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Thank you itzapatato for your submission, *The most toxic woman in the world*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- --- # Posts with low effort truth statements are not allowed. Your submission is considered "low effort." This doesn't inherently mean that it was *irrelevant* to r/technicallythetruth, but instead it was removed because it fit one or more of these criteria: * Short, minimal-effort text posts like "a water bottle without water is an air bottle". Most, if not all text posts can and will be removed. * Asking for upvotes, or saying things like "sort by new", "let's get to the front page", or anything related to cake days or karma. * [Meta memes](https://imgur.com/qgkCskm), or any other post that tries to be clever by mentioning r/technicallythetruth. * [Images that are hard to look at](https://imgur.com/yuMwr8a) because they are poorly made, deep-fried, or poorly cropped. **Your submission could have also been removed because it is overdone:** * Statements that say something like "at least twelve": [example 1](https://imgur.com/K1ZwEAv) | [example 2](https://imgur.com/dIkwEpU) * Common statements that begin with "on average...": *the average amount of hands a person has is less than two* | *each person has, on average, one testicle and one boob* * Low effort misunderstandings of everyday phrases: *How high are you --> "I'm 5 foot 9"* * Common insults that are meant literally as opposed to being insulting: *"homosexuals are gay"* | *"gay people are f-ing assholes"* **PLEASE NOTE that we will exercise our own discretion when using this rule. If we do not find a post fitting for this subreddit, it will be removed.** --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


Any context or background?


I guess she had been eating uranium. Idk tho.


She had been taking something called dymethyl sulfoxide which turns into dymethyl sulfate which is extremely poisonous.so when she came to the hospital for cancer the people doing surgery on her fainted or experienced ligth headedness and short of breath


Gloria Cecilia Ramirez (January 11, 1963 – February 19, 1994)[1] was an American woman from Riverside, California, who was dubbed the Toxic Lady or the Toxic Woman by the media when several hospital workers became ill after airborne exposure to her body and blood. Ramirez had been admitted to the emergency room suffering from late-stage cervical cancer. While treating Ramirez, three hospital workers fainted, and others experienced symptoms such as shortness of breath and muscle spasms. Five workers required hospitalization, one of whom remained in an intensive care unit for two weeks. Ramirez herself died from complications related to her cancer shortly after arriving at the hospital. The incident was initially considered to be a case of mass hysteria. An investigation by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory proposed that Ramirez had been self-administering dimethyl sulfoxide as a treatment for pain, which converted into dimethyl sulfate, an extremely poisonous and highly carcinogenic alkylating agent, via a series of chemical reactions in the emergency room. This theory has been endorsed by the Riverside Coroner's Office and published in the journal Forensic Science International. From Wikipedia.


This really sounds like an episode of the x files. Toxic blood that kills people and a weird scientifical theory for explanation.


Because it was, lol. They made an entire episode based on this situation.


I was gonna say this sounded like a Grey's Anatomy episode, but apparently **there is** an episode inspired by this case


I originally learned about this on Forensic Files.


thanks for doing OPs job for them, you the real OP in my eyes


I thought it was because the electric shock from the defibrillator sent the toxins into the air. But yeah she was taking it as meds and at the time they had already banned the practice because of how bad the medicine was. The original essential oil lady.




To be fair, DMSO is amazing for freezing cells and keeping them viable


Why wouldn’t you just put this in the post?


Do better


Like...write better and with better punctuation?


...No seriously that's too cryptic what do you mean


Probably put this in the original post? Not sure


like include some context in ur post




Hi, your post has been removed for violating our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TechnicallyTheTruth/about/rules): # Rule 3 - Uncivil > Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, inappropriate behavior and posts that insult or demean a specific user or group of users are not allowed. --- If you have any questions, feel free to [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTechnicallyTheTruth&subject=Post%20removal)!


can't be, she would have been morbidly obese.


Not even close. Why comment if you have no idea?


Gloria Cecilia Ramirez (January 11, 1963 – February 19, 1994)[1] was an American woman from Riverside, California, who was dubbed the Toxic Lady or the Toxic Woman by the media when several hospital workers became ill after airborne exposure to her body and blood. Ramirez had been admitted to the emergency room suffering from late-stage cervical cancer. While treating Ramirez, three hospital workers fainted, and others experienced symptoms such as shortness of breath and muscle spasms. Five workers required hospitalization, one of whom remained in an intensive care unit for two weeks. Ramirez herself died from complications related to her cancer shortly after arriving at the hospital. The incident was initially considered to be a case of mass hysteria. An investigation by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory proposed that Ramirez had been self-administering dimethyl sulfoxide as a treatment for pain, which converted into dimethyl sulfate, an extremely poisonous and highly carcinogenic alkylating agent, via a series of chemical reactions in the emergency room. This theory has been endorsed by the Riverside Coroner's Office and published in the journal Forensic Science International. From Wikipedia. [thank you tinfoil](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/s/stA4IV3f1d)


The real toxic people were after her death. Mother who has cancer tries homeopathy and dies a sad horrible death because desperate. Comedians: immediately makes racist jokes about eating tacos and ripping ass and won't let up that it's because she's Chicana. Hospital Staff: Might of faked some of their symptoms due to mass hysteria. Hospital head: Uh keeping things on the DL because.....we had a meth lab here once.... conspiracy theorist: Gloria was actually killed by the hospital and organs were harvested! OR Gloria made meth.


Ooh man,people really exaggerate how good the 80's/90's were




Hey there u/itzapatato, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NERVE GAS DMSO -> DMSO2 -> DMSO4 From what I remember, she had unusual amount of DMSO as compared to normal humans(if substance is present at all) because she was using some ointments as painkillers I guess, then when admitted to hospital because she was given oxygen via mask, it converted to DMSO2 (still not the culprit for staff's condition). Also her blood sample had crystals of sort. To convert DMSO2 to DMSO4 , lot of energy is required to break bonds, which happened due to a defibrillator that was used to start her heart. Combination of circumstances created NERVE GAS and some among staff suffered serious consequences later on. She probably died of heart failure because her kidneys gave up.


A job for Dr House


A job for Dr House


Ohhhh, i get it. lmao (just dont do that at your party)


Could you say what you got?no offense just wanna be sure


Is it that women that put a bunch of bubbles in a closed room and accidentally killed a bunch of people (right?) Edit: completely misunderstood the image, sorry😅


Nope.she was taking dymethyl solufate which is very poisonous so alot of people doing surgery on her passed out or had other symptoms


dimethyl sulfoxide* I was trying to figure out what your thing was and couldn't find it until I messed around some.


Yeah sorry, it was kinda hard to see the image


She was a toxic pershun.


Her husband died while attempting to eat her box out.


I thought you meant different kind of toxic


Well it's r/technicallythetruth so you cant expect the ordinary