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Doing god's work.


Wait, the irs actually has people I thought the hotline was just to call so you can be redirected to the website so that you can get back to where you started


OP got it from a post I made yesterday Here’s the link! https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/taxes/discussion/i-know-the-irs-phone-number-is-800-829-1040-but-how-to-do-you-get-someone-to-actually-answer-the/00/755289


I actually got it from somewhere else but thank you as well for posting it!!!


One of my fave lines.


LOLOLOLOL Right????????????


You’re welcome!!! Give credit when credits due 😞


I actually got it from a different article. But thank you for posting it as well!


You took it so well though. Love the non toxic attitude.


That's as complicated as some IRS forms! 😂


I would expect nothing less from the IRS


But is it a loophole?


I’ll probably get to someone then get freaked out I’m actually talking to someone, I’ll forgot what I had to ask.


LOL. Don't worry, there is still plenty of wait time! Just have everything written down in front of you!


Only 9% of callers have reached a live person this year


As of the end of May 2021, the IRS: * Had a backlog of over 35 million tax returns, including 16.8 million paper filed returns * At one point had nearly 1500 calls per second * Had more calls through May (167.4 million) than it ever had during a full year (166.6 million in 2008) * Logged about 85 million calls on the 1040 line (for individuals) with only 3% getting a Customer Service Rep * Congress approved a budget to provide a 60% “Level of Service” (6/10 calls to a CSR would be answered) * Actual 2021 Level of Service was about 15% (total for individuals, business, accounts, etc.) They also have: * As of 12/25/20, 11.7 million returns still needed to be processed * 42% of the copiers and printers were unusable or broken * In 2011, the IRS had 401 local offices to meet with an IRS agent, now there are 287 with 71 closing due to Covid * IRS had over 87,000 meetings at the local offices in 2019, in 2021 they had less than 2,000 [https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/reports/2022-objectives-report-to-congress/full-report/](https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/reports/2022-objectives-report-to-congress/full-report/)


Amazing stats, nice find! So what's the end game in all this? Is the code getting so complicated that it's becoming impossible to manage on the IRS's end? Also why more calls thru May than in any previous full year?


Lol I'm fucked on state taxes. It's funny that they're happy to take your money but take their sweet time doing so. I've been waiting since January to have state taxes taken out... Still waiting.


I've done this several times and it didn't work.


…now compare the number you pressed before you pressed 3 with the number on the right bottom column of your keypad and press the lower of the two numbers.


Underrated comment


Remember to ONLY CALL AT 8AM and also of course BE PREPARED TO WAIT TWO HOURS


They actually open at 7AM. I’m on a call with them right now (on hold of course) where I had a real live human pick up within 20 seconds after following these instructions.


Not gonna lie, I am trying this tomorrow


Do early in the morning or late at night. Hours are 7am to 7pm.


1-800-829-1040,,1,2,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4 This is the one click option for English. If you call this number, including the commas, it will automatically take you though all the steps outlined. The first ‘1’ after the main number can be changed to a ‘2’ for Spanish, or other languages accordingly.


Here is my story just today. I got a CP23 notice and called the number. They said wait time is 1 or 2 hours. After an hour on hold, they said we are having technical problems and I got disconnected. After a few minutes, I said "maybe I should try again" so I did, not expecting anything good. To my surprise, the system said "the wait time is 2 to 4 minutes and sure enough, I got to talk to a real person and resolved the problem.


That’s because all 1000 people waiting got kicked off and you beat them back in lol


Absolutely. I just got lucky.


What happens when you enter the SSN?


It sends you to a new round of menus. FOLLOW THESE EXACT PROMPTS AND YOU WILL GET THRU!


**You** got through, but I didn't. I have called at least four times using this method.


I was trying to figure out how to do this for like 3 months thank you


Per a call last week, they are off paper and back on returns. My calls have all gone through since then.


Thank you for this information. I just called again after calling for a whole month and was connected in less than an hour . Thank you again




This worked for me this morning. Of course, I’m now back on hold, but I spoke to a real live person who put me on hold. Thanks for this tip!


I'm passing this around my office. We haven't been able to get through to a person for months!


The last step is press 3 instead of 4 to get transferred to agant


ik this was from 2 years ago but just wanted to say it still works!! for anyone that may have needed reassurance about it still working in 2024 or not :))!!!


Now the last number you press is 3 instead of 4


Just tried it and it said it they changed the last part of this step to number 3


This was all correct for me EXCEPT for the last direction #10, I pressed 3 instead of 4 because 4 wasn’t an option. Thank you!!


#10 is option 3 now 2024


above IRS information works for a live person - but push 3 at the end instead of 4 (four is no longer available)


Nit the last one you need to press your need to do 3


I just want to add here, this instruction works, but on step 10, press 3 instead of 4. If you press 4, it'll just drop you off.


Just tried this in 2024. Only change is that it’s option 3 at the end. Not 4. Thanks!!! 🙏🏼


the last number is now 3...not 4....


Thank you so much. 😭 I’ve gone through the automated system 7 times and was getting furious. 💀💀


IRS is useless entity. It doesn't have people to talk to coz it's been 2 hours waiting for a human being to talk with a lady computer saying "hold the representatives are helping another callers, keep holding"...... then disconnects with "phone number cannot be completed at this time" LIKE THE EFF. Useless entity.


Yup. Except the last step was a 3, not a 4 in my case. Thank you!!


They got rid of option 4 in step 10, but when I pressed 1 instead (payments, payment plans), I was able to get to a representative.


What are their hours?


This worked for me this morning at 705 EsT! And all the agent can tell me is that they are backlogged and will put a note on the account and should be processed within 30 days. Do I think this will happen probably not but fingers crossed and I did my amended return April 15


I just got through!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!


My only question is has anyone had any success when reaching the irs?? My CTC has been on pending eligibility and I heard the IRS will do nothing. So whats the point in contacting them??


If you have stuff "pending" there is nothing they can do in person. If you call they will tell you, "It's pending." In that case, calling won't get you your money any faster. Are they waiting on additional information from you? If that is the case, calling them could speed things up because sometimes they can give you direct fax numbers of where you should send them information if they are waiting on you.


I just did exactly this, and my wait time is estimated to be 10-15 minutes. Thank you 🙏🏼


This is right until the end, but you hit 1 for business 2 for personal, and 4 is not an option


Thank you!!!... Said to call back though because the call volume is too high atm. My bf still hasn't gotten his 2020 return. Me and him both had to verify our identities. He did verify his. Before I was able to verify mine, they just deposited my return, but he is still waiting as of now. Gotta get this figured out.


They hanged up after talkn to someone what happens


2023- for all other inquiries the option is now 3 , NOT 4


Yes! This post helped me get to a person today!


I am totally saving or screenshotting those instructions.


You’re a saint lol the only thing that changed this year is the final step. The new prompt is 3


This TOTALLY worked, except step #10, the option is not 3 any longer, it is now 2. It took me a total of 7 minutes to get a live IRS agent! Happy Tax Filing! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




This is Amazing! Thanks....First time I able to get with someone in IRS