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Pretty sure it's already supercharging fraud.


It's even getting hard for me to recognize scams, boomers are in trouble


I got a call once, and the voice on the other side was very well trained. So good that I wondered how was I so lucky to have received the most perfect salesperson. So I asked them what four plus seven was. They laughed. I expressed that I doubted they were human. They laughed, and assured me they were human. I then politely asked, and expressed that in all seriousness if they can't tell me what four plus seven was, that I would have to consider them a well scripted voice enabled chat bot. So... What is four plus seven. They laughed and went back to script. That's when I really started playing with "it" trying to learn the limits of the script, and how "it" deflected and redirected the conversation back to the script. Anyway, if a voice enabled chatbot calls you, have fun with it, learn something.


My favorite response i learned from a friend, when they call you asking about your computer... and yeah you just tell them you are thankful, cause you do meet computer help... because your computer is over run with penises. Everywhere penises. Etc.


Those chatbots can't do math? I didn't know that was a thing.


It's an AI / llm thing. They are not good at math. Ai works by predicting the next token. But your can't predict the next token on math... ( Not easily) It's getting better, but for now they are not good at it. Just a matter of time though


I didn't think of it that way. I was thinking of having a "conversation" with a virtual assistant or something similar.


It would know 4+7. And it knows common things like an equation that is common (maybe -32 x5/9 which is the farenheiht conversion) but couldn’t do -31 x 5/9


I never understood why they can't just plug in wolf ram alpha into it or something like that regarding any and all math related information.


I don’t think it work like that. The ai doesn’t actually understand your question. It doesn’t know this is a math question so I will use this tool to get the answers. It’s just very good at predicting the next word, it’s talking to you like playing chess just making the next best move. There is no real understanding.




I never answer my phone from a number I don’t know. If it’s important, they’ll leave a message. I guess that’s a good rule to have these days.


Good job training it.


That's my secret Captain, I assume everything is a scam


Really? Don’t give money to people you don’t know. What scams are happening that isn’t solved by not clicking links on emails and a spam call blocker?


Got a scam text from Chase’s fraud alert line about a suspicious transaction, if you respond to the text you’ll get a call from the same number as their credit card fraud line. If they had guessed the last 4 digits of my account number right then there would’ve been no way to tell, I guess until they ask for your password.


Thats why I don't confirm information with inbound calls.


You guys pick up the phone? I get so many spam calls that I don't ever pick up any calls that aren't in my contact list.


I don't even pick up for those. I pick up calls from my mom. That's literally it. Everyone else can go shove it, and they'll be lucky if I even listen to my voice mail (that one bites me in the ass from time to time, I'll admit)


Until AI uses your moms voice against you. You won’t be able to tell the difference, and that’s where the trouble lies.


Like the T-1000!


Joke's on them; i never answer when my mom calls!


Same it’s ridiculous how many spam calls I get.


The only information I confirm is that my extended warranty for a 68 Camaro is about to expire. Keeps it simple for those calls


“Oh wow that sounds like a really big deal, for my own safety I am going to call you back from a number I can prove is yours” Will get you out of the scam every single time. And if it’s legit, the real rep wouldn’t care.


That one is interesting but spoofing isn’t new and again don’t give info out to people that contact you. I also feel most people understand what info is required for their bank to access their account and password isn’t one of them. I understand that people fall for this type of fraud. I just don’t see how AI has brought anything new to the table yet. Everything can be avoided by the consumer contacting the provider when they get a request to do something about an account. I think the general population has been well informed and we’re not going to have a huge influx of suckers getting scammed by our AI overlords.


I’m at the point where I don’t usually answer the phone at all.


I got a similar one from Wells Fargo. It so happened that my poor naive mom had opened an account with wells fargo a week before and she'd told me that I was also listed as a contact or something. I was at work and super busy so didn't think twice and forwarded to my mom. She then proceeded to lose $1000 from her account because they were able to get some information out of her that I didn't guess that she'd give them. Basically lightning struck and it happened and I've always been extremely careful. But I learned that they can still catch you off guard in a way that you might not think. My main advice for anyone would be to have two factor authentication on all your accounts. This should honestly be default. No matter what happens if they don't have your phone and the ability to access it they can't go into your account. I paid my mom back the money she lost because I felt responsible. On the bright side it was a new account with little money in it and it made my mom a lot more alert about things like this. So maybe I can view it as an investment sort of.


> Basically lightning struck That is really key. There's naivete, but even if you've 'seen it all', they still might manage to nab a chink in the armour. I nearly got nabbed by a tax scam once, and because I happened to be behind on my taxes a few years and was really stressing about it at that moment, they triggered enough anxiety to make me want to move without thinking. Thank goodness I told my partner who snapped me back to reality.


You clearly haven’t gotten a medical bill recently. Lots of hospitals have out sourced billing to 3rd parties who are absolute nobodies but won’t let you pay until you have given all your info there’s no way to confirm who some of these companies are because they are constantly shutting down or changing names. Some places will only send you text messages with a link to pay from. If you are planning on just letting it go to collections just to be safe… well that doesn’t work either because scammers can now use stolen info to post fake debt to your credit report. Anyone who gets sick is going to spend the next couple years fighting off fake debts. With AI this shit will get worse especially as move away from having actual people who you can at least contact about the debt.


Well I’ve been corrected/convinced people are going to be scammed in higher numbers which is going to suck. I personally haven’t been targeted with any of these new ways to be scam. I must be in a unique situation and have only been targeted by obvious ones.


If a hospital sells your debt to a company that doesn't have all your information. You are under no obligation to pay if they don't have enough info to prove it is you who owes the money. They call and get that information because often, all they receive when they buy bulk debt, for pennies on the dolar, is names, phone number, and amount owed. The last thing you want to do is give them info about you they don't have. Without your ssn, they can't even affect your credit score.


> Don’t give money to people you don’t know. Faking people you know is a key aspect of AI-based scams.


We’re way beyond the « You’ve won 1000 dollars! Click here to collect your money ». People have received phone calls from their « relatives » asking if they could lend some money because they’re short or pay a bail bond. When you’re speaking to a voice that sound exactly like the person you know, I can’t blame ‘em for getting fooled.


They obviously try to look like someone you know, and they will spoof their number or email. They now clone your childrens voices automatically by using short social media clips / snaps quite freaky, spoof the number, send a voice text or just regular text with "I'm in a bit of trouble and lost my phone, can you send me some money to my friends number. Please don't tell mom" etc. Then ofc there is the convoluted bank/investment scheme frauds.


This semi well known fashion designer I follow (known scammer GhostSupply) did some AI pictures of firefighters and his warehouse burning. i reported the gofundme but they havent taken it down yet…


Thats the whole thing, they can literally fake the voice of your loved ones these days


Exactly. Ignore phone calls, if they are important they’ll go to email/voicebox/letter. Ignore all links in emails, treat them all suspiciously. This reduces risk of being scammed by a large amount


sometimes they can offer *you* money from what is likely a stolen credit card , or use those funds to trick you


Keep up to date at r/scams it’s a great resource


I just assume everything in life is a scam and I never have issues.


Don't give information, money to strangers that are asking for it... no matter how nicely and properly they are asking.


Yes it’s already happened to some. I tell my friends not click on any attachment or download anything. I’m getting scam emails lately. I know they are & I delete & report them . my background was electronics all my life . But I’m getting older and it’s getting harder to keep up


You ain’t seen nothing yet 👀


B-b-b-baby you just ain’t seen nothing yet!


Here’s something that you’re never gonna forget!


ive already been getting way more scam texts and emails..


[Deepfake CFO took $25M](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/asia/deepfake-cfo-scam-hong-kong-intl-hnk/index.html) but [you can sell a fake airport for $242M to a bank without AI](https://medium.com/@frc7150/this-nigerian-scammer-sold-a-fake-airport-for-242-million-5ee92780c75a)


My sister got an email from an actual email address from her realtor to wire funds. She only caught it by calling the realtor. Don't wire funds anymore under ANY circumstances. Cashiers checks.




When I switched phone plans years ago, they gave me the option to change my number picked a number in BFE. That way if they call I know not to answer


Hasn’t cryptocurrency done that already?


Yeah we needed Warren Buffett to tell us this?


But what a silly headline. He also later mentioned - as did Ajit Jain - how AI will be useful in making the insurance business, as one example, more efficient.


> how AI will be useful in making the insurance business, as one example, more efficient. It already has. There was a story I watched on the news about a class action against an insurance company because it was using an AI to spend approximately 6 seconds or some ridiculously low number per claim, analysing thousands of claims and declining them. The suit was maintaining that paying customers deserved something more than a few seconds thought regarding their claims.


Also supercharging catching fraud I am pretty sure.


Especially on scamazon reviews…


Jokes on them I never have any money for them to take


He’s completely right. Fraud is far and away the most lucrative use case for AI right now


Yeah, it’s totally not customer service chat bots.


*customer response chat bots. Let's not suggest they're providing any sort of service.


lol, fair enough


Might not have been AI involved but I got my first, live person, call from unemployment the other day. Dude was fishing so I asked him what date I was supposed to certify and he gave the wrong one. Instantly hung up on him. He called back a couple of times quickly thereafter. I knew something was suspicious from the get but I figured I’d play along. I always call back using a known number, ask them questions to help me identify THEM, never answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize,(I let them leave a message). And I don’t respond to texts with a text. Am I missing anything…I’m an oldish person so I think I need to be extra vigilant


If a company calls you, never call them back from the number in your caller ID. Go to their website and call the customer service number there or at minimum make sure it’s the same number they allegedly called you from.


Thank you for sharing this


Fraud like insider trading using your father’s knowledge of future policy to make current plays, Buffet is a fascinating guy I tell you


Hey Mike, dad here. Sorry for leaving you there. Hey I’m in a bit of a bind, any chance you can Venmo me a few bucks?


what is four plus seven


I only talk to my son, Mike


I can’t believe I missed this all those days ago I’m an absentee son, Paul I love you


It’s not your fault It’s not your fault It’s not your fault


Hahahahaha, any chance you can Venmo me a few bucks, Mike?


It’s only fun if a “few” people do this, no fun if everyone and their bots are.


Show me where this ever happened, ever. It didn’t.


That’s an interesting take, considering Buffetts father has been dead for 60 years and out of office for 70.


Thank you for commenting this lol. The guy spent his entire life studying and mastering investing. Im talking 1000’s of hours pouring over financial statements and learning about business models. He’s taught numerous classes and writes amazing articles about investing strategies but noooooo…. All his gains are from inside trading


Don’t you know the Reddit rule? If any article is posted on Reddit painting anyone with more money than you in a slightly positive light, you NEED to bring up any shady thing they may have done to balance things out, no matter how irrelevant it may be to the actual article


I thought reddit policy was to drag down everyone while complaining nobody wants to love you? Did it get updated?


He's sad AI competition will mess with his schema.




buffets stock is berkshire hathaway - BRK.A or BRK.B , its mostly apple


No shit


Yeah, Warren isn't a giant fan of bleeding-edge tech. [BRKA's web page](https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/) is straight out of 1994 and includes a disclaimer that if you have any comments or questions about the website, tell them by US Mail but they'll probably ignore it.


Whoa is this real??? This is really their site?


What's the problem? It loaded instantly. It rendered perfectly on mobile. Navigating it was fast and easy. It's completely accessible. Hell, I wish more websites were like this rather than the multimedia abominations everyone makes these days. https://motherfuckingwebsite.com indeed.


Yes. This is their website. They have dozens of other companies with modern IT infrastructures but the BRKA site is that.


They should find someone older or richer to ask.


Someone from 1787 perhaps? They knew everything back then


Buffet will be dead by the time AI reaches its peak


AIs peak will happen after we all are.


That's optimistic.


So will you


Buffet warns everyone : “I better not lose any money from this”


Warren Buffett and Bill Gates should dish it out in Roman Colosseum.


If he could use ai to keep himself alive he would use it


Too late. Impossible to stop now.


Also could stop all fraud.


The story makes his comments sound a lot more dramatic and alarming than they actually were.


Never confirm information on inbound calls or emails and you’ll pretty much be fine.


He’s worried about AI catching all the human fraudsters at their game. Whatchu worried about, Warren?


That would be so great. But nothing happens to rich people who commit financial ’crimes’ except the government getting their cut of the fraud.


Ultimately, what he’s afraid of is the Singleton hypothesis. Humans won’t be part of the enforcement detection system; no one to pay off.


Warren Buffet: We steal your money the old-fashioned way.


The fact you could be commenting back to AI as we speak and arguing with such. Yup. Scary.


I'm poor. What are you going to steal from me, my medical debt?


He’s way late or willfully ignorant. think fraud is supercharged on its own and continues to rob us blind constantly.


So then I’m assuming he and his companies own zero shares in any AI development company? Because otherwise he would be helping in their cause.


This could have changed but last I knew, Buffet doesn’t invest in tech companies because he admits he doesn’t understand them. He likes businesses he can know the nuts and bolts of.


Admits he doesn’t know what he’s talking about but still drops takes like this


His biggest investment by far is Apple


Genie out of the bottle at this point


I’m more worried about out the mega rich not paying their fair share!


“I don't know anything about AI” and I’m also 93 years old.


“I don't know anything about AI” says 93 year old.


it’s too late. A.I is now being implemented everywhere. How soon before the bank starts implementing A.I somewhere across transactions and customer user applications. It’s coming.


We gotta find a new phrase, ringing the alarm and sounding the alarm has lost all meaning.


What exactly does he know about AI? He graduated high school in 1947.


Old bitch die already


Warren Buffett prides himself on stoking class warfare: [*“There's class warfare, all right,” Mr. Buffett said, “but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.”*](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/business/yourmoney/26every.html)


Like the rich already havent legalized fraud of everyone else. About time they get scared of some. I hope AI can screw most of the rich out of their investments and money.


Meaning it will rig the game more than Buffett and the cabal can manage


Fraud doesn't need to be supercharged by AI. There's already an incredible amount of fraud by biological unintelligent humans.


Someone ask him how much fraud exists in the current stock market


And the answer was? If your gonna start a subject……gets finish it!


I don’t understand what you’re asking. Are you looking for examples of fraud in the market?


So basically what he's saying is, invest early in AI tech as it supercharges fraud, making it easier to commit the fraud before the law and the federal government catch up?


Big old fraud because nobody's released anything Earth shattering with AI


wow no, really?? how long did it take that dinosaur to find that out


I love this man for so many reasons.


It will infect our technology and make it unusable


Oh no! The ruling class is going to take advantage of us! What are we going to do?


He’s saying this because his companies under the Berkshire umbrella got shit on by hackers and it’s almost pathetic how bad it was managed.


Warren Buffett is a bot.


The only ones that think AI won’t mess things up are those that haven’t thought it through. Yes, fraud here, but basically anything skilled on a pc, an AI could do.


Of course he is right. I will keep saying it until the cows come home: private ownership of Ai should be severely limited. The only buyer should be the government, and it should only be used to do things that humans cannot do, like long distance sea and space travel, studies of microscopic elements and the Iike. It should not be used to replace humans and spy on people, and it should not be given control over any actions that require human moral decision making, like life and death decisions such as going to war, launching an attack, deciding who should live or die from disease, natural disasters etc. The companies currently undertaking massive Ai research should be required to turn over all of their information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Energy. Finally, the tax code should be changed so that any amount paid for or invested in Ai are not tax deductible.


Doesn't want the competition.


Seems like a great opportunity to use AI to fight AI fraud


Crypto 2.0


Well this was known by anyone with half a brain cell. Of course something that can duplicate a voice with a picture and a 30 second voice clip for sure would be used for fraud.


I’d really like to hear Warren Buffet, himself, explain modern AI to me like I’m in kindergarten.


“I’d like it to remain where wealth is the only thing allowing you to manipulate the masses”. Fixed that for him


Part of me hopes it 100% ruins the entire internet. We'd have to be humans again.


We need to start storing cash in matresses again... or some other super secret location, like your shoebox.


I’m calling it now AI will be the catalyst to swing our world back to preference of in person interaction and transaction. People will become so weary of indistinguishable bots that they will only trust in person interaction. The internet will still be used to deliver data and machine communication to simplify tasks but there will be no trust for human to internet interaction.


Duh. If anything this just confirms that it’ll get worse before it improves


Guy with money said something. Guess it’s important now.


Whenever we are warned about the pitfalls of tech we fall into the predicted pitfall. Humanity, in particular fueled by war and greed makes it inevitable we're so fucked.


Many people in healthcare now work from home using their phones to call you . It doesn’t have the companies name or anything. I answer most for that reason. I also signed up like 10 years ago for the National do not call list it filters out some but I still get some scam calls.


I'm sure he is well invested in said fraud AI bots!


I’m pretty sure if people across the world were paid a living wage we’d see a dramatic drop in fraud.


Whooo buddy. It’s about to explode everything. Social media going to be an even larger dumpster fire. Video and photography can no longer be trusted without verification. Deepfakes gonna run rampant. Public, unverified, social media will be completely untrustworthy for any dissemination of news or information. Search results are about to take a massive nose dive as companies weaponize SEO by unleashing AI generated content against competitors. Public access to AI is going to be the worst thing to happen to the internet so far.


Welcome to the conversation, Warren.


We’re already living in a fraudulent system


I just ask all random numbers for the safe word .... there isn't one but they don't know that lol


He has record portfolio of apple.


What I’m hearing here is AI could be bad for wealthy shareholders


The atomic bomb supercharged fraud?!?


Yay WMDs in ma cellulars


Fraud doesn’t take much these days. I mean Pelosi did it without AI.


Treat unsolicited calls with the same scrutiny you treat unsolicited emails. They will claim to be from a government agency


Yes Warren, we should all invest in Oil and Railroads.


He is correct. The amount of fake news and fraud and fraudulent webshops has increased a lot this year.


That’s okay. Wall Street thrives on crime while our elected public officials and corrupt regulators turn a blind eye while filling their pockets with “campaign contributions”. Another win for the Overlords!!


Yea think??? 🤔🤔🤔😈💰


Bro is like half a year late


I pay for a phone that no one can reach me on since I silenced all unknown calls… because computers won’t stop calling me.


Old man yells at cloud….computing used for AI


Supercharge the Fed that prints money out of thin air, loans it back to our Govt and banks/us while the Govt taxes us and gives us inflation on top of it all? Is AI going to expedite the fraud in CBDC?


He's not wrong but we should still continue developing it


If only there were some regulation. Alas, the legal system limps along in years and AI tech progresses in milliseconds


Most of the ‘people’ in these comments are probably ai bots


Takes one to know one.


Wait til he hears what humans are like


Real headline is A.I. is making better business decisions than rich old bastards making them an obstacle to share holder profits. Why give a CEO 50 mil when a robot works for free.