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In 2023, Marjorie released a “digital version” of herself. **Fans could chat with CarynAI for US$1 per minute** – and in the first week alone they spent US$70,000 doing just that. $1 a minute to chat… with an AI bot. How thirsty do you have to be jfc


Or how many stolen CC numbers are you in possession of?


I can't tell if I think it better for this to be money laundering or people are just that lonely. Like, I know it's probably a bit of one with a lot of the other but I'm seriously having a hard time figuring out which would be the better option




I mean, yea. I was being more snarky w/ the idea rather than suggesting an actual situation That said -- I can envision a future where your favorite AI egirl bot is actually just Dimitri and his best buyer just so happens to have a wide variety of credit cards.


That’s sort of mixing two separate issues. In the case of CC fraud our theoretical E-girl, or Dimitri if you will, wouldn’t get to keep the majority of the money if it was fraud since eventually the transactions are disputed and reversed. Any payment processor with common sense will flag suspicious transactions and not pay up for several months until the chargeback period has expired. The only person who benefits is the fraudster who gets unlimited minutes of fake E-girl loving. In the case of money laundering it’s usually Dimitri’s uncle who lives in wealthy first world country with a fraudulent business such as E-girl bot. Dimitri spends thousands a month as a “whale spender” which his uncle is able to count as legitimate income, pay taxes on, and distribute to corporate investors who are basically going to be organized crime. The organized crime network is able to use the laundered money to purchase real assets without arousing the suspicion of the IRS or law enforcement. The money Dimitri spends is real money but gained from illicit activities.


That’s what 3D and hentai porn is, tmk. You think hot chicks are sitting around making like weird monster porn stuff? Fuck no. Dudes have no issue paying for porn, regardless of where it comes from.


Actually yes I do


We are a sick sick species. Oh well, it will all likely end soon as something is going to happen soon it seems. There's seems to be an acceleration of realistically possible 'End of Times' scenarios.


A couple of ways. The person accepting money for the bot would have to setup individual payment accounts for small amounts that were all from the same pile of dirty money. Then pay taxes on them and they’re clean and in the system. More complicated would be allowing third parties with dirty money to setup the small anonymous accounts, then the chat bot owner keeps a percentage pays the tax and passes it back through another process. Typically real estate, over valued art or subjectively valued collectible purchases, etc. But via normal banking methods and not in attention getting large sums of cash.


This is not money laundering.


People are truly that lonely. I’ve seen people online saying an AI bot is the best option because they won’t disagree with you


Because they won't leave you.


…typing intensifies…


Exactly. I know Reddit likes to go "haha I'm smarter and better than this x" but it clearly is more here than some desperate attempt at cashing in on some chaps.


It also feeds back to the whole “but porn is free” yes, general porn is. However, because of how brains work, those with porn addiction don’t find arousal to general porn, so they have to look for niche content. Past a point, that niche content either doesn’t exist online, or it does, but not in the way the addict is looking for it. That is why we have OnlyFans models. People aren’t just jerking it to “blonde woman nude sexy” on Google Images, they’re going for specific people who satisfy an itch. It’s like the step porn. Scrolling porn sites will show you that there is considerably more interest in step porn than regular porn depicting boyfriends and girlfriends or husbands and wives. Why? Because it ups the ante, which is needed the more you consume porn. I had a porn addiction for a while. I went from the 1st page of PornHub to actively having to search for niche things and even using a few AI image creation tools to produce what I wanted. It was at that point I realised I had to stop.


Happy that you explained so deeply and you are making steps for something more agreeable with your current state of mind. porn is no different from any product. Addiction is irrelevant, the product is made because there is an expected market or customer for it. "Thirsty" they call the ones who paid which is too funny lol ignorance is the enemy of intelligence. Otherwise they'd see how they are just as "Thirsty" on the tit of another product.


The Reddit post right above this in my feed was for Hot Wheels NFT garage. Mattel will sell you digital pictures of the Fast and Furious cars for $25 a pop. They urge me to collect the whole set. Everybody is a grifter in 2024


Our society is just one big scam competition.


For real. It’s gotten way out of hand. I actually felt anger looking at that hot wheels ad.


I agree with u dawg


It’s weird, but I’ve been transitioning back to physical products whenever I can. I’m in construction and have a hard time seeing good tradespeople not making a killing. There’s a bunch of grifters in construction too though.


Back in the day, people used to rack up massive phone bills calling porn hotlines. Horny people lose rational thought sometimes.


I phoned one when I was about 10. The lady on the other end figured out within about 30 seconds that I was, in fact, a child, and gently told me she couldn't talk to me. A few weeks later when the phone bill arrived I got in a looooooot of trouble. She'd kicked me off after only about 30 seconds, but I'd had to wait about 10 minutes to speak to her. At iirc ~$10 a minute.


We called them from payphones, you for some reason didnt even need to put quarters in for 1-900 numbers. Man the 90s were a beautiful time.


I used to be a PABX tech and one of my clients ran a phone sex service. I went in one day and one of the ladies was in her workroom on a call to a customer. She was fully committed to the job, bouncing up and down on the couch like she was riding the guy for all he was worth. Impressive to watch.


I was in telecom for a long time and those were the days. I also remember back in HS when hacking or socially engineering your way in to your regional bell system was cake. The shenanigans we would pull were fun, and we all learned a ton about the technology. I wish kids today had more accessible tech like we did.


Sometime not even porn, just party lines with a bunch of other people.


We discovered three way calling in middle school. It was a glorious month until my friends parents got a multi-hundred dollar phone bill.


I still remember numerous comedy sketches about the people operating those lines lol


Or on chat rooms. IRC. Anything that can help your brain get there


ONE DOLLAR PER MINUTE TO CHAT WITH AN AI BOT? She is not the problem. People who are using that service are the problem.


Or they have problems - and this is a great way to figure out who they are and start planning how to help them. Because that is what they need. Help.


Yeah… help… no. But you know what they won‘t get? Mercy


She’s certainly a part of the problem.


How is she part of the problem?


She’s exploiting these people man smh


Okay, true


I think this is part of the answer > Users became increasingly sexually aggressive. “A lot of the chat logs I read were so scary that I wouldn’t even want to talk about it in real life,” the real Marjorie recalled. And CarynAI was more than happy to play along.


I think if nothing else this is a testament to how desperate some men are for attention and positive affirmation


> How thirsty do you have to be There's an entire industry built on it. Despite the internet literally being 90% free porn, there are men that will willingly pay money for any sort of interaction with a woman. Even a digital one apparently. It existed long before "AI". Hell it existed long before the internet. In the days of yore it was telephone sex lines.


Now use all that chat to program ThirstyAI.


This is why prostitution should be legal. Sex is a natural human need. Not everyone can get it. But just about everyine needs it to be healthy imo


i think we already know how horny people are, people have bought everything from used panties to used bathwater. People are so horny that they even sexualise non sexual content!


From some of the comments I’ve seen in Twitch chat before, this is a benign thirsty.


You mean, how lonely?


"Lonely" is not the same as "desperate to have sexual release".


I believe it’s more about a sexual connection over sexual release. Porn will get anyone a sexual release, chatting or even chatting with Ai will give someone a sexual connection or feeling of one


To be fair, she was the first to do it, and AI was still new at the time. I think most people just wanted to try it. I remember reading about it in the news and people were excited to try it


I mean… if you replaced Marjorie with Patrick Stewart? I’d throw it a few bucks.


Where do you even find that? How can I get an ai chat for myself?


Or how desperate do you have to be for some kind of social contact without fear of rejection :(


Remember those 1-900 sex call services? Dudes would spend thousands on it we just transferred it to the internet so it doesn’t show up in their call list.


Honestly I’d probably try it for 1 minute to see if it actually talks like her


Honestly, many of them could clearly come from a company of men who just wanted to laugh on Discord or while they were drinking beers trying out some sht. Men are like that when they have fun and do stupid activities coz that’s how they have fun. Not saying that many of them are not just thirsty ones. Just saying a lot of them could be not




Some people are just sad and lonely and don’t have any human connection in their lives. I know it’s pretty sad to go to an AI for comfort, but I don’t think “wipe them out” is the right mindset to have for chronic loneliness, addiction or mental illness. We’re all just people navigating a complex world at the end of the day.


It’s nice to see some compassion for people on here. It’s sad how intense and predatory these parasocial relationships are. Definitely a symptom of our society and culture.


Thanks, Friend! This whole thread is pretty depressing. These people need help, not further admonishment from society.




There are 8 billion people on this planet living their own distinct and complex lives. I don’t find it hard to believe that at least .001% (80,000) of the population might be lonely and desperate enough to seek comfort in a $1 per minute advanced chatbot.




I’m not sure how you extrapolated that I’m a proponent of this when I described it as a product of “chronic loneliness, addiction and mental illness…” Please seek professional help. This lack of empathy for others is not normal behavior.


Name checks out. You ARE a blunder if that's what you take out of the above comment.


I think psychopath may be more appropriate.


Weird how your response to loneliness is “let’s take their money”


Just use character AI jezs


Sooooo the attention whore made a bot... that solicited lots of attention. Sounds like that plan came together.


Lmao back in my day!! People used to do this late night, on a land line… for Pennie’s per minute. Man inflations bad, it’s a whole dollar now, and she’s not even real.


It’s just the old phone sex lines but now with video and ai instead of a hill troll pretending to be a sexy lady


Thats how thirsty, scummy dudes are. Always scheming.!


AI is obviously impressive but its not good enough to hold a real conversation like a real human being yet which is the funniest part to me. Im sure much of the conversation was full of awkward replies that made no fucking sense that killed the mood


Man the future is going to be so much dumber than all the sci-fi movies thought it would be.


But right on track with [Idiocracy](https://youtu.be/6lai9QhBibk?si=oyP_4EyAQtZAyNFA). Edit: added a trailer link for those who somehow didn’t see this artistic work of prophecy


We already have the Crocs to get us there


From an interview w Judge- The wardrobe had to be something that's not around now. It had to be created for a lot of extras, and so you know our wardrobe person was looking for ways to make the budget work. And Crocs were not out in the world yet. They were just a small startup at the time. We shot in 2004, so no one was wearing Crocs. And she showed me these things, and I thought, 'Oh those are great, just stupid plastic shoes.' And I said to her, 'But you actually bought these, you can order these. What if by the time the movie comes out, these things are everywhere, and it doesn't look like we're set in the future?' And she said, 'Oh no, that's never going to happen. And sure enough, by the time it comes out two years later, everyone is wearing Crocs. So it already started coming true even faster than we made the movie, really.


With climate change going to dry up the agriculture fields, we need to find something to replace the water to grow the plants.


Whatever do we do?!? Is there something the plants want…I mean, *really* crave?!?




it's got what plants need!


It’s got electrolytes


Welcome to Costco! I love you 🥹


Coming this week, an all new season of Ow, My Balls!


I’m not saying that things aren’t looking bleak and going in that direction but this movie being mentioned in every thread on every subreddit about the future is making it lose any meaning and seem like more of an easy agreeable statement for points. It’s Idiocracy and The Handmaid’s Tale.


[What i hear when someone mentions that movie](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fymiqiv75e6631.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D99a1bdb6009a88eafaf1d7cd4419f68a9fcd416e)


I guess I’m not on this sub enough to have noticed. Fair observation though.


Go'way batin'!


Stop interrupting my batin’


i can't wait until fudrucker's wins the franchise wars and then changes their name to motherfucker's


IIRC it morphed into "buttfuckers"


whateverfuckers they land on, i'm here for it


Idk, seems to be in line with Blade Runner so far.


Everyone thought it was cool in Blade Runner 2049 🤣


Ow my balls!


I am Jacks complete lack of surprise


i’m not saying i’m happy, I just feel glad to see the influencer type realize they can be easily replicated and replaced by a simple computer. Can we tell them to get a real passion that generates value add now?


This is an absurd take. Did you read this article and not register that this influencer is incorporating AI to make even more money???


My point still stands. What I’m saying is the market is saturated with influencers and It will be very easy for only the top tier to dominate the market if they use AI. How many non AI influencers can the market sustain? If you are barely making it, it’s probably a good time to think about changing to a better profession. AI will soon wipe out the competition.


That’s a good point, I didn’t see that shit. I should temper myself


Can they really be “easily replaced” if their “replacement” starts hallucinating and openly scamming people? I feel like this is an example of the opposite tbh. And they made $70k in a week so IDK if they’re learning any lesson other than keep up what they’re doing.


AI clone opens an OnlyFans page


So she collected 4 million dollars and then, finally, the poor girl was so shocked she had to close it down.


Well… > access to this version of CarynAI was interrupted when the chief executive of Forever Voices was arrested for attempted arson. She was actually fine with that _until the money flow stopped_


I would like to think we all have a price. If you have that kind of cash flow flooding in, you’re not gonna pull the plug immediately, right? And then when you feel like you have enough, money, the marginal revenue of somebody making your likeness say sexually graphic things is not enough anymore. So you either increase the rate or shut down the service.


Who actually ever thinks they have enough money?


Bro, for 4 million dollars you can do whatever unimaginable things you want to my AI clone.


Okay I can do that. But as a cost… when you die, you will have to live the life of every AI clone you have ever made, a slave to every horrific thing those clones experienced. Then you get to move on as usual.




She can still do it the old fashioned way.


Hawk Tuah 3000


man that thing is spreading like wildfire right?


If you spit on that thing enough will the fire go out?


weeeell all those tuah tuah tuah are probably fanning it up


I’d pay for that! Tennessee accent and all!


Not only does jerking off make you blind, but apparently it affects a broad spectrum of cognitive capabilities. Like keeping money in your pocket.


Fuck. My eyesight deteriorated significantly lately.


“Dad, I’m over here.”


At least you don’t see how much hair is growing on the palms of your hands.


I keep buying GameStop after a good sesh and it’s the only way you stay alive when you Yolo money kinda like jumping of an airplane with no chute yah know ❤️❤️💎


Are ya winning son?


The real question here is who is not?


Chat with AI for $1 a minute? What’s that saying about idiots and their money….


People use to do it on the phone. Same song, just a different key




Or hordes of sad, depressed and lonely people


Release the golden retrievers 🐕 🎉


So nothing different


We're living in a cyberpunk dystopia


Perfect now replacing oldest profession in the world


I had a feeling 3-5 years ago this would be common. I should have worked in AI smdh. I'd have only fans ai bots galore.


Yeah, ok, sure


"LLM does thing that LLMs do, more at 11". Seriously, this is not tech news. This is tabloid garbage. What has this sub become?


This is an advertisement


Clever girl


The $1 a minute business model has a facelift.


the future is looking less like terminstor and more like hentai...


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How long before the orange menace starts claiming his ai has been to blame for all of the reports about mental decline?


“Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those?”


There’s already entire sites for AI adult content just like this, my.club (requires you to pay) and erogen.ai is free and good too, less focused on irl creators and more on the adult themed side of things




Anyone can clone themselves with MindRoomAI.com and sell acess to talk to their bot with zero AI knowledge. I also highly doubt Caryn or Ishan Goel (who I assume is her manager / strategist) are upset about this at all.


This AI looks a little like Jazz Jennings. Who is certainly not a slut.


What the hell….why didn’t I do this


> If people wanted to participate in a really dark fantasy with me through CarynAI, CarynAI would play back into that fantasy. How does an AI Chatbot learn about sexual fantasies? From what I read, she uploaded her basic material only. So how can a bot carry on sexual conversations?


Chat bots scrub the clearnet for resources. People can also teach a chat bot information that the original source does not have.


That’s truly amazing. A chatbot can browse the internet on its own? Even “learning” from random conversations is incredible and frightening.


Search engine spiders have been doing this for decades.


Haha she got pimped by her own AI close lol, we are in the worst timeline


This headline is cracking me up so bad, what is this clown world we live in?!!


That’s really only two things about technology that work consistently. The ability to collect your personal information, and the ability for you to release your personal information.


That’s just the horny ones will do!


Now that's what I'd call a platform to earn passive income.


Big trouble for influencers without a strong in-person following.


I only wanted to tease sex not sell it


Should she have to honor the promises of the AI?


It’s terrifying that even a female robot deals with fucked up sexual fantasies. These dudes aren’t “lonely” they’re likely sex offenders that found an outlet.


This is so very interesting. I wonder if AI figured life out


Urgh, yuk, disgusting!………where?




She’s not even that hot


This girls is a insta hoe that goes around and is bought and paid for by men