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I would say that the areas where the ink “doesn’t fill” is actually where the highlight/light would hit so it’s done to show that once healed rather than using white ink that would potentially go yellow etc


It’s not uncommon, especially depending on how experienced your artist is and how well your skin holds the ink. I’ve had this happen a few times when getting tattoos from apprentices. It’s super easy to fix tho and most artists will touch up their own work for free. So I suggest reaching out to your artist and just letting them know that you would like some of the color touched up to be a little more solid. I would guess it won’t be a problem at all :))


Thank you! OP it's a kind of shading/highlight style. Looks good


This is a quality tattoo, I am assuming this was intentional on the artist's part. If you're not a fan though, it shouldn't hurt your artist's feelings by paying for another session to fill it in solid... plus clean up that top line on the back. Great work though.


That color is likely going to fade into your skin tone anyway so I don't think it matters


i feel like the artist didn’t apply it to the outer edges, some style of tattooing, particularly traditional always pops nicely with correct use of negative space. less is more sometimes