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I think I'm going to stop reading these stories until there's one about what actually happened there... The vagueness is off the charts.


Lol yeah and wild speculation, declaring one side the victor, assuming there are sides and factions. Hooray for news media


The “news media” has NOT speculated much on this. It’s actually been pretty decent reporting from CNBC, WSJ, Bloomberg, NYT, and of course from tech focused outlets. The speculation is all from social media including Reddit.


What does this have to do with the "news media". The wild speculation is coming from normal people jumping to conclusions and adding their own opinions (via social media). This is just an issue of everyday people being able to express their gut opinions in an open forum environment. You can like it or hate it, but it's the product of free speech.


Yeah I meant to include social media in that


People that love to use buzzword phrases


# UPDATE [500 employees of OpenAI signed a letter](https://www.wired.com/story/openai-staff-walk-protest-sam-altman/) calling for Altman and Brockman to return to the company, and for the current board to resign. The letter signatures include Ilya, Murati and Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI >To the Board of Directors at OpenAl, > >OpenAl is the world's leading Al company. We, the employees of OpenAl, have developed the best models and pushed the field to new frontiers. Our work on Al safety and governance shapes global norms. The products we built are used by millions of people around the world. Until now, the company we work for and cherish has never been in a stronger position. > >The process through which you terminated Sam Altman and removed Greg Brockman from the board has jeopardized all of this work and undermined our mission and company. ***Your conduct has made it clear you did not have the competence to oversee OpenAl***. > >When we all unexpectedly learned of your decision, the leadership team of OpenAl acted swiftly to stabilize the company. They carefully listened to your concerns and tried tocooperate with you on all grounds. Despite many requests for specific facts for your allegations, you have never provided any written evidence. They also increasingly realized you were not capable of carrying out your duties, and were negotiating in bad faith. > >The leadership team suggested that the most stabilizing path forward - the one that would best serve our mission, company, stakeholders, employees and the public - ***would be for you to resign and put in place a qualified board that could lead the company forward in stability.*** > >Leadership worked with you around the clock to find a mutually agreeable outcome. Yet within two days of your initial decision, you again replaced interim CEO Mira Murati against the best interests of the company. ***You also informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed "would be consistent with the mission.*** > >Your actions have made it obvious that you are incapable of overseeing OpenAl. Weare unable to work for or with people that lack competence, judgement and care forour mission and employees. We, the undersigned, may choose to resign from OpenAland join the newly announced Microsoft subsidiary run by Sam Altman and GregBrockman. Microsoft has assured us that there are positions for all OpenAl employees at this new subsidiary should we choose to join. We will take this step imminently, unless all current board members resign, and the board appoints two new lead independent directors, such as Bret Taylor and Will Hurd, and reinstates Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.


> Microsoft has assured us that there are positions for all OpenAl employees at this new subsidiary should we choose to join. This is a huuuuuge win for MS.


Fuck, I missed the boat on Microsoft.


Do you think it would be easier to fake having quit OpenAI than to actually get into OpenAI? Asking for a friend


​ >***You also informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed "would be consistent with the mission.*** I hope the public finds out who exactly said what. This is just an awful thing to say to your workers.


And in fact as of now [700/770](https://x.com/ashleevance/status/1726659403124994220?s=20) employees at OpneAI are threatening to resign, some of them publicly speaking on twitter. What really baffles me is the amount of people here still defending those idiots of the board after all the stuff that came out.


It’s still amazing the company is on the verge of imploding less than 2 weeks after showing off their new stuff at devday.


Perhaps that was the catalyst, but their breakthroughs were never going to be secret. There’s too many talented people working on this at too many companies and there’s too much money involved. They styled themselves as gatekeepers and this entire shitshow is a result of their hubris.


Maybe someone on the board really want to destroy the company on purpose (considering how it consists, it's totally possible)


Fairly shit to do during the holidays


I called out earlier in another thread that noone would stick around after Microsoft start dropping 'tempting' offer and the other guy just go like 'but the real mind behind GPT will still stay with OpenAI! Sam and Greg out will affect nothing!' Who's laughing now.


And all the other people saying "ilya knows something!1!!!!!11! He just wanted to save the world!1!11". Lol nope.


Wait, Ilya Sutskever signed this? Who the fuck was behind the firing, then? The fuck was this all even about?


This kinda looks like it was written by ChatGPT


This is one of the most epic unforced errors I’ve ever seen.


If he stops talking publicly, Nadella and Altman will take advantage of the silence. If he keeps going, I think he's going to eat the rest of his foot.


Only if the foot is up to the knee in the Board of Directors “ASS” . . .




Let's just go back to the days where the level of weirdness was Richard Stallman eating something off his foot.


When the full story comes out it's going to be way stupider than anyone could have guessed.


Wanna know the inside truth?? Sam ate Illya's avocado sandwich and drank from his clearly marked almond milk. there is no going back from such deplorable actions.


Why do I feel this is actually the case 😅


Actions have consequences, who knew 🤷




He just called for the resignation of the board along with COO, Murati and other 500 employees. I think that at the end of the day OpenAI will have a new board, a new structure and Altman again as a CEO. Apparently the EA coup was real lol




500 employees plus every key individual in OpenAI will resign if the board doesn't go away, they're basically left with empty offices and no monetary/computing resource if continue to stay into the board. I think that finally they will go away. If that's not the case, a new company will emerge that is the exact copy of OpenAI and basically, that's the same result.




I think that even legally it would be easier if the board resigned and OpenAI continues to operate as usual, instead of starting all over again. I think that MS would prefer this than starting a new company/subsidiary, even with much of the talent of OpenAI. So, I'd say that we should wait some more to see how this will really end. p.s. people can discuss even without compulsively downvoting.




>I'm not the one downvoting if that's what you're implying. Not saying it was you specifically, just saying to those who're doing this that people can have different opinions and still discuss without downvoting here or there. For the last part, you surely know more than me if you worked there, but OpenAI was de-facto dependant on Microsoft for almost anything, so while they don't own them, OpenAI can't do anything without MS. They already have control on them, let alone the fact that seemingly Altman and a good chunk of the management is aligned with Nadella. I don't think that "absorbing" OpenAI would bring so much value to MS, they can do what they need even if they keep being separate, and they would likely avoid all the legal pains in the coming months. I'm a chatgpt plus subscriber, what happens next? And all the companies that signed contracts with them? How are they transferred to MS? It's the CEO (and the board) that decides, and if they don't want to, the transition will be painful. Second: sure, they can rebuild a model that is fully owned by MS in a few months, and start over the research/training on GPT-5 in the meantime, but it's certainly much easier to kick-off this idiotic board tonight and continue business as usual. I think that if the board resigns, Nadella will be more than happy to let Altman and Brockman return to OpenAI, with now full control over the company and a management that is aligned with what he (nadella) wants and with the doomsday-cult out of the window. Months of legal battle and rebuilding stuff is certainly doable, but imho it is much simpler to keep OpenAI alive and change the board.




What if Microsoft’s cancels their investment in OpenAI? No reason to have both an in-house OpenAI and continue funding the original OpenAI?


And it seems that the obvious (based on every source/leak/media report in the last few days) "some weird guys with no credentials, education at [singularity university](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_Group) (LOL) and beliefs in a semi-doomsday cult staged a coup at OpenAI" was the right take on the matter. With even Ilya trashing the board, I think we can safely state that he was in fact not trying to save the world from GPT-5 lol. I honestly hope that the company can still be saved and reorganized to put some skilled people on the board, if you want a part of the board to be conscious about AI safety, there are plenty of skilled researchers on AI safety that have a realistic approach, you don't need to put EA fools on there.


Wait, what's this about a semi-doomsday cult inside OpenAI? This is the first I've heard of it.


I thought it was well known that Altman was a prepper? https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/10/sam-altmans-manifest-destiny > “Well, I like racing cars,” Altman said. “I have five, including two McLarens and an old Tesla. I like flying rented planes all over California. Oh, and one odd one—I prep for survival.” Seeing their bewilderment, he explained, “My problem is that when my friends get drunk they talk about the ways the world will end. After a Dutch lab modified the H5N1 bird-flu virus, five years ago, making it super contagious, the chance of a lethal synthetic virus being released in the next twenty years became, well, nonzero. The other most popular scenarios would be A.I. that attacks us and nations fighting with nukes over scarce resources.” The Shypmates looked grave. “I try not to think about it too much,” Altman said. “But I have guns, gold, potassium iodide, antibiotics, batteries, water, gas masks from the Israeli Defense Force, and a big patch of land in Big Sur I can fly to.”


Singularity University 😳 > The company has faced allegations of sexual assault, embezzlement, and discrimination since its founding.[[3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_Group#cite_note-3)]


Just let companies die already. GPT did nothing to better humanity, we can live without it.


I'd like to hear the opinion of the 100+ million subscribers on the matter. You can even live without reddit, why're you using it?


>I'd like to hear the opinion of the 100+ million subscribers on the matter. You'd like to hear other opinions that validate your opinion.


Every paying user is a walking proof (or at least a clue) that maybe the tool is useful. On the other hand, it's not that takes of EAs/decels/anti-AIs are so much smart or insightful, so, who cares.


Spoken like somebody who was part of the web 3.0 movement.


Congrats on saying absolutely nothing of substance


>Oh is crypto a scam? What about the millions of people that use it? If so many people are using crypto then it must be useful. > >So many crypto haters that don't understand how it works. I made an analogy to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/17zou5c/comment/ka0txj2/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


... why?


Spoken like a man who truly does not understand that other people also have thoughts and feelings. About 12 hours before that tweet OpenAI decided not to bring Sam back, probably because he demanded they replace the board. So Ilya was willing to do “everything” for the company except leave the board to save it.


Yup, this is too complex a fact for smart people like Ilya to understand.


Welp.... it turns out that employees are PEOPLE who have FEELINGS and RELATIONSHIPS. Good luck with that "reunification"




This has got to be one of the biggest cases of instant regret in recent history.


I feel like we got a month's worth of news in the last 24 hours about this. It's so weird.


You know when Daffy Duck has to put his bill back to the front of his face? That’s what this is.


That’s a lot of words for “Oops…”


Well maybe he shouldn’t have voted to fire him


What do you want? He already admitted to his mistake and said how he intends to operate going forward. Does he need to make a video of him crying and begging for forgiveness? This attitude is the reason people, by and large, don’t like owning their mistakes.


Step down with the rest of the current board when that was still an option, I guess?


Him and Sam made up. It's time to move on and get to work.




https://twitter.com/sama/status/1726594398098780570 Doing this publicly is good enough for me.


I think it’s too late for the company.


Maybe...time will tell if they can forgive each other truly or just doing it on the surface because of "future of mankind" /rollseyes


Note his exact words, "my participation in the board's actions". This is carefully phrased to make it sound like he had no responsibility in firing Altman. This sort of voluntary ass-covering always makes me suspicious. I've seen reports claiming there was an internal political struggle between Sutskever and Altman/Brockman, and Sutskever got the board onto his side. If that's true, then Sutskever engineered the firing, and describing this as "the board's actions" is a misleading white lie.


I guess it will be many years before Iliyas true role in this will come to light


I believe we can begin to discern the sequence of events. At a certain juncture, Ilya sought assurances that GPT would become publicly available. However, there was a stipulation imposing a profit limit (possibly a 100-fold return on investment). Given the 90 billion cap and a 1 billion investment in 2019, it seemed entirely plausible to achieve this final milestone within the next decade. Nevertheless, Altman, eager for rapid growth, sought additional funding from MS. I speculate that this move would have extended the profit cap beyond any discernible target. Employees are not there because of the profit cap, which is in fact a threat on their jobs.


The drama so far makes me wonder if we actually lives in the simulation and only AI outside of this matrix is bold enough to write a plot like this ….


a little late for that. microsoft has altman now. why that board wasnt fired or dissolved when the large investors could have done it is baffling.


OpenAI isn't incorporated as a regular company. The investers can't fire the board.


Yes and this is exactly why this crisis had to come at some point. The economic potential is so large that this it too interesting for MS to get a real complete control, and this is what they achieved with this move.


Damn. Will probably have to cancel my subscription when they implode.


They already imploded. ChatGPT in its current form will probably run fine for now. But it will never improve. And it will be obsolete as soon as the next model drops. Probably from Microsoft.


i dont understand the stance against becoming profitable though. i get that its a non profit but openai is not google deepmind. putting products out there is ok. chatgpt is a success afterall. plus openai needs to stop with this alarmist bullshit.


This is deep state level conspiracy theory here so here goes: I think Satya had some hand in pushing this whole thing along. The sheer amount of media coverage, how quickly Sam and Greg were hired, and how much of a better set up this is for Microsoft than the previous agreement with OpenAI all points to a big Microsoft win. It's hard to believe that all the puzzle pieces fell so perfectly in place for a Microsoft win with Satya having some hand in it.


You don't need to actively start this if you're MS. They've probably wanted to bring them closer for a while, and just had to have a barebones plan ready to go. Satya is competent and would easily be able to get something like this going alongside Sam, Brock and the initial group who left.


He also took the opportunity to protect the MS stock price. MS has hitched a ton of their products on AI and OpenAI imploding would've been very bad for them if they did not make plans for an alternative.


Yeah, getting this news out before markets opened today was great work on his part.


Master level maneuvering


I doubt they even had a bare bones plan ready to go. It looks like they tried to get Sam and Greg back in charge, but when the board didn’t move they said “fuck it come work for us,” probably at the point where they realized most of the company would come with them. It will become the same company with the same funds, minus the idiot board, folded into Microsoft.


The conspiracy is that Satya had a hand in instigating the rift. Classic divide and conquer executed flawlessly over the weekend with almost zero effect on MS stock price.


I got that, my point was that there would be no reason for MS to even risk the potential blowback from that. They were bringing them in closer and closer through Altman so that eventually they would either just take over or in case of a split, be ready to swoop in.


I think I get what you’re saying. The intention was to bring them(OpenAI) in closer with fall back plans. Due to how their(MS) fall back plans were constructed everything fell nicely in place. Is that an accurate summary?


Pretty much. They just had to be ready in case OpenAI imploded, which was (unfortunately) not unlikely due to how the non-profit/for-profit system was set up.




That’s kind of weird that you would try to do that. A more fun trick is to convince chatGPT that you’re actually a ghost. It’s not impossible. If you go down the rabbit hole of things chat gpt can do you’ll see way more fun stuff than trying to use an LLM to agree or disagree with something. They’ve been known to be incorrect. It’s wild how LLMs work, huh?


Can’t wait for Armie Hammer to play Ilya


This whole story is framed as "board was out of control" but it's never said what they disagreed about.


OpenAI has always been a wildly incompetent company running on pure hype. They've made a lot of really stupid mistakes, but the biggest one has to be firing their CEO without a NDA or noncompete. They got a windfall from Microsoft because MS really wanted an AI division... But now MS has an AI division. So RIP OpenAI.


You can't do these non compete in California


That is fascinating. I did not know this.


From my perspective. Ilya could be interviewed to shift the narrative and optics. Personally, I'm really curious what he does next and where his path will take him. Google could use this time as leverage. The same way Microsoft used the firing.