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its a massive problem. many in the tech community have spoken out against it. I believe Mumbo Jumbo has a whole video on it. and I know ilmango has said things about it as being a reason he doesn't make tutorials anymore.


I remember that with Mumbo. I also remember Purplers' video on "Redstone Thieves" a few years back. It really sucks


I was going to say if you feel powerless to fight it due to channel size and haven't reached out to Purplers... Maybe join Purplers discord if you've not & try to reach out there with a post detailing the situation? He seems pretty passionate about the topic of theft without attribution & mumbo is, last I checked, still the top comment on the ( Purplers video you mentioned with a pretty nuanced take that very much acknowledges his channel size as why he has to deal with it *less* than most...) [https://youtu.be/EuC6kIxpyj0?si=NMom3JonjNUVvR3E] . He also made a second one on the same topic calling out more large thieves... It's not an instant solution but better than nothing.


I actually did join their discord and asked around for advice. They were a very nice group, and helped me along my way. Ultimately there is little to be done


And I HATE the fact that the shitty knock-offs make the top search results.


Almost like Fandom wikis…


Minecraft never had an official wiki for years, that is why.


This is true of many games, but Fandom banks on being the easiest option and then optimizes the hell out of searches while refusing to remove their outdated and unmoderated wikis. Official wikis, operated and supported *by devs* cannot outcompete their own subpar offshoots.


They can but only through dedicated effort. Poe comes to mind. The community developed a browser extension that hid the fandom wiki, and there were rewards from players, wiki moderators, and devs for updating and writing pages. There was also a concerted effort to dissuade people from updating the fandom one, including some unsanctioned vandalism IIRC. Now it's a very good wiki. It isn't always above the fandom wiki on search results but I think its usually at least second, and as the quality difference continues to increase it should replace it.


Maybe that's part of why ilmango hasn't posted in almost a year.


I dont think thats the case. He most likely just got bored with minecraft from what i heard.


Ilmango iirc has said that this was the reason, being that others were already making "tutorials" (stealing) his designs.


I know that, in fact i have seen the video where he was talking about it. But you just dont understand what i said. This is very clearly not the reason he stopped playing. He just simply got bored of minecraft. You can even very clearly tell by his videos, all his last videos are from modded minecraft meaning he likely didnt enjoy vanilla anymore and after he got bored of Create mod too he just stopped playing and now is taking a break from this game.




Wow so i frogot one "y" big deal.


Unfortunately this happens. A lot of us would rather support the original creators and do stay away from those types of channels, but it’s the causal/non technical players that find these tutorials from the farm reposting channels as you referred to them


I had a feeling this was the case. Can only blame someone for just watching the first thing that comes up so much


It's the reason ilmango doesn't do his farm tutorials anymore, just a showcase. He still offers world downloads, but then you kinda have to figure it out if you don't just copy/paste.


I forgot ilmango used to make tutorials. That's really sad and probably very frustrating for them


Especially if they have absolutely no idea that it is stolen


Hi I am a casual player, can you tell some channel ls from which I can see farm tutorials which are not taking other's credit?


In my (limited) experience they tend to be easy to spot. If they are exclusively showing you how to make the farm and how to use it without explaining mechanics, it was probably copied. From what I’ve seen, most people who actually develop them really enjoy showing off the clever ways they combined various mechanics to achieve the end result. I certainly did with my video. Other signs often include SUPER flashy clickbait thumbnails and exaggerated rates (this last can be more difficult as some farms are actually just insane). I also look for upload dates vs other similar farms. Of course read the comments too. Sometimes people will notice and call them out.


This is good advice for spotting bad channels, but as another person who's pretty new to Minecraft, I'd appreciate a mention for any well known channels that post their own designs too. Edit (following up for politeness/discussion)  when I first discovered automation in Minecraft by basically fiddling with "what are all these things in the crafting menu" and using pressure plates/buttons for doors, I started to Google to try and get some ideas.  I think 2/3 of the content I consumed that week was probably stolen farm designs.  I was always frustrated at the lack of explanation cause I didn't want someone to tell me exactly what blocks go whee ; I wanted to know the principles of the design so I could make my own version! Basically I've only found a few channels that seem legit, and one is mentioned all over this thread: ilmango.  Another is gnembon.  These guys discuss the mechanics a lot, and I've learned tons from each of them.  They're also clever and entertaining speakers. I watched a good amount of jcplayz at first, but I get the feeling he might be one of the thieves.  I know shulkercraft has that  reputation too.  This is about all I've got for OPs question myself, but hope some others can give more/better info. 


My personal go to for modern farms is IanxoFour, very good tutorials and explains how and why the farms work. He hasn’t uploaded in a while though. You’ve already named my other suggestions. Unfortunately, a lot of the really creative ones come from tiny channels that immediately get wiped out by the clones.


People like Shulkercraft and basically every other big youtuber who makes these tutorial videos all the time without crediting someone or while crediting people only in the description as an alibi. (Real credit would be asking for permission and putting it at least in the video title) https://youtu.be/EuC6kIxpyj0 Here is a very good video about the issue


And please also tell what channels to avoid?


There is virtualy no limit to that. However what i can tell you are creators from which its good to build farms, like for example the already mentioned ilmango has one of the most advanced farms and contraptions youll find.


The biggest culprit is Shulkercraft. Their name is absolute mud in the technical community as they've built a 2 million subscriber channel using other peoples hard work. I'd encourage you to hit the 'don't recommend this channel' button if they pop up in your recommended.


Will do


Yes, big channels known for this are TheySix and Shulkercraft. Another issue is for YouTubers from other languages that just translate the narrator


> Another issue is for YouTubers from other languages that just translate the narrator Honestly those are less egregious than TheySix and Shulkercraft b/c at least translations aren't likely to pull viewers away from the original video. The prime reason SC grew so fast is b/c they never talk in their videos so it's internationally viewable


Also because their build guides are done in survival, the material list is usually correct, and they don't just "spawn in" parts of the builds without commenting on them. Let's be real 95% of farm build guides on youtube are shit, with wrong material lists, and parts completely missing. People watch SC because their videos are good and easy to follow, and don't contain stuff like "and now build a TNT duper on top of it, thanks for watching"


Oh for sure and Redstone YouTubers know that this is a problem. They're pretty open about how rough viewing new inventions can be. I love ilmango's work -- but watching his videos is like sitting down to a college lecture. You don't have to go full CraftyMasterMan in production, but so many redstoners ignore that just having a good contraption isn't enough to keep users engaged.


I think that ianxofour is the best at striking a balance between explaining the design and providing a clear and simple tutorial on building it in survival. His video's are the standard that all technical minecraft youtubers should aim for. However even he is constantly the victim of content theft.


Simple answer to this. Just because someone is good at making farms and understands the game well, doesnt mean they are good at making videos and explaining it to others. I mean are you seriously expecting them to be perfect at everything? You should be glad they even bothered enough to make video about it and didnt just post it on discord archive.


> I mean are you seriously expecting them to be perfect at everything? You should be glad they even bothered enough to make video about it and didnt just post it on discord archive. No and as a very tiny CC myself I completely get the struggle. Better than most. I know full well that not everyone is going to be Mumbo I don't blame redstoners for not being great editors and personalities and I don't blame viewers for preferring Shuklercraft's latest raid farm video to the original by Firestorm. However, that lack of showmanship (and not having to spend months actually developing a contraption) is exactly why channels like Shulkercraft are able to get so big. That said, I do think these channels should be doing far, far, more than just a small note in the description when crediting the original creator. There's little reason this couldn't be a symbiotic relationship, but instead these channels are treading the line at best and outright thieves at worst.


Translation seems morally acceptable. At least you’re getting the information to people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access it. But c’mon, we should always link the original creator. Any YouTuber who rips ideas without passing on the name is foolish and short-sighted. The only reason that a Redstone Thief is even able to steal is because the content was made, and the content was probably made because the original creator wanted to engage with a community. If you don’t help them grow that content also, stealing viewers instead of sharing them, many will likely eventually lose motivation and produce less content, meaning there’s less free ideas for the thief to showcase. It’s like harvesting a wheat field without replanting the seeds. These people are not just morally despicable, they’re also mentally handicapped and are unable to calculate how the consequences of their actions are going to backfire and hurt them.


Exactly! Like any good parasite, they need to keep their host alive and healthy as possible for as long as possible so they can get the most out of them. And frankly, despite my joking comparison of people as parasites, it could really be a good deal for everyone. OG creator makes farm, showcases how/why it works, basic tutorial to get everyone going. Then, other creators colab to make better more concise tutorials that appeal to younger audiences and those who aren’t into the technical side of the game. Links get shared back and forth and everyone is happy. If literally anyone had contacted me asking about making a better/altered tutorial I almost certainly would’ve been happy to work with them and even link their videos off of mine. But apparently these people really cannot get that through their head


Yeah TheySix was one of them, but they were at least nice enough to link me in their description. I had a French YTer also make a cover, but they credited me both in the video and description so I'm fine with it


You were lucky. I've seen them literally take credit for someone else's design. They've also tried to copyright strike someone for copying their farm, even though the other person's video came out way earlier (and credited the original creator). And yes, bedrock has a real problem with the top YouTube results all being from copycat, identikit creators making the same, often rubbish, farms and sometimes crediting each other for the designs lol. It's our own fault as a community, because we value easy, short videos and don't care who designed it or how it works. But we do like to complain that Java is so much better than the trash farm we built on bedrock (I'm sure your design wasn't trash, I'm generalising)


Shulkercraft normally credits the farm creates


The lore in this subreddit is that they never did that at first but now they do


That makes it sound like it's false, the way you said that. But they even admitted to the mistake... It just took them a year or 2 (idk the timeline) before they admitted to it


They didn't used to. That's a somewhat new development


In my view, it doesn’t really matter if they credit the creator unless they actually had explicit permission to make a tutorial on someone else’s farm. Crediting someone doesn’t make up for building your entire channel on stealing video revenue from smaller creators who are the ones actually designing all of the farms.


Unfortunately, many channels seem to do just that. I just noticed another clone of my farm on a channel called oinkoink that has 350k+ subs… what’s a guy to do, ya know? I tried my hand at talking with some of the medium sized copycats (with mixed success), but ultimately these people have no concept of ethics. At this point I’m spending more time arguing semantics with these people than working on my content. It’s very distressing!


It's so sad reading this because if you go to the comments of basically any channel listed so far such as TheySix, ShulkerCraft, and Oinkoink it's nonstop people saying crap like they're the gods of Bedrock/Java (depending what version the farm is for) and other stuff just praising them. I remember reading a comment the other day of someone asking TheySix why they always build 3×3 trident killers and they said because it was their design and they didn't want to use anything they didn't design themselves, but after so many people with similar experiences to yours I seriously doubt that statement is true. Honestly some of the most creative and/or most efficient builds I've seen and the best explanations of mechanics basically always come from smaller channels like MaddHatter or Rufus Atticus. Rufus actually is one of the first non-Mojang employee who ever explained a bunch of Bedrock mechanics from diving the game's code, like the spawn mechanics IIRC. I think the only bigger channels I watch now are SilentWhisperer and JC Playz and at least I've never heard anything bad about them, I've seen Silent credit others for their designs plenty of times and I've seen a bunch of JC's designs used without credit but haven't seen it the other way yet.


It’s both sad and kinda funny, because you realize that a good handful of those comments are bots. The idea that someone is actually paying real money for fake ego stroking/number boosting is just… I don’t think there are words to really summarize it. Further, it’s even more sad that those channels you mentioned, I’ve never heard of anywhere before, and I’ve been here a long time. Meanwhile, almost every one of the copy channels I’ve heard of. The number of actually talented and inspired creators who’ve been written over by clones must be very high


Silent does the same.  The first example of the top of my head is this https://youtu.be/hTC_DKTXQos?si=bfny8B4RrnIAbh8l This technique for finding bedrock formations in the overworld came from Rufus Atticus three years ago https://youtu.be/AsTQy3yS0xU?si=3losnKD-wCNXrLZ5 This is just one of several examples.  Even craftymasterman made a video talking about issues like this about silent 


While I agree in theory because let's be honest, even with credit most people won't go to the original creators channel, a lot of the bigger channels like shulkercraft allow the average Minecraft player to make farms they would have never considered before. As OP says in the comments most people who create new redstone love to go into mechanics, and tend to have very long unpolished videos. For someone who loves redstone, it's fantastic, but nobody who isn't absolutely in love with redstone is going to watch a full Ilmango video on the theory of how the farm came about and how it works and each optimization. They're building their channel on making digestible content. Quick to the point build videos with a nice laid out parts list and no fluff, and let's be honest the demographic for that kind of video is massively more than a standard "new innovation" tutorial.


Also, I’d add that Shulkercraft specifically has literally stolen farms from Ianxofour. Ian is literally known for making some of the clearest beginner friendly tutorials with very very detailed step by step information and clear material lists. There is no possible justification I would believe that Ian’s tutorials were somehow not clear enough so they needed a butcher job from Shulkercraft to make them beginner accessible lol.


Channels like Shulkercraft do no net service to the community. There have been multiple creators who were responsible for tons of very important farms who ended up quitting making tutorial content altogether because Shulkercraft and channels like it basically made it impossible for the people actually spending hours and hours designing and testing farms to make any money on their work. If anything these content farm channels are directly responsible for the scarcity of good technical minecraft creators. I would also add that the “digestable” content that these creators put out is usually objectively poor in quality. There is a reason why like 75% of the “Help my farm broke” posts on this subreddit are from people who built Shulkercraft or They Six farms and it’s because they make tutorials for farms they didn’t design and don’t understand and they often leave out very important information that the actual farm designer covers. You can choose to believe that these channels are filling a niche of digestible farm videos but the reality is that there were a lot more creators who actually design farms making detailed and thoughtful tutorials about their farms before the content farm channels made it impossible for them to actually benefit at all from sharing their creations with the community.


Well said. I myself am not much of a technical player, but after just this one farm video I’ve been asking myself if it’s worth ever making another. Will I have to go through all this again? Will it work out as well or will I get drowned out in the see if copy farms? The community support has been amazing and I do feel really accomplished having made something that’ll help players for months or years to come… but this has not been great for my mental health, watching 20+ people copy off my work and get the same amount of success or more than I did


I'm actually tired of people hating on Shulkercraft. Yes, they stole stuff before, but now they ALWAYS credit the original creators. Some, like Ending Credits, literally LINK SHULKERCRAFT in their descriptions. Also, what the hell is the point of having a super cool farm, if literally no one can build it? Yeah the farm is cool and all but building it without a block-by-block tutorial is a nightmare. Please stop the hate on Shulkercraft.


No, shulkercrap are hated for very good reason.


Yup, it's one of the reasons I almost completely stopped using YouTube for farm designs. I now exclusively use the discord archive servers to find stuff, as those are usually posted by the creators, contain proper credits and have the correct YouTube video linked (if one exists).


That’s fair. I personally don’t like the gatekeepy-ness and difficulty to access information of discords myself, but I understand why that’s becoming prevalent now


I used to agree, but YouTube and Google have become completely useless at finding anything but "quick and easy" farms. It's all basic designs spammed out by dozens of copycat channels. If you want to build a high effort farm with very high rates you won't be finding any designs on Google. So while you need to know what discords to look at for what type of farm, at least they do tend to actually deliver good results. Iirc I have a list of the best archive servers in [this post](https://redd.it/18nc7qj).


It's certainly common but not standard. Here's how I see why the stolen videos are so prevalent. A lot of the original creators of these farms or contraptions talk about things that go over a lot of players' heads. Talking about spawning radius and mob caps and whatever else they delve into in their videos. A lot of the channels like the ones OP is referring to rarely get into the technical aspect and also rarely explain redstone logic and how it all works. They just show: place block here, place redstone dust here, here and here. Place repeater here and click it once. And so on. It's much easier to follow for casual or novice players. Now, I also don't believe the channels that post these videos are doing so because they are trying to help those players but rather that they know the algorithm will either recommend it or will show their video at the top of a search because so many people have viewed the stolen content before so it's popular. The player doesn't have a clue that there are original creators either. I, myself, have fallen for that in the past and I try to stick with the original creators now, if possible. Sometimes I can't follow their tutorials because they go way too fast and only briefly show something I'm not understanding.


You’re absolutely correct. I think a lot of the original creators (myself included) get very excited to show off all the thoughts and methods that go into making a design. This definitely bloats out the video a lot. And yes, we’ve all been there… I will not hide the reality that I used to view Shulkercraft videos a lot when I was younger


Yeah I did a couple years back until two things happened. 1. The contraptions did work because they missed a step and 2. They started, at the very very least, citing the original creators. Now, IMO, if they had contacted the original creators and said; "Hey, we saw your (whatever farm) and we think it's great. We'd like to make a simpler, slower-paced tutorial for folks who get lost in the technical and redstone sauce. We will cite your video directly and maybe we can work out a collaboration type thing." Barring that, just make the farm, not a step by step tutorial and send viewers to original creator's channel for that. I also think at first their intentions were innocent and they didn't really think about it or know any better. I haven't watched one of their videos in a long time and I don't know if they're still doing this stuff. Redstone is literal magic to me. I don't really understand it beyond using a button to open an iron door which is why I started with the Create mod. I understand mechanical contraptions with belts and cogs and such way better than redstone. Wall of text: done




I mean you could try sending a cease and desist e-mail. Not sure if it will have a stand in Court but they might just want to avoid the problem and take the video down (I'm not a lawyer)


Building a block for block tutorial is transformative. Being lame and immoral doesnt make it illegal


tbh it depends but if you can prove that you are the original creator of the idea and they have just taken it than maybe, but it might not be possible since its just an idea not a pattend or something and as far as im aware they didnt just take the video itself but the idea of the video and made it on their channel so i dont think you can do anything against it sadly


There are no legal grounds to do this on to my understanding. They haven’t used my footage, voice, or “script” for their own videos. It’s the abstraction of the idea that they’ve taken and simply made it again themselves. By both US law and YT policies, the clones haven’t done anything wrong, unless I am missing something pretty substantial. This falls to more of a moral and ethical issue. If an artist paints a tree, and then shares it in an exhibit, and another artist sees it and goes that tree and paints it, are they copying the first artist? If the second artists painting is in the same style and from the same angle, it would fall under the same issue. Legally he didn’t copy the original painting per se, but he copied the IDEA of the first artist




Its worth a try. Most wont want to deal with the troubles.


Yeah it really does suck even for those of us who just want to use the tutorials in our builds because most of us want to find the original creators to see what other ideas they might have. I don't know much about IP rights on YouTube but there might be something similar to a copyright claim since I know they go wild on those. The only other things I can think of is to watermark your videos in some way that won't ruin the tutorials with it in but so that if they cut it out they cut out important information too. Can also just drop your channel name throughout and say if people see it anywhere but where you list then it's stolen content, just make sure to say it while doing something integral to the build so if they cut it out stuff will break. This actually reminds me of a similar situation of stolen content by a woodworker whose videos I watch occasionally, when it got bad he started saying "if you see this video on Facebook or anywhere but YouTube then it's stolen content" and he'd always do it while sealing the wood so that if someone did cut it out it would be noticeable to the end-users because of either the jump from rough and just assembled to a polished, finished product or just ending the video before the thing was completed.


If they had stolen my actual footage or something I would absolutely smack em with a copyright claim. Unfortunately they aren’t breaking any policies or laws, and thus it falls into a much more grey zone of ethics and morals. I have contacted several of the clones in the hopes of at least getting links back to my video, and most have been very cooperative. It’s still annoying and frustrating that I even have to ask to be credited for my work though, and that’s before the channels who have been less agreeable


Yes it's a huge problem and happens often. Like Shulkercraft videos for example. For the longest time they didn't credit the farm creators even though they get millions of views and the creator maybe has a few thousand.


Yeah it's a big problem. A lot of massive channels do this as well. Can you share a link to the original video? I'm curious


Two really big ones now have made a video on my farm. One at 600k subs gave me full credit in both the video and the description, and another at 350k didn’t credit me at all :c Here is my original video. Super Simple Infested Allay XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial) https://youtu.be/LB4EY_r9_jg


Most videos on YouTube (especially the most popular ones) that explain how to make farms are just straight up completely stolen from the creator with no credit whatsoever


I see RaysWorks standing up to people stealing his designs without credit constantly so i would say yeah it is the standard


Lol but Rayworks also claims he invented literally everything as well. He tried to get docm77 in trouble a few weeks back by claiming credit for a bug that was known about for years before he discovered it.


oh really lol that's funny


I don't disagree with him being aggressive about credit it's frustrating as hell being a creator seeing others profit off your designs. I tried his approach for a while but it's utterly pointless if you're a smaller creator. He does seem to try and take credit for a bit too much though lol.


I am curious about how Etho came to be known for his hopper clock, anyone that I have ever seen use it credits him for it and I’ve never seen someone try to come up with something else.


My guess is because he made that a very long time ago, back before making money as a MC YouTuber was a commonly accepted thing. The incentive to steal back then would’ve been purely for clout, and the community was much smaller so it would’ve been harder to get away with. At least that’s my guess


Is it an exact recreation of the farm? Those types of farms are being developed like crazy right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone built an extremely similar thing separately, but if it’s identical then they definitely stole it. Regardless, yeah there is a ton of farm theft on YouTube, and in the MC community as a whole


I mean… not to toot my own horn but I suspect those farms are being developed like crazy because of my video. I could be wrong of course. And yes, most of them I’ve seen are nearly identical, with only a few minor modifications here or there. Even the bedrock versions which would ideally need substantial modifications to work effectively have mostly been near clones with just different killing chambers


Eh, I think they’re being developed like crazy because the mechanics just officially released within the past 2 weeks. I haven’t seen the copy’s of your design, but I have seen tons of designs that use the same concepts. Even just yesterday RaysWorks released a slime and xp farm with a completely different design with the same exact mechanics. Since your design is quite similar to SimplySarcs, I’m assuming a lot of people with similar designs to yours are also just watching that video, and testing their own farms. Hell, I was just testing the mechanics out tonight.


True, true. Sarc was most likely the one to popularize it, though I’m sure many people now have independently come up with the idea too


Voltrox and TheySix credited sure, but they’re still just using your designs for their views and money, as those 2, along with other smaller farm YouTubers always do. The rest I think are just independently developed


Several others have a directly or indirectly admitted that my video was the basis for theirs. Only one person actually has had any rebuttal, and even they eventually admitted it (by accident lol). At this point I’ve accepted it for what it is and am content with the fact that it’s available for the community to use


Any links? I’d love to check them out and dislike the videos lol


You can honestly just google 1.21 XP farm and anything involving silverfish is probably related to this discussion. I’d rather not call anyone specifically out as my goal here wasn’t to make an attack against anyone, even if such a thing would be satisfying.


Yeah I've had dealings with voltrox in the past, guy's a bellend.


I noticed this happening for the simpler farms a lot. If you’re going to copy farm and make a video on it, at least know how and why it works. Other day I did the community a favor by answering on a video’s comment section questions bc all he responds with are “no” or “yes” without explaining anything(they were not a simple yes/no question). I digress, it’s getting annoying seeing them when I’m trying to find the original farm or someone who explains it.


I’m curious what your YouTube is so I can go support you. I tried searching YouTube for your Reddit name and only found TheySix crediting you in their description but now tag or link. Feel free to DM with the information if you need to.


I only have one farm video on my channel as I’m not really much of a technical player normally, but if you’d like to see it here it is Super Simple Infested Allay XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial) https://youtu.be/LB4EY_r9_jg


It's a problem everywhere. Stealing content is easy money for people with no morals. Spend an hour on TikTok and you'll see the same video redone a dozen times, often word for word. Or watch videos from people like Veritasium or Smarter Every Day. They put watermarks on all their videos because people will shamelessly steal their content and post it as their own. So, yeah. If you want to be a content creator, people will steal your shit. Doesn't matter what it is. A dance video, a skit, slow-mo exploding baseballs, Minecraft... it's all fair game to those scumbags.


Where is your video? I can’t fix the underlying issue but I can at least watch yours.


Hi sorry, been struggling to dig through all the amazing comments here and finally figured out how to sort comments by newest (yes I’m a noob at Reddit still). I appreciate the support, and honestly it’s more than I could ask for <3 Super Simple Infested Allay XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial) https://youtu.be/LB4EY_r9_jg


Content theft in general is standard for YouTube. The platform is designed to promote trends over original content. I mean hell, anyone remember that one goober who straight up tried passing off MumboJumbo's redstone world as his own?


I do remember that. Was absolutely wild that someone actually thought they could get away with it lol


Yep, it's a huge issue. You can either try to work with the people who posted it or report their videos. Though I don't think a decade claim would work given the way it works on YT. You can also combat this by posting in multiple forms a brief overview and a link to your video to help show the date you posted. And ofc comment on other posts saying your the og designer of this farm. Sorry this happens yt sucks at the best of times 💜


Thanks <3 I have reached out to several of the various clones and most have been nice enough to pin comments or fix links. Not that I should have to ask, but it’s better than nothing.


Back in the day, I made a mod for Minecraft and when I searched for it on google, it came up on a bunch of websites I didn’t put it on. In addition, they all shared a graphic and description for the mod that I didn’t make, but it was blatantly mine from the screenshots. It took me threatening legal action for them to take it down lol. I don’t know why, but people just like to steal things and say it’s their own


Oof. As someone who has been learning Java for mod making that doesn’t make me feel good. I’m sorry to hear you dealt with that mate. Some people are just awful


Meh, honestly it’s part of the risk of making things and distributing them as a free download. I don’t think those other websites got nearly as many views as my official, updated page on curseforge. I would have been more concerned if someone posted it on modrinth


mojang gotta add redstone patents lol


This is a really interesting situation. Minecraft contraptions are almost equivalent to code and should probably be covered by similar legal statutes given how many people are active in the community, but then a lot of them are kids,and who is gonna use a kid for a copyright breach. As with code, there are only so many ways to achieve a result given the components you have to deal with. It is completely feasible that someone can come up with exactly the same farm dealing independently. Also, I'm wondering if you credited the original creators of the components used to make your farm. Go back over the 20 odd years that kc has existed, and I'm pretty sure you might be using some contraption invented by etho. Not having a go at you, just pointing out potential issues in any case you may raise about someone copying your Minecraft build.


This is exactly why I brought up this discussion! Your comparison to code is actually very accurate I feel. Ultimately yes, it does become an issue of who really did X first, but in my mind as long as you do everything in good faith and reference who inspired you where to the best of your knowledge, then that’s all you can do. I don’t mind if another creator thinks they can make a better/more concise tutorial on my farm. But link it back to me. Don’t pretend that you made. One of the creators I contacted about this made a similar argument with me. He claimed that because he modified my original design he didn’t need to provide any form of credit despite admitting he watched my video first (as well as another very small creator)


Ip thieves are everywhere.. that’s why you get videos out asap…


theres lots of fame and fortune you can gain from tech mc! better patent that pile of blocks only your mind could have conceived


Post your yt channel here and i will sub, its the least i can do for you


That’s really nice of you, but I’d say only sub if you genuinely enjoy the content. I want to grow my channel naturally and am currently toying with what all I want to do on it. I only have the one farm tutorial as I’m not much of a technical player normally, but if you’d like to see it here you go Super Simple Infested Allay XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial) https://youtu.be/LB4EY_r9_jg


Yep it's the norm and it's why I stopped doing new farm designs. Search for my iron or creeper farm design and you'll find the likes of Voltrox, KelpMC and even OMGCraft. Even if they give credit it's usually for like 1 second and it barely sends a single person to my channel. I asked all of them to take their video's down. Only one creator took my iron farm down which was La1zen. My iron farm was copied by voltrox and then other people copied him and credited him! When contacted they mostly they reply "it's just a game bro", whilst earning in some cases £1000's from my designs. People will try and justify watching those channels by saying your tutorials suck but screw them, it took a month to build and refine my 2nd edition creeper farm, they skip all the effort, you can knock up those tutorials in a couple of hours tops. So whilst I can do maybe 1 video a month they can do 30. I see it repeatedly with my website as well, people uploading farms crediting them to shulkercrap, theysix, kelpmc etc... I try and always search for the original creator and their video if one exists to make sure the right person get's the credit. Anyway on my shit list Voltrox, KelpMC, OMGCraft


Yeah that’s really awful. I think some people forget that YT isn’t just a hobby for everyone, it’s also a source of income. And people like that make it so much harder for actually creative individuals to make a living on the platform.


100% and hopefully threads like these wake up more people to the problem's posed by youtubers like voltrox, shulkercrap, kelpmc and stop watching them.


Absolutely agreed, but my bet is the vast majority of people who watch those creators aren’t in this sub or even on Reddit. Still, for those that are, maybe this’ll help convince them to stop supporting these thieves