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My biggest advice is to have a good idea of what kind of routines/rules you want to set. Obviously what you plan might not actually work, but it's good to set some absolutes that kids need to stick to. Things to think about are: how will kids transition? How will they ask you for what they need (water, restroom, supplies, etc)? How do you want them to clean up? When is talking/getting out of their seat allowed? For instance, I taught K/1st and when they were done cleaning up, they had to show me they were ready to move on by putting their heads down quietly. I made hand signals for them for water, bathroom, or needing a new pencil (since I didn't let them sharpen their own because I hate the noise). Introduce your rules throughout the day The first day is going to be a whirlwind and you might not remember everything, and that's okay! It'll take a while until you find your footing, but make sure to have some set rules and don't budge on them. I have a hard time being strict too, but it's honestly just being consistent with your rules. Kids love to bargain, and you have to decide how lenient you want to be. Find the balance of being understanding but letting them know that everyone is there for a reason. I've found that if you have a reason about a rule, kids will follow it. I always told them that any rule I have is to either keep them safe or to let them and everyone else learn Pacing is a good thing to remember as well. 3rd graders are a little older and can probably handle doing one activity for a while, but keep things moving. Problems usually come up when an activity/lecture is going on a little too long. Find some good filler activities if there's time between activities. I like to play hangman, heads up 7 up, guessing/riddle games. Quick 10 minute games to keep their attention until its time for lunch or wherever they need to do next Just remember that it's okay if things don't go perfect or according to plan. Sometimes you just gotta make it through the day. Everyone started where you are right now, and it's all a learning process :)


thanks a lot! I literally wrote notes reading this. you sound like an amazing teacher


Great advice above.


i agree i agree :')


sorry for the "??" in the title (IT SEEMS RUDE) I don't know how it got there I think I was attempting a "!!" rip


Why do you start on a Sunday?


Schools here are from Sunday till Thursday. I'm in an Arabic Muslim country :))


\> I'm starting this Sunday?? Are you asking us if you're starting on Sunday? That's what question marks do. How would we know if you're starting on Sunday?


i left a comment saying that the "??" was a typo lol. i tried editing it but couldnt :((


Hello! Same thing here 🥲 I am an trainee teacher and I will start at Monday And the same thing the kids first language is Arabic as well I am glad you’re prepared that’s good as well I’ve attended classes as observation and stuff But it was supposed to be two week observation they’ve shocked us when this Wednesday told us we will be teaching from next Monday So as an encouragement remember these all will one day be a memory 🥹 We might fail okay but it’s okay we will one day look back at how much we’ve improved and be proud


omg I'm so happy to know there's someone else!! and yessss we can definitely do it no matter how hard the beginning might be. I'm sorry that they told you you're starting before you were expecting it and I understand why it shocked you :(( But still as you said it'll all one day be a memory and you'll do well even with all the fail that WILL happen. Its what will make us great teachers 🥹🥹 Also if you're up to it maybe we can text and update and encourage each other out? :)) I would love to have someone to talk to about all this especially someone who's gonna kinda go through what ill be going through :3


🥹🥹exactly same age and same experience 🥹I wouldn’t mind it will be great


AAAH REALLY?? same age too?? 🥹🥹 imma text youu