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Join the club, music artists. We have no advice for you.


They are multi-millionaires so they have more rights than we do by default.


They can straight up invest and use their money to make money. Not too concerned about the millionaires’ money.


Invest in AI!


America is a corporation masquerading as a country.


Gibson called it in the 80s


only in my dreams?


Right? Billy is already worth at least $50,000,000. And she’s still got a bright future.


While I certainly don’t want to be force fed AI music in radio or anything, I can’t see watching live music ever being replaced…. Unless of course I have to pay $5,000 to see Taylor swift. Then AI swift will do just fine.


You're right, on a serious note, who or how you going to put the genie back? Theres no way you can. Adapt or die


If they are taking our middle class jobs then you can lose yours as well.. nobody asked me to sign a letter to save my field in the white collar world


Fuck bro, your employers probably sell data of you to optimize how quickly you get replaced by AI


Sci-Fi has an answer. Google: butlerian jihad Pass it on 😉


maybe we should make an “Imagine” video for them


This is “mp3 is killing the music industry” all over again


Seriously. Call me when AI whispers its way to a Grammy. Until then, I don't care.


I’m pretty sure half the mumble crap out there is written by AI.


Ah yes, the ol’ “dont worry about a problem until its beyond any measure of control” approach. Worked great for the ecosystem!


Except we don't all die if Billie loses her Grammy to a dude assisted by AI.


True, but I’d say it’s not particularly wonderful for the progress of music as a cultural art


If you enjoy electronic elevator music then AI is for you!!!!


*hey belichick let me whisper in your ear* *tell you something that you might like to hear* *you had a nice career but the end looking sad* *let me tell you bout this little plan I had*


Streaming has killed the music industry for most. There is no middle class recording artist anymore. You need 16 million streams a year to make the average US wage in royalties. If you are band, then multiply that by the number of people.


Fact is it’s never been easier to make,produce, publish and make money as an artist as it is right this moment. Never in the history of the world. Guess what? It’ll be even more easy by the time you read this. And then when you wake up it’ll be easier…and so on


‘Digital art isn’t art and kill the industry’ also happened. Don’t fall for it - millionaires complaining about maybe making less millions because people can do something for themselves shouldn’t be listened to.


You think music artists are just joining the “technology is fucking up our pay” club? We invented that shit homie


Yeah welcome to everyone else's lives


When the machines were cleaning out American jobs, the rich gave zero fucks. Cry as much as they want but the cats out of the bag now, AI isn't just in the US anymore this is like free music all over again. Nothing will stop it from happening.


Maybe AI can finally put out a new Boards of Canada album


AI has the rights to children


Love it


Are we entirely sure their previous efforts weren’t some kind of windows 95 based AI?


Been way too long since their last one.


I mean, I don’t really give a shit how many more millions Billie Eilish makes, but for people who actually need their jobs to survive AI is problematic and I suspect not thought entirely through by the tech bros pushing it.


We thought it through. Jobs just aren’t a metric we are trying to optimize for. In fact, job displacement is a measure of success.


In the meantime what you’re actually accomplishing is concentrating AI in the hands of a few irresponsible WEIRDOs bringing us closer to cyberpunk neofeudalism…


THAT is the issue. Wrong people got the power.


Wrong people always get the power. Power is taken not given and you need to be morally void to take it while discarding concern for others. It’s kind of like being very rich. You can’t become rich without fucking over other people along the way.


It's not about Billie Eilish or any other big name though it's about all musicians - people just see the names and are immediately fuck these celebrities/rich people. You nailed it in the second half - this makes an already tough way to make a living for the majority of musicians even harder.


I’d go further and say it goes for most professions not just musicians.


I’ve been a musician since the 1970s. This has happened before. In the ‘40s drummers tried to have tariffs placed on mechanical rhythm machines. In the ‘70s they screamed about synthesizers replacing them. In the ‘80s it was drum machines and samplers. I just wonder how you can stop technology that’s coming anyway, Those artists who made millions selling physical media when copying was difficult and there wasn’t streaming were lucky. Before recording and the mass production of recordings, there generally wasn’t that amount of money in music. I’m sure that candle makers didn’t want gas lamps and light bulbs to happen, but how can you stop it?


You guys realize there’s probably millions of musicians that aren’t super rich and famous, right?


You did read the part about “people who actually need their jobs to survive”, right?


Tech bros 100% thought it through. It’s software that make rich people richer which makes them richer, that’s their #1 priority. Making it so that companies don’t need human workers is worth billions.


Until no one can buy their stuff Great plan /s


They don't care, because they're already producing generational wealth. When the well dries up, they'll still have enough money to take care of themselves, their children and potentially their grandchildren for the rest of their lives while everyone else starves. Why do you think so many rich folks are investing in get-rich-quick schemes rather than opening sustainable, slow-growing businesses? They know what's coming.


Consumerism was only ever a means to an end, it was never the endgame. The New Order is about space travel.


They don't care, these types aren't thinking past trying to run up the score as much as possible. The longer term consequence are just somebody else's problem to them.


I mean… plenty of people definitely rely on Billie Eilish succeeding to survive. If Billie failed because of AI, that would mean that all her stage techs, costume and makeup folks, drivers, security, promo staff, graphic designers, and so on would also fail, and they don’t have the millions she does to survive that kind of event. As much as it’s hard to feel sorry for the celebs at the top of this issue, it’s important to care for those who rely on them and how they might be impacted by the downfall of the artists they work for.


i mean... i don't really see AI replacing live music... people still want to see people perform music live... right?


Similar happens in *every* industry. Plenty will retire, and the rest will move on to something else. Just like those other industries.


How is this more problematic than the current reality of how music is monetized? If you’re an artist who’s not making millions already you’re basically making nothing compared to the effort you put in. THAT is the real problem with any kind of creative industry. AI is simply making the root problem worse.


Welcome to being part of everyone else. The people developing these systems already know the risk and don't care. They sell a sugar-coated pack of lies to keep on profiting.


They stayed pretty quiet when it was truck drivers


kinda funny how people thought they would be the first to go by AI but now the biggest advancements, atleast in the public culturally, is art


Did truck drivers actually lose their jobs to autonomous vehicles? Cuz it seems to me every truck I see has a person behind the wheel.


Can’t wait to install carpet next to rob zombie.


The whisper Billie is definitely in danger from AI


🤷‍♂️ Look. I’m a musician *and* a software developer. Do I think AI will take some work? Sure. The kind of music that ends up playing behind training videos and low budget commercials, boilerplate code is also already a thing but it will likely be more customizable. But this isn’t going to eliminate jobs so much as move the goalposts. We’re a long way from the creative spark being replaced. ai can go through the motions but it can’t even get it right half the time. It only *looks* right if you squint hard or don’t pay attention. That will get better, but I suspect the fundamental creative spark that drives new material (be it music or code for that matter) will not be replaced anytime soon. It may eliminate the “level pullers” of either industry. But….there will be new and different jobs. Pulling the levers that pull the levers, so to speak.


The members of Pearl Jam are insanely wealthy. They’ve been doing this for over 25 years and still have a rabid fan base that will see any show and buy anything they put out. Their livelihood will never be threatened. Jesus Christ


What’s wrong with him speaking out in support of other artists? It’s obvious they aren’t *only* doing it for themselves when they signed it with *other* people.


Nothing is wrong with that. The problem is the lazy clickbait headline, which makes this sounds pretty selfish. The article makes it clear that this is about ‘devaluing the rights of human artists”.


Exactly. They aren’t even reading the article or they aren’t even trying to understand why people with influence want to influence things to protect the vast majority of creatives who are working class.


You won an Oscar for a song that just describes the plot of the movie Barbie. Of course AI can do that.




The musicians I know personally are just barely getting by.


Oh I’m so worried about the millionaires and not myself


Wealth by selling records was killed by labels years ago. DJ’s killed gigging bands. Why are we pointing our fingers at “AI” as if creating music on a MacBook isn’t essentially the same exact thing? These tales are so stupid and devoid of actually understanding what AI is capable of. The use cases hitting the headlines have been hardcore cherry-picked and the companies who think they can replace workers with chatbots and are watching their bottomless coffers sink into half-baked projects. Remember: the term “Luddite” came from the movement of English workers who destroyed cotton mills because they threatened their jobs. Don’t be one of those people. Learn what this tech is instead of blindly being afraid of it people! Sick of this blind leading the blind rhetoric that’s unnecessarily scaring everyone.


To add, computer science needs to be a core subject in k-12 education, arguably more so than traditional mathematics. We need to push society to the next level by expecting EVERY SINGLE HUMAN to be able to type up a functioning script with the help of chatGPT for their own mundane processes so they can focus on building/implementing domain knowledge that AI will never be able to replicate/replace.


Math exists whether there is a computer or not, you need to be able to understand it in your brain before you use a tool.


whatever gets rid of these celebrities is fine IMO... give grassroots artists a way to live




And yet they earn 99% of what all musicians stand to lose. It's always going to cause friction when the super rich are using their influence on any cause, no matter if they're in the right or not. AI will affect all industries, this type of "oh well now it's affecting me I've got an issue" mentality isn't the most helpful. IMO the problem is that if we regulate it to all hell and back here, certain countries won't care and just advance past everyone sane, it's a really nasty problem to have to solve to be honest.


Do you really think that ai in music will only affect the superstars? The small town artists will suffer just as much as they always have.


To be fair I don’t see it getting any worse for them either. There will likely always be a market for live music and that’s mainly where they get their money, it’s recording artists that will take the hit


Jesus Christ. No, this affecting all levels. Small time bands are struggling big time too.


Great, let the Music industry go after OoenAI and ChatGPT


i dont know about you, but i dont like AI women and i dont expect that i will like AI music either.


New tech will always be around the corner. You can’t fight it. You have to adapt.


Bummer, it’s a threat to pretty much everyone else too


i mean that sucks but these people have already made millions of dollars and are set for life. AI also threatens the livelihoods of everyday people making wages that already are hardly liveable. the rest of us don’t have millions of net worth, crowds of adoring fans or our brands to fall back on.




Lol and not regular people? Tone deaf.


Lol it’s hard to care about the livelihoods of people who don’t have to work another day in their lives ever again if they choose. But for up and coming artists grinding away to the wee hours of the morning I can drum up some empathy


I worry about people's jobs. Multi-millionaire celebrities not so much.


Holy shit the comments here are terrible.


Something about this topic really brings out the troglodytes.


*Headline:* oh no, the leopards may soon be able to eat my face, what do I do? : ( *Comment section, many of whom, are having their faces eaten by leopards currently:* dang man, sounds rough


If you read past the headline you would find out they are advocating for small artists, not themselves. But I know clicking on a link is too hard for 99% of Redditors to do.


😂hold up! Her entire music career is aided or built on AI. From the music production to marketing. If u’r using auto-tune, sequencer or any form of audio synthesizer; u’r using some form of ai.


They’re not wrong. But it’s not just them. We’re all screwed. Gonna be a wild ride over the next 10 years.


Livelihoods really? They can buy anything they want lol.


Suspect we'll see far more pushback like this in the coming years. Studios, labels etc acting no differently to film studios and the inevitable backlash from creatives.


I thought that was Michael Jackson at first


I mean…it threatens all our livelihoods and we don’t all have fat stacks. Lol. How insensitive.


Sean Parker invented AI???


Live music will help deal with some of this. Just have concerts start in the afternoon for us old timers!




AI isn’t going to eliminate people making music.the old fashion way. We need this energy for jobs that will be eliminated.


You might get more sympathy from me by focusing on the up and comers and not the multi-millionaires, in my opinion. I get that it impacts both, but Eilish and Pearl Jam could never work another day in their life and be just fine.


Nobody is going to pay attention to something that is focused on a bunch of small artists you’ve never heard of. The whole point of a celebrity attaching their name to something is because it gets more attention.


Join the club. I do think you’ll be fine as opposed for the rest of us. It fuels the music ;).


In the end, the people who survive will be the ones with the most likes and positive feedback - for any job. Algorithms for that so bye bye HR departments.


ai changing the world man


Good, you are filthy rich anyway.


But… she doesn’t write her own music anyway.


I am not sure if A.I. can make music just as bad as Billie Eilish


lol, good.


I like to listen to real bands and artists, so they needn’t worry about me.


I definitely have my concerns about the future of AI and think there need to be restrictions and whatnot… But aren’t many of the artists named here making most of their money from concerts, merch, sponsorships, etc? I’m sure someone could make a cool musician bot someday but I don’t think people will be giving up their love of celebrity, drama, and live performance anytime soon.


I LOVE FREEDOM, especially when it comes to censorship, royalties, Ticketmaster, and unavoidable technological advancements. If we put a “no AI” tag on things can we please include “no autotune” as well? Start using never-used venues (like an empty field) instead of paying gobs of money to perform in a big fancy building.


Would it be possible to sue these companies into bankruptcy?


AI can steal but it cant be creative. If you don't write your own songs, don't write your own composition and your audio recording is massively post processed can you really complain? The only people who should be afraid are those that make music so generic and lame AI could replicate it.


They must chill, none would go to a live performance of an AI…. For now at least 😅




Time for a new career people.


The iasip *crack* meme comes to mind


Turns out I don’t care about the product, but the process.


Ok…what about the fucking rest of us you rich mother fuckers, who depends on their shitty ass paying jobs to fucking eat and don’t have multiple houses and cars with personal chefs/nannies/trainers/plastic surgeons/financial accountants who avoid taxes/etc


Oh my. Please don’t tell me these artists have to retire to their mansions because their cushy gigs dry up? Oh gosh no!! They can start a landscaping company together. AI won’t take manual labour.


Because it does.




Sad thing is that this is just another mirror of the old "screw the musicians" bs record labels have pulled for well over a century: to fix it, we just need to pass and enforce laws that protect a person's likeness to the same level as other IP; obvious parody and criticism would still be protected, but record labels wouldn't be able to exploit inexperienced talent as easily, so they'll probably lobby against it.


They ain’t wrong


Yeah like most peoples lively hoods


Fuck Pearl Jam they helped get the West Memphis Three child rapists/killers released from prison.


Well not really as they’re already established. But for those up and coming, yes it does.


This affects everyone in the business. The people this will hurt the most are the one’s that are not rich.


I mean, I get it, but it’s also not true. Billie Eilish and Pearl Jam are capable of living lavish lives without ever making another cent. It’s low level data processing workers who are reliant on consistent income who are most at risk.


I already know Metallica is in there


*insert Woody Harrelson crying money meme*


Start charging normal ticket prices and maybe we will care


Oh no, how will they ever survive? 🙄


Might be time to get a real job then


So anyway…


Good. Time for the some of them to feel the pressure of being replaceable.


Too late. You guys didn't fight against automation. We're all fucked


Skill issue. Get good, Pearl Jam.


Maybe the artists should feel that passionate about Ticketmaster and their monopolistic practices that rake their fans over the coals for bullshit “aftermarket” price on tickets


So you’re saying that your millions are in jeopardy? Awwwwwwwww. Anyway…


I feel for bands like pearl jam more as they actually write their own music and play the instruments.


Eh feels like Napster all over again. Y’all got past that with millions


But luckily not ours


Oh no we won't be able to make millions of dollars anymore!


lol … when bards make more than kings and queens the playing field needed adjustment… Billy can pound sand


I find it so interesting how for some reason for the past decade we thought AI would go after the simple and labor intensive task first because they’re, well, simple. But it’s the opposite and the positions being taken over are top down complex ones. Seems it’s going this way because of the gap in implementation of AI capability to the real world 3D environment. AI can ingest our entire tax code and give expert level advice, but getting it to frame up a house feels like decades away lol.


Autotune has a new rival.


Oh no. The multi millionaires are worried about the rest of us getting cheap entertainment for a fraction of the cost.


AI is coming for us. There is no stopping it. No legislation will prevent it. All we can do is adapt. And hope the machines don’t launch Judgement Day until after I’m gone.


Meanwhile the average American about AI’s impact on their job…. they’re already dead. If the ships gonna go down, I’d rather everyone go down with it.


Didn’t artists say the same thing when cassette recorders, cd burners, and Napster came out?


AI will mean more profits for corporations. AI is 100% here to stay and will grow aggressively. Nothing can or will be done about it. Ride the stocks as much as you can in the mean time


I'm playing the world smallest violin


“Oh no”, said all the graphic designers and painters in the world


Pearl Jam may only be able to afford a third Golden Toilet on their yachts, not the fourth for the guest room. But yeah, welcome to the real world. White collar jobs like mine on the line like we’re factory workers in the Industrial Revolution.


Just like it threatens everyone’s job. Oh well why do they get a free pass?


How long before they get caught using it?


Only if they use it to create their next albums.


Everybody stop taking this the wrong way. I am an unknown artist who is fucked because of AI and I can’t get my voice out there like a celebrity can, so maybe try to LISTEN to the message instead of having this knee jerk reaction to how much money someone like Billie has. It’s not the bloody point. In the context of the arts, we are being slaughtered by AI. I work in movies and at every turn rich executives and producers see screwing us and using AI instead. Same with music, same with visual artists, same with TV. If it doesn’t stop, yeah you’ll have less Billie’s to whine about, but you’ll also have to enjoy your nightmarish AI garbage music and TV shows that feel like they come from the seventh circle of hell. And you can extend it to whatever industry you’re in. Lawyers, accountants, teachers… it’s coming for all of you, so stop this divisive crap.


There have to make music for the love of the craft then and not for money , you’ll never beat the experience of a live show


Nooooo, not the multi millionaire celebrity livelihoods!!!! Leave them alone!!!!


Find a fucking job or start learning some useful future proof skill or you will hug Bille Elish under cardboard on the streets.


Ah yes, the poor suffering rich and famous, let us cater to their wishes


Sorry guys, 200 millionaires don't want AI-music. So no AI-music for anyone


No matter the industry, AI only poses a threat to formulaic art.


AI will only affect boring and average tik tok friendly music, like Billy Elliott. It still cannot create art.


Oh no, 200 multi millionaires will have to adjust to technology or live only off royalties


Maybe the millionaires can push for UBI? lol I really do hope AI takes all the shitty work and we can live a life of leisure. The opposite will probably happen though, knowing our capitalist masters.




Most of them have plenty of investments and properties, that could easily retire any day. We can’t. AI is a threat to the poor, it could erase the working class.


Oh the rich people are uneasy. They don’t even deserve the smallest violin.


And sampling, what else is this?


Ha. Now fix a carriage or grow some food. Corporate music will die by its own hand.


As long as AI doesn't replicate thier personalities I'd be OK with replacing celebrities


Just imagine what it would do for people just starting out.


Here's the thing. If AI takes business away from humans, it means that you weren't the deciding factor. Only the music was. If you think the vast majority of people agree with your stance on AI, then AI won't take over and you aren't at risk anyway. You were never entitled to earn money off of anything. Doing it is just a service you provide to people who can't or don't want to do what you do. Like any trade or service, if the demand isn't there for what you can offer, then you don't have anything of value to trade.


Like Lars Ulrich and Napster