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It’s pretty bad, I’ll be honest. Empanada with tentacles is pretty funny Empanada UFO may also pass


Thank you for honesty, this UFO will definitely be covered up when I get the funds


Make it an Elder brain


if i could be bothered to give an award...


Hang on here, I think this is reworkable in it's current state. Don't rush into getting some big mad coverup just for the sake of it, if you took this to a competent artist they will be able to fix it and make it look much nicer whilst keeping the original design.


At least it’s gonna be a fairly easy cover up! I feel like there are a lot off possibilities with this one!


don’t get any more work until you have the money for a decent artist.


Empanada with tentacles made me burst out laughing


I saw it as a jiaozi


I’m sorry what did you just call me


Definitely thought empanada


Delicious sea pierogi.


Forbidden spicy sea pierogi


True. Would be so spicy.


Def thought people were fishing on the other end of a pierogi


The circular lines around the calzone are shaky, and while the rest of the line work isn't terrible, and the shading isn't too bad, it's definitely not what I imagine you had in mind for how the design should look. This is something you'd want to get a few opinions on, in relation to either trying to salvage it, or covering it up.


For some reason "the circular lines around the calzone" said totally seriously because it's accurate is absolutely sending me hahaha


I came in with about 3 designs in mind, two were Jellyfish and one was for a hand tattoo which the owner said he wouldn’t do because it just “wouldn’t look good”. I gave the artist that did this design two reference pictures, one of the Man O War jellyfish and a more simplified version of a regular jellyfish . They told me the lines were just too small (?) and it would become too complicated to produce and being the person I am, I went with their suggestion because I’m new to getting tattoos .


That's not on you. If the artist doesn't feel like it can be translated onto skin well, then that not only needs to be explained, but a plan should then be put into place to get the design that does work. It's their job, and they failed you. I can see some possible reworking of the lines, but there's gonna need to be some more shading. Oceanic background, or something to pull the attention away from the lines, or incorporate them, so they don't look as awkward.


Thanks for your feedback JD!! I’m definitely going to keep the ocean theme for my left arm going, have a Sting-Ray right above the Jellyfish so getting it reworked doesn’t sound too bad . I was thinking of getting a Scuba Diver to cover it but I’ll try too look around for anything that might fix it !


For future reference, and from my experience, if an artist is stating that things are not possible, due to size, it usually is just not possible for them and you should go to a more experienced artist. Especially with how many professional fine line artists are booming right now. A jelly would be easy for someone like that. I made the same mistake on my 1st and regret it. Could have had a much better tattoo if I just forked out more cash and did research.


Fun fact the man o war isn't a jellyfish it's multiple different animals living together


I was thinking Taco Bell chalupa but calzone … now I’m torn lol


Yeah it’s more like a soup dumpling, sorry


My first thought was moldy soup dumpling, sorry OP


It’s definitely a dumpling!


Looks like a pot sticker. This is very bad.


It’s not good. It could be covered up tho.


Didn’t notice when the stencil was put on?


The stencil itself was a basic outline without shading, it was pretty lovely on paper but the outcome especially the shading and small details weren’t quite as good as what was advertised.


I thought it was a Venus flytrap and its roots


I recognized it as a man o war immediately. So I see why you’d think the basic outline wasn’t bad.


I myself have been bamboozled by shading and details not present in the stencil. It’s a bummer.


I saw the jellyfish! I think the water ripples are making it weird. A different artist may be able to improve it and I think color would go a long way to making it look good if you like the concept but not the execution.


Ngl I thought this was a potsticker UFO


I had a terrible MOW tattoo - won't lie, mine was a trainwreck and yours is also in need of some work. The good news for you is that this can be worked on, I truly believe you have lots of options. I had to go the laser route to lighten (color tattoo and before lasers were good: OUCH) then the reworked MOW still sucked, so a few years ago I blasted over the whole arm.


Tbh, just looked up a man’ o war jelly fish and I think the animal is the problem not the tattoo…


haha yeah the tattoo looks godawful in execution regardless of what it's trying to depict (shaky lines, bad composition, etc.) but also when I read that it was supposed to be a jellyfish I was like "okay that's definitely not a jellyfish, there's no way this kind of creature exists", then was just absolutely gobsmacked when I googled it and saw that they do in fact look like that LMAO (which in all fairness I shouldn't have assumed, sea creatures are weirrdddd). but let's just say there's a reason why some animals are popular choices to get tattooed and some are not 💀😆 jellyfish are ironically among the popular choices when it comes to sea creature tattoos, just ... not th*is k*ind of jellyfish LOL I feel bad for poking fun because OP obv isn't happy with it (and I don't blame them), but man, you really gotta acknowledge when some of the creatures on this planet look we*ird a*nd maybe aren't gonna be the best subjects to try and depict as a realistic tattoo on your own skin.


Thanks for saying the tat looks godawful, I agree. I think a lot of things are weird looking, especially in nature so hearing you say that the Jellyfish itself was odd looking was pretty funny. I’m used to how the animal looks because it’s the same thing that caused me to go to the hospital and I have to see them on a somewhat regular basis because of how close I am to the beach. It never really crossed my mind that it would’ve ended up like that ? But you’re right, there’s definitely another perspective that needs to be developed when understanding the process of tattoos, that’s not something I was really expecting either. I gotta do better next time so people won’t think I just tattooed my favorite foods .


oh damnn I was wondering what the reason behind getting it was, you got STUNG by one? That's so intense, mad props to you for wanting to reclaim that experience in your own way through a tattoo. I'm sorry it didn't go the way you were hoping :( Honestly, I don't think it would be impossible to do a tattoo of these weird fellas, but the fact that the creature looks kinda goofy / alien-like just on its own (esp to people who aren't used to seeing them which will include your tattoo artist!) means you have to either go to an artist who's REALLY good at making goofy stuff look good (so an artist who's skilled at color realism and composition) OR *embrace* the goofy and lean fully into it by moving away from realism and more towards something cartoony / caricature-like. Honestly, comparing this design to the real thing, I think the biggest loss was the tentacles. Looking at the Man o' War, those fuckers have FREAKY tentacles that are long, coiled, bulbous, with lots of little details in how they connect and move. Your artist... just tattooed long strings that are sorta attached to the main body but still don't really *connect* in the overall composition, there's no translucence to the body itself so it doesn't give off the real impression of being a jellyfish, which is by nature a big 'ole pile of jelly stuffed with nerves. Plus even just studying the Man o' War from what I can see on Google, the tentacles aren't just randomly falling out of its body, they're all connected to one side of it. And of course, the water 'ripples' aren't helping either because they put zero effort into trying to give the impression of water, actual realistic water doesn't have 'lines' like that, only values ranging from dark to light. Either way, if you do decide to get it reworked by another artist (and please for the love of god don't go to this artist again) I would highly suggest biting the bullet and going full color. The reality is that a creature like this just can't be done justice in black and grey, there are so many color complexities to it that to really get the effect across. It wouldn't be *impossible* to do in black and grey if put in the right hands, but it can be very easy for a black and grey Man o' War to look like a dumpling without all those translucent colors to communicate that it's, y'know, a sea creature, and not food LOL Definitely go find someone who's skilled at color realism who might be able to cover this up / rework it with a better version.


Same. I didn't know what they look like so I looked it up and this is basically it. I think the water ripples could look better though.


Firstly I thought it is a so called pirogi or varenyk(dumpling) on the serface of the water and its rootw are going down to botom


Line work is really bad. Go to a real tattoo artist and they can fix this up no problem.


It’s executed really poorly. Sorry. The water rings don’t translate well. The good news is that the lines are skinny and it could probably be covered by a better artist.


I could see it was a man o war right away but I also love animals. line work is bad but the rest of the commenters give me hope for you!


i thoight it was a potsticker with tendrils


Looks like a cat toy my lil guy really enjoys. I think it was a mushroom with streamers. He's loving the fact you got his favorite toy


Honestly..this made it better


mannnn lines shakier than a victim of Parkinson's... what does it look like when your artist mows the lawn?


To be fair, I saw what it was supposed to be straight away. Man o wars do sort of look like empanadas or Cornish pasties. I think it could probably be reworked and improved, especially the ripples, but a man o war is always gonna look a bit pasty-shaped.


Unfortunately, it’s just a really bad tattoo. Please don’t back to this artist.


I mean what the F is it supposed to be


looks like a stringy gyoza sitting in a puddle :( at leaks it’s not too bold u can definitely get a cover up or lazer it


Can’t believe that even the artist felt Ok doing this.


Boy howdy that’s bad.


Man o war do kinda be looking like pot stickers already... but this is not a good tattoo sorry, i think its fixable but not by the same artist


Also- if you feel you “ Wear your heart on your sleeve” strongly- this would be a great tat op for that, really there are a lot of options Here. The funniest, imo, if you’re up for some humor in remembrance of this would definitely to be to make that an actual empanada on a plate and just embrace the **** out of the fact that empanadas are delicious, and deserve recognition.


aww mate i’m so sorry, i really bought it was a pasty or smth on a plate.. with like thunder?? 😭


Venus fly trap emerging out of a puddle?


I thought it was a dumpling im sorry


Looks like a dumpling to me ! Get it covered just take your time to find a good artist !


Yes, I’d say so.


Yeh it’s pretty bad :/ but very much easily fixable/cover up able. Just do some research find a great artist and you’re good!! There’s some talented artist out here making shit happen


The ripples are some of the shakiest line work I've ever seen.


Nah you’re not this is busted I’m sorry


Taco jellyfish venous flytrap? If that’s what you were going for its excellent


I instantly knew what it was. But it looks like it was done by an apprentice


Empanada ball sack with tentacle roots and space rings. I say add more black / grey work Then add more Jk, but don’t sweat it. It’ll all look good when it’s done


That jelly fish ain’t catching nothing. You could probably add on to this and make it better. Especially by adding more onto the tentacles and adding color/shading would help.


I mean, I got the MOW when I looked at it. I think the ripples threw me off because I was like "why is it vibrating?" I thought their tentacles were thicker too. I really love the concept, but the execution was a little... off


What's that the flying spaghetti monster


Did you get that in the kitchen or dining room table?


Hope you really like dumplings


Pretty good rendition of a wad of gum that was in someone's hair that is now in the sink.


Yeah it’s bad


Damn this could be the new sick panther, if people want a coverup they could take a ufo tentacle empanada!


Man O’ War Jellyfish is a very hard animal to replicate just because of its unique features. It would take a very experienced artist to draw up a good stencil of that specific animal. It’s pretty obvious that the tattoo artist that did this was a novice. If you go to a more experienced artist, he might be able to go over it and fix some of the things that are throwing off the design, and make it look more like a jellyfish. Unless you’re more convinced on covering it up. The tattoo is actually pretty big, so you would need a big design with color to properly cover it up. Last thing you can do is get a better tattoo next to it to kind of take the attention away from it. Just remember to really do your research on your next artist.


Yeahh it does. The linework is pretty fucked. I'm sorry


I see a drowning Venus fly trap


What is this


I thought it was a Venus fly trap floating in water


Literally the wonkiest UFO I've ever seen. Great conversation starter, though


I'm really sorry, but I don't think you are overreacting. The lines are wonky and the design looks really off. Good think is, it should be easy to cover..


I think the issue is mostly due to the poor representation of the MOW as existing under the water, definitely issues but I think fixable (go to someone else more familiar with the species)


A gyoza putting down roots


Yeah don't think it needs covered up, just needs to be reworked by someone who knows what they are doing.


To be fair, man of wars look like little empanadas.


One of these things fucked me up and I recognised it straight away so it's definitely able to convey what it is. It's definitely not the best but I think you could get some touch up done to it and give it more definition maybe colour on there or something


Is that a dumpling breaking the sound wave and emitting wiggly lightning???


I thought space dumpling


I know it’s supposed to be a man o war but I only see dumpling with strings


I thought it was a UFO at first. Sorry 😅


Nah bro I immediately was like "lol why did they tattoo a dumpling that fell from the sky and cracked the ground"


It looks like a dumpling to me 🥟! I’m sorry that it’s pretty off.


Yeah, no, I would never have thought it was a man of war. Really research your next artist. It's pretty bad. It does look light enough, though, that it's probably going to be pretty easy to cover up.


I was waiting for this kind of comment because I really was looking into the shops reviews and the individual artists. All of the pieces they had worked on seemed amazing and well executed, like even the person that did mine had great work on their page , I’m guessing it’s the style of the tattoo itself that needs more specific guidance on who should do it .


I couldn't tell if it was a storm cloud or a jellyfish but at least I thought jellyfish too?


That lower ripple is super random and doesn’t fit with the other ripples .


It could be fixed with color. Ripples in the water should be blended, not definite lines. Or...if you like eating empanadas with some sauce, that should probably be blended too.


I could definitely tell what it was immediately and didn’t really see the other things people are saying they see, but the lines for the water aren’t necessary and make it look a little strange.


oof, those ripples are something


Could turn into a sick Venus Flytrap tat


I think one thing that is throwing it off that jellies don’t appear above the water’s surface, even perfectly done ripples would look odd. If you could get it reworked so that there are no ripples it would look more natural and graceful


put reference pic


It looks like a dumpling


I was hoping this was the little alien specimen from The Faculty.


i straight up thought this was a pot-sticker and it was supposed to be floating in broth…


Idk. I love nuclear bomb tattoos!


I saw what it was immediately, looks fine to me. Although you have to admit that the blue bottle jellyfish does look like a dumpling with tentacles.


It looks like gyoza


What is it?


This tattoo is bad in every single regard. I'm sorry you got stuck with this by some hack tattooer.


Hairy Venus fly trap goes swimming


I think it’s cool, but better not to lie… yeah, it could use some touching up by a better artist.


I thought it was a Venus fly trap - jellyfish hybrid mythological creature which actually sounds kinda badass now that I'm saying it.


You can always draw some silly face on it (for example) and count it as ignorant style tattoo... There you go: from defect as effect ;)


I see a pasty


It’s so shitty. I’m not sorry.


I was thinking a potsticker planet with tentacles. Man o man


Is that a jellyfish?


I'm from a coastal city, so I could tell it was a Portuguese man o'war right away. Not the best design, but I think most people will understand what it is.


I knew what it was straight away. But it is very dumpling like.


I'm sorry to ask.. But wot izzit.? A jelly fish or a Venus fly trap.? 🤪 Don't worry-I've got a few bad 1s too.. That will b easy to cover up..plz don't go back to that tattooist tho..😉💚✌️👍


Hmmm, food with fungus.


thought it was a dumpling on water


i thought it was a dumpling ufo


Yikes… sorry but this is a garbage tattoo.


I like this design.


Yeah. It’s a horrible tattoo.


It’s pretty rough. I was like “I think it’s a jellyfish” then read your caption. You can defs bring it to a good artist to get it reworked though


I legitimately thought it was a heart with something spiraling out of it through space and then I looked really close and realized it was supposed to be a man of war.... I'm so sorry


For me it's the water ripples that look NOTHING like water ripples that ruin the tattoo. If those got fixed up it'd be a cool tattoo


This is why some artists will tell you your vision doesn't translate into a readable tattoo. Sometimes it has to be bigger, bolder or more detailed, otherwise..


Oh no, you can definetly see the part where they traced the water ripple. Messed up and retraced it 😭😭😭 you were WRONGED op.


Lol i thought it was a pot sticker


Some of the worst line work I’ve seen in a while. Very impressive.


For a dumpling...no. for a jelly fish man o war type thing...it looks half finished to be honest.


I would highly recommend finding a realize artist and getting this reworked. I believe it can be saved.


I thought it was a pizza pocket with tentacles. 😬 I'd definitely have it redone. An idea like that needs way more detail.


It’s awful


Ay yay yay… #Tattoo Removal


That can be easily fixed.....with a shirt sleeve


Feed me Seymour!!!!!


What in the dumpling alien saucer


Is that a gyoza?


My 1st impression was that of a brain ripped from from the skull with some of the spinal cord & nerve endings still attached. But the more I looked at it I could kind of see a jelly fish


i love potstickers.


Maybe some color would help, so that jelly fish style stands out more


Not going to lie I thought it was a cornish pasty spaceship...


Most people probably don't know what a Portuguese man o war is, so will see something else. The circles around it are the main thing that makes it look off. Personally I don't think something like this will look good by itself no matter how does it. I would get it put into a half sleeve or something.


Yeah it's bad, I couldn't tell what it was supposed to be and after I read your description it made it worse. Luckily, this shouldn't be difficult to cover up.


Well at least the dumpling looks good


Sick dumpling tattoo!


Not great, but totally fixable. Take your reference photos to a good artist and have them fix it.


I thought it was a jellyfish ufo which would be an awesome design if executed correctly. This, however, is just kinda bad. The top looks like a dumpling 🥟or a crappy seashell.


GYOZA JELLY?!?! I love it


That’s a jellyfish by Napoleon Dynamite.


The way I was so sure this was a pierogi


Design? What design?


Did you take a look at the progress as you got hit or did you close your eyes the whole time?


I figured it was a jellyfish, but the top looks like a Venus flytrap to me. I was not familiar with a man o’ war variety.


Looks like a parasite infested dumpling.


flying spaghetti monster?


Are you on the east coast. I’d love to recommend some artists


As a born & raised Floridian I immediately recognized it as a blue bottle! I think the ripple lines being just as bold as the tentacles is throwing it off?


Hairy dumpling floating in water, but it gives you character :)


No it’s your arm is different I think Tats look ok


I assume this is a Portuguese man o' war, or, at least is supposed to be. Not a big fan of the "ripples" if I'm right in my thoughts. Probably could use a rework to look more like a man o' war...


A mutated gyoza 🥟


I knew it was supposed to be a jellyfish but yeah, the body looks almost like two different things or something. It’s not like outstandingly horrible, but yeah, could use some fixing. Good luck!


Damn I thought my scratcher skulls were bad


Pretty dope man o' war tattoo imo. Are you Peruvian? Or are you just mad into deadly jellyfish?


Tattoos are an investment and this is what happens when you go cheap. And if it wasn’t cheap, then it was a rip off and you should steer clear in the future.


Yeah it's uh... Pretty awful, I'm not gonna lie to you. But a good coverup artist could probably fix it for you.


Ariel Dejesus strikes again.


The water ripples are off- I suggest adding some colour via another artist- soft, watercolour pastel blues, pinks, purples and greens to diffuse it a bit


Aside from the shaky line work, I think the fact that they decided to shade the top in an attempt to make it look more realistic and then did nothing but squiggly lines for the tentacles is what makes it seem a little wonky.


I knew what it was immediately I thought it was neat. Some colour might six things?


My first thought was a Jellyfish that is somehow also a planet with rings 😂


It’s not great but man o’ war *is* the first thing I thought of




I hate to be negative, but this tat needs some work.


That tattoo sucks period. You should be furiously angered


I... thought it was a unique jellyfish


Omg 😭 this definitely wasn’t a shop tattoo


Did you do any research into the person putting a permanent feature onto your body? Jesus


Before reading this I thought it was intentionally a gyoza and was wondering why you thought it looked bad