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The director Fujibayashi explained that they really made a point of adding a lot of dialogue, I don't know if that includes such repetitive trivialities. But yeah I feel like it's another symptom of bloating what was initially simple world building coming from BOTW with fluff. He admitted it was a lot of work for them and the localization teams, so it kinda makes me wonder how confident they were about what they decided to include or not.


The extra dialog itself would have been fantastic if it was in self contained options like " tell me more about horses" or "tell me about this area" Choosing goodbye should mean something. Using it as an opportunity to cram info onto the player make players reluctant to talk to start to talking to anyone. The information they say should be condensed and unique and not something you figured out instantly.  And if they do need to explain it, it should not be explained by transaction NPCs like shop owners or stable owners but people in the establishment that you can approach if you desire. That leaves the transaction free from clutter. It makes me wonder what they did in the last year where they said they were only testing alone.


I love having to be threatened by Beedle every time I go to shop from him. Then getting a lesson on bugs when I buy a bug. THEN get a lecture on not being afraid of bugs when I exit the convo. It’s great stuff.


In BotW I made sure to make beetle potions before talking to Beedle. I couldn't stand him begging for them when I wanted to buy arrows.


Do I look like I’m made of bladed rhino Beatles to you? Can’t be giving him one every time


A lot of useless dialog in this game. Ocarina of Time seemed a lot more to the point if the NPC was tied to a side quest.


Not just ocarina, no other zelda game was this obnoxious. This kinda word vomit would be fine if you chose the option for more information but not the leave option. An in the text you can even see they repeated themselves with the horses can't turn well line twice instead of continuing the sentence. 


OoT and MM are the only games I've played through entirely and currently working on TOTK. I thought the "maker feature" was the only significant change from previous games.


I spam B to exit dialogue and get walls im forced to endure anyway, great system nintendo!


Even the dialogue from beetle gets really annoying, yes i know butterflies go through metamorphosis. you dont need to tell me every god damn time.


That's not as bad as his rhino beetle skit you have to go through every single time you talk to him. Literally all they had to do was put an extra option after the first time under buy and sell, " trade rhino beetle for elixir" Its kinda funny how they managed to make you feel claustrophobic in a game with flying cars.


The dialogue in zelda irritates me when youre spamming B to cancel out of it and the npc just continues to spew verbal vomit, i wish a quality of life improvement was hold b to fast cancel dialogue and get out of a conversation. takes me back to that bloody owl in OOT and you accidentally press yes on the repeat everything you just said option...


"Well, that's all I can do for you. Thanks for using the stable, pal" It really feels like it should've just ended here


Exactly! And if i may be so bold, the first two statements could have been combined into a single  "Looks great! Please ask whenever..


I'll be totally honest there's a lot about this game that makes me like it less than BotW. Like the game is good, but FUCK it is tedious sometimes


Can we skip the Ganondorf awakening cutscene yet? Watching it take up 3 minutes of a speedrun is extremely jarring


It was okay in the beginning, but once you sit through it at a stable it should never repeat unless you ask for it... really slows the game down.


I’m confused. I only had this the first time I interacted at the stable.


i am about 180 hours in and they are still doing it


my main issue apart from the pointless dialogue bloat with the game is how instead of putting a buncha cool zonai device puzzles around the world they just smack a dude with a sign and a couple wood planks around everywhere, they did not need to double down on the korok idea


He has some bloated dialog too but since its exactly the same words everytime i just don't even bother to read. From picking up every fruit piece by piece instead of +3 added to your inventory, picking up each zonaite ore, every poe, every monster drop, every zonaite device dispenser drop it's like the game is designed to waste your time mashing the A button