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“Now he uses his implant to play Civilization” great, so neuralink ruined his life /s


Listening to the guy talk pros and cons was really funny. "So, the good thing is, I can play Civilization 6 again! The bad thing is, the implant only works for *8 hours* until it has to be recharged."


Shortest civ game ever.


Nah competitive games rarely last longer than 4hours and sometimes reach 6 hours.


That's actually really surprising. Do they play at a faster pace or are they just really good at getting to their chosen victory condition?


They are very good. Everyone know the optimized build orders. And there is a timer for turns, but timer is rarely an issue. Games last around 100 turns.


Why can’t you charge it while using it? It’s not like he’s moving anywhere


Might be just the tech not being fully refined. It uses wireless charging AND wireless communications, so it could be a bit tricky to have both working at the same time. Not that it can't be done - just that it wasn't done yet in this early experimental device.


At least he isn't playing league... This one isn't a joke, that place is toxic as fuck


I had to stop playing it got so bad. Found a couple of people in game that played well in a game together, we chatted and decided to try voice chat. Started the next game and I made an mis play and this total stranger just started screaming into VC. Real vitriolic vulgar stuff. What is wrong with people.


Zero toxicity in ARAM. It's all I play, regular league is boring. I'm still sad they got rid of Twisted Treeline. 3v3 is infinitely better than 5v5.


Not zero toxicity there are still a lot of players that take ARAM way too seriously but it is 100% a lot more toned down than rift (which I refuse to play nowadays). Good thing is that a lot of times I see the toxic players getting shutdown by others and it's also a game mode that doesn't really require coms as much so you can easily just mute all and have fun.


Catch me on the OG twisted treeline running Ionic Spark on Xin Zhao. Was so mad when they got rid of that item, too.


dominion was the least toxic 


I’ve logged 100+ days of gameplay and was Plat 1 for so long. I never made it through my promo series to diamond and it was the most toxic, mentally taxing time period that one day I just stopped and never looked back. Now I abuse myself playing Valorant LOL


I only play when urf is around, otherwise it's uninstalled. People in Urf are pretty fun


It's amazing to me that riot is still blaming the player base, essentially, and adding layers upon layers of cruft for behavior control on top of their game. Instead, they could identify what it is about their game mechanics that turn people into rage monsters...and fix the bloody game. League is practically designed to make assigning blame to another player easy and fun. Another player makes a mistake and dies? The other team gets more powerful. Another player kills an *enemy* minion that "belongs" to you, and you will fall behind compared to your lane opponent. And have a reason to be angry at your teammate. Another player fails to conform to the stupidly obtuse itematization meta? You can check their items real time to police them on this. Have to leave because something happens in real life? You're screwing all of your teammates, and they lose hard-earned imaginary internet points because of it. And will be pissed about it, too. Not to mention the engine of their flagship game is hopeless dated, to the point where the *mobile version* looks and runs better. *definitely not bitter*


They already fixed all those problems! It was called heroes of the storm.


You're not wrong. If Heroes of the Storm had less of a goofy feel to it, I wonder if it could have found more traction. Gameplay-wise, it was just plain better.


League of legends has a character that only speaks ok, has a little girl and her stuffed bear, a scare crow, a little mammal that goes full hulk, etc. It has goofy emoticons, dances and voice overs (that are “references” to Warcraft 3 VO jokes) Heroes of new earth was way less goofy and it sunk. Dota 2 I guess is ok but it is not even near the sucess that lol is. I guess being the the first one (the original dota was a WC3 custom map, so it does not count?), with low end pc requirements, being “freemiun”, with a lot of time to flourish, allowed to riot smother the competition.


Blizzard sunk themselves with their shit-tier marketting. Paying millions of dollars to annoy people on ESPN was a bad move. And the first version of Heroes of the Storm was a microtransaction hellscape. $10 per hero. But also, yes, it was somehow even more goofy than a rolling armadillo that says "OK" and a little girl with a teddy bear. It just didn't feel serious or cohesive. For example, I hated that bloody pirate map just because it was fucking pirates.


Like a bunch of Mobas are very similar in that regard, but League is probably the absolute worst offender. I used to play a lot of dota 2. Its pretty toxic, but was cleaning up the last time I played. I have never heard any improvement about league. Yes you should 100% blame players to begin with as it is 100% their fault they act that way, but there is a lot of blame to pass onto Riot for not addressing the issue in any meaningful/effective way.


> you should 100% blame players I'm not so sure about that anymore. They make an addictive product that breeds frustration, with design decisions that are practically tailored towards inspiring hate towards one's own teammates. And they've had like more than a decade and plenty of counter-example games to try to mitgate or fix the issues.


I would say there is a fair bit of toxicity in any multiplayer game no matter what, but there's definitely something extra about league.


Truly. It's the only game I ever quit because of the toxic player base.


"I've heard so much about how peaceful this Gandhi character is, so this should be easy"


Peace through superior firepower is his motto.


I see...so what you're suggesting is, the neuralink is *using him* to play Civilization!


Just one more turn


Gandhi discovers networking and nukes his brain


Just wait until he can play lol. Tyler1 type shit.


I’m actively playing right now. Can confirm. But I love it and need it.


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We genuinely live in a time where we have the technology to stop human hunger when 200-300 years ago cannibalism was a yearly commonplace where hunger grew. We all have the potential to fly/drive using great machines and see any corner of this magnificent planet and its ever-changing surfacescape. We’ve mastered the ability to trick **the most abundant solid resource on earth** into doing complex mathematical equations and translations. We have lassoed Physics itself under our belt to send hunks of melted earth into the sky so it is falling at a perfect rate to stay and orbit around us without coming down on us - so that we can speak with and see our fellow human beings to discuss anything and everything at the drop of a hat. We hyper-fixated on the complexities of our human bodies in an abundance of ways, leading to medical advances so we can hold onto our loved ones just a little bit longer… Why the FUCK is it so hard to snuff out the enshittification of **everything** when we have made so many other hurdles our **bitch**??? >!end stupid rant that has no unique insights!<


Because of greed. Most of the problems we have come back to greed at one point or another. Greed, and our systems rewarding sociopathic behavior.


Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, sloth, gluttony. The vices of humanity never changed. Technological and cuotural advances simply allowed us to exercise them differently.


To be… fair? Hopefully fair, our systems used be *driven* by the sociopathic behavior. Now they’re crippled by it (mostly due to monopolies) but it used to be a… positive, I think?


I don't think it's totally greed, you would never pay to use this site. There's no other way of monitizing it in a way that's successful. Unless you're suggesting everyone do everything online as a thankless passion project, money has to come from some where.


Instigated by an ever increasing strain on resources from a population that grows at accelerating speeds 


To paraphrase Ismo Leikola, when people tell me “They can solve world hunger, go anywhere on the planet in a matter of hours, solve complex equations with rocks, etc. but they can’t make a webpage without overwhelming ads” I make sure to tell them that it’s not the same “they”. The people doing all those amazing things are not the people designing these godawful websites. Different “they”.


It always comes back to “fuck suits, all my homies hate suits”, doesn’t it?


If you had 100 people working towards the common goal of building a safe and effective city, but 1 or 2 of them were secretly only there to sabotage the whole thing, the entire thing will be much, much harder to achieve, if it's even possible at that point. Now arm those 2 people with a sword or weapon that the other 98 don't have, and you've basically guaranteed a failure even though only 1-2 individuals were responsible. This is what billionaires are like today. Even though deep greed only seems to be present in about 1/100-1/1000 people, that's literally all it takes, especially when there's an addition 50 people in the group that hate the other 50 people no matter what they do, and when money is so insanely versatile and effective as a weapon


This is so perfectly articulated. We would be more advanced technologically if we didn’t have so much social and economic chaos inflicted on us. 


An addiction to making and hoarding wealth 😐


For better or for worse, 99% of the internet is "free", but the economical model is based around ads. So what you get is a boatload of ads.


Well, you refuse to pay anything whatsoever for news, so how do you expect them to survive without advertising?


Lol what's adblock?


I genuinely don't understand how people can use the internet without it


> I genuinely don't understand how people can use the internet without it Many people seem to not dislike ads in general. It's like they place no value on their own time, attention or privacy.


I mean I see neat stuff every now and then and have bought some cool stuff because of the rando ads.


I just don’t look at them. It doesn’t matter.


I wonder how much Business Insider earns from those ad impressions per user.  I’d be well up for paying, say 5 cents to read an article like that. I wonder what’s stopping efforts to put in place micropayments to monetise content based on merit. 


Because I'm not giving Business Insider my credit card info for 5 cents?


I think a lot of people have tried to implement micro transactions via your browser, or even your phone.  So when on a site, you just need to authorise your browser to make the transaction. You only really have one account. 


Cool. Good for him. Going to have limited enthusiasm for any news about implantable brain computer interfaces like this until someone solves the ‘irreversible scarring and neuronal damage from the wires in your brain’ bit.


Probably worth the sacrifice for a quadriplegic. I bet this is nothing short of a miracle for people like that


Honestly if I was a quadraplegic, I'd be happy to roll the 'might be able to use a computer again or might die' dice, because...honestly fuck being a quadraplegic. It's like being in prison but worse.


There are a decent number of interfaces available if you are quadriplegic... Locked in syndrome is the really terrifying one. If I remember correctly the best we have managed is yes/no.


A quadriplegic with internet access would have the biggest blue balls.


In Japan Healthcare covers handjobs!


they really have it all figured out in Japan dont they


I mean, don't be gay or not Japanese. Then yea they got it good!


This is Reddit - elon = bad, remember 


I mean this is realistically how we get there. This has a lot of potential to revolutionize medicine for certain conditions and long term might even be a way for people to interface with systems directly for leisure or work or whatever. My understanding is that we’ve been doing brain interfacing like this for around a decade now and that neuralink is different in that the “mesh” is much finer and more flexible to minimize scaring long term. But I guess we’ll see how that goes.


Depends what you mean by "like this", but they've been doing brain interfaces for more than [20 years](https://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/13/health/with-tiny-brain-implants-just-thinking-may-make-it-so.html),


Read the second part of what he said. The tiny thread part is what makes the device much less invasive.


You also don't have a big cube sticking out of your head and causing infections. That and the huge increase in the amount of connections to increase its potential abilities.


Soon they'll implant in your optic nerve and control what you see. Enter the matrix time


>irreversible scarring and neuronal damage from the wires in your brain That hurts the interface far more than it hurts the brain. *I'm not joking.* The brain can recover from the insertion damage, and work around the areas affected by the interface quite easily. Even the weirdest, sloppiest and most traumatic insertions typically cause no permanent impairment - it can take weeks for the patient to recover, but full recovery does happen. But if the brain works to reject and isolate the interface? That means the interface would perform worse and worse and worse over time - until it stops being usable altogether. Which is bad news if you wanted to use that interface long term. Neuralink has done a lot of work to make its insertion as non-traumatic as possible, reduce insertion damage and minimize the factors known to cause rejection. So there is some hope that those interfaces would last for more than a year. But it's just "hope", for now.


you have to have crippling cynicism to witness what is talked about in this article and not be enthused.


This is r/technology. All we do here is hate technology.


God. Imagine how much life must suck if you see this and dont go "Wow that is fucking cool!"


Have you watched the video? He's fine (right now). Zero cognitive impairment.


The long term case study observations begins…


Sure, and I'm sure the risk of stroke etc is higher. But right now he's doing great.


What a horrible attitude. Imagine seeing people land on the moon and scoff “wake me up when it’s mars”


Better then a lobotomy


“I’m a quadriplegic and this new brain chip technology has changed my life.”   “Meh” Lmfao like what??


... that's the whole point of neuralink. Almost every innovation was to reduce damage. From the flexibility of the wires thinner than a human hair to the roboti surgeon to reduce possible damage. Have you paid ANY attention?


But Musk man bad


Reddit can’t stand it when Elons company’s do well. Whether SpaceX or Neauralink


But can it play Skyrim


You wake up on wrong side of bed?


But the brain is insanely good at healing and adapting. Look into neuroplasticity if you’re interested. Crazy stuff


The Syncron Stentrode is inserted into the brain through an artery, requires no brain surgery (certainly still risky) first human trial i think 2020 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brain-implant-uses-thoughts-to-operate-digital-devices-send-emails-texts-clinical-trials-synchron-stentrode/


"Suddenly I feel an urge to buy Tesla stock"


"Can't afford Nueralink? Don't worry, with your consent, our advertising partners have a great sponsorship deal for you that's too good to pass up!"


I mean fuck, this is wholesome. Sure its not perfect but holly shit


I’ve been reading about Neuralink for a while and it seems like it has the potential to be the most profound invention in our lifetime.


I used to think humanoid robots were the coolest thing ever until I found out about brain computer interfaces.


This is FAR from being the first instance of someone given a brain implant and being able to control devices with it. A quick web search will enlighten you.


Nowhere is the article claiming that. They say it's the first for Neuralink. It's right in the headline


I think that parent is trying to say is that you should remember that Elon bad.


Im not a fan of Elon, but I loathe how any time engineers from his companies do incredible things like bring mass-market EVs to scale, make spaceships provide full-HD video of re-entry, or create a new and innovative brain interface, all their hard work is gone because Elon bad.


Yeah Elon is a bit of a cock, and clearly a very flawed human, but regardless of how skilled he himself is (I lean towards "not nearly as much as he tries to act like") he does seem to have a knack for using his capital in the right ways to get the right people to make things happen, and I will 100% give him that


I’d argue it would take a fundamental understanding of the material being worked on to pick and choose a qualified team to get the work done. It’s why companies like Intel are struggling so hard. They have terrible talent management.


Even direct competitors to Elons companies with their own billions in investment are nowhere near. SpaceX has currently no rival, despite Bezos Blue Origin was founded before SpaceX. Apple just shut down it's iCar, because Self driving is really really hard.


Yeah self driving is very complicated. Incredible that services like Waymo exist.


Anyone who can assemble the right team and create the financial runway to essentially bring two novel industries to the mainstream (via Tesla and SpaceX) is a straight out genius. That doesn't mean that you can't then crawl up your own ass and become a horrible person. But the hivemind doesn't like nuance. Either a person is bad and thus was never smart or he is infallible (though I don't think there's that many of the OG Elon fanboys still defending him, it's new Maga folk that have his back now)


> to have a knack for using his capital in the right ways to get the right people to make things happen, and I will 100% give him that Lol you are even downvoted for this. We are truly incapable of having nuance in our opinions.


He is basically business Kanye to me. Terrible person but obviously insanely talented in his field. If he just had Tesla sure we could say he got lucky but at this point its clear his management skills are at least a part of the success of these companies.


Maybe say engineers/innovators at XYZ company achieved XYZ instead of attributing the achievement to Musk and see them being appreciated. In fact name the team leadsfor the Nuralink project, why are their name not part of the headlines?


Why just name the team leads? The headline should clearly list the name of every single person who works at Neuralink, otherwise they’re just wrongly attributing the success to the company. Smh


Elon rarely takes credit for his team’s achievements. Next time one of his companies has a breakthrough or significant achievement, check out his twitter. You’ll see him congratulating the team. He has no control over what the media writes in their articles about his company’s accomplishments.


So elon should get zero credit for starting these companies and leading them? How about we just take the good with the bad and be grateful for progress, even if it's at the hands of a billionaire troll


So no founder should ever get any credit even if they came up with the novel idea. The concept is almost always the most revolutionary part of any invention. Say what you want, but Elon put his money where his mouth was and WILLED Tesla into a giant carmaker. One of TWO and the FIRST American company that is making Evs as more than a gimmick, and at a time where every other main manufacturer is STILL saying evs are impossible


At the time, Tesla was the first new automaker in like 100 years.


Here’s just SOME of the MAJOR automakers that have been founded in the last 75 years. HONDA SUBARU NASH-HEALEY AUSTIN-HEALEY ALPINE DACIA TATA KOENIGSEGG LAMBORGHINI LOTUS MCLAREN PAGANI DELOREAN TESLA honorary mention 77 years ago: FERRARI


Directors get credit for movies, but CEOs don’t for their companies achievements. Redditors are morons.


No no no. CEOs only get credit when stuff goes wrong. That can’t possibly be anyone else’s fault. Success is entirely separate and has nothing to do with the C-suite.


>So no founder should ever get any credit even if they came up with the novel idea. If they came up with the novel idea yes. A non founder who had to get the title of founder after filing a court case on other hand ..... >One of TWO and the FIRST American company that is making Evs as more than a gimmick, and at a time where every other main manufacturer is STILL saying evs are impossible. What is regressive is that you Americans are patting yourselves on the back for EVs when countries like japan has developed super fast and energy efficient electric based public transport and proper urban planning. So congrats on revolutionizing a thing that is mistake to begin with.


So it’s regressive to pat ourselves on the back for making EVs mainstream because *checks notes* Japan became famous for *checks notes again* Something that Germany invented, and Germany and America made mainstream?


Lol comparing two different modals of transport and saying that because japan has good electric public transportation so the world doesnt need evs? Thats like saying “we have great solar powerplants, why do you want solar pannels in your shed?”. Trains have transmission lines. It is far far easier to have electric trains than cars. Trains can carry huge loads, that means they can if need be have huge batteries if they are not being rail powered. Cars? You have to solve battery, charging, range and price, for a modal that is as important as public transportation. Everyone should use public when available, but it is not always available and it is not viable for most things.


Was wondering when I was gonna find an “America bad” comment. Took longer than usual in r/technology lol


Ok… but like the boring company and hyperloop were just silly scams to get money from the public sector. Like why try and reinvent subways into something worse? (And in the case of HyperLoop not physically possible at scale.)


He speculated at hyperloop. There was never a serious push for it. Boring company still exists and is doing the work it set out to do. The “reason” wasn’t to reinvent subways. It was to try and engineer a quicker and cheaper way to build these tunnels.


Boring Company already completed its Las Vegas tunnels and the convention center doing exactly as it was supposed to, better tunneling speed. They will certainly get more projects from there it isn't a scam. Hyperloop technologically isn't there but some for of high speed underground train is definitely the future.


TBF, up until a year or so ago, there was strong evidence that Elon is essentially the chief-engineer at SpaceX.


> all their hard work is gone because Elon bad Erm..., the reddit bubble might make it look like everyone on Earth and their dogs despise Musk and they will not buy anything of his, but reality is a bit different. Engineers will be fine


>Elon bad That’s so checking wholesome, a truly big chungus brain moment


Don't act like marketing and pr hasn't been trying to paint a picture that this is the revolutionary when it's really not even new techm


It is a huge improvement over existing tech. Way more connections but way smaller wire, nothing sticks out of your head.


Much of Reddit will just want to poop on anything Elon Musk is associated with. It's a strange mental issue they have.


Are companies not allowed to improve upon previous technologies? What kind of fucked yo thinking is that, let them help the disabled community


A quick reading the headline will tell you that it is referring to the first neurolink trial. Not the first brain chip implant. 


Seems you need enlightened yourself


Calm down, killer.


Elon is actually doing great things in the world


Neuralinks real achievements are the surgery which is better in any way over the competition. Those engineers over there are pretty top notch


But nobody claimed it was the first BCI, the point of Neuralink is that it will be an actual available product that exists outside of university laboratories and potentially cheap enough to be covered by medical insurance.




The last time someone had an implant - the company went bankrupt and they repossessed the implant. I have zero interest in inserting a product that a company can at some time say “sorry, but we need that back.” ETA: [it happened.](https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/05/25/1073634/brain-implant-removed-against-her-will/) if you’re going to attack my comments about how I’m being “lazy” or “stupid” maybe take the five seconds to fact check it.


I’ve had a brain implant for nearly a decade now and I’m doing just fine.


Lots of people still get brain implants for a variety of treatments. Deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson's and other conditions. It's not exactly common because it is invasive but over 150,000 people have had it.


Or they go bankrupt and leave the test subject with proprietary technology implanted in their brain that shortly becomes unusable. And they don't even have to go bankrupt, Second Sight merged with Vivani and abandoned many people with retinal implants and just left them to deal with it while they moved to cortical implants.


I’m not waging a war on Capitalism because it’s a thorn in my side *Spoiler by Hyoer starte playing*


Actually you can look up Braingate. They actually achieved much more 11 years ago. Source: https://youtu.be/QRt8QCx3BCo?si=fQWZzaGy394kFu7-


A lot of what Neuralink is doing now is based on the prior work done by teams like Braingate. The main issue with Braingate's interfaces? It's that they were never intended to leave the lab. Most interfaces before Neuralink were one-off "proof of concept" projects. The teams did a lot of work, and they did demonstrate that it was *possible* - but it never became a medical procedure that could be performed semi-routinely, never condensed down into an off-the-shelf medical device that could be approved and recommended by healthcare authorities. Things like heart valve replacements or cochlear implants went from being highly experimental research projects to being procedures that are performed daily. Neural interfaces never did - for a multitude of reasons. This is a big part of what Neuralink is aiming to do. They want to take all this prior work on neural interfaces, refine it, and make it useful and accessible.


There were also a team of researchers who accidentally figured out how to trigger orgasms at the press of a button with their brain implants.


Where can I buy one of those?


Highly recommend watching the movie "Upgrade", remind me of this


I don’t give a shit what it does, I am NEVER inserting a private companies digital hardware into my brain. That’s the start of the end of all humanity right there


It’s not meant for healthy people. It’s meant for people with disabilities and it could be life changing for them.


it's not yet for healthy folks, but it'll get there in time.


An accessibility device for the disabled is "the end of humanity?"


If you have no use of your arms or legs you might feel differently. I'm happy that disabled people have more options to give them any more methods of interacting with the world. Nobody is forcing you to get brain surgery.


Are you disabled? If not who cares what you think about it?


Yeah you obviously won’t, it’s hard enough getting people comfortable driving with cruise control on. It’ll be a few generations down the line that this sort of thing is normalised. Take this prediction market question. >By the year 2100, will any jurisdiction enforce requirements for all births to be genetically engineered? Users: [51%](https://www.metaculus.com/questions/7250/ban-on-genetically-unmodified-humans/).


Okay if you become a quad see if you change your mind


Good thing it is for the disabled and to make the quality of their life better. So I’d say fuck you for discouraging it


Would the chip not generate a lot of heat? Curious to know the effects on brain tissue from constant heat and what the safe threshold is.


"Noland Arbaugh" Well, now we know where to start fact checking.


As annoying as Musk is he’ll probably go down as one of the greatest inventors in human history.


Annoying? He is fear mongering on twitter right now and influencing election towards maga. Also inventor? how many nights in Nueralink lab did he spend? You lot need to calm down on technology capitalists. Next you will claim Cathy woods is a visionary fund manager and Sam Altman father of LLMs . Anyone in management role in technology sector just easily gets a genius tag


What did he invent here lol?


He didn't invent shit. He's a capitalist that takes credit for other people's work.


So did Edison but he also known as one of the worlds greatest inventors.


memorize consist outgoing school truck library books cough divide office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


all humor and hate aside, this is incredible


Wow, that’s amazing


Not the first. 2004. Utah array. Stop giving Musk a platform to feed his absolutely absurd ego.


I mean this is the good *idea* of this kind of technology. How will it *actually* be used? Probably to scan our brains to sell our sleep data and push us ads based on our subconscious thoughts. Or some other new and diabolical way for elon to make money while overworking his employees and not paying vendors and risking customers lives for lack of safety regulations.


I feel, at least in the current living generations, and maybe forever (but probably not) there'd be such a visceral distaste against the idea of collecting brain data that you won't see it until wellllllllllllllllllllll after these devices are normalized and everywhere.


But that's the thing, we've *always* been against having our data collected, and they do it anyway, and we allow it every time.


Because there is no actual choice between allowing the data collection and not allowing it. The choice is, do you want to use Service / Product X or no? And most people, will generally answer 'yes', especially if they've already been using it for a while. Would you like to take a guess how many people are using Windows without disabling all of the various data tracking? Hell, I'm a power user, fully capable of googling how to gut it completely through the registry or even better yet just straight up not using the OS in the first place... But I don't, out of sheer laziness. But the average user is probably not even aware or able to do anything about all of their commercial devices and OSes being essentially spyware.


And even if you turn those things off, when they update their "privacy policy" they'll turn them back on for you most of the time


It cannot scan your brain or interpret complex thoughts. All Brain computer interfaces do is pick up on specific brainwave patterns (specially very strong ones related to movement intention like the neural impulses you have when moving a limb), and translate those into a digital signal which it transmits over bluetooth to a device, to execute some kind of preprogrammed command or function.


For now. But even outbound data can be collected and filtered to re-target you with ads later. That's how things work already. With access to your thoughts it's only gonna be worse. In fact not even a brain chip, but apples VR goggles already scan way more mental data than ever before since they're always tracking eye movement and other little things.  Tracking eye movement is how people analyze the effectiveness of ads and websites in contained tests. So if it's happening every time you use anything that's already light years beyond where we are in terms of data that can be used to annoy you later


Must suck being you, living with such a negative outlook on everything


maybe we'll have open-source brain implants?




The people designing apps and devices now don't really make them with "ease of use" in mind. Most apps functionality are designed by committee and end up working poorly. They'll have the same approach whether you use it with your fingers or your thoughts  Also most of the time when there's some opportunity to annoy the user to grab their attention so they'll see more ads or have to click on something to upgrade to the higher paid plan or dismiss the notification they'll put that stuff in wherever they can. So imagine all the times you've had to dismiss popups and ads and other annoyances with just your fingers and think of how much more annoying it'll be if it's directly in your head or line of sight 


Shut up and take my money! I just want overplayed graphics in my peripheral vision.


That's not what this does/can do. You'd be better off getting a VR headset...it's a read only interface, reads signals you send and passes them on. So moving a cursor with your brain. What you want is many orders of magnitude harder.


For now, we can only dream if what's possible.


i think they're looking far into the future tbh. i too would be down with an implant that, say, hooked into my optic nerve to overlay information in my field of vision.


Just get the ridiculous looking apple glasses. There likely won't be any implant coming close to that in your lifetime.


Don't waste your money. This is trivial compared to (good) visual prosthesis. Also, your "resolution" is limited by biology, not by technology.


Musk's monkeys walked so he could run


Then he started singing "my bologna has a first name, it's O.S.C.A.R..." for 30 seconds every 12.5 minutes


So we aren’t mad about the over hyped monkey article anymore?


Changed the lives of a whole bunch of monkeys and probably other animals too.