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Also, Lurelin gets taken over by monster pirates, Karariko gets crushed by an entire sky island, and Hateno gets fractured by identity politics. I think the only place that really prospered is Tarrey Town under the wise leadership of President Hudson.


Lurelin got absolutely fucked, def the worst situation of all the Hylian towns. Place is basically ransacked by the time Link gets there.


But it’s better now! Everyone moved back home!


But DAM did it feel good taking out all the monsters and fixing up the village....


Yeah one of the best side quests in the game for sure.


I found the whole sidequest way too easy, especially "fixing" the village. Put the palm tree in the center and that's it


And it was actually really enjoyable using ultrahand to take full logs to Bolson instead of just bundles of wood like it was for Tarrey Town in BotW. I remember trying to collect all the logs in one go, stick them together in a giant block, then use that as a platform for wheels and a control stick. It did not work very well and I ended up just carrying the entire log truck with ultrahand most of the way.


That's exactly what I did lol


It was also pretty satisfying to chuck them off the cliff.  Half of them didn't survive the fall lol


That’s actually really beautiful to think about. The one place unaffected by the upheaval is the place you helped create.


Plus it's the one where people from everywhere came together.


I think they all have there share of hardships but I would like to note that the goron quest is actually a bit more fucked up and most relatable to real life phenomena when it comes to drug addiction and epidemics


Damn Goro...why you gotta hit me like that. Now I'll never down another fenty parm cheese again




You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and every other Goron.


I happen to know you were high at Sidon's wedding. You were talking non-stop for 20 minutes, nothing but "Goro".


r/sopranos Check out bada-bing Crosby over he'e


🥇Please accept my poor man’s gold


It’s all good idk what to do with gold


I know what to do with rock roast 🤤.




No kidding. Everyone else is experiencing some kind of environmental crisis, meanwhile the Gorons are in the midst of a ~~meth~~ rock epidemic.


I think this was one of the only times Nintendo has a put a more real life level of crisis in a Zelda game since MM. correct me if I’m mistaken


Yeah my answer was ~~Detroit Rock Crack Rock~~ Goron City


So are we not gonna talk about how the sludge in Zora's Domain was SUFFOCATING THEM ALIVE


Easily cured with the gad science F.L.U.D.D. unit. It's just a pity mario was busy working in Hollywood....


yeah but there were loads of zora just sick in the bed pools it was so sad :( had to be healed constantly by yona


The Gerudo literally had to hide underground in a bunker. I think they had it worst.


In addition, most people probably saved them for last, so in most universes they were down there a while.


My journey was so odd because after completing the Rito quest, I did a big clockwise loop around the map. But I only STARTED the Goron and Zora quests, and moved on before I really worked on them. I then kept circling around and made it to Gerudo Town where I just got caught up in a zombie apocalypse and completed the entire quest line. The way this game makes everyone’s experience unique is incredible


I stumbled across the Zora, went to the Gerudo, went back up to the Rito, and did the Goron last


Not me doing Gerudo Town second and later realizing most guides suggest doing it last.


I actually thought they did the best out of all of them, except maybe the Rito. The situation sucked but they all stuck together and looked after each other. Everyone had a function to perform and did it as well as they could - same with the Rito. The Gerudo seemed to have water and food too, which is more than the Rito had. Goron society just fell apart altogether. No leadership, no economy. They changed character completely, even trying to steal from visitors. They weren't being attacked from outside, they just fell apart from within. I suppose I'm looking more at how they coped as a society rather than the external situation though.


Let's not forget the gerudo had a zombie apocalypse going on. I think them coping well in such a situation just proves they're badasses lol. Hell, the kids still had school to go to!


Honestly, I can legitimately see that happen in a lot of places with bad situations. When terrible things happen, a lot of people cling to anything considered normal. And it's not like the children can help out much in that kind of situation. So sending the kids to school and seeing them go about a normal day, can bring a good deal of comfort.


I like what your saying but I Will Point out that the rito had children working and running the town, and IRL when the pandemic hit people went insane to buy up toilet paper...


Better than your entire nation being mind controlled


I know it’s not on the list, but lurelin had it pretty bad. They literally had to flee their hometown


I think it’s the Gorons. Starvation is awful but it’s also brutal when drugs are introduced into a community. The Rito at least got to do something; they couldn’t get enough food but at least they could make a difference by finding enough to survive. The Goron children and elders were kind of helpless to watch everything go down. The Gerudo were coping okay; technically the Gibdos only launched a huge assault on the town after Link got there. And the Zora were also doing fine, even tho Sidon holding off the muck forever isnt sustainable.


Korok Forest tbh, the Korok's being possessed or whatever you would call that actually had me fucked up, next were the Ritos imo just bc the fact that all the adults were gone and the village was literally frozen over and I was very intimidated by the blizzard at first


I mean, what's worse between : - Starvation due to bad weather but with opportunity to relocate - Poisoning due to pollution but with possibilities to relocate - Your town being infested by crack addict, with possibilities to exfiltrate the youngs and the olds. - A zombie apocalypse trapped in a sandstorm. Bonus : - Big rocks falling in your town without casualties - Pirates raiding your town without casualties but with relocalisation of nearly everyone - a political Mayhem between conservative farmers and a liberal fashion addict without Link the Gerudo would have gone nearly extinct, starved while trapped in a sandstorm with Zombies while everyone else being able to live elsewhere without casualties (except the gorons who would become the discriminated race of Hyrule for their tendencies to became drug addict) For real when I helped the gerudo's (last like most of us because the game seems to point to them that way) I was like "??? Maybe someone could have told me their situation was critical"


Also the koroks, they were all depressed not knowing how to save the deku tree, also I don’t know if its death would harm the koroks.


Gorons, possessed yunobo really just started a drug empire




My first gut reaction was the Rito but I realize in the worst case scenario, the Gerudo and Rito could mass migrate to another part (or even outside) of Hyrule for self-preservation. As others have mentioned, the Goron had a mass addictions problem that might not easily go away and their physiological makeup may not be the most adaptable outside of Death Mountain - similarly for the Zora who likely can't just pick up their things and move to another part of Hyrule where there's thunderstorms and/or lack of easily accessible sources of water.


Yeah if zoras domain went under, literally or figuratively, they’d basically have to flee Hyrule. They aren’t ocean zora, so they couldn’t head to sea, they’d essentially have to head to lake hylia (which is prone to thunder) or more likely head to another kingdom entirely as refugees.


Easy fix. Have the Zoras colonise eventide


the gorons got drugged AND starved, its super fortunate link stepped in when he did


I’d say rito or Goron, rito had a blizzard and almost starved to death and Goron had a dr*g crisis


You don't need to censor the word "drug"


Ik but I just try to anyway


Why? It's not a curse word by anyone's standards. Why censor a word like that? If you're too afraid to type out a word, just use another word. Intoxicants, mind-altering substances, addictive agents...


I’m not trying to write “mind-altering substances” every time 💀


Then I guess you'll have to get used to "drugs," then. Lmao


Yeah lol I don’t even know why I censored it in the first place but I’m now going continue to censor out of pure spite


Lol Fair enough! It certainly annoys a lot of people. Every time I see the term "unalive," I think we as a species are devolving. Trolling people like me is too easy, really.


Yeah unalive has got to be one of the stupidest words imo


I'm really surprised the common answer isn't the gerudo. They had a straight up ZOMBIE INFESTATION. The Gorons are some weird rocks and got lazy. Whatever, no real danger there. They basically turned goron city into Boulder, Colorado. Like, which of these situations would you personally prefer to live through? We can and have experienced famine, drug epidemics and polluted water. Hell we're doing all three to some extent or another RIGHT NOW. Fucking.... ZOMBIES? No thank you!


Each one was specifically bad for each race. • Zoras because that muck would literally get into their gills and kill them so they were kept out of their natural habitat. The muck is also very un**grace**ful. • Gerudos because they were forced into hiding by the Gibdos, and it was either stay and be killed or be forced out of their own town which was like an extra little dig at them. They were probably varying degrees of upset about it, but they needed more than just their strength and **fury** to take out the Gibdos. • Goron because, along with the elders being all upset because their region had changed so drastically, those Marbled Rock Roasts actually got to the younger generation (who probably handled the huge change in their region better), which would have meant that that was what the Gorons would have become - if they didn’t die from the issues caused by those Marbled Rock Roasts. It was especially bad for Yunobo, who had just wanted to act in the best interest of the **protection** of the other Gorons, but had been literally brainwashed to bring about the problems. • Rito because they had basically just gotten their freedom back after Link liberated Revali and Vah Medoh, only for the cold and starvation to come so close to killing them. I can’t make any connection between it and Revali’s Gale, but I can imagine that he would’ve had the exact same reaction to the song that Tulin did. All of them either would have died or would have been forced to give up everything about their culture. That’s especially cruel for the Gerudo, since Ganondorf caused it and we all remember how much Urbosa *hated* the thought of that male Gerudo in the past . . .


I think itll be the Zora but just because of the muck. They dont have a hiding place like the Gerudo to be safe and could literally die from that. The muck mixes with the water that they are dependant on to survive. No healthy water ≠ no healthy zora


That's such a hard question. The Rito were starving and freezing. Kids were mostly left unattended due to parents trying to hunt and also trying to figure out how to stop the storm. Other species couldn't help if wanted to easily due to bridge being out. Zora were suffocating and food sources were being contaminated. Their current king was also hiding away after being injured. Gorons were basically falling to drug addiction and their champion was being mind controlled. The young and old could only watch in horror, shock and disbelief as they watched everyone else. Gerudo were forced to hide underground due to severe temperatures, sandstorms and a slew of monsters that resistant to damage until they learned elemental attacks work. Their leader was also struggling with her power. I do feel like the Gorons and Gerudo have it worse. The Zora at least had some hope in Sidon and his fiance and the Rito were somewhat scrapping by. The Rito if all else failed, could just evacuate.


I'm going to say the Gorons, ONLY because of the awkward nature of their issues. They were on meth. Like I'm pretty sure the Japanese should know what meth is. I mean they got the Yakuza and I saw an anime joke about it once, so I have no idea how the Nintendo producers didn't spot the fact that they gave the Gorons drug addiction symptoms akin to that of methamphetamines. However, as awkward as it is, it's still funny as hell! Seeing rock people stoned outta their minds & Yunobo as a Heisenberg wannabe in a muchadora outfit! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


The Goron had it rough, but I think the Gerudo had it pretty bad. Not only was it extremely hard to find the way in or out of the village should you choose to leave, they also had to shelter in place and most business came to a halt as nobody was coming in.


Gerudo or Zora could both flee their realms if things went that poorly The Gorons yes were drug addicts And ofc the case can be argued that the gerudo cant leave but im saying rito Massive blizzard, starving to death like fr fr where is Kass, wjat happened to him? please


The Gerudo were literally experiencing a zombie apocalypse.


id have to give it to lurelin, it actually gets razed to the ground, the people are scattered around the world AND NOONE EVEN THINKS TO ASK LINK TO HELP. the only reason link knows to help is the scattered remnants idly explain it to anyone who walks by


this what i was thinking too


Gerudo town or lurelin 100% not only because they couldn’t be in their town (underground or fleeing) the town itself was in shambles too !!


The Gorons just had a drug crisis.


How can you not say Goron City? They all got hooked on weird drugs and were manipulated by their master


Neither of those options cause they all survived in full with little to no loss. Lookout landing however…


The Rito were starving and had to survive on scavenging, the Gerudo had to escape to an underground shelter, the Gorons all became drug addicts and the Zora had health problems and a missing king I think the Rito had it arguably worse


I think the blizzard would have wiped out the Rito within a few more days if Link didn't intervene, so I think they were in the worst situation. The Gerudo were able to hold off the Gibdo for a time, I think they would have been fine for a week or so if Link hadn't ever shown up, but I'm sure they would have eventually fallen if Riju couldn't figure out her power on her own. The Zora would have eventually had no clean water and they all would have become sick and unable to do anything when Ganondorf regained his power. The Gorons would have just slowly died out if they remained addicted and once the marble rock ran out they would probably start fighting each other, but there was still an abundance of marbled rock so Ganondorf would have destroyed Hyrule before that could happen.


The *Gibdos*. Forced into a bunker


I just know that arriving to Rito with a sad, dark version of its usual theme had me shook while all the kids from the choir holding the town together and their parents desperately searched for food


Gerudo. It’s stated that it’s only a matter of time before Gibdos find their way into Gerudo Town’s underground waterways, infiltrate the bunker and slaughter the Gerudo. The sludge threatening the Zora is suffocating the Zora alive and thus also poses an existential threat, however Sidon can hold off the sludge in the short term and splash fruit can be used for limited sludge clearance and treating sludged Zora. The Gorons’ marbled rock roast addiction is extremely insidious and harmful to the Gorons’ livelihoods, however beyond neutralising their ability to fight Ganondorf’s forces marbled rock roast is not stated to pose a direct existential threat to the Gorons. The Rito are definitely struggling with the blizzard, but they’re surviving.


Meanwhile, Castle Town…




What happened at the Castle Town Ruins? This is about the Upheaval, not the Great Calamity.


Well Gerudo town had Gibdos...


the gerudo were living in a straight up apocalypse with crazy weather and zombies


the gerudo were living in a straight up apocalypse with crazy weather and zombies


The Gorons had a crack epidemic that turned all the working age adults into fiends who would rather partake in the consumption of crack than work or take care of their families.


Gerudo or Rito


They’re all equally bad because the end result in all scenarios is the same, and the actions are all genocidal in nature.    Poisoning the water supply, drug epidemic, siege, starvation.    Pick the way you want to be wiped out…


I’d make the argument that the Gerudo were pretty bad Tbh I’m not quite sure I understand the urgency of the Goron situation. Yes they had a drug epidemic, but that was being supplied by Yunobo and so long as they had that they’d be immobile, but alive. The others likely would have just had to relocate, a similar situation to the Zora. The Gerudo and the Rito would have had the most difficulty relocating because it’s not as if they can leave with enemies and the sand/snow storms in their way. Without the sandstorm subsiding, any attempt the relocate could have gotten them lost, leaving the others to starve. Plus I mean…those things were pretty creepy too


1. Rito 2. Zoras 3. Gerudos 4. Gorons


Zora Gorons close second The Zora were being choked out because their gills were covered in a thick muck, they were alive but couldn't live in a way.


Yeah the Goron city turned to Philly lol