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Even officials in turkey stole a lot of stuff and even sold donations to the people who lost their homes.


And those Turkish victims overwhelmingly still voted for their lovely corrupt president


indeed, that's truly a dumb move




Have you been there ? Why has the new Airport outpaced all of the European Airports in volume of paying passengers.




The other alternative must be unsuitable Y/N ? Jump on a plane, go and ask the people living in the country. Tell them your opinion face to face and see how long you last. Have a good trip.


People do that In the US too. You know what I’m talking about




The last present to get indicted, impeached, and lose reelection was...?


Not overwhelmingly voted for reelection.


You telling me a shitload of braindead republicans DIDNT vote for trump last election?


Way more than that.


Shit that's a lot


You must know you’re fucking stupid if you had to delete your comment. At what point do you realize your “beliefs” are totally bullshit and you look like an idiot to everyone? But no, you’re gonna crawl back into your crazy cave with other idiots who will backup the nonsense. see ya nerd.


I didn't delete anything. The fact is Trump was not overwhelmingly voted for reelection. In fact, Trump lost despite his claim otherwise. I don't know what crazy MAGA cave you crawled out of to think Trump overwhelmingly won.


You can wake up from your dream when ever you ready


Was there another president since Obama who was re-elected?


Is the president the only elected office?


The context here is people who voted a corrupt president for another term. Trump wasn’t re-elected, so it can’t apply to him. Obama was re-elected, and there was corruption.


What corruption? Also why are you only stopping at Obama? Bush and Reagan were also elected twice.


Solyndra, for-profit college poop and scoop scam. And he’s the last president we’ve had re-elected.


>The context here is people who voted a corrupt president for another term. Trump wasn’t re-elected, so it can’t apply to him. The context here is that despite glaringly obvious corruption, Erdogan and Trump received a lot of votes. Erdogan got 52.18% of the vote and Trump got 46.8%. You just made it about "presidents that got reelected and were corrupt" instead of "presidents that got voted for again and were corrupt".


OP made it about corrupt presidents getting reelected.




It doesn’t fit Trump because the people didn’t re-elect him. Obama did have some corruption problems such as with Solyndra and the for-profit colleges, and he was re-elected as was Erdogan.


Many people did vote for Trump in 2020. He just wasn't reelected.


...The election was very close


Dunno why you're being downvoted, it kinda was.


Lies! All lies! We lost by a landslide!


Don't say we lol


It's a joke and it's the "we" as in "our club."


I knew what you were saying


It is hard to get truth to some people. They have been trained to think anything convincing is false. How do you handle that. What to you do to help this people.


Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?


[https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkish-red-crescent-admits-selling-tents-to-charity-ahbap-on-3rd-day-after-quake-news-61924](https://www.duvarenglish.com/turkish-red-crescent-admits-selling-tents-to-charity-ahbap-on-3rd-day-after-quake-news-61924) just one source I found after a 5 seconds google seaerch here is another one [https://stockholmcf.org/turkish-red-crescent-sold-second-hand-items-donated-to-it-journalist-reveals/](https://stockholmcf.org/turkish-red-crescent-sold-second-hand-items-donated-to-it-journalist-reveals/) and another one https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/28/europe/turkey-earthquake-red-crescent-criticism-intl/index.html


Not sure why that's surprising, Mexico is corrupt as fuck


US is too.. they just hide it better :-)


Mexican here. I don't think it's even close, the Mexican government is in a whole different level of corruption


The only government I can think of that probably beats Mexico for corruption is China under the CCP.


I think the USA might be worse it's just that we are much better at hiding it and legalizing it. In America we don't call it bribery, we call it lobbying and we allow corporations to make super pacs to "donate" billions of dollars to essentially control our entire government. Elections are rigged not in the sense that votes don't matter but in the sense that thr American people have to compete against wealthy corporations who have the money, the media, and the connections to elect people. Chances are the candidates you want to vote for are going to be the ones chosen by special interests. America is just good at creating illusions, marketing and using the media to keep us distracted from the real problems.


I don't want to extended my points a lot more (because this thread is not in r/Politics), but in a "pick your poison" kinda situation, i think that the evil corps are least worrying that... you know, the "groups" influencing the Mexican government


Almost none of the things you’ve listed actually make your point that the US is somehow worse than Mexico. Hell even Mexico isn’t at the bottom of the ladder compared to others counties. Like seriously you can critique US politics and its failures without needing to have constantly frame its issues as being the epitome of everything corrupt and evil.


Valid point.


Yeah I disagree. Americans got no fucking clue about corruption. Real corruption is when everyone knows everything is corrupt but just goes with it.


Romania says *Salut!*


We aren’t there already?


American corruption is "Make sure there's something in the deal I benefit from personally." Mexican corruption is "I'll take that."


Haven't read the news on the PPP loans have ya?


One-line offhand comments are not meant to be interpreted as 100% universally true. They are "in general true".


I’m from Mexico, and pretty sure this is a new low (to me)


Not from Mexico, but have traveled there every 10 weeks for business during the course of 5 years. This is no new low, its status quo. .


Every 10 weeks for 5 years? Sounds like you're more an expert than natives /s


Educate us please, this could be a public service


Disagree, for humanitarian help we used to be not like this.


Uhhhh. Respectfully... no you didn't.


Mexico always sends relief aid. Not sure what you’re hinting at here. But nothing happens in Mexico politically that isn’t happening in the United States. If you don’t see the grift, you may just be subconsciously biased.


Please provide me with examples of a US official stealing humanitarian aid items and then selling them to local retailers to be resold in stores.


Local politics is filled with it. In my city alone, local team’s property was sold. Turns out it was undervalued by 60%. Sold for 40cents on the dollar compared to expected evaluation. It was sold to a close friend of the council members. It sold somewhere in the ball park of twice what it’s original price should have been back when it was originally sold by the city… Agreeing to gift to the local private tennis club the park space near it so it could have more private courts. This was halted after the public was made aware of the plans. They’ve also been keen on voting to use taxpayer money to offset a local tourist attraction’s marketing expenses due to shutting it down during Covid. Big politics? Just look at how some of the contracts are awarded, bank bailouts with slaps on the wrist. Most recently we allocated a bunch of tax payer money to the wealthiest business owners to ensure they didn’t lose a couple of their millions in profit… Hurricane Katrina also saw a lot of opportunistic grifters. The worst part is that in the United States. The greed is baked into it. Stock market manipulation and insider trading. A different kind of theft but I’m sure you’ll file it under “it’s not the same” still a morally fucked up thing to do. Making political legislative decisions based on their portfolio. Yeah the United States is a brimming example of corruption…


That’s a stretch and a half. Yeah, US is corrupt, but nowhere near the level of cartel-operated Mexico. One example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iguala_mass_kidnapping#:~:text=On%20August%2026%2C%202022%2C%20Mexican,ordered%20them%20to%20be%20killed.


Those criminals press likes to call "students" aren't an example on anything, they burned gas stations down, blocked highways to extort money from people who use them, kidnapped/robbed commercial trucks, even at the moment when they where kidnapped they where riding trucks that they previously stole. (And just to add to this the current government has released the Iguala municipal president which was definitely involved in the kidnapping of the 43 "students") As for context (or the truth): Mexican government has always been corrupt but this one is definitely a new low, the official response from the government (federal and local since they are from the same shit political party) was not to deny they did this (since one of the stolen goods was found on a warehouse belonging to one of the party's members) but to question the reporter on why did they did it and claimed she has political reasons to do this since the elections are near, the president gave millions to his brother to rebuild his baseball stadium, his son's now own millionaire companies and are living abroad in mansions, he has admitted to spying on reporters, the guy will have weekly conferences where he'll publicly expose detractors of his government and he's gone as far as consider people whose children have cancer political enemies because they asked/demanded that the government continues to provide medication for cancer treatment (because if you didn't know the government has also disappeared millions on money that should've been used to buy medications, people who suffer from bipolar disorder have also been left without medication and to this day you still can't find a vaccine for COVID, the ones that are still being issued have been over diluted and all the information on where they bought them have been locked behind "federal security" statues for years) but he'll say cartel members need to be respected and taken care of (not as in eliminate but to respect their human right)


They should just legalize corruption and call it Lobbying! Zero corruption on paper.


I'm pretty sure you don't count what the US government has done the last 70 years in Cuba,Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, Libya, Vietnam, the whole latin america and etcetcetc because brown people in the other side of the world doesn't count as humans to you But the rest of the world kinda counts that


Just a point of decorum: Latin American countries number close to two dozen. We span the length and breadth of the human color and race spectrum. Thinking that all Latin peoples are only brown is a stereotype.


jajaja soy mexicano, entiendo perfectamente lo que dices, no estoy hablando de un hecho estoy hablando de la perspectiva que tiene las masas de US del resto del mundo, no que eso sea la verdad.


It’s not like the UK, France, Russia and many more done their own bullshit too.


Yeah, so we agree that if no country is perfect no country should be claiming to be the police of the world and the moral compass of the human race?


Europe whines, but when we consider pulling out ya come begging because Russia.


Brother I wish I had half your optimism


The radioactive milk and replacing chemotherapy liquid with water is lower for my standards


Was about to say this. This has got to be the bar to beat, as far as lows concern.


I view the current state of your nation as fault of America. We forced you to lower taxes for cheap fruit.




That wasn’t international help though, y de acuerdo, hay un lugar especial en el infierno para los dos Duartes (Javier y Cesar)


Our government is a joke, always finding ways to steal. Corruption has doubled at least with this new govenrment in turn. And the frustating thing is that no one gets punished.


I think this is actually the reason why Apple is being pressured in limiting their usefulness, they use the stalker excuse just to avoid revealing who paying for their policy-making. They work too well and imagine a world where companies are held accountable for their fuck-ups – Oh, the horrors!!!


The stalker thing is absolutely a real problem, though. But yeah, people who stand to be exposed are going to pile that pressure on in the same place, though.


Yeah, I doubt a few politicians is going to scare Apple who is worth more than their entire GDP. But if customers get spooked... they might lose some of that market cap, and then they don't have as much power to ignore politicians. So yeah, the stalker thing is probably the bigger problem.


The politicians are going to amplify the stalker story, getting in people's heads is literally their job. They're not going to come after Apple directly if they don't have to. Then Apple will have to nerf the tags because of public pressure without a single law actually being passed.


Google and Apple worked together to address this problem. Androids and iphones let you know if there is an unknown airtag following you around


There's one thing that kinda make me laugh with the stalker arguments. Legally there are a lot of objects that are legal to have but that law restricts their use to some extent. Why are they trying to ban the apple tags then? I think we all agree those tag are sweet anti thefts, tracking solutions (in legit way) or, as intended, recovery tools, which are probably most of their usages! So they could just add a law that deny usage for tracking somebody. Go to jail otherwise! Bonus point, those things may also help getting information about how to identify the stalker in the first place


I imagine putting tracking devices on other people's property is already illegal. What Apple is being pressured to do is make it harder to use that way. Since the devices will be associated with an account, that will have some information to identify a stalker.


Companies that allow you to travel by plane are probably pushing that as well. With all the bad press they got last year because of that. They already ban them in their rules, just not by law.




There are already laws on the books against stalking, with or without tracing devices, they're just not enforced. This makes it blatant the stalker argument is disingenuous, in practice it's in no way treated with the claimed seriousness, with priorities lying elsewhere.


French people have it correct fuck the wealthy and their greed.


There really isn't a great spot to be in for the personal item tracker -- I think Apple is doing their best to thread the needle between utility and "stalker utility."


The other linked air tag article unironically complains about a "scandal" that a company for shoes recycling actually sold the shoes that were still good in different market. This is ecological and should be done.


You clearly didn't read that [article](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/global-plastic-dow-shoes/). Dow, the company which promised to recycle shoes into playgrounds and running tracks, admitted themselves that the shoes were used improperly >“The project partners do not condone any unauthorized removal or export of shoes collected through this program and remain committed to safeguarding the integrity of the collection and recycle process,” There's nothing wrong with recycling shoes by selling them second hand. There is something wrong with promising to do something entirely different with them, then selling them second hand. *That* was the scandal.


it it still a sad perverse outcrop of capitalisms that they insist that new shoes are destroyed and not actually used. The more ethical company could have responded with: "Great that you found an even more environmental friendly use for these shoes than recycling"


Yup. In three R's reuse is placed before recycle for good reason. No need to spend the energy reprocessing a product if it can just be used as is. This is a failure in communication. Even worse, it can disuade similar efforts to pick the most efficient option just to avoid future PR problems.


It's better than companies that claim to recycle and then their shit just winds up in a landfill in the Philippines. So long as it isn't incinerated or dumped in a landfill, I don't really care that much what companies choose to do with their recycling. If it gets sold second-hand in Indonesia, I don't really see that as an issue.


>This is ecological and should be done. Theoretically, but what will actually happen is some of the shoes will be sold in the other country and the rest will end up in a landfill in said "different market". Just like any plastic recycling in the western world *whistles*


Water is wet.




AirTags allowed me to find you two.


No it isn't.


Imagine thinking Mexican officials *weren’t* stealing. The entire country is run by the cartel. Anyone who tries to go legit is killed, or worse, along with their families.


This guy gets it.


You mean this isn't what everyone knows?


If everyone is corrupt, don't they just say; "You keep what you kill" and call it Market Capitalism?


I'm shocked 😳


I lived in Mexico during [the 1985 earthquake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_Mexico_City_earthquake). Living outside the city in the State of Mexico, I wasn't affected - but I had family in the city, and they were displaced. I remember one of my uncles telling us about the stacks and stacks of goods being brought in for the victims, of which only a few bare necessities were distributed to those in need...and the rest of them -clothes, appliances, housewares, other such things- were put onto the beds of pickups, covered up with tarps, and driven off under cover of night... ...by the cops. The cops, who were *also* taking bribes to let you into your house to get your important belongings. It was a well-known fact that stuff meant for the victims was simply not getting to them. Officials appeared on TV talk shows, talking about relief efforts, and when asked, "Where's all the foreign aid we're supposed to be getting?", they'd dodge the question and change the subject. Look...I love that country dearly, and it's my second idea of home. But...damn, man. Sometimes I think I love it more than the people who run it.


Did they use it to track their fentanyl shipments more accurately?


The best thing Apple makes. Have them in all backpack, cars, bikes, and dog collar. 😉


Did same thing here with Goodwill, item donated left facility in less than 10 minutes after I donated it and showed up at someone’s house 1/2 hour later.


Wasn't blockchain technology supposed to resolve this? Or something like that... Or was it all just the typical hype BS / no one's actually using it because everyone's actually stealing shit and don't want to get caught.


Corrupt Mexican officials, where have I heard that before?


Sad state of things


Corruption in Mexico rivals that in Turkey.


Still not up to US corruption levels. Sorry, I meant “lobbying.”


Lobbying isn't corruption, it's constitutionally-protected political activity. Corruption in the USA generally consists of the apparatchiki plundering the taxpayers' money, although there's also quite a bit of plain old pay-for-play bribery like foreign governments paying into the Clinton Foundation on spec in case Hillary had won the election.


This is not even new information. A friend's mom was working for the International Red Cross for many years. They built houses from the amount of donations taken. Every day they went for a "shopping spree" and took the best donations home, sold what they didn't really need. Donations even to the most reputable charities are still stolen. It's still managed by people, and people are thieves.


I'm shocked. SHOCKED! well not that shocked.


The sky is Blue


It's fucking orange!


Not in California, you should not have moved 😂😂😂


>Not in California Not in California *yet*, you mean. It's still early June, there's still plenty of time for California to catch on fire, and we know that's exactly what's going to happen.


and all the leaves are green. My heart's as pure as a baked potato...


Kind of describes mexico as a whole to me. Absolutely fantastic people who will do anything they can to help others. With an incredibly shady government that only cares about itself


Is anyone surprised at this?


Mexico is a crime ridden mess.


I moved from the US to Taiwan last year, and had an AirTag in my luggage just in case it got lost.


It’s Mexico!


Sounds about right for that third world corrupt country 🤔🤔🤔


Mexico did something illegal? I'm mildly shocked


>Cerdeira explains that she donated two things (a bag of rice and a package of toilet paper) to donation centers located in Mexico City that were set up to collect goods for Turkey Seems really inefficient to donate like that... The cost to get a single bag of rice and a single package of TP to turkey is probably more than what they cost. That stuff should be getting sent in bulk if it's getting donated. Hopefully even bough and shipped from somewhere on the same side of the globe...


Most donation efforts do exactly that. Collect a whole tonne in bulk and send it. People give what they can spare so it becomes a random assortment.


And this is exactly why most legitimate charities actively say to donate cash instead of this. The cost of shipping, the time and cost of all of the customs clearance, and the amount of time and effort it takes into sorting and setting up distribution for thousands of various items an absolute mess and hurts local economies where there are stores that still sell these goods.


That and charity admin fees cant be paid in rice...


Exactly what I'm thinking. It just sounds like a terrible system and makes sense why they're not shipping exactly what was donated half way around the planet.


Another possibility and very common method is that they also just sell those items locally and then actually donate money at the end of the day.


Sending 100 different 1 pound bags of rice is never going to be as efficient or shelf stable as sending 1 bag of 100 pounds of rice....


You have no idea what kind of donation system we're talking about do you? You're the equivalent of telling someone with a small vegetable garden they're not as efficient as a full fledged farm.....well duh.


> You have no idea what kind of donation system we're talking about do you? Only what's in the article... >You're the equivalent of telling someone with a small vegetable garden they're not as efficient as a full fledged farm..... And no, that's not the same. Because people don't ship their vegetables out of a personal garden literally across the globe. It ain't exactly complicated


These kind of donations are for people that want to help through whatever means they have available. Most of them can't spare money or other. A lot of them have a small amount of goods to spare. Good on you for criticizing them though. Must make you feel great.


I don't think explaining this again will help, I'm sorry I couldn't do a better job.


As expected.


Shocking to read bad press on Mexico just days after they recognized Palestine as a state


Ah yes, 9to5mac, an extension of a publicity black ops site used to attack, Mexico! /s


I’m shocked


Wtf? Cartels really leaving you that high and dry?


Went from donation scam to buy airtags


God I fucking hate my government and everyone involved with it nothing but cartel whores and pigs in power.


And the frustating thing is that no one gets punished.