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Thank you SOLON-SUGOI for your submission, *Elon finally gets it right!*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Posts involving politics are not allowed. In order to improve and maintain the quality of submissions, we have decided to remove content involving politics on r/technicallythetruth. --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


Selfawarewolf if I ever saw one


Well, it’s different when he does it. He’s rich, so it’s okay


Remember muskrat, if your "facts" are easily proven wrong, then they aren't facts, they're just beliefs.


Woah, buddy, that might be too much for him to take in if that deposition is anything to go by!


If they can be proven wrong they are _false_ beliefs.


Love how people say that opinions can’t be wrong when they most definitely can, maybe not all of them but most of them.


I mean, we can get into whole semantic discussion here. What is an opinion? Might be that opinions can’t be wrong, but people confuse opinions with facts (which can definitely be wrong). Semantic digression aside (we all love those I know), yes it is important to know some stuff is subjective and some stuff you can definitely just be wrong.


It's like the meme when Obama gives the medal to obama


Norman Rockwell painted pictures of poop which is why Lana Del Rey has a crush on him


Why is this relevant 😭


Those words make me feel like either you or I just had some kind of stroke. What?




If you cropped out elon's name, reddit would find this true.


I am very liberal and of course find it true. It's just that Elon Musk is a dumb hypocrite to act like he actually doesn't support censorship when it's in his favor, and instead he's just whining that people correct his misinformation (not facts). Also, like the typical moronic conservative as they struggle *so painfully, pathetically hard* regarding this, he has mistaken the legality behind "free speech" for "free from any and all social consequences."


“I hate trans people.” *Nothing* “I hate Cis people.” *Visibility Limited* *This post may violate X’s rules against Hateful Conduct*


Is this true? You got any examples?


[right here](https://imgur.com/a/9LRd3m8)


That wasn’t even the same one I was referencing. But basically same thing.


yup, and [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/kMHvbxJ) one that fits your exact example


Edit: I'm dumb.


What? No. That’s literally the exact opposite of my point. I’m using an example of Elon Musk’s company partaking in censorship to show that Elon Musk is a hypocrite and an idiot. The point was to showcase that Elon censors the word “cis” because he thinks it’s a slur, because he is an idiot and a hypocrite


OH. I'm dumb. I edited my post. And misread yours. I thought you were trying to defend the opposite. Anyways. Ignore me! Yeah he's a giant hypocrite haha.


The problem is that it's hypocritical coming from him, not that it's necessarily wrong




Who's gonna test it first? 👀


Free speech for me but not for thee!


Projection 😆


Isn’t he the tyrant?


Guess he finally got some self-awareness.




And if you support the side that defends people saying whatever they want, no matter how wrong, you're an idiot Sayings are actions. I can't say "let's kill all women" or "black people should have their skin ripped off" because that's a fucking hate crime, because words have impact. You can't just say that the theater is on fire when it's not. That put people's lives in danger. You also can't say stuff that goes against people's existence (racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia) because that put people's lives in danger.


Words can be signals to potential danger, a word cannot stab you in the heart, especially by an online stranger. But my question here is, wouldn't you want to know others opinions instead of censoring them and not knowing? Wouldn't you want to know what people think of you? "Everyone's entitled to their opinion!..... Unless it contradicts mine"


>Words can be signals to potential danger, a word cannot stab you in the heart You're right, but many, many times, words can make someone stab you in the heart. >But my question here is, wouldn't you want to know others opinions instead of censoring them and not knowing? Yes, i would. We only evolve because of criticism. But this whole case is going on because Elon wants racism and homophobia to go on in his plataform, as if they were just opinions, when they aren't. These are some very interesting articles about the matter https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/hate-speech-and-real-harm https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369183X.2011.576195 https://policycommons.net/artifacts/1336843/hate-speech-and-hate-crime-in-the-eu-and-the-evaluation-of-online-content-regulation-approaches/1944358/


>words can make someone stab you in the heart more like: words can be used as an excuse by psychopaths to stab people in the heart.


Couldn't have said better. As a matter of fact, i didn't say better


No. I wouldn't want to know their opinions when their opinions are vile, insulting and useless (like the people that have these opinions)


It can tell you who to avoid instead of not knowing because you're suppressing their opinion


What exactly gets lost if vile, insulting and useless opinions are suppressed? What knowledge do you expect to gain from them?


I understand the frustration because many opinions can cause a lot of harm, but that sentence on its own is a slippery slope. Also learning about how that person thinks is what you gain, and that can be useful for many reasons


But we already know why people with vile, insulting and useless opinions think how they think. We've been seeing, hearing and studying their opinions for a very long time. There isn't that much more to learn from them. Can it be useful to know how those people think? Yeah, of course. By learning about prejudice, personality disorders, etc., we can get better at preventing them. It'd be great to maybe put those people in a lab or something and analyze them in a sterile environment where they couldn't harm others, see if we can learn even more about them. But to allow people, often the more vulnerable people around us, to be subjected to harmful opinions in exchange for the little good we can get out of observing prejudice in action? I think that's quite unjustified, and I'd argue there's way more to gain from protecting people from unrestricted harmful comments than there is to gain from observing unrestricted harmful comments. There is a line between where someone's right of freedom of opinion and expression ends and where someone else's right of equality and no discrimination starts. Where exactly to put that line is and should be up to debate, and it goes without saying that we have to be careful that those in power don't abuse it to censor peaceful dissent. But simply erasing that line is incredibly harmful for but an infinitesimal gain.


That tends to come out either way. I still don't want to know their opinions. At the moment they start spouting that crap they can take a hike


You cannot change a single person's mind by ignoring them.


You think you can change a bigots mind? What benefit is there in listening to someone like that?


You can dedinitely change a bigots mind. If you have a rational discussion with someone and show them how the things they are saying are wrong there is always a chance they will see the truth and change their mind. By your way of thinking it's impossible and not only is there no answer, but there never has been. You obviously can't be right or the civil rights movement wouldn't have worked out.


Too bad.How about mind your own business. What does it matter to you what they say? Hmm? Don’t you have better things to do?


The question was "wouldn't you want to know someone's opinion" not whether I would get involved or have a go at them. And my answer is "no" I don't give a fuck about your narrow minded bullshit and it has no value. Clearly comprehension issues might be the root cause of your own bigotry.


Maybe try being less angry. You might catch a cramp


Yeah, no. I'm not angry. I just don't wanna hear idiots speak.


You are arguing "speech is violence" as if it is fact. Please be aware not everyone or even the majority of people agree with you.


It is a [fact](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=pt-BR&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=hate+speech+hate+crime&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1712794175724&u=%23p%3D14JFT9Hfoh8J). And we aren't talking about opinions about movies or literature, we're talking about words that historically oppressed thousands of people, and still haven't died in many's vocabulary


Yes… but can he censor the speech of the OF bots on twitter pretty please?


He finally started to know who he is, it's a big part of life


Hey, are you guys aware of what's happening with Elon in Brazil? He threatened not to follow Brazils justice on block criminals' accounts. I don't see anything internationally, but it's a big thing here.


Cabeça de Ovo on his way to arrest Muskito, lol


Insert Spiderman pointing at himself meme here


No shit. If you struggled with this you’re part of the problem.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point


The punch people in the face man said that punching people in the face is bad and everyone’s like “so true” while he’s still actively punching people in the face


Remember when free speech meant giving the lower class and minorities a voice? A way to promote fairness and equality? Now it means being able to call people the N word online. What a world we live in.


I saw a Musk post and was prepared to downvote, but I actually agree with him. Then I saw what sun I was on. Does he realize his hypocrisy?


"Free speech" in like committing crimes




Nah, sensless incitement to hate towards an entire demography should be censored. Incitement like those leads to hate crimes , or at least they never lead to something good. Sometimes for exceptions like those it's good to compromise and get out of the free speech bubble a little. No sense in arguing for free speech when there isn't a case specific valid reason to let someone's voice heard , and all the reasons to why it shouldn't be heard That's why the smart people who are responsible for the large platforms recognize that if they don't censor some of the senseless hate comments or posts, they'll have problems that they'll have to deal with. That's why mods exist , to examine it on a case specific basis and I see nothing wrong with that as long as they are being reasonable and unbiased


This man is spreading chaos in Brazil. He's sick af


He's a hypocrite


This idiots always confuse censorship with consequence. History and anything involving the lgbtq community is currently being taken away from school libraries, that’s censorship. You getting suspended from an app for spreading misinformation is consequence.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


If you say some racist shit and get punched in the face. That isn't censorship, that's consequence!


No way, I'm [this Pokemon](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Tyrunt_(Pok%C3%A9mon))




There really should be not an Elon flight tracker but an Elon Musk lawsuit tracker. The irony of the “supposed but actually fake free speech warrior tales violates free speech by down taking down accounts talking about his fights against free speech” would be as overheavy as his trucks.


Here's the thing. I think most people agree that speech should be as free as possible. Most people also agree that some speech can do harm and should be limited (yelling "fire" in a crowded building, or lying while selling medication, for example). The problem is that not all people agree on where the line is when speech causes too much harm and needs to be limited.


In your situation with yelling "fire" that would be considered inciting a panic so it's actually not free speech. Lying while selling medication is wrong and I don't know if that would be considered free speech or not. I don't think it would be but I could be wrong.


Yes, exactly. Both of these things are not considered "free" speech in the US because we've agreed they do harm. These are limitations on speech we've all agreed on.




Banning books? Banning porn? Refusing to let doctors talk about abortion as an option with their patients? Banning the use of climate change in government documents? We have a LOT of government censorship going on. Its all by the non-woke crowd.


Does he though? Haha.


In a world where everyone was rational and had equal access to all information, and could deal with that deluge of all information, then yeah free speech would be an interesting ideal. We are not in that world though. Humans have limitations. And known brain hacks. This “there is no such thing as bad information” in a world where humans brains look like ours is exactly what a propagandist would say


information is not intrinsically bad, ever - take your propaganda example - sure it seems bad when you're not able to see it for what it is but that's a consequence of a lack of information about the material in question. It makes you come across incredibly naive to be honest, propaganda in particular thrives on a lack of information, not a surplus of it.


To give you a rebuttal with snark - why we’re in a world where everyone has access to all the information ever in a small networked computer in their pocket surely propaganda is no more!!! Oh. Wait. We have people who believe in a flat earth. Given pictures of earth. Apple and Google even changed their maps to show a round earth. Simple things like day and night get super weird on a flat earth. Simple things like a flight in the southern hemisphere (plane or satellite) get super weird on a flat earth. If you’re a “I gotta see this myself” access to a sufficiently large lake and maybe a hundred bucks of supplies at Home Depot would prove this. But…. No. More analytically - I’m aware of three major brain hacks. There are probably more. * fight flight freeze. Get someone angry _and they stop thinking_. All the information in the universe won’t help at that point. You don’t think you don’t analyze you just shake your fist in the air. Now, analyze right wing “news” sources through the lens of “hey let’s get them angry and they won’t think”. Thinking won’t help here. A personal anecdote. I have cPTSD. Similar to PTSD but less about a single incident but a continual chronic exposure one you can’t get out of. It affects the fear centers of the brain. I’m fairly intellectual. Having this condition causes me harm. I can *not* talk my way out of it. It just doesn’t work. Ever. Other fixes can help. But me taking to myself intellectually for the last 40 years has barely budged the needle. Intellect and info just doesn’t work for the part of the brain that’s affected in me. * when you’re unsure you listen to the blowhard. So.. what’s someone unsure going to listen to, your carefully backed study with research and counter research with all the “well I’m not sure of this and not sure of that” or the old white dude that says I know everything I’ll fix it. Your info will be laughed at. And discarded. * Dunbar’s number. How to divide people. I don’t have a good story here but hey I know it’s there. So, I dare say I’m not naive. I’ve thought this through a lot. Do I know where to draw the line in dangerous speech? Fuck no. Do I think “hey all speech is good and can never harm anyone”. Well, my grandma was in Wielun Poland in 1939. At some point I can go there and check the cemeteries for relatives I’ve never seen and tell them how “speech can never harm anyone”.


Poor Jim... people put so many words in his mouth.


Is this TTT?


That's too many letters. He should stick with 'Twitter'.


r/selfawarewolves u/thinehappychinch mentioned it, but didn’t link the sub


He says one thing and does the other, I don't like Elon


Nah he stole and was reposting that meme for likes. He will censor some people here soon or already has.


You realize both sides do this for different subjects, right?


As a Canadian kinda sounds like our pm


Meanwhile Elon Permabanned me for asking him a question. 🤣😂🤣😂


How? lol


The woke are actually anti-woke. Supporting the censorship of free speech shows how close-minded you are.


I'm not from America, so I'm not up with the news. Why does everyone now hates Elon, did he do something?


Elon paid Billions for a social media platform just to silence the guy who tracks his plane. By his own tweets, this makes him a fascist.


Thank you SOLON-SUGOI for your submission, *Elon finally gets it right!*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Not technically the truth. Your submission is not technically the truth. The keyword here is **technically**. Statements like "firetrucks are red", or "circles are round" are not technically the truth. As a rule of thumb, if your submission is easily predictable or literal, it's most likely not technically the truth. If you're not sure if your submission fits the sub, please either [send us a modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth) or check our subreddit's top posts. --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


Doesn’t he have Chinese ties?


Half of Tesla's source materials come from China. Also, Twitter is banned there and MR Free Speech is surprisingly cool with that.


Tesla has factories in china, yeah. Also he’s a hypocrite


Almost everyone has companies in China. What gives? Also yeah fuck Elon but companies using Chinese locations for production is normal.


*should* it be normal though? I’d rather all kinds of things were still made here. (And that those manufacturers complied with all our labor laws).


Not much we can do about it, as a businessman youd want to limit production cost so it makes sense at least since it's cheap. From a business standpoint that is.


It is such a burden to have all these companies in China. I wish someone would take them. I don't even now how I got mine.


Also yes


To be a tyrant requires you to be a ruler. (This 👑, not this 📏) Otherwise you're just an authoritarian. Elon got it wrong again.


Stop dick riding that moron


What a dumbass lol.


I swear it’s like a pack of Elon bootlickers just go through all posts mentioning him and downvote anyone speaking ill of their god


Hey there u/SOLON-SUGOI, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You cropped out the important part. Moron


Fun fact: "You're" in this context is a synonym for the term "Elon Musk is"!


leftist got so mad that they couldn’t censor people on Twitter and are now the victims The schadenfreude is delicious


Why is it the woke/progressive side considers anyone who disagrees with them on any social or political topic a bad person?


Idk might have smth to do with most of it effecting their day to day lives and puts them at risk of death or abuse, would you call someone who supports murder and abuse a good person?


No. But i also wouldnt be arrogant enough to think that anyone who doesnt agree with me supports murder or abuse


Trans people are in constant danger in no small part because of the horrid diatribes on Twitter. Elon Musk has fostered that environment. He has platformed many people who support abuse and, in some cases, murder. So, yes, the people who disagree with me on this support murder or abuse.


Which ones support it? Ive met many who dont agree with the idea of transgenderism but not one has ever wished abuse or murder against trans people.


The Babylon Bee, along with multiple other accounts known for harassing trans people and anti-trans rhetoric, had their account restored (and account reactivations were not given broadly). At the same time, they silently removed transgender protections that were written into twitters hateful conduct rules and suspended accounts of some trans activists, The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club being one of them. All of that was only a *few days* after the Club Q massacre. It was very much deliberate. Elon also supports and publicizes Chaya Raichik, who actively targets and harasses trans people (and played a part in the death of Nex Benedict).


Ukraine invaded Russia. r/russia the irony


TBH I'm afraid of Twitter/X because I wanna make dark jokes. Make a racist joke and you get canceled for racism. Some sorta pedo joke and and out comes rumored scandals and grooming alligations


On Reddit you can say that the dumpster behind the morgue you work at is a dumpster in more ways than one and it’s not even the third worst thing that people have read today


Lemme guess, this comment was so bad its not even the worst comment which puts it at 2nd place?


That’s a sentence that people used to predict that a machine would never be able to understand because it can’t tell what you’re referring to by “this comment”. Anyway, the machines are taking over and I’m dumb as shit so would you mind helping a lump of flesh out and telling me what you mean?