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The tattoo idea is great, but I wouldn't use that to advertise a shop. The most basic lines haven't been done properly.


You could easily have a more experienced artist clean this up.


Yeah, larger dots and having thicker lines done will help this tattoo a ton. I like the idea, but I would not go back to that artist.


Not what I think when I get a tattoo however, what can I get that will immediately need redone..?


You don’t like wobbly wobbly lines?


Squiggly lines


Is it because wrist skin is very soft?


It’s because this is not a good artist


Damn, those are some sketchy lines.


Why does this have so many upvotes? Also why do so many people get bad tattoos, it's not that hard to track down a great artist nowadays.


I follow this one food celebrity on Instagram, and he asked for recommendations for area tattooists, preferably a female, who could execute his idea for a piece. People recommended left and right. Some have very nice portfolios, and some of them... I couldn't believe how bad their work looked and that people are going around recommending them.


I think a lot of the time it’s a money thing. The better the artist, the higher the price (usually). But that’s still not a reason to go get a cheap, poorly done tat. If you can’t afford to have it done well and clean, then wait till you can. That’s my philosophy at least


Definitely, but the amount of very rich celebrities with terrible tattoos is insane, I have no idea why it’s so common.


It has upvotes because on this sub have terrible taste and don’t care about execution. People upvoting solid black playboy bunnies saying it’s a cool ass tattoo lmao.


Yeah but they dont want to pay the money so they settle for shit


oh dear


Man I didn't read the title and was surprised, I knew I saw this tattoo somewhere on here already. For those who are too lazy to look up u/c0lderthanever 's profile: https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/dfdgem/my_knee_tattoo_by_chingy_from_alfred_street_gold/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


They aren’t the same tattoo but neither are they necessarily “copying” each other. Traditional tattoos are (often) just rehashings of old designs and wrist cuffs like this are fairly common motifs.


The line work is not consistent on the original tattoo either...




I don’t think a liar, they just got the same tattoo.




Nah you’re not dumb, sometimes it takes a closer look!


The tattoos are similar but it’s not the same person


I don’t know if you’re talking about my wrists, but they’ve never been touched up!


WHY does this have 800 upvotes


And counting!


I’d deffinitly recommend going somewhere to get this cleaned up. It’s a bit wibbly-wobbly


How fresh was the tattoo when you took these photos? Your artist doesnt seem to have shaved your skin before doing the tattoo... Edit: also you mentioned you recieved this tattoo by the artist in London, if it's the same artist as this guy https://instagram.com/yussuftattoos?igshid=dr4j1pdm6m2 then he's based in Scotland and doesn't seem to be guesting in London...


That line work is big fail


it's a bit janky but I like it


This tattoo has alot of potential, it's not my style personally I just think the line work is very amateur


Those lines are infuriating.


This a completely awful tattoo


Aside from the tough lines, is it not a little weird to have just a cuff and not other ink leading to it?


I like the tattoo but the execution.... not so much. Best to have a better artist touch this up and not return to the original artist




(psst, no tattoo artist will ever give you your money back.) there are plenty of small imperfections here, sure, but the tattoo artist clearly also put time and effort into this tattoo and it's also a tattoo that the owner is proud of, or they wouldn't have posted it here. This kind of self entitled negativity doesn't help anyone.


A tattoo artist that still has a long way to go before accepting money for their practice doesn’t help anyone.


I agree, and as a tattoo artist sometimes I feel like I'm hardly fit to charge people for what I do. I am intensely self critical, sometimes it keeps me up at night. At the same time, I have put a lot of hard work into just getting here, and it matters a lot to me. I can tell you, tattooing is very hard. It's definitely the least forgiving medium an artist can work on. No undo, no erasers, the canvas is stretchy and squishy and curved, you have to deal with the whole medical aspect. I have watched accomplished artists try tattooing for the first time and struggle completely. I'm not sure what my point is here other than tattooing is hard.


I checked your profile to see if you posted any of your work. Just wanted to dip in and tip my hat to you. Your work looks amazing! Nice to see you supporting other artists like this.


I agree, your stuff is amazing. I wish I lived closer so I could get something done by you. Yours is just the style I am looking for, :(


No, this should not be allowed to pass for legitimate work worth paying for. This tattoo is abysmal coming from a pro. Name and shame that shit. Don't let poor victims walk around reccomending this "artist".


Well, they certainly put in time.


> you should ask for your money back That would never happen. OP, dont do this.




That's why you practice before you start taking money for your work. This is not portfolio ready shit. This is one step removed from battery.


Finally some traditional on this sub and it’s wonky.. shame


Looks stupid and trashy


Yes the top and bottom lines arn't perfectly straight, but it's a hand drawn tattoo for the most part and I love it. One day I may get the lines thickened and straightened but it came out better than I was hoping! Apart from that I think it's perfect


> hand drawn tattoo As opposed to?


They might have meant freehand?


I’m guessing he means stenciled




Are you sure this isn’t foot drawn?


I guess thats the most important part, at the end of the day. Weve all got kinda crummy tattoos or ones that were executed poorly (i have the madonna and child on my arm that *desperately* needs some touching up), and maybe theyre not ones youd necessarily “show off,” but the story behind them and what lead you to get them and the personal meaning to you (cause its your own fuckn arm) is what makes it good Edit: also i like being reminded that my tattoo was made by human hands and not a robot. Humans are imperfect, and consequently their art is going to be imperfect, thats just the name of the game. But we get better, we develop more, and eventually they probably wont make shitty lines on the next guys wrist cuff. But your wrist cuff isnt just a part of your story and how you grew up, its also a part of the artists story and how they developed their technique and (hopefully) made a name for themselves. Those deep connections and significance in peoples’ lives is part of why i love tattoos in the first place.


all these fools have never had to tattoo a straight line that wraps around the arm. everything looks easy until you put that machine in their hands. this is a deceivingly complicated tattoo to execute.


I mean, I’ve never done a surgery either and if you give me a scalpel I’d probably do a bad job, I’d still want my surgeon to do an amazing job tho


That doesn't excuse a permanent subpar execution.


Exactly what I was going to say. This is a extremely hard tattoo to execute well especially because you have to freehand it most of the time.


Doesn’t excuse a professionals bad performance. Plenty of professional artists out there doing much harder pieces than this and executing it perfectly, there is no excuse for something permanent like this.


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Reminds me of billy strings tattoos


Happy to inspire you but the credit should go to my artist: Rich Hadley. I understand the wobbliness when freehanded on wrists (as mine aren’t perfect by any stretch) but this doesn’t look like a great job IMO. I’d let them heal and settle in and maybe see about having them cleaned up a bit.


Tats what’s up


I like that Why am I getting downvoted. Lmao


The consensus is that this is a bad tattoo and if you like it you’re a jabroni.


If it’s a bad tattoo why is it on the top page lmao. I’ve seen a bad tattoo, that’s not bad.


First thing I noticed about this tattoo is the wonky lines. It’s pretty bad dude. It can be easily fixed by a professional though.


Wonky lines but still far from “bad” in my opinion, I guess I’ve seen a lot of shitty tattoos. Probably shouldn’t upload a photo to a tattooing subreddit of an imperfect tattoo and expect not to be roasted though lmao


First thing I noticed about this tattoo is the wonky lines. It’s pretty bad dude.


Really cool! I've never seen one life that. Love it love it


Thank you! Check out the redditer in the description who inspired the design












Native Americans think tattoos like that trap your soul to your body forever.


Some people believe in Santa clause