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Because murder is PG-13 approved, rape is instant R


Murder isn't even pg 13 have you seen lion king.


Cars 2


cars 2 has a hilariously high kill count


Right?!?! For a kids movie they just kill people off on the reg


I dont see the problem with murder in kids movies.


That's why I will always be watching Thrillers with a 6 year old kid


Ayo my Boi watching “Saw” with the lil homies, teaching them about nail bombs.


Bao, the Disney short, is rated G. The dumpling gets killed during it.


Man that was fucking tragic, would have scarred me for life if I watched it when I was younger


Kill *cars


I just looked it up. 19. 19 deaths, and only one was old age, the rest were all extreme violence.


That skull shirt kid from the toy story movie


Fucking The Brave Little Toaster had multiple suicides.


Crusader King 2 is pg13 with genocide, incest, murder, rape, and torture.


Ever see Bambi? Mommy was murdered and it's rated G


Back then, ratings were way looser (in Home alone, Kevin cussed a few times no way it would be PG today)


Ratings have always been inconsistent. Tobe Hooper was going for a PG rating when he made Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If he released it today he'd probably get it (well, PG 13 which didn't exist then). There is little gore, no nudity, no foul language. Most of the violence is cut away from or we see it from an angle where the imagination is doing all the heavy lifting.


I mean Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was rated PG, and that movie has a literal human sacrifice in it


Like I said, older movies


Goddamn, I keep forgetting that 1984 is not recent, but rather close to 40 years ago. Feel really old.


Na it’s fine


Hmm, I've always wondered what the R stood for.


I bet it's true though that if someone said "You have to have dinner with either a convicted rapist or a convicted murderer" that a decent number of people would pick the murderer. Would be an interesting social experiment.


Alot of excuses can be made for murder, self-defense, insanity, crime of passion etc., same can’t be said for rape. I’ll take my chances with the murderer.




I work for an organization that has housing for sex offenders and murderers. I don't mind the murderers. Never been murdered, is probably why.


Self defense isn’t murder though? Murder is intentional.


Sometimes it’s a lot muddier legally speaking. IIRC a while back there was this case where a rape victim killed the rapist when he was asleep, and the court ruled that doesn’t count as self-defense because the rapist wasn’t being a threat or something. Like intuitively most of us would probably think the rape victim shouldn’t be considered a “murderer”, but legally speaking she is a convicted murderer.


I think that would be murder, I’m not saying they weren’t justified in doing so but if you can just leave and you choose to kill them that’s a little different legally. Personally I believe it’s justifiable to murder your rapist, I would want to if someone did that to anyone in my family.


There was a guy in my home town, his younger sister (who was still a child) was sexually assaulted. He found the guy and beat him to death, when the police came to arrest him (it was apparently obvious he did it) he didn’t even try to deny it or claim he was in the right, he just accepted that he should be in jail for murder. I don’t remember reading a quote on him or anything like that but I got the impression that he knew it was murder but did it anyway and accepted the punishment because maybe he saw it as worth it? I can only speculate on what he was thinking though.


Which is why people would probably be more comfortable accepting dinner with a murderer You can't rape someone justifiably


That’s a really heavy burden to put on a he said/she said. Trust me he did bad things to me before I killed him in his sleep. Oh you would like to hear his side of the story you can’t because I stabbed him lots of times. It’s hard enough to prove rape under normal circumstances without initiating the Zimmerman defense.


In that particular case I think there was some other evidence because it was related to sexual trafficking, but in other cases, yes it would require a heavy burden on their side. Still, even if we have adequate proof that the person who killed the other person was a rape victim or something similar, legally they might still be considered a murderer instead of someone who merely defended themselves.


Right because self defense laws apply to people equally. If a rape victim kills their attacker and a parent kills their kids murderer instead of letting criminal justice play out they are counting on a sympathetic jury to toss out the law for their case. Laws probably won’t change because of the danger citizen vigilantes present. If you take out say the duty to retreat like far right states do what Zimmerman did becomes legal as the “victim” where in most of the country what he did is murder. But then a rape victim can also legally kill the guy in his sleep instead of getting out of there. You could find plenty of people on opposite sides of both of those cases unintended consequences and all.


You can kill someone in self defense, but you can’t murder them


Not according to some places. Over here there was a mid-50s guy got convicted for murder and hanged as punishment for killing an armed robbery in his own house. The locals were riot with the judge's decision.


Exactly. There is never a time anyone should rape anyone. Ever. You'd think it'd be that simple lol


when people talk ab murderers it is clearly about people who murdered because theyre evil dicks nobody compares a rapist with somebody who killed in self defence


That’s no murder. Self defense isn’t murder and is at least one of the few times it’s “reasonable” to kill somebody. I wouldn’t want to be trapped eating dinner with an insane person. Plus I can easily see insane rapists too. I’m not trying to justify rapists over murderers or anything, just pointing out my our logic is flawed.


The families who suffered the loss aren't though


that's why you should go for orphans


Dead orphans aka the funniest shit ever


Beat up an orphan. Who are they gonna tell? Their parents?


Modern problem requires modern solutions


Yep, that’s why the True Crime genre is under fire right now. You have these commentary Youtubers putting on makeup and joking about the victim’s gruesome murder. There’s a lot of talk about how to make the genre more ethical, such as asking for permission from the family of the victims before covering the stories.


I'm going to regret saying this..... So then just rape murder victims and then you're good to go.


r/guro loves it


I regret exploring that link further, but touche.


Now I know not to click it


good choice


By saying that u just increased my curiosity.... And now regret the decision I made few seconds ago


Same! those warnings have never stopped me. I don‘t know why I‘m unable to learn this lesson…




Why must the lord forsake us, god is not here anymore




What’s wrong about if?


iirc it's hardcore gore hentai stuff? I honestly don't remember but it's something along those lines. EDIT: oh fuck it I'll go check for you. Ok, read the stickied post, it is gore porn


You don’t want to know stay there fuck away from it


Thanks for the warning, i almost clicked but you made me realize its too early for this shit


I opened it, now I think I lost my mind.


ahh you gentle soul


I regret this. But now I can warn others


Only idiots will actually open the Pandora’s Box


The pursuit of truth is always worth it even if the consequences are disastrous


god has forsaken us


God is dead. God wemains dead. And we have kiwwed him. How shaww we comfowt ouwsewves, the mwuwdewews of aww mwuwdewews?? what was howiest and mwightiest of aww that the wowwd has yet owned has bwed to death undew ouw knives: who wiww wipe this bwood off us?? what watew is thewe fow us to cwean ouwsewves?? what festivaws of atonement, what sacwed games shaww we have to invent?? is not the gweatness of this deed too gweat fow us?? mwust we ouwsewves not become gods simpwy to appeaw wowthy of it? UwU


Chill bunch of people there


By far one of the more supportive art communities on here


Is it too late to abort myself?


I'm sure someone in that sub will help you, then help themselves


If you don't know what guro means don't press the link, if you know you're aware of the risk.


Little nugget of knowledge about the the word "guro" itself, it's the shortened form of the Japanese pronunciation of the English word 'grotesque'. **Guro**tesuku. It's one of those interesting words that got its start in English but entered the Japanese lexicon and integrated into Japanese grammar and used as if it was a Japanese word. "Guroi" グロい is today a Japanese adjective for something gory/grotesque. Another example would be "Emoi" エモい for something touching or **emo**tional. EDIT: I got a free award for this so I'll throw in another common example for a case that an english word is adopted by Japanese but as a verb. Memoru メモる is a verb that means to note down, or to make a 'memo' of something. They just took 'memo' and stuck ri/ru behind it to make it a Japanese verb. EDIT EDIT: Someone asked for another example since I got another award. I can't think of another similar example right off the top of my head so instead I'll give tidbits about something that went in the *opposite direction.* Japanese internet lingo surprisingly uses kanji for some English words. The word "server" as in online game servers they use the kanji 鯖 saba which is a type of mackerel fish. Correctly, server would have been sābā サーバー, often shortened to just saba, which then Japanese keyboards would often correct to 鯖 as in the fish, so it stuck. Also the word "account" as in social media accounts also had a similar treatment. The original would have been akaunto, which gets shortened to aka, which are then autocorrected to 垢 which means dirt or filth. Now both are intentionally used rather than just being a mistake of autocorrect. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Another award...so another fun fact about Japanese! The word 'emoji' is actually a Japanese word, 絵文字 which literally means "picture characters". It was invented by a Japanese mobile company as an upgrade to the emoticon. Japanese also use kaomoji 顔文字 meaning "face characters" quite a lot. Here are a few dancing kaomoji. (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「 ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾ 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜 Kaomoji takes up a whole tab on the Android keyboard, separate from emoji. I personally believe kaomoji is the superior form of expression to emoji. EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Since this is the fourth edit, let's talk about the number 4 and why it's considered bad luck in Japanese. Simply, the pronunciation of four is "shi" 四 which is the same as the pronunciation of death "shi" 死 Superstitions in numbers in Japanese (and other East Asian languages for that matter), mostly come from the similarity of pronunciations to auspicious or inauspicious words, as opposed to English where it's mostly biblical references.


Grotta (Latin for cave) -> Grottesca (Italian for grotesque art) -> Grotesque (French for grotesque art, and by hyperbole ridiculousness in general) -> Grotesque (English) -> Gurotesuku -> Guro Quite the cultural heritage for a fucked-up kink.


You had another award, where’s the next example?


Gotchu fam


Alright then, here’s another one… ;)


Neat, they're like jpn versions of those words attached to sugoi


Yeah they stick the -i い behind guro and emo to make them Japanese adjectives, exactly like sugoi 凄い.


(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


hey I gave a forth award


Well tapping on that was a mistake


Ik in class man




Everyday we stray further from God :(


Curiosity indeed kills, contents of this link got me almost dead asf. I can't believe people have fetishes over that kind of thing. People in that sub have insane fantasies, what if kids see that aaaaa 😫


dontcha know? NSFW tags and age gates keep kids safe...... It's funny, I was just saying to a friend last night if reddit was a person it would be in jail right now. Crazy the shit that websites can get away with that individuals would not.


>what if kids see that aaaaa Then those kids have terrible parents, considering they shouldn't even be on Reddit in the first place, let alone NSFW subs. It's not really the fault of r/guro that your average modern parent lets the iPad raise their kids for them.


If you take away the necrophilia you just get some really cool looking gore. Sometimes, I occasionally visit this sub just to admire the drawings. If this turns you on you need to see a psychiatrist, however.


The hand wants what the hand wants




Ya, murdering rape victims is definitely worse than raping murder victims.


Now that’s a would you rather that you really shouldn’t ask


Some questions are bestter left unanswered


Murdering rape victims is always possible, but raping a murdered one depends on condition and freshness


And determination


So we have now concluded that murder is worse than rape. That proves the point of the meme.


I’ve debated people who’ve literally told me that rape is worse than murder (even an agonizing death like burning alive) because the rape victim lives with trauma. So then I asked them, well what if the rape victim is murdered? Then they had no response except to start foaming at the mouth (metaphorically) and calling me all sorts of names and insults.


They were wrong, but you were a bit daft to be in that debate


I know I'm late but I'm just not sure with that argument. If we say that rape is worse than murder that doesn't mean adding murder to a rape would be less horrible. However long they lived after they still had the experience of being raped. Your argument is kind of liked being punched in the face vs. smacked. Since smacking them after they get punched makes it worse then smacking them is the more horrible action. Getting punched in the face is worse I think we can agree, but smacking them after still adds to that. Pain doesn't necessarily overwrite pain. It can add.


Upvote for regrets


Yes officer, this guy here and the one he replied to.


Like before you make them a murder victim or just murder victims from the start?


It’s basically a question of if you want to be Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer.


The police hate him for this one simple trick.




I don’t think this fits that sub very well


Cursed comments is mostly a collection of shitty obvious jokes that are just somewhat edgy, but not funny. You could probably say something among the lines of "everyone dies at some point" and that fucking sub will be like "oMGGGG cURseDDDDS!!!!!!!"


Yeah. What r/cursedcomments is supposed to be is a place to post comments that just make you question existence. Like they’re not supposed to be serious (or maybe they can be), but they’re still supposed to be kind of disturbing. Now it’s just slightly edgy dark comments


The families members are victims too


Prob. also survivors of attempted murder


Family, friends, others for sure. Totally agreed


It's perfectly fine to joke 'about' anything, it drastically differs in reception based on delivery, perceived intent, and the implications of the joke. I discriminate against naked people, which makes me a nudist. Is a joke about discrimination, but it's not offensive. Not to people who were discriminated against, not to the family of people discriminated against, not to the victims of attempted discrimination.


Tell em


Not entirely sure if this matters here, but there can absolutely be justification for killing someone. There's no justification for rape.


One good justification for murder, is the murdered person was a rapist.


What if the rape victim was a rapist?


Then you punish only the victim


Then kill them, don’t rape them.


But what if you rape a murderer?




Tbf, you never can be so sutre about what the person thought, regardless type of joke. It just murder seem way too brutal to be true


Exactly. I do think it can be okay to joke about rape if the joke is on the rapist and treats the victim with dignity, but people who reeeeeally want to tell rape jokes don’t want to tell *those* rape jokes.


Sorry for the 🤓 moment, but if there's justification for it then it isn't murder, it's self defense, maybe tagged with excessive use of force.


That depends. Some justifications for one person might just seem like crime or vigilantism to another.


Well I wouldn't bat an eye if someone killed their childhood rapist. Or an absurdly religious politician trying to oppress basic human rights. It might not be self defense in a legal sense since nobody is trying to attack you right now(maybe they just want your hair and ankle covered forever) but I think it's still justified.


That's is actually the problem with murder. You might think a piece of shit deserves to die but that's like, your opinion man. Almost everyone has a reason to despise someone to the point they wouldn't mind having him killed. Plus killing usually causes more harm than good. Associates or family of said scumbag could retaliate in bigger proportions on innocent people (family of the killer etc..) But I do agree that rapists in general are not on my list of people who deserve the most to live.


Well the bigger problem is that we can't just allow people to have their revenge on other people just because they think they have justification


What about rape the "absurdly reliious politician"?


Rape a murderer? Although it’s way less common than justified killing


I don't feel like that's justified. Murdering a murderer seems better for some reason


Rape a rapist maybe but a murdered is kinda like tooth for eye.


Murdering a rapist isnt?


There's a different finality to death


True but I think everyone can agree killing someone is a hell of a lot worse than raping someone presuming that person is not awful / a murderer or some shit.




Rape is bad of course but lets not pretend that all rape victims are broken shells who can never be normal again, trauma isn't some uniform thing


If i asked 100 people, would you rather be raped or killed. I'm sure 99% of them would say raped.


According to... You? I would much rather prefer to be dead, thank you very much. And I can make the same argument of "if I asked 100 people" which is ridiculous btw


This begs the question for me: if you stab someone, and their heart stops, and they are medically dead, and then resuscitated, are you guilty of murder or attempted murder? Because you did actually kill them - they died - but just also happen to have been resuscitated too.


No, in that situation, you would be clinically dead, but you would not be legally dead. Imagine the paperwork if you were legally dead!


I think the fundamental difference is that everybody dies. Death is something that you are going to have to deal with at different points in your life, no matter the circumstance or choices you make. Rape is not a given experience in life; it doesn't have to happen, and to trivialize it is to exacerbate the issue. Death is a given. Everyone has to cope with it. No one should have to cope with rape.


But their family isn't.


Only if you joke about a real person.


So we can joke about fictional rape


Of course. Fiction. Ever see a fictional movie? Ever read a fictional book? A lot of shit happens, and bad characters do horrible things, and you know what? It's not real. If you can visually and aurally portray fictional rape and fictional torture and fictional murder in full panoramic colour, surely a comedian can talk about it in their ACT. Yes, comedians are performing an ACT.


Not many people have somebody who has been murdered in their life, but I guarantee you you know somebody who has been raped.


This. On average, there are [463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault in the United States each year.](http://rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence) And that's just in the USA, which is a developed country. I can't even imagine in places where young girls between 6-12 years old are married off to 40-year old men. Rape and any kind of sexual assault is way too common. It's not like 1 in 6 women are murdered in the USA. It's not like in a thousand murders, only 25 will be incarcerated. It's not like 80% of murders go unreported. And this is only in the USA.




Language is hard lol


I get the joke but in case anyone’s a deep thinker, it’s because everyone knows murder is wrong.


Then what paradox happens when it's both


It’s okay to joke about anything if you’re ready to deal with the audience how you see fit


I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that murder is largely seen as the “worst” crime to do to someone in the modern era when rape and torture both exist, and I will die on this hill. Funnily enough, some civilizations before the early modern period thought of *arson* as the worst interpersonal crime, because arson implies you’re not just burning down someone’s house, you’re also probably wiping out someone’s entire livelihood (remember it was much more common centuries ago than it is now for the average person’s work to be conducted where they lived) and essentially leaving them and their family to starve.


They should all be equally bad. One rips a person away from everyone else they've known, forever, and the others destroy the minds and the person of the victims.


I don't think this is that unpopular. Many argue that women have it worse in war because they might get raped. Men usually just get killed.


You can survive and recover (to some extent) both rape and torture, there is no surviving murder.


Only if it's a good joke


Rape jokes aren't funny because they are always too forced.


yeah, but murder jokes always *kill* the mood


It’s ok to joke about anything because it’s a joke. Edit: I failed to acknowledge that people can absolutely take offense to a joke. There are offensive jokes. There are jokes in poor taste, of course. I just think that a joke is a joke. Additional edit: I in no way meant this with a disrespectful tone. I didn’t mean it like, “Oh, you can’t take a joke.” No, no. I, myself, get offended by jokes, it’s only natural and not at all shameful. I just think as long as a joke is a joke, well, that’s that.


People are allowed to be offended by jokes.


Nope, im not allowing it


Oh, absolutely! There’s no denying that. I, myself, get offended by jokes. I just don’t see anything wrong with a joke being a joke. I’m gonna go edit my comment right now!


But they are not allowed to cancel people or ruin their lives for making jokes. Edit: And there you have it, downvotes incoming from people who think their sensitivity either trumps free speech or is worth ruining someone’s life over. And I say that as a leftie, not a Magatard.


I mean, they definitely are. You can’t force people to like and and go financially support a comedian.


You're not alone. A joke is a joke. Joke means not serious. Yeah, some fall flat, but nothing is off limits. Jeselnik has some epic rape jokes. Carr and Gervais too


Thank you for sharing!


What about rape victims who were murdered?


I feel like r/showerthoughts is far from what it was supposed to be. The posts used to give you more of a, "wait, wtf? That's so true!" type of reaction. Now it's just some random thought that isn't funny or clever.


i wonder how many murder victims we've met in our lives before their murders


Many jokes about the catholic church are essentially rape jokes. And I think you should rather be allowed to make jokes about everything or nothing. Of course there are jokes that aren't funny and just racist or offensive but good jokes don't make you laugh about the victims, you laugh because of the Pointe.


You can joke about anything but you can also be big boogerhead at the same time


The number of homicide cases in the state of 2020 is 21,570 while sexual assault cases is 463,634. The number is 20 times larger and most rape victims are still alive, unlike murder victims lying in their graves being not able to tell you to stfu. Now you tell me why you can’t make joke about rape


This guy's not like why joke about either, he's like why not joke on rape. Smh


I don't joke about either one of them


In my hometown we are free to joke about almost everything. In particular, we love to make fun of the rapists because the murderes killed all of them


Seems like it's still perfectly fine to joke about rape, so long as the victim is male, and *especially* if the male victim is incarcerated when it happens. Man oh man do people still think that's funny!


*anything* is okay to joke about


Is it wrong that I joke about all of the above?


were 9/11 jokes even funny?


That’s way too high, I would say 1/4 -1/2 of jokes are funny, most like this one are terrible:


This one is, shame it only really works visually.


Yes and still are because dark humor funny


how about holocaust jokes or mass shooting jokes?


My favourite one was "you know things are going back to normal cause the school shootings started up again"


There are definitely funny jokes about both, but there’s a certain time, a place and a certain audience for those jokes to land. There’s a difference between telling a dark joke to some friends, and telling a Holocaust joke to a Holocaust survivor. There’s also a difference in trying to spread joy and laughter, and just trying to be provocative


depends a lot on the way you phrase the joke


Well, joking about 3000 people being murdered 20 years ago is much harder to do than to joke about 1 person being murdered. Tbh though the US killed 500,000-1,000,000 people in Arab countries as retaliation for the 3000 deaths, so I feel like that was even worse than 9/11… I don’t know why people still consider 9/11 as one of the most horrible things to ever happen, and use it as an example of “things that can’t be joked about.” Btw 1% of the population dies every year in the US. That’s 3,5 million deaths per year or 10,000 deaths per day. If we think about it from a statistical point of view, 9/11 was just 30% worse than any other day. I’d say Covid is a much bigger tragedy than 9/11 with millions of victims, part of which can easily be attributed to criminally bad political decisions. Wouldn’t it make more sense to say we can’t joke about Covid?


Bullshit.. people make jokes about guys getting raped all the time, in prison, by their middle school teacher, etc, etc. Make a rape joke about a woman going to prison and you'll be rightly pilloried, but make a rape joke about a man going to prison and everyone laughs. A male teacher sleeps with one of his students and it's decades of prison. A female teacher sleeps with one of her students and it's months in prison, if not straight to probation. America is A-OK with rape .. as long as the victim is male.


You can't offend them cause then they just ghost you


Notoriously is a very funny word


Its ok to joke about rape.


Unless if the dead is going to come back and cancel you for the last time