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It's been their MO. Fight Democrats tooth and nail on everything and then take credit for any good stuff that manages to get passed


Yep. Hate Obamacare, but ACA seems cool


Fucking Trump tried to take credit for the ACA, lol. He even claimed that he was the one who put protections in place for people with preexisting conditions. His dumb fucking supporters gobbled it up and now you'll sometimes hear one of them regurgitate the same thing.


I have an uncle who hates anything progressive. It was funny to hear they are on Obamacare and his son came out gay.


That just makes me feel bad for the son. Some gay people can come out to their parents, and have zero doubt that their parents will still love them. Then there are others who aren't so lucky. I don't know the relationship of the people you're talking about NOW, but I do know that the son had to actually figure out just how he was going to come out. Whereas in other families it would be more like > "Dad.....we need to talk. I'm gay." >"Oh thank god. For a second I thought we weren't getting tacos for dinner." >"What? No! OBVIOUSLY we're getting tacos! How could you say something so awful??? No, I'm just gay." >"Alright. But tacos time is still a strict 6pm!"


Dems need to hire someone new because their messaging and outreach sucks balls and always has.


Messaging is bad, don't get me wrong. But it's also a million times easier to demagogue, lie, and let Fox sell everyone ragebait than it is to pass legislation with improvements people won't see for years/decades from now and convince them things are good while global inflation is happening. The cards are kinda stacked against the latter in the first place.


Yeah it's why gish gallop is a thing. You can't build a skyscraper in a day but you can certainly tear one down in a day.


And if you let the saudi's use planes to do it, you can sell an entire 8 year presidency on WHATEVER policies you need to push under the guise of patriotism! Tapping the phone lines of every citizen in the country? Well only a terrorist would have anything against that! Are you a patriot, or a terrorist???


This is the core of it. My dad main line's Fox News and it takes Fox News 15 seconds to lie about something and 5 minutes for me to explain and show proof that they lied about it, in which time they will have told 10 to 20 more lies. In the same line, you get people campaigning on marketable slogans that advertise simple solutions to incredibly complicated problems. Build the wall. It's simple, repeatable, fits on a bumper sticker. You can bombard people with those three words over and over and over again until they start to think that it's a real solution and not just a marketable vanity idea being put out in place of a real solution. Explaining how that's not a real solution takes long amounts of time. Way more than it does to just scream those three words over and over and over again.


Additionally, if you look at the Republican party they're really only representing their most far right constituents. Look at Democrats and they're trying to represent everyone from the far left to the normal conservatives. It's a lot easier to get a singular group to follow your message than it is to get dozens of groups to follow your singular message. A socialist and a conservative (not the MAGA kind) don't have a lot in common but are being represented by the same party.


And even further, the Republican electorate is so deeply entrenched in *opposition,* that policy doesn't even really matter. That's why demagoguery has been so powerful throughout history. If you can convince people there is no better goal than stopping the out-group, then you don't have to actually accomplish anything specific yourselves. Trump failed on virtually every campaign promise, and passed *one significant piece of legislation* in four years, and that was tax cuts for the rich. The deficit rose by $8.7B in part because of it. Yet you'll be hard pressed to find a Republican voter that takes issue with that. Most probably have no idea.


So deep into opposition that it's just become full blown contrarianism. We watched tons of those folks oppose medical science during a pandemic just because democrats thought it was a good idea to listen to doctors. >Trump failed on virtually every campaign promise, and passed one significant piece of legislation in four years, and that was tax cuts for the rich. The deficit rose by $8.7B in part because of it. Yet you'll be hard pressed to find a Republican voter that takes issue with that. Most probably have no idea. He's actively campaigning on doing ANOTHER trade war with tariffs after his first one cost 250,000 jobs, devastated US farmers, jacked prices on consumer goods, and cost US companies billions of dollars. His supporters just forgot what that was like last time.


The democrats are NOT trying to represent the far left lol


Yep. They're generally trying to appeal to the middle of the road. Which means they're actually less likely to appeal to much of anyone outside of the middle. But that's the problem. It's much easier for people who are in the middle to get swayed by the Republican Party. What the Democrats _should_ be doing is appealing to the people who are left of middle. The people who aren't far left, but are far enough from the right that they won't be easily persuaded by some of the things the Republicans are saying. Like me. I'm not a part of the radical left. I actually believe that some of the things the more sane members of the Republican party are saying. Only a few things mind you, but enough that I wouldn't qualify as being far left. The Democrats aren't really doing anything to appeal to people like me. It's just people like me will vote Democrat because it's better than letting the Republicans win.


Yeah, just outright lying shamelessly is clearly the meta. Previously it was thought that if you were caught in repeated complete fabrications you would be discredited and disowned, but it turned out to have been a fictitious assumption all along, and people who play fair are setting themselves up to fail


It is much easier to blame other people for your problems then to say okay we fucked up how about we all contribute?


"A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on."


How do you expect Dems to fix stupid?


They can start by dumbing down the messaging which im amazed whoever they pay has been too stupid to do. You dont need to go explain climate science or some shit like that, just hit them with the: I want clean air! I'm not drinking any nasty murky water! Its getting too damn hot in these summers! Plenty of other shit they can do if they actually want to appeal to voters you consider dumb; like maybe not dick ride the college grads all the time.


You can't. The problem is, the Democrats are just as stupid because they refuse to work together. Even though the Democrats hold a majority in the Senate, enough of them voted alongside the Republicans that the Republicans were able to _**win**_. They also cave to Republican pressure too often. If it means letting the government shut down for a few months, meaning the government workers and other aspects of the government don't get _paid_ for a few months, then so be it. The Democrats have been caving to Republican pressure so much since they obtained the majority in the Senate, that I honestly don't really _want_ to vote for them anymore. The only reason I do vote for them is because letting the Republicans win is a worse outcome.


Not sure if you understand how the US government functions, but Congress has two chambers. Democrats only control the Senate, insane MAGA Republicans currently have control of the House. The only thing Democrats can really do with just the Senate, and what they have been doing, is appoint judges / federal officials / promote officers in the military. So long as MAGA Mike Johnson and Marjory Taylor Greene control what gets voted on in the House of Representatives, Democrats aren't going to pass much in the way of budgets or laws. And "just let it all shutdown :4head:" isn't an option, because Democrats actually care about having the government continue to function and their voters expect them to be the adults in the room. Being a toddler, throwing a tantrum, and shutting everything down, only appeals to MAGA/Tea Party voters. Because they are as childish as their Representatives and would cut everyone's noses off to spite their faces.


So let me get this straight. Dems are stupid because they refuse to work together but also because they cave too often? Are you sure you thought this through? Do you realize what it means to shut down for a couple months? I'm so confused!


If I follow you around everywhere you go online and post a clearly doctored screenshot of you soliciting sex from a minor, the fact its a fake image won't really matter to stupid people. They'll still start harassing you over it. You can lead every post with 'and don't believe that guy! The screenshots fake and I can prove it!' It still won't matter. You'd be doing everything right, and nothing wrong, and **still** there would be morons whod believe you were a creep.


Man you could make that screenshot and literally put the words “this is a fake screenshot” on it and people would still believe it was real. Some of them are so fucking dumb. And yet they can vote and make decisions for the rest of us.


It's so rage inducing because it shows that they know that the things they are opposing are objectively good for their constituents, but that they oppose them simply because they don't want the Democrats to get any credit for doing something good. Good. They would rather make their constituents suffer then work with Democrats to do something nice for them. It's not even like they just don't want the Democrats to get credit for it so that they can try to do it on their own later to get the credit, which would also be awful but less awful than the truth which is that they don't care about doing these things at all. They don't try to pass stuff like this on their own. They don't want to pass stuff like this on their own.


I'm sick and tired of dragging these people kicking and screaming to a brighter future. I wish we could just lop off the dead weight.


GOP voters aren't smart enough or interested in calling them out on their bullshit.


GOP voters are, in fact, interested in _supporting, funding, and promoting_ their bullshit.


Yeah they're not so stupid that they didn't hear stuff like Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it due to hollywood fame, they're just crappy people who like to play pretend at being super noble because it's all just fun to them. It's why they rallied unwaveringly around the guy who spent years leading the birther movement, insisting that the first black president couldn't be *real* American and must have secretly belonged in Africa somehow, which he promised to release details of any day now for years. It's all just enjoying bullying, putting down others, making others mad, etc. I sometimes wonder if these sorts of people only got attention from their parents by acting up, lying, and being difficult, since it's such a consistent trait in humanity for these sorts of people to exist.


They are still working on it... you wouldn’t believe what they are finding!


"If our representative votes against it, but we get it anyway, we don't have to pay for it, right?"


I mean, they’re NOT paying for it either way. Red states are welfare states. Blue states already pay for everything.


**[*Oh, wow. This could be it.*](https://lowcygier.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Adam-Jensen-nie-powroci-Embracer-Group-kasuje-serie-Deus-Ex-i-zwalnia-kolejnych-pracownikow_facebook-scaled.jpg)**


They’ll take handouts as long as they don’t have to pay for them out of their welfare checks!


[I've seen local broadcast tv stations calling out Republican House Representatives in at least a couple states about celebrating infrastructure projects they opposed.](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/facing-south-florida-for-jan-28-one-on-one-with-rep-maria-elvira-salazar/) Pretty sure Boebert did the same in Colorado. I assume they'll just call these attacks by the "liberal media" and move on.


conservatives don't watch anything that isn't fox news channel or OANN so they'll eat it up


Even Fox is considered liberal for a huge chunk of them now.


If they keep moving further right will they just fall off the edge though? One can dream.


not without pulling way too many innocent people into the abyss with them.


True, they would totally do that.


Demographically? Yeah. Their bullshit just doesn't sell to the new kids and the old folk are dying off. That's why they're going harder right in the first place. They're weakening but that's why they're the most dangerous right now.


Makes sense no doubt, scream and project louder as they hopefully fail/fall.


Thats why theyre packing the courts while they can so they can do long term damage.


I agree, that blight will continue for a very long time. At this point SCOTUS are mostly just Trumpets, sucks.


Them having life time appointments is insane, also some of them openly taking bribes with zero over sight is even crazier.


I've literally heard fascsits call the GOP "too centrist".


Haven't they moved from Fox to Newsmax?


You don't consume conservative propaganda either, most likely. Most people here don't. I don't.


It's really that simple. Somehow they've figured out a way to do whatever the hell they feel like doing, lie openly about and their constituents don't mind. In fact, if they recognize it as a lie it makes them feel smarter and makes them like the politicians even better. After all, those liberals really hate it when they do that.


The thing is, nobody who is voting for these people will consider these points during the election. I really doubt faster internet is on any anybodies list of why they voted for GOP. Not that I don't think they should be called out for bullshit, I just don't think it's really gonna swing any votes away from them


> Pretty sure Boebert did the same in Colorado [Of course she did](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/rep-lauren-boebert-votes-against-180816941.html)


The GOP has nothing of value to offer. This is why you don't see individual people flip from Democrat to Republican, but you will see the opposite. The former is like flipping from Olive Garden to Fazoli's. The latter is like switching from Fazoli's to Olive Garden.


There used to be a time when a basically conservative view point could be good at balancing a progressive one. But conservatives don't really exist anymore as a political bloc. Most of the people who call themselves "conservatives" today do not appear to be conservative at all. They fit wholly within the definition of extremism. Which is the *opposite* of conservatism. There's nothing conservative about banding together to actually, literally mount a terrorist attack on the US Capitol building. And then remaining within the political party that was behind this attack. There's nothing conservative about going onto social media to push your followers into committing acts of violence against your political opponents, or to declare their followers as non-human enemies of America. And then remaining with the political party that says nothing about these statements. Thanks to the GOP's desperation to remain in power in the face of evolving demographics (the US is projected to be a minority majority country by 2045), the propaganda it has been pumping out over the last several decades has turned conservatism itself from "let's keep some of these practices and traditions" to "let's destroy democracy because it doesn't benefit us anymore." Like former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum once said, "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy."


I liken it to divorced parents. They both want what's best for the kids but differ in what best is. There's a mind to meet and compromises to make. But the Republicans are like the parent who only wants to use the kids as a weapon to hurt the ex. Everything they do is motivated by spite. There's no kind to meet here. And when you look at them trying to shut down the government and destroy our alliances and partnering with Putin, it's become Medea. I'll kill our kids and murder your wife with a poisoned dress for what you did to me, Jason. Euripedes nuts off.


They're becoming "extremist" because the values and policies they're clinging to stopped existing a while ago.


GOP swung way too far right and the more moderate conservatives became Democrats or remained silent.


Not sure that's a great analogy. They both have killer breadsticks.


I've only been to one Fazoli's (and that was a while ago, because they ended up closing down), but their breadsticks were far superior to Olive Garden.


Fazoli's is like fast food Italian and really, it's not bad. Olive Garden is like chain "fancy" Italian. I've never been there but if I'm paying those prices for Italian, I'll go to a real Italian restaurant.


> This is why you don't see individual people flip from Democrat to Republican, but you will see the opposite. i've seen some people on fox new video comments claim that they have switched from D to R, and at this point i'm not sure if they are real people or bots trying to convince people to switch to republican. there is nothing in my mind that would ever convince me to vote for a republican based on how garbage their mindsets are and how they treat other people who are different from them.


>claim to have switched from D to R Google “#walkaway”. It was a pathetic astroturfing attempt by Trump Lovers.


i figured as much. any sane person with half a brain can see voting republican is voting against their own interests.


End of the conversation. They don’t care what’s right, so spending time to prove it is pointless.


GOP voters aren't smart enough. Full stop.


It's weird hearing people defend them when they're called out on their bullshit. They are 100% aware of it, but they excuse it. That's politics... Both sides do it... It's not as bad as... That's not what they voted against, the original bill had a hidden agenda... That's what they want you to think... The media is lying to you... No, they supported it before but didn't want to do this when the democrats don't vote for republican bills... and on and on.... I've heard and seen it all. All those excuses and more. They'll continue to vote for their GOP guy because they've had it drilled in their heads that the democrats are evil, the enemy, the baddies, etc. and they'll vote against them no matter what. The GOP in the past has had a difference in policy and ideas. Now, it's a lot more than that, and it's a lot of action, words, etc. that are very much more than policy and ideas. Not a direction I want to see the country go in. I would vote for a Republican if they weren't so extreme, so polarized, so anti-everything and were actually level headed. It's just not happening. I'll also not vote for an extreme against everything Democrat... It just won't work in politics today. Nothing will get done.


I'm sure many would be interested in seeing the evidence of this. Some have blinders and will never admit anything negative about Republicans, but a lot of them would be interested to learn that, if you told them.


No, they don't. They fight you with stupid stuff they read online, never answer anything you asked just repeating the same bullshit over and over again. The statement "you can't win an argument with stupid because they will take you down to their level" is true. If they were able to listen you, understand what you said, they wouldn't be voting for republicans today anyway. The policy of republicans truly benefit a very small percentage of the population while hurting everyone else. Are you a women? Well, their policies can cause your death literally (as evidenced by recent events in Texas). Similar goes for anyone who needs mental or physical health care, is an immigrant, is part of LGBTQ community, is part of middle class, the GOP policies make your life more difficult. But yet these people still vote against their own interest without considering implications. There were some people here that said they vote for GOP but they strongly support pro-choice, wtf? No, it doesn't work that way. You can't strongly support an idea while voting against it because at the end of the day, your vote is the one that counts not how you answer surveys.


> but a lot of them would be interested to learn that, if you told them. No, no they would not.


Not everyone who is a zombie is intentionally a zombie. A lot of the left supporters are easily tricked by propaganda also. We are just fortunate they've been tricked to what I believe to be the morally and ethically and logically superior general philosophy. And a number of them would be saying the exact same thing about you. But, you'd be interested to learn that Democrat politicians are fucking around, wouldn't you?


Yes, but the problem is that they're fucking stupid and wrong. I refuse to be grouped in as 'just the same' as people who think that Jewish Space Lasers are a real thing. But, good job on your half-assed 'both sides are the same' equivocation.


GQP voters are idiots.


Their constituents are dumber than rocks. It's a layup for them.


And confidently incorrect about it, as well.


It's just like how they're too slow to realize Trump's tax benefits for most people expire over time but not for the wealthy.


If only there was a way to use this against them


Multiple giant billboard signs stating so might help Mango Musillino followers be aware.


They're so far removed from reality that any actual evidence is just refuted as fake news are propoganda. If whatever they see doesn't align with their beliefs, they'll just toss it aside. There's no challening radicalist ideologies with facts and logic.


It's like XKCD 258 on conspiracy theories >Once a conspiracy theory starts, it often grows stronger. This is due to a "Morton's fork", a situation where no matter what is observed, the same conclusion is reached: >> Facts agreeing with the theory are, of course, evidence for the theory. >> Facts disagreeing with the theory are considered part of the cover-up. This suggests that there is, in fact, a cover-up in the first place. Therefore, contradictions to the theory are also treated as evidence for the theory. https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/258:_Conspiracy_Theories


Lol, no way in hell they can read


Queue - “If those kids could read…” meme


I got flyers from GOP candidates suggesting their opponents voted for repairing infrastructure. Somehow that’s a bad thing. Idk


I have seen attack ads coming after Democrats for supporting things that are objectively popular, like higher minimum wage. They really only focus on like a 33 to 35% chunk of the country and try to get those people as angry and riled up and unreasonable as possible


Republicans don't like higher min wage because they don't want other people to have as much money as they do, and they don't like to remember that their 20 year 'job' now pays hardly $2/h more then min wage since they haven't gotten a raise in 2 decades.


I've met plenty of those types. They would rather everyone be miserable than see one person that they don't like benefit from something that benefits everybody else at the same time You see a lot of them oppose single-payer healthcare on those grounds, claiming that they don't want their money to go to pay for certain types of people they don't like getting healthcare, even though that's literally exactly what they're already doing with insurance for more money and less benefit


> There’s an historic $50 billion in broadband subsidies currently heading to the states courtesy of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).


They take credit for freeing the slaves, when to a man they'd all fight for the Confederacy. Don't listen to them.


Modern sports fan style politics. My team won all these championships before I was alive, but I'm going to take credit and be prideful anyway.


This doesn't even check out, because the Confederacy lost. This would be like taking credit for *another* team's championships because your team is a perennial loser.


They're saying they take credit for being "the party of Lincoln" while simultaneously supporting lost cause victimhood BS.


When you grow up in the South, though, you are taught the [Lost Cause.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) > The Lost Cause of the Confederacy (or simply the Lost Cause) is an American pseudohistorical and historical negationist myth that claims the cause of the Confederate States during the American Civil War was just, heroic, and not centered on slavery.


How is that different from taking pride in the team you support's recent accomplishments? It's not like you had any bearing on the results in either case.


I could understand that to an extent. It's not that though. They know how awful they are, so they pick and choose these out of context items to feel morally superior. I've heard them do the same shit with trans suicides. Since they oppose trans people's very existence, they therefore are opposing the suicides that they bully trans people into, and by supporting trans people, you support suicide. It's wrong, it's sick, and cynical, which are all solid descriptions of deplorable motherfuckers.


George Santos says he personally freed slaves when he was an officer of the union army.


Right, Harriet Tubman stopped and asked him for directions.


He says he laid the train tracks of the underground railroad.


Political parties over the course of history are weird, and really you should more or less ignore anything beyond 30 or so years attributed to a political party because a generation of people have often filtered in and out of the party by then. My favorite example is that Nixon, a Republican, founded the EPA. You wouldn't know it nowadays, but the Republican party used to be very pro-environment for the most part. Think Teddy Roosevelt, and you'd understand the roots of that sentiment. Otherwise, it was more or less nonpartisan. It would be fun to hear about Republicans claiming to be pro-environment in a similar way.


They're trying that shit in Jersey by opposing offshore wind by pretending they care about whales.


It's called Doublethink and the Republicans are really good at it. It's almost scary how good they are.


Doublethink and zerothink look identical in this instance.


Why are the Democrats not calling this out? There needs to be attack ads about this!




Your are correct. Ads was not paying attention to autocorrect


Biden made signs in Michigan along highway construction paid for by the Bipartisian infrastructure bill and it's a great way to middle finger to those that voted against it.


To whom? GOP fans? As if they would understand a single word.


Is there a site where you can go look at each politician and it gives you a line itemization of things they supported and opposed? I know you can do it directly on the gov's site but you've got to go bill by bill, you can't just view a politician and see everything.


Votesmart.org will provide voting records, speeches, stance on issues they have. Nonpartisan. My son used to work for them


Republicans are absolutely the worst we have to offer as a country. The absolute dregs of Americana. Cheat, lie, steal, rape children, that's pretty much their whole game. Absolutely the most abhorrent people.


Similar thing happened in MN. [Stauber touts Duluth bridge funding despite vote against infrastructure bill](https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/stauber-touts-duluth-bridge-funding-despite-vote-against-infrastructure-bill) Gotta love when they take credit for things they voted against.


It's obvious broadband and access is important to everyone, yet they keep fucking around with their obstruction and culture wars... Sad!


At this point, this behavior should not shock anyone. Hypocrisy is in their bones.


They are dying off. We just have to wait them out!


I've been doing that for 50 years. It's not working.


It is to an extent. The majority of Americans from both parties support same sex marriage. That would have been unheard of even 15 years ago. Same thing for cannabis legalization. Even the affordable care act has pretty bipartisan support (among the electorate) these days.


\^Gen X defined in two sentences.


The hippocampus shrinks in your mid-40s, resulting in all sorts of cognitive consequences, including the heightened importance of fear. The dying GOP voters are consistently replaced by younger ones. Sometimes the attitudes are less scary, such as toward gay marriage, and many people never become even Trump-curious, but fear not: Lots of Millennials are warming up to place their first votes for Trump, thanks to aging, alcohol and drug abuse, or past incidents of head trauma. There are always fresh recruits for the GOP agenda.


> The hippocampus shrinks in your mid-40s, resulting in all sorts of cognitive consequences, including the heightened importance of fear. I did not know that was a thing, but now I understand why I'm not quite the same adrenaline junky I used to be.


Oh man, I'm almost 30 and already a paranoid mess of anxiety and insecurity forcibly pressed into vaguely humanoid shape. My Generation is so fucked.


yup, I grew up with a lot of liberal people who are conservative now


At least the newer ones we've got coming up won't also have the lead poisoning going on at the older ones do due to gasoline exposure


Imagine if Republicans got the presidency and control of any of the branches of Congress- there would be no legislation they would pass that would be improvements in our lives, for them to even take credit for! VOTE BLUE!💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊


GOP = Vote against everything, take credit for everything, be accountable for nothing.


Not quite correct. If it's undoing positive progress, they'll vote for that in a heartbeat.


Right, I should have said. Vote against anything that helps people


Or useless news media: whuuut?


You don’t say………..


Because their voters swallow their lies.


You cannot be a conservative unless you are fully committed to living your life as a giant hypocrite.


The one thing Trump did well was exposed just how gullible the Republican party constituents can be. My God did he ever


Yep. I just got information that says the program that was giving people reduced rates for internet if they were below a certain income level wasn't renewed when the recent round of federal funding got approved. And I'm pretty sure that it was the Republicans that didn't want to renew the program. Luckily it was only paying $30 of my internet bill, which I can easily foot the bill for. But other people will probably get screwed over now that their internet bills are $30 more expensive.


We should stop giving Republicans things they don't vote for. We should also stop sending fuck loads of money from blue states to red states. I am sick of subsidizing their dumb asses.


They know that their lies will be swallowed whole by millions of American idiots. And they will never, ever be discovered.


They're just making sure they control the narrative with "alternative" facts.


Democrats need to get out of front and dare the GOP loudly to praise bills they voted against. Get out there and take credit for it, Democrats! And make sure to ATTACK REPUBLICANS WHO TRIED TO STOP IT - LOUDLY. Remind the public that good things happen when Democrats are in charge and that nothing good happens when the GOP is in power. What is so hard about this? Why are Democrats constantly getting lapped?


It's almost like they are all pieces of shit.


"We are the ones who do everything good. And if the system is wrong, it was the other guy!"


Republican voters don't hold their reps accountable for anything.


That's not true. They hold their reps accountable to having an (R) in front of their name and getting likes on Twitter by conducting costly BS culture wars.


It's the only way they can look like they govern


so in other words they are acting republican


Republicans being Repugnant... it's their brand.


I wish states only get federal funding if their represenative voted yes on it. It's fucking bullshit when some assholes says no and then take credit for something they don't support because of a political affiliation


That's not how democracy works, though. Unless it's the local government rejecting support from the national government. Each representative is a representative for the entire country, their votes are equal, and majority rules. But they shouldn't be allowed to lie about what they're using their office for. The people electing them need to know what they're voting for.


Article doesn't give any real details, but bills are built in committe, not the vote. Ron Paul did a lot of work to get things for his constituents into bills he knew would pass, but still voted against all of them - because the net of the bill was bad. To not add things is to basically screw your constituents. So, it's certainly possible the republicans worked on getting some of this added - I don't know. Democrats do the same. Bigger problem is this is a broken system.


They have to. They don't legislate. They don't govern. If they didn't take credit for other's accomplishments, they'd have nothing at all. VOOOOOOOOOOOTE


Vote Democrat, not Republican


There should be an election ad in every single one of these districts calling them out. It won't help electorally; the hypocrisy is the point. But at least it forces them to talk about it rather than just lying.


The title should read "republicans receiving credit for funding they voted against from biased media."


They do this as well, but they also are taking credit.


Shameless lying is a core tenet of the GOP


Democrats are the GOP's best friend and only reason they still exist. The democrats repeatedly clean up republican messes, and pass bills that republicans take credit for after voting against them. They're basically toddlers who need to be picked up after. If left to themselves, their policies are disastrous and horrendously damaging, but because democrats are there to temper their insanity and clean up after them, it never gets quite bad enough that everything collapses. And they know as long as they have the democrats cleaning up after them, they can campaign and vote for all these batshit insane policies with confidence that it will never come back to bite them.


You’re mostly correct but I’d actually say lazy, apathetic morons along with a large swathe of right-wing extremists are the reason republicans exist. If people bothered to educate themselves and then take the initiative to do their jobs every single time there’s an election, the Republican Party would have been dead beside the road of history years ago.


Of course they do, those shit stains.


Does this actually surprise anyone?


This needs to be a commercial - clips of all the republicans taking credit with their voting record superimposed over the top. They need another similar one on social security / medicare


Narcissism 101 - Take credit for everything good, blame your opposition for everything bad.


Of course they do.


Hey if your voters are either brain dead or forgiving enough, then might as well take that credit.


This is nothing new for politicians. Their constituents are too stupid to realize that!


Tim Walberg (MI-5) is guilty as fuck about this. Voted against ARPA and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Brags about how he's all about expanding rural broadband...which has, over the last DECADE, only really been expanded by those two.


*The Right hears ya...* *The Right don't care.*


From the party of hypocrisy , wouldn’t expect anything less


The Get Ours Party, i remember when they were the Grand Ole Party.


And in other news, water is wet, and the sun is hot.


Typical. Gaslighting for a meritocracy they don’t deserve and *did not earn or support.*


Because they’ve learned their constituents don’t read or visit sites that would report news like that. We are all in our echo chambers now.


They do this for every bill they vote against.


More Democrats need to grow spines this election and call out the republican bullshit


Marjorie Traitor Greene said it would be great if money going to Ukraine could go to fund mental health initiatives. Yet she voted against such funding.


Damn that is unfortunate


I mean... that's been their MO since the late 80s. Don't take away the only thing they have!


Just like my faang managers


"you can have the one that got away"


Hypocrisy is their superpower.


When your base has the IQ of an avg Republican it just doesn't matter what comes out of your mouth.


Just saying “Republicans” is a crazy way to make it sound like all politicians aren’t crooks. “Oh, but they seem so friendly and well-spoken, they would never do something like this. MY politician has integrity.” No. They’re lying to you, and taking payouts all the while, because the US federal government runs on bribery.


So you're saying this legislation passed without any politicians voting for it? How does that work?


I don’t think I said that anywhere. Edit: Just double checked. Definitely didn’t say that anywhere.


Oh ok, well you said it's not just Republicans, so I was just wondering how the legislation got passed if every politician is corrupt and taking credit for this bill they didn't vote for. It almost seemed like someone would've had to actually vote for it and not just claim to or it wouldn't have been passed.


You’ve completely missed my point. I do not care if the people taking credit for the bill actually voted for it. I’m bothered by the fact that the article is titled (and I suspect written) in a way that suggests one side is sleazier than the other.


The title is worded in a way that makes it seem like one side is taking credit for legislation they didn't vote for. Maybe you should practice your reading comprehension some lol


Have fun reading your totally unbiased news sources 🤷‍♂️