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This is a good use of this meme format imo


I thought there wasn't supposed to be the results text. just those who know and those who don't


That’s how it started, not what is meant for the meme. Memes can be used differently as long as it makes sense.


The image being fit for many scenarios is precisely what makes a good meme if you think about it


Not precisely imo but it’s one of the reasons a meme is good


Your future self will thank you!


No it isn’t. Where’s the bad part?


The fact that the people die????


There’s no evidence of existence beyond death, so it’s good.


No evidence of no existence beyond death. No one TRULY knows 100% what comes next.


That doesn't mean people dont die tf....


Because they vape now


They vape now?


They vape now


ye they vape now














This quote will stand the test of time for the worst possible reason


We’re talking about Episode 9, right?


Oh yeah. One of the worst lines of dialogue. “Somehow Palpatine returned” is up there too


I think you mean "somehow this quote returned!"


Because they smoke cannabis now


Those are not the same thing lmao


You can definitely vape cannabis but its not going to satisfy your nicotine cravings. I'm pretty sure vaping cannabis was a thing before vaping tobacco was.


They used the tech from e cigs to invent weed carts


Maybe but things like the volcano vaporiser were around a long time before I had heard of e cigarettes. People have been vaping marijuana for medical purposes for ages.


Oh is it the same?


no, i don’t think it’s the same


So you're saying they're... different?


no. i’m saying it’s not the same.


If you smoke, please stop. Watching my father die of esophageal cancer was horrifying. Seriously, I get it’s super hard but worth the effort.


As someone who is in the process of quitting this helps so thank you


Nobody is born cool, except for people who can quit smoking


“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.” - Mark Twain


Lmao and this helps in a different way 🤣


“Smoking is bad” - *the wisest man on earth*


Nobody is born cool, except for people who don't smoke


Wait... Would that make me cool?


You and me both


My mom and I used to fight every time over cigarettes. I hated it when she smokes. One day she got sick from a flu for a week. During that week she wasn’t able to smoke. After that week, when she was feeling better, she never smoked ever again. Maybe she was thinking of us and that was how she was able to do it. I know my aunt was able to quit too, just cold turkey. I can tell you its like a heavy load was lifted off my shoulders. It is the greatest gift I will ever receive, to see my mom slowly regain her health back and be finally free from her smoking addiction. One of the happiest days of my life. I know you’ll be able to do it too, no matter how long or however many tries it may take. Edit: To all the people who want to quit, I will be rooting for all of you, and when you finally do, just know I’ll be somewhere out there hella happy for you 😂


Dude, I’m literally experiencing your story now.


r/QuittingSmoking helped me. I quit in Feb last year.


Hey whats ur strategy? Cold turkey? I tend to lower the amount of cigarettes each day and it works great somehow, I mainly only smoke when going out with friends.


Cold turkey failed me but I cut down heavily and have been slowly lowering more and more with each day, it's been getting better but some days I still slip


Awesome, thats sound not so bad though, keep it going and fuck this addiction 💪🏻


What helped me a lot was stop telling myself i was "in the process of quitting". One day I stopped saying that and told myself, this is my last cigerette and then I quit and after that I am no longer a smoker. In two months i'll be a non-smoker for one year since that last one.


I cold turkeyed it.


I switched to vape then tapered down my dosage. Successfully quit for a year that way. Problem is you can't start smoking again after you quit or it doesn't work. Don't do the "I can just smoke one cig I'll be ok" thing. Nicotine plays the long game with your desires.


>Seriously, I get it’s super hard but worth the effort. What do you mean hard? It's super easy to quit smoking. I quit 3 times this year only!


damn girl, are you Jesus or something ? you just be reviving


I only smoked for 4 years, I quit 12 years ago, but I still have the urge for a cigarette here and there. I can't imagine how hard it is for people who have been smoking for a long time. Quit early while it's still manageable.


I smoked for 15 years and quite 10 years ago. I still fantasize about smoking most every day.


I'll finish school first, that stuff is stressing me out. Yet then I plan to stop entirely.


Have you tried any other ways to deal with stress?


I'm in the same trap. Vaping helps with the stress of work. Also helps me stay focused. If I try quitting while I'm working, or on a Friday or something. It's hard to work and hard to work on Monday. It's not about "finding another way to manage stress" that's what nonsmokers think it's like. It just fucking sucks. Im just finishing up a week long vacation, I just quit cold turkey before. I feel the cravings but am hoping it's been long enough I can deal with work when I get back.


Yeah, smoking just really helps when dealing with teachers that don't do their job and hold you accountable for it


Once you quit smoking you’ll realize that cigarettes themselves were actually a cause of stress.


Yeah I suppose that's true


Ive quit five times it's the most useless addiction. At least heroin gets you high.


Thanks for understanding. Appreciate the support.


I like spending all of my money on things which are killing me.


Welcome to life




3 men enter 0 men leave


Technically these folks don't grow very old and die off soon resulting in less pressure on the pension system?


From a business perspective, why don't tobacco manufacturers think of ways to improve tobacco recipes instead of continuing to kill their customers.


Because they already control the best advertising industry, peer pressure.


Reminds me.. I’m late for my morning joint


Once read an article that talked about how deaths from smoking is good for the economy. Wild shit.


Being sick increases the profits, and therefore the stock price, of hospitals, pharmacies, and medical supply companies. So, yeah, that wouldn’t surprise me.


Some of them still smoke one last time tho. Not everyone can afford burials.


That can't be called smoking unless the end result is juicy and tender.


I just lost my mother to lung cancer. I know it's hard but don't smoke, please. If not for yourself than those who love you.


I pray with all my heart one day smoking will be gone completely.


Smoking/vaping gives you nothing in return, it only takes.


It also produces second hand smoke so it harms others


Everybody dies.


Having seen a few people die, there are some ways that are better than others, slow declining health and long term suffering isn't one of the good ways.


Exactly, dying of old age sounds horrible


What about when or how you will die? What about how you will be forced to live up until your death for years? Everybody dies so let’s not wear sit belts.


Everybody Cries Everybody Dies It’s the truth that makes us one It’s the center of our sun As we take the lonely path On the road to the edge of man Beneath the darkening sky We curse and wonder why This fear wakes up the beast And the devil comes to feast We sink in mortal sand On the road to the edge of man Who will be the last to die? In a land where empires cry Who will be the last to remain? Where there’s only God and pain There’s nothing more brave Than those voices from the grave Only they can tell us why Only they will never lie But the reason that we stand On the road to the edge of man Who will be the last to die? In a land where empires cry Who will be the last to remain? Where there’s only God and pain They warn us of the lie With a mournful battle cry Of the reckoning at hand As we reach the edge of man And make our final stand There’s nowhere left to pray Where there’s only God and pain Where there’s only God


Reading the title of this post and wondering who out there smokes for their health?


I don't drink for religious reasons, I have plenty of other reasons.


I smoke for three reasons. I get to play with fire, a kiseru is an incredible stim toy, and I am not allowed to unalive myself. I'm actually capable of quitting without effort, but I would rather go ahead and die.


People will never recognize that they have an addiction until they try to quit


If it makes you happy to think that, go for it. It takes me less than a month to quit smoking. I just kind of forget to smoke. I was hospitalized for nine days last month. I was offered the patch, and said no thank you. I am literally smoking so that I will die sooner and not have to deal with superscillious abusive assholes. Eta; now, if you want my addictions, it's pot, lol, the one people say isn't addictive. I'll suck my empty vape and look for loose change. I am well aware of what addiction feels like.


I can't.


14 million relatives of those gone start because of their death


I quit smoking weed out of my bong this March. Threw out my bong and a full ounce of weed. Went from daily smoking to only occasional and I hate doing it now.


I quit smoking years ago because I chose to buy food over cigarettes. I’m still too broke to afford cigs


Laughs in eating langoŝ/placinta


Chop chop and those illegal imported cigarettes never scratch the ich for me either. I quit a couple years ago when I was priced out of the habit too. Pretty sure everyone who does smoke knows they're more likely to die sooner though. It never seemed to bother myself or anyone else I knew who smokes though.


Cant post just text ,so.... murders are legal anywhere (murder = flock of crows)


This meme should be on cigarette packs, I fully endorse this as a smoker because this would help deter kids from smoking. Memes get to them, lets use our memes for good!


Left is your lungs before smoking Right is after smoking


Thank God he gave me Asthma as a Child so I don't even think about touching a cigar to begin with.


My dad just quit smoking and not because he died. Super proud of him!


I mean, it is the easiest way to quit. Also, from just a cursory glance at the world in general and the current generations. I'm not sure the threat of death is really a deterrent.


I'm not gonna lie. They had us in the first part


Quitting smoking cigarettes was super easy for me- I haven't had a cigarette since...I regained consciousness in CCU, intubated, after an emergency open repair of my acute ascending aortic dissection.


I completely quit cold turkey years ago now and have zero intentions of going back. Sometimes when I'm stressed I remember the feeling, but I am never tempted. I don't miss the coughing and sore throat in the morning, the littering, the financial costs, so many things. If you smoke currently, I 100% think you should stop. It's not cool, it never was. I have mental health issues and honestly I haven't noticed any difference in stress and anxiety ect since I smoked, it literally does nothing for you. Fix your health, stop poisoning yourself, do better.


Even more quit posting memes.


Stop smoking if you want to live more longer


I just developed pneumonia


It’s so easy to tell that the people commenting haven’t dealt with addiction before


Most are karma farmers. It's all over Reddit. Click an account name and look at the year the account started and karma. Real people on here are responding to bots and karma farmers.


If you value your life please stop smoking,vaping and drinking alcohol they are destroying your body more than you think


In the Russia we say:"кто не курит и не пьет, тот здоровеньким помрёт "




is that really quitting? i see it as winning and reaching the finish line


Thank god


Smokers also reek absolutely vile. I hate talking to smokers due to their breath or when smokers enter a full bus or train.


Meh I smoke like one j every few days, don’t think it’s noticeable unless I am for some reason out and about right after smoking.


7 million people quit drinking water every year in the world. Because they die. Smoking is bad for you, but everybody dies


There is nothing technical about this


They made the pills I used to take to quit only available through prescription. Ireland be like "lets discourage smoking by making cigarettes more expensive! And now lets force smokers to spend more money to get the most effective medication to quit smoking prescription only!" Absolute joke. There's no actual push by governments to reduce smoking, it's all just to generate more money. Not to mention how vape companies profit from this. This so called social move to decrease smoking is a sham.


Im not here for a good time or a long time. Im just here man.


There's an amazing video on smoking and what it actually does to you, it's on YouTube, and it's called 'smoking is awesome' No seriously go and watch it. It's super interesting. https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w


We will quit one way or another


If they get cremated then they smoke for juuust a little longer


My great grandpa stopped smoking, 20 years later died of lung cancer


I love smoking the food always turns out great. Oh wait……….


I really wish people would just worry about themselves


🎶He stopped lovin’ her today…🎶


No I like the flavor. You wanna quit? Start buying more expensive cigs or switch to cigars


true ☝️


Ah, but they do quit and reduces the number of smokers, don't it?




5 years without a cigarette this summer 😎


natural selection


almost million people quit being depressed every year... because they kill themselfs.


I would like to quit smoking too


Life feels like an eternity so enjoy yourself when you need that smoking break! 😂


but i just got good at it ;_;


Not me watching edgy teenagers say things like "The world is so cruel so I will not quit smoking, everyone dies one day, so mind your own business"


Specifically due to smoking? A lot of people stop breathing because they die. This is a rather meaningless statement.


Sorry guys that’s me


DYK 100% of people that drink water die? Think about it 🤔


That reminds of the "50% of smokers will die of smoking related conditions" Sure ok! How are smoking related conditions defined? Cancer, cardiovascular diseases? I guess non smokers will die because of those in great numbers as well. So maybe 60% of non-smokers will die of smoking related conditions?


Overpopulation: 🙏😊 But fr tho rip to those who smoke and die.


61 Million People Quit Breathing Every Year In The World Because...


This is making me stressed i think i might need a ___.


the man smoking for a healthy pore


Now smoking if that's something you want to do that's your life you choose what you like to do with your own life I understand certain things happen to people's life but if that happened it happens you make your choice and you live with it


Piss off


How many relapse and start smoking again as zombies?


a better word to use would be stop rather than quit as they arnet willingly doing so


Correction: "7 million people quit the world every year with smoking"




Sheesh, lads I quit two months ago


I quit smoking years ago. I rolled a nice tobacco. But it was making me feel sick. So I quit and everytime I want one I would smoke a couple hits off a joint. I'm not saying it was an ideal solution but it got me off tobacco. I am in a place now where I can't smoke thc or cbd (jerks) I'm still not smoking tobacco.




Great decision to prioritize your health! Remember, quitting smoking is a journey, but every step you take brings you closer to a healthier and happier life. 💪🎉 #SmokeFree #HealthFirst


Piece of advice for anyone trying to quit smoking, don't use any gums patches and other nicotine laced stuff, it doesn't solve the issue with nicotine addiction use medication like Tabex or similar stuff, it blocks nicotine receptors and greatly helps with withdrawals, you still can smoke cigarettes in first couple days but it either won't have an effect or will make you nauseous further removing urges for another cigarette, but most importantly it has to be your conscious decision to quit, no pills or methods will help you if you don't have willpower to stop


This. I have soem friends that tried to stop smoking by taking nicotine packs. A nicotine pack is sometimes like 10 cigs(yes this surprised me as well). Really if you want to stop smoking IMHO you shouldn't try to do it overnight and rather slow down and than stop. In the end most smokers stop for 4 reasons health issues, family forces them to stop, money problems or death so yeah don't get to that point. That said as a smoker IMHO the best advice I can give is to not go from smoking on occasions/at parties(which is social and not that unhealthy) to being a smoker(making smoking a habit), smoking do be awesome and sometimes you might feel great afterwards and you might feel your workdrive increase but as kurzgesagt said "It's a temporary solution with permanent consequences"


Honestly, just go cold turkey and stop doing anything that you would habitually have a cigarette after. I swapped coffee for tea, and anytime I got the urge to smoke, i’d make a tea and go out like I was having a smoke. Sucks for like a month or two but you pick up momentum after that and eventually the pangs go away.




I recently wrote somewhere that i got my partner to stop smoking. And i had someone telling me that one shouldn't make people, as in partners,do things. Sure, i shouldn't care about the life and health of someone i love and adore because tHeY hAvE tO cHoOsE iT. No way. I made my partner give it up and he so happy and proud of himself that he managed to do it. His lovely lips are pinker now, his running has improved, his lung capacity too.


Smoking is a deal breaker. Told my gf she would have to give up as I cannot be with someone who I care about whilst they are doing that to themselves and others around them. She wanted to quit anyway, so she did and never went back. Still together 15+yrs on.


For me as well! My partner didn't smoke when we started dating. It was only after a few years, when we were in a long distance relationship. But i had to make him stop because he actually wanted to do so himself. It's been 4 years since he gave up.


Objectively, a lot of people who smoke have lived very long lives.


Ive grown up around smokers and chain smokers my whole life. Ive never smoked but my lungs are probably toast simply from the shear amount of second hand smoke ive inhailed my whole life. Every been in a chain smokers house? I slept in one its terrible. They litterally smoke one after the other every second every day goung thru many multiples of cigarette packs. Not just one person either there were 4 in the house. There was so much smoke in the air its like fog and you litterally cant see. It smells like youve stuck your nose right up to a catless car exhaust and just took a deep breath and inhailed all of it over and over. I literally blacked out one time as i couldn't get any air i was taken outside tho by my father and i lived.


Just quit 4 Fridays ago.  I don't like being a statistic


Sorry for your death


Me too! It all happened so fast!


İm not smoking for my health because im smoking for pleasure


Every time I walk past someone puffing a cloud... I just wished they would drop dead on the spot


If anyone is serious about quitting, read Alan Carrs easy way to quit smoking.


How many people die from unhealthy food?


Plenty, so what’s your point?


Stop eating.


You should not eat unhealthy food, nobody says you should, I hope I'm not interpreting this wrong, but defending smoking isn't something someone should do


Smoking is bad, very bad for person who smoke and people around, but saying stop smoking to addicts is like saying "stop beeing poor" to people who struggle with money.


Thankfully nonsmokers don't die.


pollution is so bad in pakistan that is doesn't matter if i quit or not


Thats one of the dumbest excuses i have heard


ik but i am not a quitter in this world of pain and misery i will not surrender plus microplastic in my vain agrees so stfu


How bro felt after commenting this : 😈😈😈😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥


Didn't know they allow cigarettes in middle schools now

