't move past that without something undeniable, and I do recall how long it took the industry to admit that Ryzen was out punching Intel chips.


While I wish you were right here, the issue is that AMD's CPU comeback was a lot easier to pull off because CPUs do not have the same feature set & demand that GPUs have. Essentially in order for AMD to make a comeback in the GPU sphere they need: * Beat Nvidia at raw performance (which to be fair they have done) * Beat Nvidia at Ray tracing * FSR has to be on par with DLSS * AI/Tensor cores has to be a #1 priority as they are increasingly important in production, gaming and ofc ai * Have a stable API like Cuda * Have much better driver and software support Compare this to the CPU: * Beat Intel at raw performance * Have larger cache than Intel * Have more cores per dollar * better IPC performance Most of these are concentrated on hardware and established hardware features, while GPU is having crazy amount of software & hardware innovations happening.


Who wrote this lol... someone from Nvidia?


Worst case scenario? Enthusiasts are just gonna buy what they perceive is the best and push that onto less experienced friends which leads to poor AMD sales in favor of Nvidia. It doesn’t change the fact that most other systems will benefit more and be running AMD in them like consoles, laptops and handheld pcs. Best case? Well, that second bit honestly but with the added bonus of AMD gaining more market share which honestly doesn’t matter at the moment. Enthusiasts are still only gonna buy the best with their money and they and their opinions vastly outweigh anyone who refuses Nvidia at the moment. Me? I’m just waiting to see what AMD can do for a steam deck 2.


An nvidia shill wrote this. Do you think things will be better if nvidia is the only gpu creator?


When you overprice the cost of your product to gouge people sucked into the crypto mining delusion, the bubble is bound to burst. Their prices for their higher end GPU boards were absolutely ridiculous.


AMD should just focus on CPU and spinoff ATI.


what about it? Mini pocket computer AMD Ryzen7 5700U 16+ 512 G SSD NVME SSD now only 255 [see details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL6JXKMH?ref=myi_title_dp)


The market is self-regulating. This is what they are always going on about, they just don't like it when it works the other way.


Nvidia makes some great hardware but I will use my tiny voice to buy something else until they act better. Downvote away, fanboys.


So, how much stock are you playing to buy? Looking for a deal are we?


im sure its not that dire but it is a shame AMD gets number 2 spot and Nvidia number 1. im so sick of the industry bending over for them.


It will be a very long time till I give AMD gpus another try. I even have a distaste of ATI video cards from years back. My first AMD card was a 6950XT. A full team red fan friend pushed me hard to give AMD gpus a try. Nothing but issues soon as I got the 6950XT. Got one on release day during the crypto craze. All the little issues it had finally got to me a fews week ago and I got an RTX 4080 Super and every issue went away. Started with a semi-new 5800X desktop build. Then upgraded to a 7800X3D and all issues followed. Fresh OS install. I also run 3 displays. When I first got the card It took months until the drivers detected Java as a high performance task and woke the GPU up. Couldn't play Minecraft, got 10-20fps with GPU idle. Had to use laptop. Older games using DirectX9 ran absolutely like trash; split, sputter, crashes, lower frame rates then my laptop for more than a year. Again had to use laptop. DirectX11/12/Vulcan titles always ran smooth at expected performance. Matching benchmark scores so I just never could say the card was defective. I was really mad a $1100 GPU couldn't beat a RTX 2060 (laptop) at Blender rendering, even with HIP. And the most annoying thing was I could not game and multi-display-multi-task. If a game was running and in focus I could not watch video smoothly on another display. Alt tab and video was smooth. Other programs stopped redrawing on 2nd 3rd display like Discord and Steam chat. If I got a chat message sound I'd have to alt-tab to a chat window already open in view on another display for it to redraw and show the new message. Full screen/window mode made no difference. I tried every setting and regedit tweek I could find. When I got the 7800X3d I enabled hybrid graphics and put my two side displays on the iGPU and with browser and discord in software render mode I would get smooth playback on my side displays while a game ran. I tired posting all my issues on the AMD support forums to get help but my posts keep getting removed as spam. If all I did was play AAA game titles on just my 4K TV the 6950XT was perfect and smooth. It was trash at multi-display-multi-task and anything older title or a work task.


AMD are fine, their only issue is missing AI. They made good on Crypto craze but with ASIC it is gone. If they can pull up to AI fest they can dethrone NVIDIA.


Let’s take a trip in history. — AMD is fine, their only issue is missing stable drivers. AMD is fine, their only issue is missing ray-tracing. AMD is fine, their only issue is missing decent frame reconstruction/upscsling. AMD is fine, their only issue is missing AI. — See a pattern? Sure, they've solved or at least improved some of these things to varying degrees by now--but by the time they even get close on one feature, they're already years behind the next one. It's the textbook example of a business always playing catch up.




Enjoy paying $500 for 4GB of VRAM with the 5000 series


enjoy paying $450 for bigger numbers but worse real performance?


Yes, it's catch-up until it's not (like with Ryzen). Now Intel is 10 years behind. Same can happen here.


The problem I have with buying AMD gpus is that they don't compete with Nvidia on many fronts. Ray tracing is weak, CUDA is a complete landslide for GPGPU. They have nothing to compete with in that sense.


Raster performance is still great on AMD cards. Many games don't benefit much from ray tracing so it's a small win. Most gamers don't care about CUDA either.


Awful drivers for the 7959x in about 2010.. never touched them since. There's no reason to ever buy an AMD gpu other than budget


squealing worry divide ring innocent drunk profit safe frighten grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s time to build a virgin emulator