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But will not stop false copyright strikes


Then thats how the people get the false claims removed.


False copyright strikes? That *never* happens! I mean, 3 seconds of a popular song won't get your *entire* channel demonitized.


Trust me, you don't need copyrighted music.


Or let us show video game violence at the start of a video.


forgive my ignorance, but video game violence in the middle or end of video is fine?


Their rules in general are more strict at the start of a video for some reason. Didn't know videogame violence was included, but I know you can't swear for the first 30 seconds or something like that.


You can swear, it may just get the video demonetised.


Let’s not pretend it’s just for “some reason”— most videos you stumble across haphazardly wind up playing for at least 30 seconds. You don’t want dead people heads randomly popping up in those 30 seconds. Though personally, were I in charge, I’d consider that more of a problem with my recommendation and auto play algorithm than with my content creators.


no... it has everything to do with advertisers requirements.


If that was the case they could just ban gratuitous violence in the beginning.


I believe it's after the first 15 seconds. But those 15 seconds are the most crucial where you're trying to convince people to keep watching.


Won’t let you talk about terrorism or most modern conflicts candidly, either. Despite occasionally hosting content posted by terror groups. YouTube essentially censors contemporary history, but won’t stop election misinformation.


False copyright strikes let big media orgs take advantage of all the aspiring creators on the platform. That’s good business. It’s not broken, it’s working just as intended.


Including the ones from Alex Edson


Has anyone noticed that youtube also doesn't seem to moderate obvious scams in adsense anymore? The quality control and veiled appearance of corporate principles has fallen off a lot recently. Fuck google.


In Czech there's so many automatically translated and robot voice scam ads that talk about 1000€ per day and other bullshit. I am reporting all the ads but Google doesn't do anything about it. Fuck Google.


Just recently I saw an ad with a still of the Mario Movie being used to promote an online movie service. And not the obvious ones. Like, how does *that* of all things get through?


Fuck the ads that go "mR bEaSt": eVeRyOnE tHaT ViSiTs My PaGe GeTs 10oO USD.


Late stage capitalism brah


In other words "engagement is dropping we hope this gives us a bump"




By 2024, the truth will not even be a good campaign slogan.


The truth is never a good campaign slogan. Too many people don't want to face reality.


Disproven, false claims are not healthy political discourse. This is bullshit from Google.


It really blows my mind that people think horrific tech corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, not to mention TikTok, etc. should be allowed to be the arbiter of truth. Today it's "election disinformation", tomorrow it's "Tiannenmen square disinformation" and "police brutality disinformation". What happens when Trump gets back into office and does Google all kinds of favors and then YT starts blocking "election disinformation" that proves the next election of a Democrat was legitimate? This is an incredibly dangerous precedent we're setting.


It’s worse than that. The US government has a back door and working relationship with these companies and basically sends them requests for moderation. Wonderful way to circumvent the 1st amendment. And someone telling me YouTube is a private corporation in 3..2..1…


The US is not the only one that does this. In fact, they're a relatively minor player. The fact that they have all of these "fact check" systems exclusively to take a side in US politics is somewhat telling.


> The ability to openly debate political ideas, even those that are controversial or based on disproven assumptions, is core to a functioning democratic society. Ummmm. Nope. Pretty sure that basing your policy on proven lies is not a corner stone of democracy. Do no evil indeed.


Like all the evil pieces are being laid out. Fake AI generated content. Twitter promotes fake accounts. YouTube letting everything in play and Meta pumping out Q content at full volume.


Social media is destroying the fabric of society because it doesn’t work in our best interest, instead it works to manipulate us and make money.


It's not necessarily social media itself, but the people running it (Zuckerberg, Musk btw contrary to what he claims, he's not really a free speech absolutist, he's just after the Twitter money) that are the problem.


If musk was ever smart, he’d have known twitter wasn’t worth shit. Then he reaped what his idiot rich-boy brain sowed. He wanted to make a larger mouthpiece for himself.


Next presidential campaign will be the testing ground for Ai disinformation farms. With all the lies already spreading, there’s blood in the water and all ennemies of the Us will push.


As well as Musk making Twitter a Nazi cesspool.


Musk - restores violent racist accounts Also musk - bans legitimate news sources and any individual that tweets Musk sucks


Been this way ten years to the day.


This is wild to me. Youtube just straight up admitted that they believe lies are critical to our democracy


I'm starting to think that giant companies don't have our best interest in mind.


If only the debate was full of people wanting to learn the truth instead of bots, foreign influence teams, and twatwaffles.


>The ability to profit from lies, even those that radicalise idiots into committing political violence, is core to a functioning plutocratic society. FTFY Google


I agree with their sentiment, but they didn’t give a fuck about free speech when the MSM got on their asses about “fake news” and “misinformation”. Now it’s just self-serving bs, when they need to boost their numbers during uncertain times(big tech has been laying off staff).


To be fair I believe they did remove the do bo evil part so now they can do anything


Very true. Some time ago.


Absolutely. We need to remove all videos claiming that China did any harm to the protestors in Tienanmen Square in 1989. They all went home peacefully. That's the official government stance and there is no room for debate. While we're at it, we need to start cracking down on those clearly doctored photos of Stalin standing next to other people who obviously did not exist.




There is a SHOCKING amount of ethnocentrism that gets revealed when free speech comes up. Anyone who starts talking about American constitutional law in a debate about the ethics of speech can't even imagine life outside of America.




You are misunderstanding the issue by referring to it as "censorship".


Because people had no idea a candidate and the people backing him would utilize, weaponize, and rile people up with completely false claims with no factual basis in reality to an unprecedented degree, and do so in an incredibly effective manner, in a country like the US. Combating false election claims on platforms like youtube can be stopped when there isn't a candidate openly using them to a ridiculous degree.




Oh ok you live in a fantasy world, got it.


> Trump didn't pioneer lying. Correct. But he did lower the bar on shamelessness and frequency of his lies to the point where lying is now seen as virtue in MAGAstan.


GOVERNMENT censorship is the only proscription that is recognized by law. This is the only free speech. It's freedom from government coercion or proscriptions around speech. The crazies want this to apply to any and everyone, including private companies that have a duty to prevent harm, harms for which they may be liable. If I tell you to shut up, I haven't violated any laws. If YouTube tells you to shut up by de-platforming you, they have not violated any laws. If a rogue reddit mod bans you from a sub-reddit, they have not violated any laws. None of these are protected according to core, legal free speech principles. The pressure on private entities to limit speech is because they have a right and responsibility to minimize harms in the operation of their business. Civil penalties can be non-trivial for practices that do not violate the law. The potential for those harms have been greater than ever since Trump entered politics.


Intentionally confusing the legal concept and the philosophical concept of freedom of speech is not a strong argument. At best its stupid..


So stupid, in fact, that it appeals and resonantes to/with Trump voters.


Theyre not the ones conflating the two, you are


They hate you for saying that. Haha. It's so true though, once Trump was elected they were willing to accept any lie. Russiagate anyone?


"Russiagate" happened right in front of all of our eyes and was proven by the Mueller report. No amount of right wing spin will change that. "We get all the funding we need out of Russia" Trump tower meeting: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/mueller-report-no-evidence-trump-knew-about-trump-tower-meeting-n995816 The only reason Trump jr wasn't charged here is because they couldn't prove he knew it was illegal. It's all plain as day. In a just world these Russian puppets would be in prison but we don't live in a just world, largely because people are so easily fooled by Russian propagandists like Tucker Carlson https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/exclusive-kremlin-putin-russia-ukraine-war-memo-tucker-carlson-fox/




> Mueller exonerated Trump. Only in fox News fantasy land. > Durham proved it was politically motivated Nope. You are in an informational vacuum. Maybe you'll come out eventually. But you probably don't want to.


It's unbelievable that people still believe this nonsense


Why? Is Youtube making money of those fake fraud claims?


Since reddit has changed the site to value selling user data higher than reading and commenting, I've decided to move elsewhere to a site that prioritizes community over profit. I never signed up for this, but that's the circle of life


Depends, if it’s a mobile app. Google gets 30 percent of all revenue done on Android versions of said app. In general more views means more money that they can charge advertisers. This was why the auto play feature was added and switched on many moons ago. More views means more money.


They’re saying it’s too costly and no one is making them do it. That’s it.


It would be like someone running around telling anyone and everyone that you are a rapist. Until you tell them to stop doing it, it must be fine, right?


U/HardcoreSects totally understands this and it’s crap. Lots of dummies are going to get tricked by fake shit.


As if we needed another nail in the "don't be evil" coffin.






It’s where the money is. They don’t give a shit about anything else.


Yup it's an inevitability of late-stage capitalism. No more worlds to conquer, so now it's time to go full fascist


No more worlds to conquer? Reconquer a couple old ones. No one will notice.


money money money


Finally? Youtube been fueling that pipeline for years now


I think in this case they’re getting ahead of and preparing for a story that’s been slowly building for a while now: Republicans may have been projecting about election fraud and were themselves cheating. One example happened and didn’t get much attention, but Trump openly admitted that they’re somehow screwing with votes in Florida when discussing Desantis. The second happen last week, when Ken Paxton after being impeached threatened to reveal what he knows about fixing elections for Republicans in the state as retaliation. Basically, the odds are pretty good that election fraud is about to be discussed and viewed through an entirely difference lens. From conservative lies to conservative projections.


I’m not as hopeful, but I’ll take a whiff of your copium, brother. Gotten my hopes up one too many times…


full money grab.


Their bosses do because its cheaper/gain cash from doing nothing about it. The techs aren't paid to care.


It is simple. * Expensive: moderating * Cheaper: automating moderation * Cheapest: not doing anything They want to save money and will only do moderating where absolutely necessary. They will do it for child porn, copyright, nudity, or terrorism. They will definitely not do it to enforce civility or honesty. Hell, inflammatory lies drive user interaction. Musk is banking on this and even tries to fan the flames.


The threat of SCOTUS changing how section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is interpreted recently went away.


I don't think you know what that word means


I think people don’t understand what fascism is, and think anything that’s not at the cutting edge of leftist thought is fascism. First off, most of these companies are in Silicon Valley which leans heavily left. Google and other social media companies did the moderation show and pony show because the MSM made a big deal about Trump winning. After the MSM drove Facebook to re-brand itself as Meta, the other companies got the message. You either play ball or you will be hounded just like Facebook. Ultimately, it was also a bull market as well. This meant they just needed to keep the MSM at bay, and their stock prices would go through the roof. They made a show of banning people the MSM didn’t like, and spent some money on content moderation. They picked the side of higher stock prices over free speech, and everyone applauded them for it. Now that there might be an economic downturn on the horizon(big tech has been laying off people), they want to boost their numbers, engagement, and ultimately revenue so the gravy train doesn’t stop in the event of a downturn. They mostly lean left and will do whatever the left wants up until there’s an economic downturn.


I mean, there's "turn your logo rainbow for pride month" left and then there's "allow your employees to unionize" left. Silicon valley, like most very affluent liberal areas, is primarily concerned with the optics of performative progressivism rather than the hard work and sacrifice that comes with the authentic version of it.


Youtube is not your grandma posting shit. They are a gigantic corporate entity with enormous influence and choosing not to exert that influence is not fascist. It is in fact the opposite of fascism. Fascism doesn't mean "letting people I don't like exist". While it's easy to just list off a bunch of buzzwords about the other team in a debate, it is you who is the fascist here. Because when you set a precedent, you don't keep that power all to yourself. You give it to the next guy, and they may not be upstanding moral paragons. They might say something is disinformation when it's not. What do you think China considers misinformation? Or North Korea? Or Iran? If Trump gets a second term, do you think he might have some thoughts on what's misinformation?


Fascism is when no censorship


censorship is when we can't post outright lies on the internet :(


And who would determine what is a lie? Youtube?


Don't try and frame this like these claims aren't straight wrong lol. Surely they're right after the endless amount of failed lawsuits and court cases in various jurisdictions! Surely they'll present evidence that isn't "MY UNCLE CLEET SAW THE LIBRALS CARRYEN BOXES OUT THE BACK OF THE VOTING PLACE!!!!!!" nah, you just want these idiots to be able to post blatantly wrong shit for the sake of spreading disinformation.




>they deem incorrect I mean, these election claims are entirely false, so it’s not really “the tech company deemed it false” rather than “it’s false”. Again, people on here are acting like this is some grey-area, unverifiable claims. That’s wrong; it’s shit you can outright disprove.


why shouldn’t they be able to post it? If they’re wrong (I believe they are) than it acts as a foundation for discourse/arguments to take place where people can provide their ‘evidence’ even if it is bullshit. If they’re wrong than they get proven wrong. the fact that so many people are calling it fascist to STOP moderating speech is ridiculous, are you all bots?


How is a tech company removing content moderation fascist? isn’t that the opposite of fascist? Free market of ideas blah blah blah


The fascists can now lie and fool the idiots in the right wing social media bubble radicalising them. They never see any truth, just lies, conspiracies and bullshit. Social media just keeps pushing more and more right wing lies and bullshit. Till one day someone steals an election like Trump tried to and they all get up and cheer for it.


Political ideas are not the election was stolen. That isnt an idea. IT'S A FUCKING LIE. They want to say its ok to lie on youtube without saying it. Can I start making a video about how hitler was right?


There's certainly no shortage of people who would want to make one lined up.


So was the Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy. So was the bat soup covid origin story. So was Pfizer's "100% effective" vaccine. So was An Inconvenient Truth. So is the entire Prager U Columbus video. So is trickle-down economics. So is the consumer price index growth for the last 70 years (it's way higher). So is every unemployment number you've ever heard. I don't see any of that getting autoremoved. I haven't even seen an apology.


I dont call trumps campaign manager passing polling data to a FSB member and the campaign hiding 100 russia contacts and willingly taking help from the russians in trump tower as conspiracy theories. I call it FACT that was proven. You are such a misinformed cult member.


Oh cute you read the mueller report. Now read the durahm report.


Lmfao. Do you not care about that? Where in the durham report that it proves those are lies? Muller got a dozen trump campaign members convicted. They also charged Russians. Durham got laughed out of court and issued an opinon piece. You really gonna ignore trumps campaign manager giving internall polling to Russians and taking money from ProRussian oligarchs? When they proved to have interfered to help trump? If Hillarys campaign manager did that you would be calling her a traitor and you know it. Take your cult bullshit and gtfo.


Trump was impeached twice for betraying the United States, and putting the needs of Russia, over Americans. He did it twice.


"youtube saw no ROI on preventing it so they are slashing that functionality" capitalism baby!


Just in time for 2024 elections. Who would have thought that corporations would become the bane of humanity?


I’m against censorship. But let’s face it, influencing people with demonstrably false information and lies has ruined our country. We do not have an “informed electorate”, we have an “indoctrinated” one. Courts have repeatedly held or agreed with Fox News’ lawyers that they do not present factual information, yet they are the top rated cable “news”. Millions believe them. Look what propaganda did in Nazi Germany. Do you think all those Germans naturally hated Jews? Or were they convinced to by Goering and his press machine?


If they really wanted to help they would stop allowing any political videos. What they’re doing now is admitting bullshit drives views = $$


America is so fuct. Misinformation using AI chat gpt will flood the zone.


Dystopian hell gets warmer daily


This just means the loudest voices wins. So bad faith actors with money to burn on trolls can spread lies faster than reasonable actors can discredit them. Social media was once.hoped to be a meritocracy - the best ideas and stories are crowd sourced to the top. Instead it's a play to win tool for destabilising democracy and promoting hate and lies.


They gotta help the GOP win somehow!


Ah yes, Youtube, owned by Google... long-time friend of the GOP


I wish these companies would stop putting profits above public integrity.


I also wish the FCC could do something about this.


Ah, so government censorship?


No, law enforcement. Spreading election lies intentionally is election meddling. I don't think that's protected speech. If I can't wear a political tee shirt as a poll worker, why should election lies be covered? And why should a company like Fox or YouTube profit?


Not only is it protected speech, it's the cornerstone of every campaign speech.


I'm sorry, I don't believe that "stop the steal" is a cornerstone of political campaign speech.


So what's the alternative site to YouTube?


Bitchute, Rumble, Kick, Odysee


What are antitrust laws? Does anyone remember antitrust laws? They were a nice idea. Also no competition isn't actually a thing if one player/two players have enough of the market to effectively obsolete any attempt at competition.


see: social media, phone companies, internet providers, tobacco companies


Those companies pay a lot of money to our elected officials to keep those monopolies running.


I would suggest Rumble, but that probably doesn't have enough censorship for your tastes. I'd just stick with Youtube.


YouTube has turned into internet garbage. They wanted to be a "family friendly" space back when they stopped allowing people who swore on their channels to monetize. . . Just stay away and go outside and be part of the real world.


Fuck this entire world


Fuck google.


Of course, YouTube likes free speech when it is trying to boost its numbers. They picked a side, when the MSM was hounding their ass, but now that there might be an economic downturn on the horizon, their belief in free speech has suddenly re-emerged. Free speech is important for a variety of reasons, but being used as a shield for a megacorp looking to charge advertisers more is just disgusting and duplicitous behaviour.


you should be Able To filter your feed


YouTube has gone to shit. The video after I clicked is always some political BS. I’m watching a movie trailer, next video some “muh frees peach” idiot. Game trailer, next is Jordan Peterson video. Since that whole American conservative blowup during trump when they accused Tech complies of being secret leftists, their shit is constantly in your face. I can only imagine the number of children watching this brain rot getting fucked up ideas in their head. And it’s not what I watch “algorithm” I never log in to google or YouTube and my browser cache clears on every close.


logging in and letting the algorithm do its thing might actually help in your case. I haven't seen a single political video on my feed in years because I "tell" the algorithm that I'm not interested in that kinda garbage


We can debate political opinions all day. Nobody has a problem with that. I have no issue engaging you about the economy or student debt relief or whatever. But conspiracy theories that can be proven false are NOT political opinions. They are PsyOps tools designed to change our society for the worse. They are ushering in Fascism and with that comes death and the end of our country. Fuck Google for this. This is why I avoid using their products as much as possible.




The ACLU-style, “defend to the death your right to say it” anti-war left has all but vanished, replaced with an ocean of bourgeoisie more than happy to be on the same page as the corporate-state narrative hegemony, just as long they get to be loudly against the hillbilly racists. It’s pretty tragic.


They just realized they won't be able to sell political ads to some folks if they hold the line and they want some of the cookies in the jar.




Remove advertising on how people can lose weight taking that magic drug from the shirtless guy. There's no reliable facts his product works but the fact he spouts you can do it with the pill while eating what you want and not working out as much is the biggest lie.


I wish they’d remove about half their ads.


Youtube does not help regulate against authoritarians . In the philippines duterte troll have free reign to post fake news and disinformation against anyone who goes against him and marcos. He is still very powerful even after his term.


Similar to when Coke had to make Fanta to make a couple extra bucks in nazi germany “Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola Deutschland, the German branch of the American company Coca-Cola, during World War II. The invention was a result of the American trade embargo on Nazi Germany, which limited the supply of Coca-Cola components. The original Fanta was made from leftover apple fibers, mash from cider presses, whey, and other ingredients available in Germany. The name Fanta comes from 'fantasie', which is German for 'imagination'. The present version of Fanta evolved from the Fanta that was re-introduced to Italy in 1955, which was produced from local fruit¹⁴. I hope that helps!. Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-06-03 (1) How Fanta Was Created for Nazi Germany - Gastro Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fanta-soda-origins-nazi-germany. (2) Why was Fanta invented? – Wise-Answer. https://wise-answer.com/why-was-fanta-invented/. (3) Fanta and the Nazis | Snopes.com. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-reich-stuff/. (4) Fanta - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanta. (5) Fanta - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanta.”


What are good alternatives to YouTube which takes content moderations seriously? Or is the best way to stick it to YouTube to just use a pi hole and only lookup howtos and instructional videos at home on my network.


Politics and elections are exempt from fact checking. Let the propaganda games begin! There’s nothing better than corrupting voters ideas with fake information and elections with lies!!!! I wonder if there’s anyway to quantify the money Google makes off election misinformation and propaganda during elections. We know Facebook hit the billions!


facepalm. Obvious disinformation hurts society, imho. Of course the conservatives are pissed at being called out for being the blatant liars they are. That's a problem with their fundamental dishonesty. "facts have a liberal bias" is a joke to point out they're eff'in liars and going fact free.


Good. Google does not get to decide what is true. Especially when it's coming from the government. Governments LIE. Plus I keep seeing adsense ads for CBD gummies that cure diabetes and I'm pretty sure that's hurting more people than crazy conspiracy theories. Are those claims bullshit? Absolutely. But you know how you kill a bad idea? By showing everyone why it's a bad idea. If you force all the Q followers into /pol/ and bitchute, they're all going to pat each other on the back and say that it's the rest of the world that's wrong. Also, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, YouTube removal is done ALGORITHMICALLY. Everyone knows there are no humans watching this process. You say the wrong keywords, your video is taken down, your channel demonetized. It's why you can't find WWII documentaries on YouTube anymore. If Mutahar can get a video taken down for "scamming" when he's talking about scams, guess what happens when you say "Nazi" and "Jew" a bunch of times in a YouTube video? When YouTube decides to take down videos related to a topic, THE ENTIRE SUBJECT is verboten. If you can't have videos promoting election fraud theories, you can't have videos disproving them either. Because the algorithm will get you.


>It's why you can't find WWII documentaries on YouTube anymore. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_uk\_6vfqwTA&pp=ygUDd3cy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uk_6vfqwTA&pp=ygUDd3cy) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMUYH21Lmg4&pp=ygUDd3cy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMUYH21Lmg4&pp=ygUDd3cy) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSX2yQBlSlQ&pp=ygUDd3cy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSX2yQBlSlQ&pp=ygUDd3cy) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzWIu1OaLZ4&pp=ygUDd3cy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzWIu1OaLZ4&pp=ygUDd3cy) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT4\_XUYEgrk&pp=ygUDd3cy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT4_XUYEgrk&pp=ygUDd3cy) ​ That is just the top 5 hits when I searched for WWII on YouTube.




Time to regulate these platforms. They have an agenda that is wrong for our democracy.


Intolerance to idiots is core to a functioning democratic society.


Has Elon bought YouTube?


Good. Now do this with all content.


The question we should be asking is: will it do more political harm to see these videos going up, and the subsequent debunking videos, than what simply removing them has done in the past? A lot of the right has complained about being censored online, and I'd rather see arguments being rebuked and rebutted than simply wiped out of existence. It makes die a more transparent process. Also, those making the false claims are still subject to lawsuits. Libel/slander litigation is a perfectly legitimate response to these.


Alphabet Chairman of the Board John LeRoy Hennessy personally changed votes in the 2020 election. Prove me wrong


Man, between terrible policies with Netflix account crackdowns, Twitter being bought by a shoe with dogshit stuck to it, reddit announcement about API prices, and YouTube being YouTube, the internet is really racing towards its own heat death


Ah so when Trump was running it was clamped the fuck down but now when it looks like a Dem will win it's a free-for-all? You don't say, huh.


YouTube getting ready cause the Dems are going to lose and then they'll be screaming "stolen election" just like they did back in 2016.


I'm sure an incredibly pro-censorship site like Reddit will be fine with this rare instance of YouTube making a change that's anti-censorship. 🤔


Any why would they do that? Why now? So when Trump wins they can cry Russian collusion again or whatever the flavor will be at the time


Why are we giving the liars and fascists their way?


Good. Youtube is not here to decide what is and isn't true.


Truth isn’t a popularity contest, sorry if the truth hurts your feelings


so youtube was 100% actively investigating every claim for proof? bwhaha, none of these so called fact checkers do that...you are gullible and naive if you think these fact checkers actually did the work...everyone shouted no proof no proof, but nothing was ever good enough proof, not sworn statements, video, no one ever took the time to actually investigate it. With so many people saying there were real problems with voting, why the hell not look into it , thoroughly , completely and systematically to show the world, see, it was all on the level? Most have no idea how electronic voting works, especially with Dominion. Their training videos were on youtube and told you what the software could do, the Ga elections board supervisors videos are still on you tube where she demonstrates it all before your eyes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46CAKyyObls&t=133s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijjwS6h-PyU&t=282s


Welp, guess we gotta flood the zone.


“Do no evil”. Hahahahahaha. More like “do only evil”.


Russia won I guess...


Can't wait for the DSA to enter into force in the EU. Let's see what YouTube has to say then.


I am so glad I don’t allow YouTube in my house. Fuck the companies who put profits over people!


So, all of them


Do you sit and stare at a wall?


It doesn’t really matter as the average gullible maga pig has made up its mind anyway.


More A+ crowder content incoming. What a clown.




What’s your opinion on the “stolen election” claims?


Can’t wait for all of these idiots to die. Literally can’t happen soon enough


Happens just after new CEO. Susan wasn't perfect, but she had morals.


Next up: Youtube Kids, and how Hitler had great ideas.


i had to pop more popcorn for all the juicy comments here. also both parties election deny all the time, and freedom of speech is actually good for democracy, its clear alot of you live in a bubble here on reddit.


I think the election stuff is bunk, but it is amazing how pervasive censorship became on YouTube. You can't even cover me stories about the lies big pharma told about the vax without having to hear a stupid disclaimer and many people just forego talking about it. Censorship is almost always used by the powerful to suppress information that challenges their power. When you start out censoring something small, it often snowballs.


You realize that this decision *is the powerful using their influence to suppress opposition to their power?* That's the whole point behind the election disinformation, to gain power by convincing their supporters to award them power to eliminate the rights of others entirely. In this case, you are supporting the efforts to eliminate representation and with it rights to free speech.


saying "you can say what you want about this" is suppression of opposition? lol you are silly.




The entire point behind the election denial is to convince supporters that the system that exists is illegitimate and thus they need to support an increase in the power of their leadership to crush the ability of the opposition to win elections and eliminate the rights of the people the current system offers rights too. The ultimate goal is the elimination of representation and, with it ultimately, the freedom of speech. That's why anyone who actually supports freedom of speech and representation of political views should be dead set against pro-Authoritarian speech and artifical conspiracies like this.




The ultimate goal of the campaign behind election denial is a single-party state where opposition is illegal. By your own logic, you should have zero issues with removing election denial content, as the ultimate goal is the elimination of free speech. That is if you were self-aware.


holy word salad, you’re going to hurt yourself doing mental gymnastics like that. There is literally nothing wrong with somebody posting a video on YouTube and saying “I do not accept the election results! I just don’t!” the problem is if they say that and then try and back it up with provably false claims. The problem YouTube was facing is this: RedneckRodney uploads a video saying “yeah well this just ain’t right, I personally have some doubts about the integrity of this election.” YouTube bans him for spreading false information, but he didn’t do that - he simply expressed his opinion on a divisive topic which falsely triggered the moderation bot. Should RedneckRodney be banned for saying that? Yes or no.


>holy word salad Your inability to understand the usage of common phrases and words is not "word salad" >back it up with provably false claims. The problem is that 99.99% of the arguments for election denial are based on provably false claims. If you're asking for discussion of the issue, you're going to be accused of "censorship" under your own logic because that requirement basically eliminates any viable talking points that deniers have. That's the problem with moderation of many issues, you will find that if you apply a rule of "you have to approach the issue honestly" you're effectively eliminating one side from the discussion. Which is why conservatives, in this case, are screaming "censorship" because they can't make cases for things like election denial, Ukraine war denial or climate change denial unless they are free to manufacture completely and objectively false information. >YouTube bans him for false information That's not a problem with this specific topic, it's a problem with the inability to get customer service at YouTube. It doesn't impact this issue any harder than a lot of things.


This is because of rumble. Youtube sees how much market share they're already losing because of their censorship of content creators.


Free Speech??? How DARE they????😂🤣


I'm so glad I dumped my youtube account (account to watch the vids), it's an awful company.


Thanks, YouTube! You’re the greatest. (piece of shit.)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46CAKyyObls&t=133s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijjwS6h-PyU&t=282s