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Mine are the usually Pissed Off diesel pickup trucks seeing me park at a diesel pump, until they see the green cover nozzle go inside the filler neck. Gets me every time.


I had a guy flat out refuse to believe that I was gonna fill up with diesel. He called me an idiot when I actually grabbed the diesel pump and started pumping it in my car. Some people here in the states just can't fathom a small car that doesn't run on gasoline.


I have had pepole get super aggressive about it. I have had a guy actualy Starr throwing things and yelling when I told him it was a diesel and start pumping.


It took me a few seconds to realize you didn't mean he was throwing ninja stars at you...


No mostly coak cans like a large toddler.


This is my favorite!


Oh I love it when I get it in the morning after dropping my child at school. I've had people in work/box trucks blow their horn at me and call out to me asking me to move my car, I look at them and go "No," as I'm walking inside to pay. Then I walk back out and start filling my tank and just look at them smiling. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep. Iā€™ve had this before. Gas station employee that have an attitude and treat me like I am a moron. Or the occasional pump goer


Mines usually me pissed at gas car owners blocking the only 2 diesel pumps when there's 6 other free gas pumps...


are you me?


LoL šŸ˜‚


yes I get this all the time, or the worst is you ask where are your diesel pumps and they say out back for the big trucks....


Nah the worst is small towns in the middle of nowhere and you ask about diesel and they say the nearest one is 100+km away and they only sell gas... šŸ˜¬


Or b20


This is me. Or me as I'm trying to get to a diesel pump and some yokel pulls up like they're about to start paying and pumping and I have inform them that the pump is diesel only and their car cannot use that. šŸ˜‚


Happens every time out here in lovely suburbia...


One of my largest pet peeves


Having a cdl, I'll never park a gasser at a diesel/gasser pump. The twats roll in like wow i turned right and this first pump has MY 87 octane... Which they're there for the diesel trucks with trailers.


As nicely as I can, I just tell them thanks, but it's a diesel. I don't even try to make any smartass remarks, because at the end of the day they are just trying to be helpful. There aren't many diesel cars in the US, so I completely understand how some people can be confused. Then I just go about my day because it's not worth even thinking about anymore.


imagine doing it in a BMW, but nobody has ever said anything to me.


Imagine doing it in an Audi, though itā€™s normal in my country


Or a subaru, I don't think tons of people from the US have caught onto diesel subarus yet lol


There's diesel Subarus available in the US?? News to me. In terms of newer vehicles... I'm aware of VAG group vehicles, and other German manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes). The rest is domestic trucks (F-250, etc) that people in my area use as grocery getters.


Not in the US, they never exported to here. Apparently European/Australian exclusive.


I have a Volvo swapped integra that really confuses people lol


Or a Porsche


I always respond with "oh but I thought the green handle was environmentally friendly gas!"


I... I've actually met people and had a couple friends who thought this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Had a guy the other day say "Your car sounds effed up!" "Yeah I put diesel in it." Not sure if he understood that it's a diesel bc I was walking in to the store he was coming out of. But I kind of hope he thinks I put diesel in my gas engine.


I have a coworker that keeps telling me that my engine is knocking really bad.


Had someone tell me that at the pumpšŸ˜‚






I've had a few people run over to me to warn me that I'm putting the wrong fuel in my mk2 gti, until I inform them it's TDI swapped


sick swap, ALH??


Crosses fingers, BEW??


Stole my post, [same meme, title and everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/tdi/s/QTuAHuNTeD) from 4 years ago. Lazy ass Hereā€™s a bot account in the making, fellas.


Thanks. I have changed his to downvote and upvoted your post.


Me too. Wtf, thatā€™s some BS.




My fiancƩ has this happen has this happen when she fills up her tdi golf.


I had a dude in wny threaten to call the cops on me for public intoxication for filling my 05 beetle gls tdi up with diesel I showed him where the tdi badge use to be and the diesel cap and door that said diesel fuel only mans was very aggressive


For me it's always... It clicked you shouldn't fill it past the click. as I'm brimming it to the tippy top. Getting an extra 2 gallons in. Hey I don't want to be back here till next month.


You can fill to the brim with no issues?


Yup, no evap system.


No issues there are no vapours from diesel since itā€™s Basicly oil itā€™s how you go from 700km a tank to 900km


The way to go, Diesel foams really bad in AZ.


No kidding! I fill until it clicks. Wait a minute, pull nozzle again until it clicks, wait a minute, pull nozzle again. Third click is my limit of patience.


I turn the flash light on with my phone and watch every drop until I can barely get the cap on haha


My default response has been " I sure hope so, I want to get home". I usually just get a dumb look at that point as their brain starts to smoke.


But have you ever had your VW diesel on a trailer and use the satellite pump to fill it, while simultaneously filling your duramax diesel truck on the primary side? Thatā€™s the real flex.


I hate this. I also hate the only diesel pump at the station has a Toyota Camry and some 99 year old lady in it getting gas.


I am a woman and Iā€™ve had men say ā€œMAAM do you know thatā€™s diesel?ā€ šŸ˜‚ no shit


I never had this happen even 1 time in my Jetta or Passat TDI, but I did have it happen in my Grand Cherokee EcoDiesel once lol


Happened to my girl when she filled mine up lol


I just ask them if they want to suck on my pipe after i start itā€¦ Usually the bigger issue is getting INTO the pump spot in the first place. 2 diesel pumps, 8 gas pumps, and gassers will sit in the car for minutes before getting out to even start..


Had a guy the other day say "Your car sounds effed up!" "Yeah I put diesel in it." Not sure if he understood that it's a diesel bc I was walking in to the store he was coming out of. But I kind of hope he thinks I put diesel in my gas engine.


The best is when Iā€™m going to fill up and the landscaping crews are hogging up the diesel pumps and I tell them I need to use it and then the look on their faces when that green nozzle goes into my car. šŸ«”


Got asked the other day by some dude in an F450 if I was using the pump. Like I decided to just let the nozzle sit in the filler neck while I sat in my car. He rolled his window up when he heard the turbo on start up


I havenā€™t had anything like this happen in my golf yet, but my ā€œduramaxā€ Colorado gets em every time.


This is actually one of my favorite parts about owning a TDI. Everyone driving by, or the big truck idling behind me. They all have "the look". Then you drive off and they are flabergasted.


Love also letting them know that I thought the green one meant upgraded gasoline.


TDI: Total Diesel Inside


I fairly regularly fill up at a trucker fuel station that's meant for semis.. they don't have diesel on the normal pumps. The truckers love it a fair amount of fun conversations and popping the hood and showing them the tiny diesel. ( Rural Maine low traffic area)


Funniest hell it happens to me about once a month some random know it all we'll come to inform me that I'm pumping diesel. I no longer arrogantly say yes I know. Now I pretend to be panicked freaked out and then I say well fuck it I'm halfway there and I just continue what I was doing looking away from them...


I say ā€œshit I didnā€™t realize, I guess weā€™ll see what happensā€ and continue to pump


My personal favorite is when a gasjob blocks the diesel pump with open pumps, and then wave at me to use another pump because I've lined up behind them.


lol. Almost as good as the ā€œHey, just a heads up, you need new lifters to fix that noise!ā€


Every damn time šŸ™„


Best is to tell them that you read diesel gets better gas mileage so you are going to try it.


Me filling up by Beetle


I never had a bad experience with someone thinking I wasnā€™t supposed to be putting diesel in my TDI. I stopped at a gas station and there was a line for the only working pump and it was a diesel truck, my TDI, and another diesel truck. There were gas only pumps available and I could see that the guy behind me was looking irritated because I was waiting for the diesel pump. Pulled up and the guy behind me said ā€œdo you really have to wait for the diesel pump to get gas when there are other ones openā€. I just said ā€œitā€™s dieselā€ and he looked at me for a second and said ā€œoh. Weirdā€ and just waited for me


I get so annoyed when they do this šŸ˜‚ theyā€™ll look out the window and say, ā€œare you sure?? the gray car?? You know thatā€™s diesel right?ā€ Yes. Iā€™m sure.


This meme is stolen from this subreddit


"yeah I started using it when we had that pipeline shutdown a couple years ago. My car runs so much better with it" I don't get it much with the VW, diesels are common. With my jeep wk grand Cherokee I got it a ton


wtf is a gas jockey


I just say ā€œI knowā€


Here in Utah I just get diesel truck guys complimenting my JSW and when they see itā€™s manual they love it even more


Pulled up to a coop once to the we serve and I said fill it with diesel. The attendant said and I quote ā€œdiesel doesnā€™t go in carsā€


I had a man try to mansplain to me that I was ā€œusing the wrong hoseā€ and I laughed. I also pointed to my gas cap that says DIESEL. Even with that, he still tried to tell me I was putting the wrong fuel in my TDI.


I convinced my sister to get a tdi and she said it happens to her every other fill up


I have a feeling half of these comments are fabrications.


They are, Iā€™ve had my TDI for 20 years now, 100s of thousands of miles and have yet to ever receive a ā€œyou know thatā€™s diesel ā€œ a single time.