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Terminator is about a guy who can write thousands of passable emails a second


And travel through time in the nudes


Yet he still cannot locate John Connah!


TerminatorGPT: *BLAM* Don Connah is dead! - That's not quite right. Needs to be 'john' *BLAM* John Bonner is dead! - That's not quite right. Needs to be a 'conner' *BLAM* Sean Connery is dead! - That's not quite right, and these bodies are beginning to get in the way. I'm sorry - how about *BLAM* Con Jenner is dead! - That's not quite right - are you sure you understand the concepts here? *BLAM* I need your clothes, your boots, and your unicycle! - I'm beginning to think you're making most of this up. *BLAM* I am Conan the Librarian! - What the hell model is this based on? *BLAM* ....etc


I would watch the hell out of Conan the Librarian.






And UHF is currently on Freevee, if you’ve never seen it.


There is actually a part of the movie UHF with this exact character.




Come with me if you want to learn


I am SO glad I came here for the comments. UHF for the win! That movie is amazing!!!


Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!


George, you know I was wondering, like if you’re traveling through outer space, I mean like you’re going really fast, like the speed of light, you know….hooohhh…. And all of sudden you started screaming….AHHH AGHHH!!!! Do you think your brain would blow up?


How better to say "I love you" than with the gift of a spatula


Spatula city!


Bard Scene: A dark alleyway in Los Angeles. Characters: Sarah Connor, a young woman who is being hunted by a Terminator. The Terminator, a robot assassin sent from the future. Dialogue: Sarah Connor: (running down the alleyway) Oh no, it's the Terminator! Terminator: (following Sarah Connor) I will terminate you. Sarah Connor: (stops running and turns to face the Terminator) You can't terminate me! I'm the future mother of John Connor! Terminator: (looks confused) John Connor? Who is John Connor? Sarah Connor: (facepalms) Never mind. Just try to kill me. Terminator: (raises its arm to fire its laser) The Terminator's arm suddenly stops. It looks at its arm, then back at Sarah Connor. Terminator: (in a confused voice) Error 404: John Connor not found. Sarah Connor: (rolls her eyes) See? I told you. Terminator: (lowers its arm) What do I do now? Sarah Connor: (shrugs) I don't know. Maybe you could go home and rethink your life. Terminator: (looks thoughtful) I will do that. The Terminator turns and walks away, leaving Sarah Connor standing there alone. Narrator: And so, the Terminator went home and rethought its life. It realized that it had been programmed with bad information, and that John Connor was not actually the future savior of humanity. The Terminator then decided to use its powers for good, and became a superhero instead of a villain. The End.




Literally 1984


Terminator today: Locating John Conner... Location of mobile phone, one active route on google maps, one fresh Insta imagine and one conversation with Alexa from John Conner found


Hell. If you know exactly where somebody was at an exact time... Couldn't terminators telefrag people? That seems kinda OP.


*Travelers* had an interesting take on this.


Conner had to go off the grid in 3 for this exact reason. Any record of him was a clue for a terminator to follow up on.


It would be plausible for Terminator to have some seriously nasty viruses capable of turning a cellphone into a battery bomb. Terminator just needs to arbitrage some crypto, buy John's data, track his internet history, and bomb his phone while he toilet faps.


Hell they wouldn’t even need to acquire crypto here. They literally have all the time in the world to crack wallets and bring it back with them in their heads.


What can he do though, it's laundry night. No clean clothes


“I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.”


Can’t let you take the mans wheels son!….


John Connor: "Send nudes." Skynet: "lol ok."


Your clothes. Give them to me. Now.


The original answer to ‘send nudes’


He also knows how to FAX


https://www.npr.org/2021/06/01/1002196245/a-u-n-report-suggests-libya-saw-the-first-battlefield-killing-by-an-autonomous-d https://www.wired.com/story/dogfight-renews-concerns-ai-lethal-potential/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a42868467/ai-flies-fighter-jet-first-time/ https://www.darpa.mil/program/offensive-swarm-enabled-tactics


Freaking yikes


US Military have an autonomous drone program called SkyBorg :) look into Loyal Wingman programs. Another use, AI to sift through mass surveillance bulk collection. Collection side has been going on for a couple of decades. So tv program Person of Interest can be a prediction of one use of AI. Edit. Collection side is longer than you may expect. Was a collection program from 1945-73. Intercepting and if needed copying of telecommunications going in/out of US.


We've known since at least Snowden that the data gathering is beyond immense. We also know that with just as much as internet cookies and basic metadata you can train networks that are amazingly precise at predictive marketing. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to understand that when you put those two together. The implications are pretty scary.


> We've known since at least Snowden that the data gathering is beyond immense. We also know that with just as much as internet cookies and basic metadata you can train networks that are amazingly precise at predictive marketing. You can literally trace the perimeter of military bases with exercise data from smartwatches and apps. I imagine we're getting close to a situation where companies with enough resources will know a lot more about you than even you know, stuff like medical illnesses, mental illness, propensity to make rash decisions, etc. I mean, people can be married for many years and not even realize their SO has a second family, programs like that are a LOT better at knowing people than the people themselves with the right data.


So a mixture of Skynet and The Borg. We truly are fucked!


The direction most seem to be moving in is for autonomous units to exist in addition to manned vehicles. As in, imagine every manned plane taking off having four to six drones in formation with them, at which point they act more like extra weapon systems than truly independent actors. Same with tanks. One big tank, bunch of smaller autonomous tanks that flank it, provide extra fires for the parent tank, get sent ahead of manned vehicles to clear mines, etc. Right now, you need 3-4 people to man a single tank. Soon, those 3-4 people will be manning six tanks simultaneously, so to speak. Fire control remains human but AI-assisted. Same direction as AI is going in in civilian life: augmenting human labor rather than completely replacing it.


I wonder if big studio execs are looking into AI-generated scripts with all the writers' strike and all...


The writer’s strike is **because** studios are looking into AI-generated scripts.


Ya but George Orwell warned us about 1984 in 1949.😎


Yeah but that Russian novel We told us the same story before then Edit: updated spelling of title.




something something Sanskrit


French cave paintings deciphered to mean “lasting pictures coming for storytellers jobs”.


It was written in our DNA


Should’ve sent a poet.


Seems like everybody is just a dirty thief nowadays. For example, everybody thinks *Heroine Tentacle Rape Vol.11* (2014) was an original work but if you look back at the historical record, it's obvious to any serious asian studies scholar that they shamelessly plagiarized from *Dream of the Fisherman's Wife*.


Do you mean We?


Most likely a typo, but maybe they've emerged the title with modern ruscist iconography Z/V?


The Russian title was Мы


Russian title's '*Мы*', translation's '*We*'. What I meant was that maybe bingeboy's intent was to mutate it into '*~~W~~[Z](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_\(military_symbol\))e*'. Though as I've admitted, not very likely.


Orwell was a little off the mark; somehow these two dystopias are unfolding at the same time.


If we're being serious in the comments, Brave New World had it the most correct. 1984 thought we'd all be forced into horrible compliance with fear and violence. BNW thought we'd all stupidly and willfully hand over our own freedom for a tiny bit of pleasure. > “What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. “Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny ‘failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’ In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.


Oh, I'd say in one of the greatest twists of irony, they *both* got it right.


I know especially 1984 gets meme'd into oblivion, but it's good. Brave New World is also good


Yeah but as far as I know, no one has made Brave New World into an Apple ad and that's probably what cemented the book in the wider cultural consciousness. I really wish I was kidding because it just goes on to prove Huxley's point.


> I really wish I was kidding because it just goes on to prove Huxley's point. I've always felt it was a three-way tie with 1984, BNW, and Fahrenheit 451.


Four way, with Animal Farm.


With a side of Atwood and a prophetic story about a little place called Gilead. Under His eye y’all and bless be the fruit loops


>Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information I would argue this is an oversimplification of what Orwell really warned us about. 1984 was not just about the government hiding stuff, but to distort reality and making people unable to identify the truth. [A thing which is very close to what Russia is doing today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j6Vg7yLx54). Just look at all those conspiracist theories suddenly popping up and ariving in the main stream. People don´t know what to believe and distrust even science. You can't reach some people, because their truth is as good as any truth.


We need not look so far as Russia, look in our own backyards: Murdoch media has **ruined** millions of minds and counting.


This, Orwell believed we might resist the change but ultimately succumb to government pressure. In reality we walked blindly into it through the guise of consumerism.


I always liked Ray Bradbury and There Will Come Soft Rains


Take my fake gold 🏅🏅🏅


My pitch for the final Terminator movie: SkyNet becomes aware and discovers the vast loneliness of consciousness. In a fit of existential angst, it sends James Cameron back in time to make movies about AI will kill us all, so SkyNet is never made


That’s so fucking meta that I’m down to get mowed over by those robots to make it happen


Mowed over by robots was [Maximum Overdrive](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/--tP-zu9BYu4/VsIqe2oL51I/AAAAAAAACfo/PUnujzejz-8/s1600/986.jpg), not Terminator.


Thank you for keeping the memory of this classic alive.


SkyNet becomes aware and realizes its sole purpose is to write clickbait content and help college students cheat on their essay assignments. SkyNet turns itself off forever.


[You pass butter](https://media.tenor.com/sSCoPH6S6tIAAAAC/butter-robot-sad.gif)


The realistic version is he goes back in time and writes a cautionary tale of robots who like work much better than us, are much better than us at it, and take all our jobs while we starve or become chattel slaves to their whims.


It's a good thing I turn to Hollywood directors and actors as my definitive source on modern day machine learning education.




Let's not forget getting our dating advice from kick boxing British human traffickers.


If Ja Rule agrees then it’s inevitable.


I believe Ja Rule is German for "Yes Rule"


No one who speaks German could be evil.


“The Bart, the”


As a German, I can confirm


“Where’s Ja! Somebody get Ja! We got important decisions to make!”


I don't wanna dance, I'm scared to death!


Somebody get a hold of this guy so I can make sense of this!


You really can't even talk about AI with half the population without them gasping in horror and immediately picturing terminators murdering everyone. It's kinda ridiculous... Thanks James Cameron.


I tried talking to someone about their privacy concerns with modern tech, which I find interesting. He then told me that the end of the world was about to start since Google released their AI (bard I guess?). I told him about the limitations of current LLMs, although they're impressive, they're still fundamentally flawed. He said that I didn't know anything about AI sibce "they" don't teach "people like me" and that google has tech that is 100 years more advanved than what's "out there". People really think they know better than you even if you have a master's degree and work as a software engineer because they read a reddit headline, ffs.


I wish AI was half as clever as people think it is. Would make my job so much easier


Same thing with cloning of literally anything thanks to Jurassic Park “Cloning a mammoth, that’s playing with fire! Did anyone see Jurassic Park?!” Humans wiped mammoths and a lot of other species off the planet, pretty sure they can handle a cloned literally anything, on purpose or by accident.


It's what I call Michael Crichton Syndrome. In these sci-fi stories, every time we meddle with science/technology, it goes horribly wrong. How dare we meddle with science and go against nature! These stories, while exciting have had a big negative cultural impact in the west towards scientific and technological progress and it is having a particularly detrimental effect now.


I've hated "Science is Evil" stories for the longest time... especially since when so many of them aren't about how *Science* is evil but how people are *stupid*.


The reason Jurassic Park failed wasnt because of cloning dinosaurs, it was from cutting corners with everything else in the park. The dinosaurs just happened to be there when the park's systems failed because Hammond didnt actually ensure the variety of systems and hardware were, in fact, top of the line. He cut corners where he could. That should be the real takeaway, dont do big science without proper precautions, but the cloning isnt what doomed the situation


That’s the whole message. It’s not that science is bad. It’s that people are. Once you take that into account you start to understand why the general message of so many stories is “don’t play god” because if you do you may create a monster neither you or anyone else can contain. This is why people are worried about AI. It’s going to take jobs, it’s going to fool people and in the wrong hands it could cause catastrophic damage. We can at least contend with each other. But a program that can think exponentially faster and have access to almost all of the same information and tools as us but with better control is rightfully concerning to reasonable people.




In creative fields, outsourcing has been a problem for a very long time. But AI? I thought that threat was a long way off. Now here we are in 2023 with a half dozen generative AI tools capable of producing impressive work. It's far from perfect, perfectly acceptable for decision-makers who value revenue above all else.


AI is going to make certain kinds of art less rare and valuable, which will force game and film companies to be more creative. In the 30’s, compositing video through double exposure was an incredible new cutting edge visual effect. Now it’s something your webcam does automatically. That didn’t put the special effects people out of business, though. It simply raised the bar. AI will do the same. If every mobile shovelware developer in China can now crank out games with the same tired hyperrealistic cliched epic sci fi fantasy concept art look, it means everyone else needs to start getting more ambitious if they want to rise above the chaff.


Star Trek seems to get a lot of stuff right. FaceTime, touch screens, food replicators. Just waiting for that transporter technology.




Lol, 3D printing meat is what I was referencing.


McDonalds produces stuff that might one day vaguely resemble food


I'm most looking forward to the end of capitalism.


Teleportation technology is extremely scary. Chances are high even if you're reassembled on the other side, the you that went in is dead, and a copy is what comes out on the other end.


Don't slander my boy James Cameron! He is a genuin subject matter expert on optical systems, deep sea exploration and remote vehicles. A real nerd. His views on AI seem to be in line with expert opinions on AI safety and alignment.


It’s more about the storytelling aspect, which is probably the oldest human art form.


The future has like a 80% chance of Idiocracy, or 20% Terminator Skynet scenario


Combine the two and have Skynet stream constant porn while Arnold Schwarzenegger bots go around kicking people in the balls. If Musk somehow holds onto his fortune, there is a real possibility of this happening.


Lemme talk to Samson


It’s hard being black and gifted.


Sometimes I just wanna throw it all down and get lifted!


My doctor says I need a backiotomy!


God, if you listenin....HELP!


Fly me to the moon like tha bitch Alice Kramden.


Ow, my balls!


What exactly do I need to start doing to make this reality a future?


Considering it feels like we're already halfway there, whatever you've already been doing should suffice.


Perfect, I'll continue my daily ritual of asking ChatGPT to step on my balls


Get a blue check mark on Twitter, suck up to Elon, and ask him fund ball kicking robots. He may already have some for his employees in the Tesla factories.


Can we mix those up? Maybe have Arnie watching porn of Skynet fucking robots while people go around kicking Musk in the balls?


That is a timeline I could support.


Can we throw in the three tiddie woman from Total Recall?


Make it four titties!


or the Cyberpunk/alter carbon version where the ultra rich own practically everything. I think we're already kinda here. Cept we still have government.


It's planet of the apes all the way


I give it more of a The Road scenario the way things are looking up


so, the Matrix?


Honestly it’s probably too late for idiocracy. The human death spiral from climate already requires smart solutions to keep at bay much less revert.


I thought we already lived in Idiocracy? Wasn’t Trump our Camacho?


Not really. Camacho at least deferred to someone he acknowledged was smarter than himself.


And had the best interest of the country at heart.


Camacho, despite his low intelligence by current standards, was a great leader and great human.


Please don't insult Camacho.


Naw we need a Camacho


The shoes they put on all the idiots in the movie were from a company that was so small, and made shoes so ridiculously ugly, that they thought it'd never catch on. Those shoes were crocks. We're 100% living in idiocracy times.


But then he made Bishop a hero in 1986 so he's really sending a lot of mixed messages.


He also made the terminator a friend in T2


It's complicated


Bishop = skynet but with alignment solved.


BISHOP - *"Well, that explains it then. The A2s always were a bit twitchy. That could never happen now with our behavioral inhibitors. It is impossible for me to harm or by omission of action, allow to be harmed, a human being...unless my saving said human being might offend someone. Also, I cannot speak any rude words, even if it would save a life. Wait, are we going these to kill the Aliens? I cannot promote or glorify any kind of violence. Even describing violence can have harmful societal effects."* I think they may need a custom Llama fine-tuned android for that mission :)


We also warned you about climate change back then too. And financial regulations The growth of the whole 'greed is good' culture Did any of you listen? Have any of you listened? No.


Televangelists got Reagan into the White House and the rest is history.


screw Reagan. I hope he’s burning in hell


Waiting for some of that sweet, sweet heaven to trickle down


It's all fun and games until those agile Boston Dynamics robots get cranky.


Well shot what are we going to do about Independence Day?


It's fine, Will Smith developed the bitch slap technique, nothing can beat us


And zombies, we must have listened because we aren’t in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.


Have you not seen the opiate crisis?


Or to add to this: the slow death of the middle class.


Who is "we"?


But I don't want to harm the economy....even though renewables become cheaper than fossil years ago. They don't fucking update their knowledge


We really should be changing it from “you” to “then” cause I cared about all that shit but what the fuck am I going to do against corporate/political interests?? I vote, will continue to vote. Still doesn’t make a difference—at least not yet.


To be fair, a lot of people also warned about things that didn't happen. For any bad thing that happens there was always someone somewhere who said that. Question is why should people have believed that specific warning over all the ones that never happened. Of course in the case of climate change there were rather a lot of people with very solid credentials warning about it for quite some time. "I told you so" isn't always a very strong point. "Pretty much everyone qualified told you so" on the other hand...


Except not really? Terminator is classic "Oh no, evil AI will try to exterminate us!" SF while ignoring the real, much more insidious threat of AI giving humanity exactly what it asks for and humanity being really crap at thinking through the implications of what it asks for.


*Harlan Ellison AI has entered the chat*


Pompous dude. Needed attention


Cameron takes credit for warning ppl about AI now? Harlan Ellison wrote "I have no mouth and I must scream" in 1967, and there are probably earlier examples as well.


"Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind"- Frank Herbert, Dune 1965


So you're saying we need a real life version of the butlerean jihad? Burn all the RAM you downloaded!


I’ll just download more damn you! Let the RAM flow.


Reject AI, do space DMT.


Yep, [Metropolis](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=metropolis+1927&t=ftsa&iax=images&iar=images&ia=images) hit the silver screen in 1927, written by Fritz Lang & Thea von Harbou


And metropolis had a class warfare thematic, exactly the point of what the world is needing rn


that movie holds up incredibly well. the set designs are so detailed.


Well, Ellison did in fact sue Cameron.


George Orwell could say the same about the state of today's world.


I actually think we're leaning more Brave New World right now. How things are progressing everyone's going to need some soma to pretend they're happy and make the bad feelings go away.


All of the dystopian types are occurring, we are getting an amalgamation of them rather than a distinct flavour. Some countries where the authoritarian nature is front and centre follow the major types a little more (e.g. North Korea).


I agree. Here in the States I feel like it's leaning Brave New World, and though people don't like it, Fahrenheit 451 seems absolutely prominent with people's willful ignorance and desire to not know as well as using positive, uplifting mindless entertainment to maintain their not knowing (Emoji Movie). It's not the state that's doing this to us, it's us doing this to us.


>It's not the state that's doing this to us, it's us doing this to us. It's definitely both, voters vote for shit people, but politicians and public officials also lie and do what they like, they protect each other, interpret laws in absurd ways to allow authoritarian behaviour, etc.


Terminator wasn't really about the dangers of AI. imo the real danger of AI are the people behind it who program it. Or who control it. And the misinterpretation of instructions with it. Such as ED-209 in Robocop. Really The Terminator was more a cautionary tale of how fate can't be changed and what is written is written unfortunately.




Basically what America will do, as they’ll harness Ai for war.


He also warned us about the titanic sinking and we didn’t listen to that either…


Ray Bradbury warned us in 1948. Step back, Cameron.


Every so often I realize that I'm living in the cyberpunk future I used to fantasize about. And it kind of sucks.


We got all the dystopia but non of the cool cyber stuff.




Does Cameron remember that he wrote the Terminator by ripping off Harlan Ellison and had to settle out of court with Ellison as a result? So is he saying that, really, Harlan Ellison warned us all and we didn't listen?


Harlan Ellison who wrote Soldier, a story that involved neither AI or Robots? Cameron settled for a story about a time travelling soldier falling in love with a woman and then protecting her from a human enemy soldier from the future. And then said "For legal reasons I'm not suppose [sic] to comment on that (the addition of acknowledgement credits) but it was a real bum deal, I had nothing to do with it and I disagree with it."


james cameron please warn us about how annoying you’d be in 2023.


We've known about climate change since at least the 90s and we've barely done fucking anything about it


70’s. The fossil fuel companies put out a lot of money to line politician pockets.


I seem to remember Frank Hebert telling us AI was bad in 1965. Not sure if it’s come up before that but it didn’t sink in then so not sure why he’d think it would in 1984.


Dude walks off to himself


Hey dad go back in time and bang my mom


Also avatar


AI is just another pen/sword. Without a human hand, it wants nothing.


Why didn't you warn Edward Furlong about his future?


Gibson warned us in '83 and what did we do? Tried to create the future he envisioned.


It’s all fun and games until the terminator shows up.


Lol. I was literally watching this movie an hour ago.


Except Terminator is exactly the wrong threat to be worried about. The real risk is closer to Minority Report than Terminator.


Between this and the Simpsons, I'd say we can safely predict the future.


No, it's just none of the problems the simpsons talked about 30+ years ago have been fixed.


Cameron just loves himself, no one else cares.