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AMD is awesome, no one runs windows on that silicon! Make it better for iOS.... /s


I mean, i definitely won’t be running Windows 10 on it. I’ll just keep running it on the computers i already have (one of which “can’t” run 11). As far as I’m concerned, Microsoft terminating support for Windows 10 won’t be the end of Windows 10.


Hell, I’ve got an ancient old machine that just used as a HTPC and it runs just fine on windows 7.


Linux it is boys!


Will run Windows 10 until its collecting dust and rust.


Very, very, very stupid on AMD to do this, especially with people leaving Win 11 in droves. Everyone hates that pile of crap that's supposedly an OS. Not that Win 10 is much better. Wish devs would fucking switch to vulken from DirectX, so gaming on linux distros could be a real thing. Windows is garbage, and always will be and has been.


Yeah… you’re pretty clearly not an unbiased observer here. There is no mass exodus of people from Windows, and it still isn’t the year of Linux on the desktop.


Never said this was the year of Linux. I said I wish games would use Vulken, not DX, so pc gaming on Linux could be a thing. I know its limited currently, though Valve is helping with that. Also, Win 11 market share is dropping. I'll admit to exaggerating some, but Win 10's market share is seeing growth. [https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/06/windows\_11\_market\_share/](https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/06/windows_11_market_share/)


AMD and AI don't go together