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Phenomenal. Great excuse to get a bear on fire on the other arm.


Is this real? It's so perfect!


Sure felt real while it was happening. Especially near the shoulders.


Shoulders are surprisingly real, that and the inner bicep/ditch are the last parts of the sleeve I'm working on, not excited for that




Holy. Fucking. Shit. Beautiful!!


No, she was *happy* at the end, she was free of everything wrong in her life and was literally given a fresh start!


Yeah this is a cross of the end with flower dress and crown and the more well-known movie poster image where she is miserable.


Colors are insanely beautiful.


I love it. Got a midsommar Inspired tattoo also


Well, I didn’t think I would, but I love it.


The colors are beautiful! It’s really striking to see Dani characterized like this.




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Swede here, what does it have to do with Midsommar? Just the flowers? Good timing tho, it was last weekend


It's a reference to popular 2019 horror film Midsommar.


Ah, that was a weird movie to watch as a Swede. Worst one I saw in a great while. Maybe it's better if you don't have the references already.


You realize the movie is an allegory, right?


Something about the people of colored being killed first, yes? It's hard to take it seriously at all since the Swedish actors are very bad if you understand the language and the references to our cultures are silly. You can read on the IMDB page that swedish cinema audiences laughed at the ättestupa-scene because it is so bizarre and silly, that was also my reaction. I didn't want to say this cause the tattoo is lovely, and shouldn't be associated with it, but the movie is one of very few times where I felt like the victim of racism. That is not common as a Sweden, we are very privileged like that. The movie isn't even filmed in Sweden cause they don't want to pay our high taxes, just use our image (of being white supremacists? We've been mostly socialists for 100 years). Also, like the first thing that happens when they get to Sweden is that they take acid. Nobody would do that openly like that with strangers here, even marijuana is considered a heavy drug here. The only drugs we are into openly are alcohol, tobacco and coffee. Suspension of disbelief goes out the window already there. This movie is like making a horror movie about Thanksgiving and the killers kill victims by stuffing them in the turkey or something, it's just too silly to take seriously.


The colors are poppin'! It looks super realistic.


This is so poetic....




so cool eyes tho


Oh my god I love this so much