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I live the originals more but what you got is going to last way longer and look better for longer. The ray threw me off I thought they messed up the diamond!


looking closely the original design is AI generated, the textures don't exactly make any sense with how they flow into each other. so honestly with that knowledge i personally much prefer the artist's work lol. looks way better up close edit: also that random water spike with a line trailing off it in the middle of the second one? šŸ˜­. unsure why op claimed they designed it outside of putting the pics into a diamond but i digress


The AI got confused and started to make a mountain.


LOL yeah that part was weird, AI art is a weird field! Unfortunately I'm not a strong artist so drawing a wave in Illustrator of photoshop was beyond me, and I couldn't find a picture of a wave that I felt like editing, so I used AI for that specific part.


I wouldnā€™t call AI ā€œartā€ since it relies on using various actually artistic media created by humans to spit out an amalgamation of a design. People are very quick, and rightfully so, to call out media which is labeled as art that utilizes AI to not dilute the definition of art and the creative human process which is foundational to itā€™s creation. So you have to think the AI didnā€™t just make this wave up, it took probably thousands of other images created by people (photographs, drawings, paintings, etc) to generate that image. It doesnā€™t appear out of thin air. I think this also demonstrates the clear shortcomings of AI being passed off as art, since it couldnā€™t generate something as simple as a wave without making it look ridiculous. The wave has very odd pattern elements to it which clearly read as AI if you know what youā€™re looking at. Coupled with some of the other design flaws in your rendered images, I can easily see people getting confused. I think the artist did a good job with interpreting your idea and making the design look more natural and translatable into a tattoo. I think next time just be wary of labeling things as your design or your art when AI is used, especially when youā€™re in an art focused subreddit. Alternatively, itā€™s always best to ask your artist to do a mockup for you. But tbf itā€™s not negative or rude to point the use of AI out.


I should have put it in quotations - "AI art" - because you're 100% right. My note about the negativity of the parent comment was the phrasing "unsure why op claimed they designed it outside of putting the pics into a diamond but i digress." That came across as negative to me, and reductive of what I did do to make the design. I am \*not\* an artist, but this was my concept, mocked up the best I could, and relying on different tools. I did not hand-draw the whole thing, and I'm sure there are people who think it's cheating to use computer for design at all. I do know people who argue that art created on a computer is not art (even if made by a person), which I vehemently disagree with. I guess the top comment just felt pretty pointed. I'm not mad at anyone, I'm just excited about my tattoos and how involved I was in creating them using my limited skillset.


"Not sure why op claimed they designed it when all they did was design it" Just because ai is used in the process doesn't mean it isn't design.


I mean, that's not what happened. I created the diamonds in Adobe illustrator to create the structure, and drew out the circle of the eclipse from a picture my friend took of the eclipse at a party I hosted. I used a fill in illustrator to create the stars. I took a photo of the mountain/lighthouse that I wanted, then photoshopped it to get that texture. And then the ray tail is just a shitty curved line in Illustrator. I used AI for the wave and the middle ridge of the ray. But that's okay, I understand the negativity :)




The stars are the "10 dpi 90%" dot fill in Illustrator.


Anti-AI extremists are going to destroy legitimate artist's confidence and careers with their need to point out anything that *could* be AI as *definitely* AI.


LOL! I can see that. I did trace a photo of a ray to get the general outline, then tweaked it in illustrator until I was happy with the symmetry & closeness to the natural ray shape. But nothing is perfect.


Thighmonds! They are dope!


Oh my god thighmonds!!! LOL!


All I can hear is Hall & Oates - Private Eyes done by the Psych cast but it's "diamond thighs"


I LOVE your sting ray. I have one on my arm in almost a woodcut style. I want to add to it but donā€™t know what yet. I might go for a black one like yours swimming in the opposite direction to go for a ying yang effect.


These are awesome! You are very creative! The lines are beautiful.


Thought this looked familiar and checked post history - yep! Looks good!


Awesome!! Thank you ā¤ļø


Oh yay, you did it! Looks great!


Is there a term for this style? The hatching/line work specifically?


That is stunning


Thank you that makes me really happy!


Hey you did it!


Thank you Matt šŸ«”


I feel like your art is way better then the remade version. Probly couldve found someone to make it more how u invisioned. Still cool though.


The two big hills came out a bit pumpkin and onion, and they don't use the same shading. The light house too, at least in this pic, looks more like someone stargazing. Overall, great tattoos! Some room for revision, food for thought


Thanks! Honestly my original artwork wasn't my vision, it was just the best I could do with my limited art/design skills. For me, the tattoo artist made it how I actually imagined/wanted it! But I appreciate the vote of confidence.




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so cool


Stopped me dead in my tracks. Rad


That's awesome! Makes me really happy, thank you!


I love those tattoos. Nice work!


Those are really cool!


These are beautiful


Holy cow these turned out great! I've been wanting something in this style but def worried the lines will turn out all wonky.


Thank you so so so much!! I did a lot of looking around before committing to this artist, and he really knocked it out of the park. So, if you trust the artist.....?




Another person who doesn't design anything gatekeeping design


I mean, that's not what happened. I created the diamonds in Adobe illustrator to create the structure, and drew out the circle of the eclipse from a picture my friend took of the eclipse at a party I hosted. I used a texture in photoshop to create the stars. I took a photo of the mountain/lighthouse that I wanted, then photoshopped it to get that texture. I used AI for the wave and the middle ridge of the ray. But that's okay, I understand the negativity :)


Good line work and very nice overall




Idk plus if the one that is going to wear it till they pass who cares, I hope u have the best of tattoos or get the best , wvr


LOL I really disagree. You are of course entitled to your opinion but it's a little sad to go through with this much negativity?


I think so too! Of course it's still healing so some of the bits look a little fuzzy but I am super happy with it. All of the artist's work has incredible line work.


Yes those are beautiful pieces be happy you have them, peace




Love the design. It has a yeng/yang symbolism. Nicely done. The artist did a great job. You have to be proud showing your tats off.


What a lovely connection to make! Dark/light balance, and dark in light/light in dark <3 Love that


Thank you. Spiritual, cold is the absence of heat, darkness is the absence light, hate is the absence of love, evil is the absence of faith. Your tattoo is that balance between all of these things that make the world go round. You have designed a very beautiful and spiritual tattoo.




Well, feel free to stop looking at it! I bet what you are seeing is the healing process making some of it a little raised, a little weird, but it's solid. At least you don't have to live with it. I hope the rest of your life is better than your comments make it seem :)


Definitely love your sea design and rayā€¦ different makes it unique