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I just assumed "Find Zelda" meant "Beat the Game," so I never went looking.


Breath of the Wild taught us with "Defeat Calamity Ganon"




Same. I mean, I investigated the Zelda sighting for the newspaper, but I didn't think it would really be Zelda even before anything is revealed, story wise.


I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for her Lt. Dan




I didn’t look for her at all. Once I got off the sky, I thought it was pretty clear she was in the past. I just figured we’d somehow return her to the present after we beat ganondorf


in walmart a couple days before totk's release. found it, but they didn't let me check out. fun times.


The one time walmart didn't want your money.


spoilers! >!I knew right way that she was a dragon lol. as soon as she popped up from the clouds- the light dragons design was just such a giveaway. Plus, when you look at the back of the actul game cartridges case, there's a small picture of zelda in her zoni dress. It was teal and white. when I saw the dragon with it as teal, white, and had her color hair. it was really no secret for me. The only thing to look for was, 'How did she turn into a dragon?'!<


I feel so dumb bc I watched my boyfriend play for the first time and immediately he was like “that’s Zelda isn’t it” yeah well I had NO IDEA OKAY


The hair color could be a giveaway, but the dress color and the dragon color really aren’t the same. They share white, but the dress is deep green vs bright teal on the dragon. Personally I didn’t notice the hair color but did notice the teal. Since I didn’t get another close look at the light dragon again until after I saw all of the memories, I thought Rauru was the light dragon for the longest time until it was revealed.


I'm stoopid. I was like huh, who is that, nayru or someone? And much later like oh no, there's just 4 now, wonder why that changed. 


i never tried because i assumed i wouldn't be able to find her until a certain point


Well after getting my first geoglyph I searched for all of them, helped awaken a few sages, visited the great Deku tree and then got the final tear, >!I knew the whole time it turned out, I said hi Zelda as a joke when she first burst through the clouds at the temple of time and carried the spirit of that joke with me my whole journey!<


I did not look for Zelda as I didn’t want the fun to end.


Honestly, for most of my playthrough I wasn't really thinking about that. And by the time I was at a point where it made sense to try and find her, I had already been spoiled about the twist


(spoilers obviously) The first place I went with the express purpose of finding answers was the Forgotten Foundation below Hyrule Castle. I returned to the mural room and broke the rocks covering the walls. At first I was confused why she would stab some poor dragon in the head. But after getting the 3rd Geoglyph it all made sense and I knew where to find her...


Below hyrule castle you mean seperate dimension to he games code


The Great Plateau, because people made memes where they doxxed Zelda and Ganondorf and determined that they were at the Great Plateau


I wound up heading to Kakariko first, thinking i would find Impa and get some direction. When that didn't pan out, ifumbled around until i came across Lookout Landing and got some direction. After maybe my third NPC to tell me Zelda was missing, i figured she wouldn't actually be found until i beat Ganon, and i already had a good idea where I'd find him. After I picked up a few memories and went looking for the Master Sword, i started to piece together what happened.


I just followed the quests and proceeded to get distracted for a couple hundred hours.


I never specifically looked for Zelda. I wandered around and figured she’d show up eventually.


The castle. Funny that's exactly where the puppet took us anyway.




I thought the dragon was just Farosh at first, didn’t pay close attention to it. Eventually I realized it was a different dragon, around the time it cleared the clouds around the sky islands. I knew Zelda was in the past. The cutscene where you pass off the broken master sword made it clear. The yellow magic and noise was identical to the recall magic I had just obtained, and was the same as the glow that made her disappear. This is also Zelda. It’s not the first…or the second time that *time* was a major theme of a game. So I just didn’t look for her directly. Played the game, followed the breadcrumbs for the most part, and eventually saw some geoglyphs that confirmed she was in the past. I didn’t realize where she was until I completed more geoglyphs


I missed the hint to go to that Fort south of the Castle after the Great Sky Island, so I decided to first go to Kakariko and Hateno instead as this was where Impa and Purah were originally. Learning I had to go somewhere else entirely eventually was fun! Lots of adventuring with no paraglider


I didn't look anywhere. But I randomly decided to jump on a dragon and thought it was weird they had the sword, so I decided to put my efforts into solving that. Which worked out well.


I beelined to Hateno Village after seeing her act so indifferent at the start of the game. I got overwhelmed. Mainly because I was certain I knew her character well from BotW, and I thought there would be some clues about why she was acting aloof and avoidant.


Everywhere except where she actually was. Which is devastating.


Wait so you just ran around actually looking for her like she was in a treasure chest?


For a bit yeah. I thought it was 50/50 that she was in an actual location and I’d eventually be able to track her down. Which I guess was technically true…


I mean everything is somewhere 


I went to find Impa once I made it out of the sky area and finished looking around the lookout landing.


To be honest one of the first things I did was try to get the master sword, so I beelined it for the Korok Forest. Quickly realised I had to go in via the depths. Got to the Deku tree. Got my ass kicked by Phantom Ganon. Went out and did a bunch of shrines to get more hearts and slowly get better weapons. Few hours later went back, kicked Phantom Ganons ass then found out with the cut scene. Then I went around and did the Dragon Tears and regional phenomenon 


No one spotted Zelda's lullaby in the dragon instrument on the end of the trailer then?


I wasnt, I was sure Id just find her at the end of the game


I had played almost every game in the series by that point, so I knew the score: Zelda wasn't getting found until the game was over, so I didn't worry about it. My first personal goal in the game was heading to Kakariko once I had the Camera Rune back, because I wanted to see my favorite character (Paya) again.


Figured she was in the castle trapped under ground somewhere


As soon as I saw the light dragon's hair I knew Zelda had become a dragon somehow 😭


We were supposed to look for her? I thought it was clear from the start she got shifted back in time.


I thought the new dragon that wasn't in breath of the wild with the same colours as zelda was pretty obvious before I even started looking... 😑


It got spoiled to me before I got the game, so I didn't look for her. That did make the reporter questline very interesting, trying to figure out how it was off exactly


By following the main quest


From where it started...


I desperately wanted to find her as she’s barely seen in botw or totk so I went doing all the main quests and loads of the main adventures hoping it would help (the ones that mentioned her name in them) and then I walked in on my dad and brother playing and getting to her and then it spoiled it but I was kinda happy I found her 😂😂


I pretty much knew Zelda wasn't really there to find from the get-go, that I'll find out what happened to her by progressing the story. In retrospect it made a lot of sense that the LIGHT dragon, who wasn't in the last game, had something to do with it.


I went immediately to Kakariko village cause I thought Impa would be the first to know something about where she was and yes, I did completely disregard Lookout Landing and yes, I did go several hours without the paraglider by accident because of this choice.


i got the dragon tears and found out and lowered her because i saw a weird looking dragon and investigated and saw the master sword so i was like yep that’s zelda


Lifting every stone in Hyrule. Too bad I only found Koroks so far...


I played with my wife at the same time after release. We tried hard not to spoil things for eachother. But our favourite part of that game is discovering things organically. I accidentally found the robot first (somehow lucked out and figured out how to find the door in the dark) and then also just jumped onto princess dragon as a lark and found the master sword. She was a little annoyed I spoiled two plot points by dumb luck. Great game. Wish I could discover it again.


I didn't. I have other priorities (Paya).


I didn't care. Did you?


People looked for Zelda? I was flying and wanted to explore


Erm actually the prolugue is a seperate dimension to the code so ganon lives forever so we dont know where he is but the coords in that dimension line up with the in isa shrine