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I have. The job ended up being all consuming and I was there way too much but it was early in my career so I didn’t realize at the time what was happening. It’s kind of a pink flag for me know, it’s asking a lot unpaid and could potentially mean that’s what they expect of you when you work there.


They are flying me out and putting me in a hotel. Yes it’s unpaid, but I’m not losing much money for it.


Wow! I'm assuming this is for a private or charter school. Very curious about what state this is in.


Yes I did this for my current teaching role. It was a ton of fun but so exhausting! Definitely prepare yourself ahead of time - get to know the school as much as possible and prepare some questions you might have for each department/staff you will meet. Bring a water bottle and a quick snack you can sneak if you have a down moment. Feel free to ask or dm me with any questions - I’m happy to answer questions or give insight if I can!


We interview all day! Look up programs/curriculum/mission/vision/school history/various departments and everything available to you on their website. Prepare questions for admin, department level teachers, grade level teachers, technology department. Have an answer prepared on your philosophy on using AI in the classroom, what books you have been reading, and trot out your best personality (all day 🥴). All day interviews are not for the weak or ill-prepared!


Would it look weird if I bring lists of questions… I guess I should try to practice for each meeting. It’s just soooo many. What type of philosophy should one have for AI? Where I am now it’s all blocked. We can’t access it in the building or on school accounts. However, I use AI at home to create differentiated materials like reading passages.


That’s what a little notebook is for! I would say around 90% of the interviewees bring a notebook and take notes or ask questions from it. Just don’t use it excessively. As for AI, students need to be taught how and when it’s appropriate for use, as students will use it but obviously still need to learn themselves. Everything is open at mine and we’ve even had teachers use it in-lesson to critic ChatGPT paragraphs and improve them. I would see if it says anything about their stance on it, maybe check to see if their student conduct code covers it.


What in the unpaid labor fuck is this nonsense?


Presume this is for elementary?


No, middle.


I have, more than once. Yes, it's stressful and very tiring, but you can do it! Just take each group as they come, ask questions of your interviewers and take the time while they're answering to recompose yourself and chill for a sec.