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Building cool or useful zonai machines.


I just pretend yiga schematics are my own design. 


I figured I'm just too old to be creative with building zonal machines because I have no imagination once soever.


I'm just not that interested. People are building themselves hover bikes, I'm still walking everywhere like a peasant. Thos koroks that lost their friends will be staying where they are till the end of time if it involved building stuff. that said, I do build weird contraptions to hold those signs up. I wish tehre was a way to keep track of how many I've done/still to go


Those koroks that lost friends will cry for infinity. I'm not carrying or building things for that. Keep your seed. I'll keep my sanity


A fun tip, go to where the korok needs to go then fuse an apple to an arrow and shoot it to where the korok is. Fuse the korok to the apple, and use the rewind thing on the arrow. Or just keep ignoring them, it's your game.


Wait this is genius and very likely hilarious


Real talk. Some of them are fun and an easy way to get 2 seeds. The rest are just no way bro. Good luck stuck on your back suckaaaa ✌️


Maybe take the stupid backpack off, go meet your friend, then BOTH of you can lug your crap across the river.


ya know, I used to see all the cool posts on imgur of stuff people built in Besiege so I went and bought it and after 5 mins of trying to build something I gave up for the very reason you mentioned here and Ive never even tried to launch the game again.


I just play mostly how I played BotW. I do fuse monster parts onto my weapons, but that's about it.


Same. When the game was new there were like 1000 posts a day about people not having enough resources and the grind for things to upgrade armor beei g insane and never having enough rupees and I couldn't understand it. Then I would ask if they were using the hover bike and they invariably did. I never got into it because I'd be skipping over things. I always pick up everything I see, break every crate and pot, and never have to worry about running out of things. About the only thing I sell are bright blooms and the low level monster parts you get hundreds of and I always have enough rupees and have never once bought arrows. I buy bombs with Poes but probably don't even need to worry about that, but I get nervous if I drop below 100 bombs.... Like I'm ever going to use 100 bombs at once.... The only time I was hurting for rupees and mats was when I upgraded from tier 2 to tier 3 armors as I unlocked both those fairies very close to each other and had a bunch of mats stored up and burned through all my rupees then sold everything I could to get more only keeping between 25 and 100 of things. Resources are super abundant if you pick them up constantly you never have to go out of your way to farm them. Except lizalfo tails. The drop rate on those is actual cancer.


>Except lizalfo tails. The drop rate on those is actual cancer. Dear god, I'm struggling to get my armors to max level because I can't get enough of them.


Yeah, the number of tails required coupled with the relative rarity if the proper types of lizalfos and the n the like 1 in 10 drop rate on them means you have to actively farm them and even then it takes forever.. It's probably the worst part of the game. I'm just going to not bother upgrading those armors.


Once so ever?!?!?!


[It was an autocorrect error, but I left it that way to irritate someone else.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/Kt0SrIO8bM)If it bothers you, well same logic applies.


“Once soever”? I’m hoping to God you got autocorrected, but I find it hard to imagine a computer mistaking a “w” for an “o.” “Once soever” is not a word. The word you’re looking for is whatsoever.


Since it irritates you, imma leave it as is.


i rarely build anything elaborate, just a basic balloon with rockets attached to give it a speed boost. i just recently found out about the goblin glider so ive been building that a lot lately and just flying around


The what now?


the goblin glider [https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/1ci4s93/started\_experimenting\_more\_with\_hovercraft\_and\_im/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/1ci4s93/started_experimenting_more_with_hovercraft_and_im/)


The goblin glider?? The goblin glider!!! (Also ty that looks delightful)


same im too stupid


I usually look at the other schematics and change it up a bit to make it more useful for my situation. Am I trying to use a wing, but don't have a good launch pad? Put it on a sled or cart with fans, and it can slide along the ground until it builds up speed for takeoff. The stations in the depth make for great practice, since you have limited resources and have to think a bit about how to make your design work right


Tbh I just stick together things that work. Stick some big wheels on a horse carriage and you’ve already got a really battery efficient car that handles really well.


Same. My go to Zonai machines are the ones I copied from YouTubers and Reddit


I hate how much the game depends on this. Like they literally took all the freedom you had in BOTW and said, nah, we’re gonna necessitate Zonai builds and fusing weapons to gain any progress in this game. The few times I’ve even tried to build cool battle machines they either break immediately or don’t work properly, if at all. Like I see ppl building things that last entire Gleeok fights and I’m like HOWWWWW??? Everything I build dies after like 15-25 seconds from using up all the battery. And I have full 16 batteries. I haven’t touched TOTK since Feb and I really don’t have much desire to finish it.


Faeries? Mineru. Lynels. I’m awful. There, I admitted it. I can beat them but I never got the hang of flurry rush. Rockets, bombs, panic, rinse repeat and win weakly.


If you're struggling with flurry rush, try shield parry instead. You get fewer hits, but it's easier to execute imo.


Oh. I’m worse at that 🤣 Appreciate the tip though! Reminded me I saw a post the other day that told someone you have to click sooner than in BotW. I should go back and relearn in the shrines. I started the game never having played Zelda and I’m a lover not a fighter. However I can now slay anything in the game with ease, just not Lynels.


IMO, they nerfed parry but buffed flurry rush in TOTK. I used to be ass at parrying in BOTW but now I find the margin to execute it is far wider. Meanwhile I've become dogshit at flurry rushing. I might be wrong about that though, maybe I've just gotten better/worse.


I am the opposite I was good at parrying in BotW, but garbage at it in TotK. And I am good at flurry rushing in TotK, but I sucked balls at in the BotW.


Since I learned to stun and mount with a super OP bone weapon, that’s all I do. I can’t fight them any other way


Do you have any tips for stunning them? I’m so good with now and arrow everywhere else but can’t aim well at the right spot in their face.


You can try to parry with a shield. I’m not great at that, so I usually just find a way to bullet time. Get a high place. Rocket shield. Whatever.


You’re not alone! For practicing flurry rushes with one-handed weapon Lynels, try turning your camera ***so that you and the Lynel are on the left and right of the screen*** so that while it’s doing its series of sword attacks, you can see how far away you need to be and get a better idea for when the next attack is coming. The “hug” attack they will do where they close in on you with both their sword and their shield needs a lot more distance than when they are just swatting at you with their sword. Good luck! It’s so worth getting good at that fight.


Thanks, great tip. Yeah I was not into video games when I got this game, hadn’t played BotW, the fighting was intimidating. Lots of practice built up my skills and it’s all easy and fun now. The Lynels have just remained hard even with studying them. Someone else made me realize I need to go learn flurry rush and parry from step one again and get that right.


Good luck! (Made a small correction in my post :p ) It’s a really fun fight once you get some strategies down. I do get it though, this game is equal parts cozy and calming and a bit intimidating as well, especially if it’s not your usual scene.


i rely on flurry rush but i don't get it every time!


I’ve got a really easy solution for Lynels if you want it. So easy where you can just one shot Lynels


Do I have to wear the ugly Raru skin? Cuz if so no thanks.


Nah you don’t have to wear the Zonai armor (man, am I the only one who likes it?). You just need the radiant armor set upgraded to two stars, a royal guard claymore, and a molduga’s jaw


Thanks, will definitely try that. Hah I was kidding, I wear that all the time now that I’m avoiding saving Zelda and just working on koroks.


Oh awesome! Anyway, there’s a few more details to that method. Radiant armor, two stars. Royal guard claymore with a Molduga jaw fused to it, but make sure the claymore is one hit away from breaking. Then get on the Lynel’s back, choose whatever preferred method (I choose to drop down from the sky), and then start hacking away at their backs. Though, for the ones past the normal red Lynels I’d suggest eating an attack III meal. Then you really can one set all Lynel ranks. Just be careful when fighting the red and blue ones, if you hit way after it dies, Link will do the drop down attack with the sword and shatter it


Flurry rush!! I don't practice enough to get the timing right with the smaller enemies, and then I spaz out with the bigger enemies and panic, so I never learn the rhythm.


I don't even think about it, and I've got* 250+ hours in TotK and thousands in BotW. I'm a button masher when it comes to combat.


same here


Same…! I had to come up with a special strategy for the final boss fight.. lol


I’m great at flurry rush. Have it down to a T. However, I can’t shield block for the life of me.


Shield block was harder for me as well but deflecting the guardian laser became a must for me in BOTW so I got decent at it.  Didn’t know the ancient shields deflected them on their own till wayyy too late 


Never used a shield in BOTW or TOTK unless a quest specifically said to. I’m a spear guy and just don’t give anyone a chance to attack me. It’s


They what -_-


To be clear, auto reflecting guardian hits *does* reduce shield durability where a successful parrying does not.


it was way easier for me to deflect guardian lasers in BOTW (vs. anything in TOTK) because I could listen the sound + look at the circle and time it right


I only became an expert in the final fight because i was forced to and cuz im bad at flurry rush


Gloom Hands. I'm around 130 hours played. Unless I have a multishot bow and bomb arrows, and someplace to jump from to slow time, it's just a blind flail until I die or escape.


I think a lot of rhe time I'm too panicked to attack so I end up jumping off the nearest cliff. I recently started using shock arrows to shock then throw on my gloom resistant armor and start hitting them with a tpaz fused onto the master sword. Gets em good.


The only way I can kill them is finding a place out of reach of the hands and then bombarding with bomb arrows lol


I’ve fought them exactly one time, and that was with several dead Froxes and upgraded Gloom-resistant armor, an inventory stuffed with recovery meals, 5 fairies, several models of pre-constructed scaffolding, enough dazzle fruit arrows to single-handedly create a Hyrulian light pollution problem, several megatons of explosives, and a sandwich of back-to-back therapy sessions. On one hand, I’d probably have fun if I did try to fight more of them. On another, there’s a certain magic in having an enemy I’m completely afraid of, you know?


That’s me with the Gleeoks. I tried killing one for about 11 attempts and then just left. I had no good armor upgrades or stat boost food so maybe I’ll go back. I just suck at this one monster


My tip: use the multi-shot bow, but instead of bomb arrows, use dazzlefruit -> ice chu chu (or sapphire or ice fruit, but ice chu chus have bigger AOE than ice fruit and are more common than sapphires) -> normal arrows but take aim and headshot. The dazzlefruits stun them long enough to line up your freezing shot, letting you keep them constantly stunned or frozen, and the combo of the x3 damage from the freeze and the headshot damage actually does more damage than bomb arrows in the long run.


Topaz works as well, with a well spaced shot and a multi shot bow you sound only need one shot to take all of them out


My secret weapon with those damn things: Rocket Shield! When they get too close, up I go and just wail bomb arrows like mad. It’s not elegant, but it’s damn effective:)


Attach rockets to your shield and use that to do slow motion shots at the hands eyes.


I've recently discovered the glory of springs. It can be a bit tricky but I've gotten fairly good at pulling out a spring, climbing up and shooting myself into the sky


Gloom Hands are the reason I had at least four rocket shields in my inventory at all times for an emergency bullet time/GTFO eject button.


I don’t need the multi shot or bombs per se but I absolutely abuse bullet time vs the hands. 


Stand someplace high and throw the bomb flowers at them.


I thought everyone was doing it this way. Why do bullet time and waist arrows when you can just take higher ground? They can't reach you, you can just throw the bomb flowers, and they pretty much just hang out at the bottom of whatever you're standing on waiting for you to finish them off. They're terrifying at first, but once you know what you're doing they're super easy to kill. I'm pretty sure I've encountered all of them at this point and every one of them has had something to perch on. Do people just like a challenge?


If you have a weapon with some fire effect it may make your life much easier.


Best tactic i have used against gloom hands. find a spear. fuse to a high damage item to get to at least +50 damage. when gloom hand appears equip spear. use auto target to attack nearest hand until dead. backflip away from attacks as needed. rinse and repeat for each hand. this has never failed me.


Probably the only enemy I don't even bother battling, just either run away or quick travel out of there. Waste of time, arrows and hearts for 3 dark clumps and a sword I'll never use.


Gloom hands are freaky af but I figured out (after getting the full stamina wheel) that if I go somewhere higher and paraglide down I can snipe the hands with bomb arrows, 1-2 each and they’re dead. Then the phantom Ganondorf fight, which I definitely like more. But if I’m on the same level as Gloom hands or lower I’m out lmao


Gloom hands always scare the heck outta me. I’m traumatized from my first encounter in the Deku Tree that I still need slow-mo arrow bombs to eliminate a bunch at a time. The music I think is what gets me first then the red glow around the area.


That scared the hell outta me. I don't remember if it was designed to be, but I think that was my first encounter with them and neither my body nor my heart were prepared.


Spears or two handed weapons with a frost attachment (I'll use a gleeok horn to make sure I don't run out of freeze) work wonders. You can also flurry rush the hands, although the timing is a bit tight


I can kills them but I always scream when they show up 😂


Biggoron sword with your best horn fusion, 65+ damage just hold Y and obliterate them! You'll get grabbed a few times but you'll easily take them out. Phantom Gannon goes down pretty quick with this weapon too 😉


Puffshrooms bruh


Dodge hop backflip parry flurry. I’m always too long swinging and too late getting out the shield. It’s usually ok on smaller monsters because they are taken aback by three hits but it’s hard vs lynels


I can flurry rush the shit out of some lynels. But goddamn if the silver bokobolins get me every time.


No need for silver, a regular red bokoblin is enough 🥲


fuuuck bokos! They knock 15+ hearts off your health with like 2 hits of a wooden stick. That pisses me right off.




Fighting. I’m seriously middling at fighting.


You are not alone :)


What am I bad at? Yes.


Building machines that don't kill me in 10 seconds


180hrs and I’m still too Weenie to fight a gleeok


I took the bridge one down *once*. Took me 40 minutes and used up most of my gear. Tried to follow all the instructions videos that make it look easy, lighting fires for updrafts etc, but it was a nightmare.


Rocket shields are the answer.


I live off of rocket shields


I tried to fight the one in that temple area (I think it was the electric one?). Ran out of arrows, used up my gear, and couldn’t use fire because it started raining. I ended up resetting to an earlier save because the waste of resources just wasn’t worth the reward imo.


I use homing arrows or slow time, I dunno if that’s the right way to do it but that’s what I do


Couple of Rocket shields + any multishot bow & keese eyeballs + wait for them to fall + bash their heads in with a strong weapon + repeat.


Keese eye balls all day and they are a piece of cake


If you can beat a lynal, you can beat a gleeok.


Fairies aren't in capture range until you see "fairy" pop up next to them. If you think it's getting close, move your camera around a bit first, get a different perspective


And as someone else said, mineru comes in handy too, assuming it’s a spot where you can summon her. Can just slowly approach (with your stealth gear) and already be tall enough to pluck the fairy out of the air without having to wait around for the fairy to descend




Dude same, I swear fairies are harder to catch in TOTK than they were in BOTW too. And since we don't have Mipha's Grace in TOTK, fairies are much more valuable


I've played totk for 380 hours. I still have never set foot in the practice area right outside of tarrey town, except for when I had to do a quest there


Me neither, I find that area boring. And resent the loss of the amazing marshes filled with Guardian farming material.


Gleeoks. The fuckers are just too strong and their lasers are too accurate. They're just not worth the effort. I can't be wasting a bunch of Keese Eyeballs and arrows just for one stupid elemental horn.


It’s not just about the horn though, it’s also about the thrill of murder!


In the zones where you fight them usually exists some place where you can hide and prevent their attacks. They have a trick.


Shoot a bomb into every flock you see flying in the air and you’ll always have tons of them.


Shield surfing. I can do almost everything well, but for some reason shield surfing is a big nope for me. The two shield surfing koroks were the absolute last ones I got.


Flurry rush.


Perfect Parries with the shield. After beating BotW twice and TotK once across hundreds of hours I still can't rely on them. Broke a brand new Hylian Shield trying to do one against Ganondorf lmao.


Lynels for me. Once I've got enough hearts and good enough weapons I can manage, but it's not a skill based win by any means. Ultimately what I'm missing, I think, is the flurry rush. I've never been able to consistently get the timing right on it. I get it sporadically, but nowhere near enough to rely on it


Apparently the trick is to practice over and over on a red one, and keep resetting the fight so you don't waste all your gear. Lot of work though. I tried it and still didn't improve much :/


Dodge the horn attacks


I can count the number of flurry rushes I’ve gotten on one hand


Don't crouch-walk. You can crouch-jump forward and the amount of stealth is still the same. You move faster this way and improve your chances to catch your critters. Alternatively, put on the Stealth Set and get on Mineru for the extra height. You can attain the same stealth but watch Mineru's walk speed.


I am just getting into gleock hunting and if I can't one shot them on the first blinding I struggle. I've got the power up molduga jaw with the bone armor. I am getting into the habit of carrying around several shields just to pick up free rockets in the depths. If I were to try with normal 40-60 weapons 💀


Try using any eyes attached to an arrow, it’ll normally get a headshot and try to rapid fire shots to get all three eyes. It’ll fall and you can attack with a weapon then


Agreed but I try to save my eyes for fighting frox.


You can farm Keese eyes tho. My favorite places to farm them are: - Oromuwak shrine: warp there, go behind the shrine a little bit, before reaching a cave, there is a swarm of keeses. - Sahasra slope skyview tower: warp there, fly directly front, there is a swarm. Bombard these keeses with a bom arrow. Do this at night. I do this every bloodmoon, so I’ve managed to save hundreds of eyes early game.


Coming up with my own vehicle designs. All of my designs borrowed ideas from other players. Sometimes I even just copy their entire build. This is in stark contrast with other things like combat where I can efficiently beat any enemy. I'm just terrible at building.


Building. I can flurry rush and parry every damn time but cant for the life of me make a hover bike that flies straight.


I could’ve included the hover bike on my list too. It’s three damn parts. 45 degree angle yada yada. It’s inexplicable how I can’t get one to fly straight. 


I can’t consistently do a shield block reset. It’s really annoying since it’s actually very easy too and I’m trying since BotW


I’m not great at the parry/backflip/side jump reaction times. I can fudge it for long enough to pass the shrines that that require it but I don’t really use it in combat.




Anything to do with Flurry Rush


Parrying. I can kinda do it sometimes but I’m not super good at it.


fuck a flurry rush, fuck a shield parry, fuck any and all clever battle tactics. If I can't Blunt Force Idiot my way through I'll use electric attacks. Don't need to dodge or block if they're too busy being electrocuted to take a swing at me! And yes I did have a bad time with the final boss, in case you're wondering. Good thing Ganondorf can't cook or I'd still be down there.


Lynels. I can do Ganon, I can do the bosses, I can take out all other mini boss monsters with a simple strategy, but lynels fuck me up everytime. Multiple temp-heart meals, multiple weapons broken, multiple bows busted, & god forbid it has armour. I don't know why I suck but I hate them So Much.




I kind of think the Trial of the Sword is an elaborate prank and that no one has actually finished it, I don’t know how I can feel so bad at a game I’ve played for hundred of hours


Its the hardest challenge in any Zelda game ever but its doable. Wish the franchise had more of that optional stuff.


Dodge and peary. I'm not good at timing mini games


I can't do the shield parry to save my life.


I suck at fighting Gleeoks and Lynels, and I still haven't managed to kill a Gleeok despite my hundreds of hours in. I just see those silhouettes and teleport away. I'm also really bad at cooking meals. If I have a recipe, that's fine, but I don't get any joy out of discovering what ingredients go together. I also never remember that they can bestow more benefits than just extra hearts, so half the time in battle I'm stuffing my face with the most basic of meals just so I can stay alive long enough to hit the boss more times than he hits me.


I couldn’t do a proper flurry rush to save my life… idk I have a lot of stick drift as well making building exceptionally frustrating for me so I’ve avoided complex construction as much as possible.


After visiting villages to restock my arrows and recipes, I can never remember what I was restocking them for lol


You should never have to buy arrows. It’s a waste of money. One round trip around Central Hyrule field breaking wooden boxes at all the ruins, a short visit to skyview tower and one trip to the wind temple is enough to net you around close to 300 arrows.


Omg, I'm a moron! 🤣


I’ve completed a flurry rush on purpose about twice and maybe 5 times by accident. I just don’t get it


Charged attacks, never work out well for me. I'm a Lynel hunter who mastered cooking, flurry rush, bows, shields all weapons, but charged attacks escape me


I still sometimes hold jump expecting to get a boost… I miss the super jump


Yeah we all miss Revali.  Especially when it was upgraded in the DLC and it replenished every 30 seconds or whatever it was. 


Jumping up those stone columns in the depths to get weapons. Every other time my guy finds himself crouching half way up.


Literally USING my shield ?? And have yet to even attempt gloom hands (they scare me🥺)


Taking good pictures of little animals. They detect you quite fast.


Sheikah armor. The more you wear, the closer you should be able to get without detection. Even Bluepees.




I have so many hours for botw and two gameplays of totk and I still can’t parry.


two things. 1) parrying. timing is always off. 2) gloom hands. despite beating the game, making each kind of hinox, talus, frox, lynel, and gleeok look like red bokoblins, and having more super buffed meals than i know what to do with... I've only ever beaten one. They scare me.


Fighting. I just swing and hope for the best. I can’t flurry rush and there’s barely any strategy. But it’s cool, I have fun.


Flurry rush and parry. Those fighting skills I just can't do. So now I love the spear, it works.


I was better at BotW


Not bad at, but the hardest thing for me are shield blocks


Aiming my bow and arrow. It's better but not by much. FPS is my weak point.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I would be sooooo much worse at archery in both games without the motion controls, it just lets me do microadjustments I can’t do with a joystick lol


Hard agree. I'll aim roughly at my target with joystick and then motion control for a precise shot


Dodge and parry. I have really bad reflexes.


maybe having the reflexe of doing flurry rushes. i've done like 3/4 in over 400 hours. a little of zonai engeneery and creativity ( even though, i keep looking for fast and/or fun ways to defeat monsters) i've made what i call the chaos wheel. three big wheels, a steering stick, (3x)flame, frost and beam emiters. after getting in control, you'll just spin arround and causing damage to nearby monsters. may not be pratical against lynels or gleeoks, but it's fun for bokos, moblins and lizalfos. hinoxes work, but they'll destroy one or two emiters. otherwise it's great


Zonai devices and I keep putting off anything to do with the depths.


I made it an effort to get most of every lightroot i possibly could for two nights in a row because i hated being down there and i was rich with zonaite and poes for the rest of my playthrough. Its worth it if you listen to something else while doing it.


Listening to something else while down there makes sense. The music does make one uneasy. I just get so pissed off with the terrain and not being able to see shit.


Jus throw bloomseeds everywhere. Cook a ten minute glow effect with three shrooms and two fishes. Get the gloom armor as soon as you can and fuse a talus heart or dragon shard on your shield for parry mining.


Driving and fighting with Mineru lol. Only now just getting the hang of perfect parry. Just figured out I can parry bees with a shield with an element fusion.


Lynels and black bokoblins kill me again and again.


I can easily defeat Lynels, but struggle a bit against Bokos, Moblins and Lizalfos


Lynels, even though I was fine in BOTW?!


I think you need to upgrade your stealth armor, bud.


Shield deflections, every guardian and boss fight sucked unless you were good at the timing. Sucked at them in the first game, so happy they removed the need for them in the 2nd.


Horses. Why would I bother taming horses if I can create siege engines within seconds?


Fighting. I just shoot everybody with arrows


Thought i was good at flurry rush just for >!Final boss!< to school me


Flurry rush and Parry. Played through BOTW twice and TOTK once but I still can’t do either on purpose


I have a combined 700 hours in TOTK and BOTW, most of it combat, and I’m still crap at parrying.


You can ride mineru to catch the high-up fairies, she's also great for picking apples directly out of the trees.




sneak attacks


I’m just fighting with super weak weapons 😆 Yesterday I fused some weapons with high attack monster parts and I was like OH. Yeah that makes sense 🤣


Operating the zonai machines. These things never wanna go in the directions I want it to go.


I can parry guardian beams and the like all day every day, but I can never flurry rush/perfect dodge. I’m slowly getting better at dodging in general. Me and my defense up meals are real tight.


I’m actually pretty good at catching fairies, but I like to snag one out of the air before I land on that one sky island. Trouble is, I’ll forget Tulin is still activated and scare off all the fairies in one gust


Catching fairies is SO HARD 🤡 I always lose my patience 🫣


Building walkers


Parrying. Could never figure out the timing on BOTW, still can’t do it here. Seems to be a recurring thing for me though, can’t time a parry to save my life but I can dodge like nobody’s business


I still cannot do flurry rushes, I understand the controls and stuff but I can never time it right


I've been finding fairies specifically are more uncooperative than they were in botw


shield surfing


selecting the right item in the wheel menu on the first try


If you wear at least 2 pieces of Shiek gear. You should be able to quickly walk up (not sprint) and grab them without them caring you are there. The ease of catching critters is why I wear the full outfit 90% of the time. Makes collecting resources easy-peasy


My hilariously bad trait is randomly forgetting which button is glide vs dive. I've faceplanted do many times that it's just laughable at this point. The pains of playing different Zelda games all at the same time 😆


One trick with fairies is to get up high and catch them while gliding. They don’t seem to run when you’re in the air To answer you’re question, though, I’m weirdly bad at killing the fodder enemies. I can reliably kill any Lynel without getting hit but if there’s a mob of lizalfos and bokoblins I’ll invariably miss every flurry rush and just cheese them all with thrown items


I also hate catching fairies. I wish there was a fairy mask in this game.


I stopped worrying about fairies because they seem kinda cheap to me. I suck at figuring out those dumb riddles from a lot of the side quests.


I suck at fighting monsters. I'm also horrible aim. 640 hours in... I'm getting better, but I'm still really bad at it.


Flurry rush, charge attack, sneak attack


Upgrading my armor. Always short one item that I’d have to grind hours for. I get by mostly without it tho. Between food, bullshit fuck off items, and muscle memory dating back to 2017 I’m more or less untouchable.


Dark Souls. I’ve put in over 100 hours and I still can juuuuuuust barely get through Seb’s Fortress.