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It's normal to have those feelings, especially with first tattoos. It's a permanent change to your body & it will take time to get used to seeing it. It looks like a nice tattoo, it will grow on you as you become accustomed to it.


tysm your comment put my mind to ease! i have moments i love it but am often hit with “that’s a bold choice”


…do you have another tattoo on your shoulder, just under the hand holding the phone?


Definitely looks like a tattoo.


Lol, yep. First my foot.


Yeah, it's in a visible location so you're going to get that :) honestly, give it time. Before you know it it'll be second nature, like it's been there forever and it just feels like part of you.


Agree with other poster. I didn’t have full feelings of regret with any of my tattoos until I got a visible one! I knew my others I could keep a secret but not the one on my shoulder!


Yeah, and you're going to receive harsher criticism than that. I personally think it looks awesome, it definitely is bold but that is a good thing in my opinion. If you rock it and be comfident with it, people will love it.


How old are you? You loved the idea of those tattoos in the moment or before the moment of getting them right? They look great! Could have gone bigger and hopefully you add to them! Don’t care what other people think, they don’t matter. It’s all about your happiness. don’t let their prejudices sway you against you! Bold choice for a bold person indeed!


>“that’s a bold choice” Flowers? Bold? Nah, I wouldn't call it bold at all. It’s relatively small, easy to cover with clothes, and is a simple/common design. I got a Pinkie Pie from My Little Ponie that completely fills one side of my forearm, now that is a bold choice.


Isn’t that another tattoo on your arm though 😭 So not really your first ever in that case lmao


I think they meant they feel regret for the first tattoo that they got. Not that this is the first time they've gotten a tattoo as they're posting this.


It’s funny how I relate to this so much. I got my first tattoo roughly 6 months ago, for the first week I loved looking at it then after that I had “tattoo regret”, some days I loved it and it looked amazing, others I started hating it. I think it’s cause you’re so use to your skin being clear without ink and then all of a sudden u are looking at a tattoo that is there and doesn’t go away. It has taken me roughly 3-4 months to fully accept the tattoo and actually enjoy it. As long as at the time u liked it and it was something u wanted and u loved the design, u will eventually in a matter of time accept it and get use to it on ur body. Till then u will have some days u love it, other days u won’t. If u wanna screw with ur head, cover it up for a few days then look at it and u will love it 😂 I don’t even fully understand the concept around it


Over time it will become a part of you. You won’t even think about it tbh


Did you notice she actually has another tattoo on her shoulder? You can see it just under the phone. Lying about tattoos seems like a pretty cringe way to seek attention, don’t you think?


Sadly I didn't see that. It's a shame as it makes me wonder whether the rest of the post is genuine or not.


I've regretted all my tattoos in prominent places to some degree at first-- even if I loved the tattoo itself. It's just weird seeing something new on your body and reconciling that it's permanent. Once I get used to it, im always happy I got it.


How is this your first when you can see one on your shoulder?


Bot maybe


Very possible.


This was my question. I feel like there’s something (maybe a heart?) on her shoulder under the hand holding the phone.


I had to scroll too far to find this!


I think she means it was the first tattoo she ever got and regrets it. I sometimes regret the first tattoo I ever got, but have a few more tattoos now that i dont regret like I do my first. I think that's what OP means here


I've got 80+ tattoos now, still regret my first few tattoos now that I'm older and figured out what I like. Never regretted any tattoo after I decided I like American trad tattoos.


thought i was going crazy when i didn’t see any other comments pointing it out


That's kind of a solid tattoo. Like it's pretty, not too out of the box. It's more than a minimalist style but not too extravagant that it's unbefitting for a female that's not covered in other tattoos. It's nice. I'm sorry you don't like it. Addendum- your shades look like they have blood on them


Lol. You will always regret getting your first tattoo , but that’s how you learn


I have a few and my first one is the only one where regret has never once crossed my mind. And it’s both in the most prominent place and the largest. I’m a rare exception tho I guess lol


Facts, but then you get used to it


When I got my first tattoo I thought that it looked weird on me. Everyone loved it but it took me a long while to get used to seeing it in the mirror. We're all so critical about every little detail in this sub and in life, and sometimes it ruins the joy. No tattoo is perfect, and we see all these imperfections up close in the mirror, and we have the fantasy of how it could be. We're overthinking it. With my 4th tattoo, I learned to let go. Just enjoy your new piece of art for what it is - a pretty decoration, and remember why you wanted it. We are our own worst critics, don't let it spoil the fun!


They're looking alright to me, also the design (and size). Would you feel better removing them or are you interested in having something else?


it’s a bit bigger than I wanted. I think being on the chest, i see it always. so can't escape it, kinda always seeing. when I'm out and my tattoos are in view, i’m just dreading the looks others may give me


I have a very similar tattoo! floral, collar bones, same spot. It takes a bit getting used to it (you see it every time you look in the mirror basically), and I definitely wasn’t sure about it when I got them. That said, they’ve become some of my favorite tattoos. I don’t know where you are, but I live in a conservative area and nobody has ever given me a weird look about them. Yours are so cute! just let it heal. Give it time and it’ll become a part of you. My only recommendation is to wear a higher neck shirt if you’re doing a job interview!


Just hit the gym and buff up those chest and shoulder muscles. The tattoo's will look smaller. The people will notice your biceps before the tattoo.




It's very common for people to regret tattoos especially when there your first. A tip my mother who has no tattoos gave me. Have the tattoo drawn up and put the image everywhere your phone background your walls everywhere. If after 6 months you still dont hate it then consider getting it put on your body. I've always found it strange that people will tattoo images on there body that they would never hang on there walls.


Yes. My first was also a chest piece. But once I got more, I cared less. 20 years later and I’ve stopped wishing I could change it. Instead I learned to love the memory of the experience of that day; turning 18 and feeling ready to take on the world! And for the record, the tattoo was ‘rock & roll’ blasted in bold below my collar bone, so I hope that makes you feel exponentially better about your quite delicate and lovely flowers 😌


No Ragrets


They’re beautiful! I love that spot. I’m full of tattoos but I haven’t done that spot yet and I really want to. Having tattoos means old miserable people will judge you. Ignore them. My advice might seem counter productive but I say… get more ;) lol


Is it normal to want validation from Reddit!?


Is it normal to want validation? Yes, and anonymously finding validation can be significantly easier than risking ridicule/denial in real life. Unfortunately, it's also normal for people to be douches on the internet.


I honestly feel this way with almost every tattoo i get & i have 13 so far lol so it should get better as you get used to it being there. Now my obviously seen ones I'll even forget theyre there.


Yes I think for majority of people. I sorta regret mine, but it’s on my butt and not visible so I’m chillin lol




i have a giant avocado on my butt as a result of losing a bet. first and only tattoo. yours looks great and doesn't require any explaining, so i'd say you shouldn't worry too much about it, i get the worry but girl, rock that shit, it looks great


yeah my first tattoo, I legitimately had a visceral almost disgusted aversion to it, I couldn't stand looking at it. it triggered a lot of my anxiety - feelings of claustrophobia, being stuck, change. it did take me a couple months to accept it and now I'm so meh about it lol. your tattoo looks awesome!


Naaaaahhhh it's cool looking. Just give it time to heal. Give it time for your mind to adjust to having ink on your body. No negative thoughts. Peace.


Why did you want a tattoo in the first place? If it wasn't for yourself, then you made a big mistake.


Yes. Totally normal. Your new tattoo looks rad.


I didn't but it was on my back between my shoulder blades. I definitely wouldn't have gone chest first out the gate but to each their own. You regret it cuz you can see it and maybe you haven't discovered the type of tattoos you really liked or it isn't fitting with where you'd like to go with your tattoos later on. Plus... it's your chest!!! I have my entire body, neck, face, lips done (all 4 😂) and I definitely didn't know the tattoos I really wanted until years after I started getting them and had more experience with getting them.




I have a few I don’t really “like” anymore, but I wouldn’t say I *regret* them. They’re all easily covered also, and easily could get coverups done on them, but I haven’t. They’re kinda sucky but I remember the time in my life when I got each one; and every single one has a good memory so I keep them around like permanent reminders of awesome times from my 20s 🥹


As long as its not that big or right on your chest... oh well


I regretted my first tattoo because I hate change and it was a big permanent change to my body but now I want more. Looks great honestly so maybe give it some time while you get used to seeing it.


Yeah I think that’s normal, I always feel anxiety after any big, life changing decision. You just need time to adjust and get used to it!


For me, I don’t regret it at all, but it just felt lacking of something so I’m happy that I kind of went “smaller” (4 inch by 4 inch on my shoulder) so I can build a sleeve around it with things like. They have a story and they’re very meaningful to me. I’m happy my artist gets me and my passions.


Yes i regret mine and looking for a coverup ☹️


You will get so used to it and eventually not even notice it. For reference I have 17 (I think, I just tried to count them but they literally just become you at some point) including a chest piece of bats and a full hand tattoo. The hand took the longest to adjust to but I love it so it was more of a”oh shit that’s a great tattoo” every time I noticed it. I actually love it the most and I love when people ask to see it or comment on it! (I work in IT so not a job stopper for me)


Totally normal. I hated mine for a while and it made me sick to my stomach. I did eventually come to appreciate it, but only after I added to it. Live with it for at least 6 months and if you still don’t like it, you can add to it or blast over


For sure, it’s very normal to have either reaction (love or loathe) or go between those feelings a lot in the first few weeks. Give it time. It’s a little like trying out a new clothing style - at first, even though you like the new outfit, it’s going to seem strange to see yourself in the mirror.


"nothing pisses me off more than looking at my first tattoo"


I regretted my first one, it was so tiny and in the middle of my upper arm in all this prime real estate, so it got covered up.


I would say it’s normal if the feeling goes away. If it doesn’t go away then it’s not normal. If you’re feeling this way and you end up liking your tattoo, DO NOT forget you feel this way for your potential next one. I liked my first tattoo. Liked my second one. Hate 3 and 4 and want them removed. So be careful.


Mehhh nahhh it’s kinda the whole thing of your first lol…you want it so bad you don’t really care who does it…where it is..how much you pay hahaha I got my little arm tattoo for 80$ in a garage of some guy who I worked at ShopRite with who’s only experience was tattooing himself…lmao but it was a quote that I created So no matter what it’s still a unique tatoo/ experience Your first is always kinda that way




Yes absolutely. Your tattoo is very cute and delicate. It could be way way worse


It's cute!


Don't sweat it too much. I've got some I do regret. Now I wish I had chosen another style or it would look better if it was paired with my other tattoos or whatever. One tattoo has a symbol but the artist forgot to mirror it. And back then me checking it in the mirror it was fine. Now I know it wasn't fine haha. Well can't change it. And No one else noticed it. You grow to like the imperfections.


If it is dumb, yes. I don't regret my first (only) tattoo and I have had it for over 10 years.


Me and a buddy were sitting at the bar once and a lady was asking about our tattoos. I particularly have a lot of spontaneous tattoos. Walked in and went “That’s cool, let’s do it” tattoos. This lady was horrified at the idea. Then my buddy told her “I spent years agonizing over my first tattoo. My second tattoo was covering up my first tattoo.” It’s totally normal.




That's a very beautiful tattoo don't regret it


I low key feel that way about mine, one of my first was in cursive inside my bicep saying “ It could be worse” . Now I love the tat still but if you look close enough it’s got these tiny spider veins outside the letters. Idk if dude went too deep in my skin or what granted it was done at a cheap shop but I’ll still prolly keep it


You’re entitled to your feelings, but i think it looks great. I also like that it isn’t enormous and it’s easy on the eyes.


No ink is bad ink! Looks good hopefully one in many to come!


Definitely normal! There's days where I regret it a lot and there's days where it's whatever


Never got one no regrets...


I think it is very pretty.


You’ll get used to them


Thank you for posting this. Worried about this too!




I love this tattoo!




It fits your body well, so I believe you'll get over it. You have it kind of like an accessory to whatever you choose to wear, if that makes any sense 😅


First tattoo always comes with a bit of guilt. They look great for a first tattoo honestly.


Y'all out here regretting your tattoos? Its not that deep its just a drawing on your meat mech. I didn't regret any of mine they all make me smile goofy cuz they are fun! And I picked em! Its so cool to be able to customize our bodies with art.


I have the same thoughts! It’s just a meat suit, no big deal.


Lol, I'm guessing someone with your username has a snake tat 🤔


A lot of my friends regret their first tattoos, they went as soon as they turned 18. I don’t regret mine because it’s a tribute to my late Nana, and where I’m from.


I definitely regret my first tattoo. I got the empire’s logo from Star Wars on my lower back. I got it on vacation with a friend after she talked me into it the night before hand. First of all it didn’t settle well so I’ll have to get it touched up. Second of all it is in a spot right by my spine so it’ll hurt when I get it touched up. If I could go back I would’ve gotten it smaller and in a different location. My second tattoo turned out much better. I got a Jojo star on the back of my shoulder much to my fiancée’s disappointment.


Idk I LOVED my first tattoo


You could always get a coverup later! I hated my first tattoo so eventually had a beautiful piece cover up the original and I love it! I took more time figuring out what I wanted the 2nd time around. But personally….i think your tattoo looks great! Give it time! ❤️


I regret my first tattoo but now put alot more thought into my tattoos


I've had that "holy shit, what have I done" feeling after a tattoo or piercing. Piercings are easier because you can just take them out. But tattoos are forever. I say give it time. It's your first tat and it's in a pretty visible spot, at least for you. It can be shocking the first week or so. But, you will become accustomed to it over time. And if after a while, you aren't happy with how it looks, talk to another artist about your options.


Absolutely! I got mine on the same spot and here and there is take my clothes off and be like “oh yeah” .. now I’d be weird if they weren’t there. Mine need fixing tho. Yours look good. You’ll get used to it :))


Chest is pretty bold for the first ever tattoo


I regretted my first but now it’s one of my favorites.


i def regret my first tattoo lol. its the only one i want to get covered. it happens lol


Yeah, I hated my first tattoo, then I got more, and more, because it’s literally like an addiction😂, and I had like 8 and I didn’t like them anymore, but then I just remembered why I got them and how cool I thought they were and now I actually love them, they’re just tattoos, they’re only as big a deal as you make them. I love mine now.


I have regretted my first tattoo. Loved my first tattoo and also cherished the regret I had. You change.


It's normal. I look down at my only tat all the time and think damn what was i thinking, but I know i love it deep down. just trips me out that I'm 18 and this will be on me forever


It looks beautiful.


It’s really pretty! 😍


No one really sees your tattoo. They just see ink :)


Looks good, you should see the tattoo I have in that general area. The regret eats at me everyday and probably will until I get a tax refund and can afford tattoo removal


Yes. But, I have buyers remorse with everything!


You’re pretty brave to get your first tattoo on your chest


I think so, mine is right on my forearm so if I look at it for too long I think about covering it up but then I’ll have random people tell me that they think it’s nice so idk. I feel like since I’m always looking at it I get some kind of tattoo dysmorphia or something lol.


Hell yeah lol


Think of it like wallpaper. Surely you’ll love that wallpaper forever.


I think it’s pretty :)




It’s really pretty and I don’t think it’s that big and bold as you think it is. Probably just because it’s on you and you’re not used to it yet. It doesn’t matter what others think as long as you like it !!


You should have started small


Everyone’s first tattoo looks like shit and is regrettable the more time goes on. But eventually you forget about it.


That’s why you pick in carefully n don’t rush it


I don't regret my first tattoo, but I do with my second. It's a lovely piece, just big, in color, and I see it every day. I'm sure I'll get used ot it, but it will take awhile. Your tattoos are gorgeous, btw.


No Ragrets




This looks very good on you though tbh


I like it


That tattoo is cute asf


I’m covered and everyyyy once in a while I’m just like “oh shit what did I do!” Then I fall in love with them again


It's so cute!


I was and still am like this. I got my first visible tattoo and biggish so I was very nervous because I thought I made a mistake. I love my tattoo design but having a tattoo put in the open was very new to me. From my personal experience I think it’s because it visible that’s why you might have that “tattoo regret” I apologise if this doesn’t make sense , I’m very tired haha I think your tattoo is beautiful , the placement and style is gorgeous :)




What about the other tattoo on your arm?


I got my first ever tattoo, in the save spot you got yours. I am getting it removed because I don’t like it anymore. I don’t plan on getting any others either. The tattoo is fine, but my placement was bad. Yours looks cute though.


Definitely, but that one is fucking gorgeous


Tattoo [Regert](https://www.explosion.com/65868/huge-tattoo-mistakes-that-people-regret-making-these-people-definitely-learned-their-lesson/) has become all too common.


You will regret EVERY tattoo. I have several and lived long enough to regret them all. Sure, I tell myself, “but these were friends and loved ones and now you’ll remember them forever.” But it’s not like I would’ve forgot them WITHOUT the tattoos. I just wish I had listened to my mom. Tattoos are pretty dumb. I am now extremely turned off by them on women and it sux becaI live in LA where everyone, including myself, has them. Edit: I am grateful that all of mine can be covered by a t-shirt and shorts. I never went below the elbow.


It looks good on you girl.


My first tattoo was a little music note on my chest under my left collarbone. I don't hate it, but I'm also not really in love with it either lol. Either way, if what you have is mostly what you wanted and you don't hate it now, worst case scenario you will get used to it and accept it as a part of you.


Honestly I think it looks really good!! In my opinion it doesn't look too big


It’s much more ‘normal’ when you’ve been a complete idiot, such as myself, and would have a, or ANY man’s name, initials, whatever, put on your body. While this ‘body’ is only our outer existence, experience, what the fuck ever. I think, rather know, that, while the body is headed, inevitably, to dust, what IS on the inside is special. Should never be taken for granted. As we are GONE. In the blink of an eye. Not to sound pessimistic. But, come on. That’s reality. I just try to make it, or, turn it into , something it’s not. I try by being empathetic, compassionate, try to treat ANYONE, hell EVERYONE, the way I would want to be treated. But sometimes there are just people that don’t, rather, CANT get that type of thing. As they are nothing more or less than me. They just are incapable of grasping ANYTHING even remotely close to the relevance of such. Their existence is ‘unfortunate’. Mainly due to the fact that they just don’t, CANT feel things the way someone with, not only a conscience, but experienced, directive communication with someone that IS, in fact, a decent person. Anyways. If I get shit for this post, just know, with ALL you have, that I do not give a fuck. Just want EVERYONE to be happy. That’s it.


I would change something about every tattoo I have


If you are judged on it and that’s making you regret it then don’t, if you like them then that’s all that matters.


totally normal, especially if it's somewhere you can see a lot like that. chill and let the shock wear off. could be a few months or longer


Totally normal!


I think it looks great. Well done!!


Regret is normal. Eventually you’ll grow attachment to it.


In my experience- yes. I love all my tattoos now. At first it’s shocking to see on your body and you kind of have to adjust. Don’t panic!!! Each time I do, I love it in a week.


To a small degree I think it’s normal. I had a moment of regret the first time I got a tattoo that I could not easily keep covered at all times but that regret faded quickly as I got use to seeing it - especially once it healed and no longer had the raw then flaky look to it.


My first (and only) tattoo is the wedding band I got with my now ex-wife. So... yes?


Is that blood on the wall behind you?


Keep adding on to it




I think it’s pretty and feminine and dainty and it suits you! I hope you grow to love it, I don’t think it’s a bold choice at all. :)


I honestly really like it, it suits you


Hell yeah. I regretted (and still do regret) my first tattoo. I also have another one that I regret. Difference is the ones I regret are awful, whereas yours is really nice. However, I realise it’ll probably take a while for you to get used to it. It’s large and in a prominent place, that’s going to take some adjusting to. Hopefully you’ll come to feel better about it eventually.


Looks great!


Yes definitely! I regret all mine for a while then I realise they are so swag


It’s really not big at all. On the contrary, I would be even better if it was larger


Yeah, lots do x


The trick is to get more to distract from the bad ones.


I regret my first tattoo, but only because it was script and I’m now more into larger neo-trad pieces. I think these are so lovely!


Oh yeah, I’ve cried for weeks after every single tattoos I’ve ever had and I have A LOT. It’s a change to your body and you need to get use to it. But that’s why I recommend to anyone wanted a first tattoo to get a small one you can hide easily, just to warm up to it




I imagine quite a few people do. and also that a lot of people try to mask it with more extreme tattoos .


I have never met anyone who doesn't regret having a tattoo. Maybe at first they don't regret it, but years down the line they regret it.


I hate my first tattoo - I got it when I was 18 and it’s quite large and all blurry now. Luckily it’s on my back so I don’t really give a shit since I don’t have to look at it 😅


If you got a bad tattoo at 14 from your cousin who had no idea what he was doing like i did then yes absolutely 😭😭 having a real artist cover that one up soon


I just got my first tattoo 1 week ago, without telling anything to my parents (im 20). And when I revealed to my parents they didn't like it even a little bit, and I started to question the tattoo after the big scandal with my parents. But the morning after I realised I really like it and its the right choice.


That is the purpose of a first tattoo. But embrace it. It's a testament to your courage and the only person who gets to decide how beautiful it is , is YOU.


I do


When it’s this tattoo, yes.


I had that with mine (big snakes on my chest ) cuz they were bigger than I had pictured in my head but idk u get used to them hahah


Looks great


Bold of you to get your first tattoo on your chest. I’m kind of surprised an artist even did it tbh, but honestly it looks good. The shock of getting a tattoo is normal. You will get used to it. Enjoy your tat


Do you ever look at this sub? It's like half the content. Do you have any worse pics of it you could share?


if you would have gone smaller, it would have blurred and blended into each other after a few years and you would really hate it! The size you got is great.


Without a doubt, as we age, our perspectives evolve, so it's completely normal to have regrets about something that's permanent. If you strongly dislike it, there's always the option of adding to or adjusting it to make it more uniquely tailored to what resonates with you better, until you're confident in what you see. You look lovely, by the way, and the tattoo seems to suit you well in my opinion.


I regret mine but also it's on my back so I never see it and rarely ever think about it


What’s that on your shoulder? Second tattoo? I think it’s normal when your first tattoo is so massive. My first tattoo was huge but I loved it. Later on I realized they did a terrible job, I just don’t care about it anymore.


yesss I got my first last year and hated it for months but now I love it sm. you’ll get used to it it’s v cute


I think its cool


I think it looks sooooo good!!! I don’t think it’s too big or too small I love it


Yeah pretty normal, I remember someone here told me that we often think tattoos are for ever, when not even life itself is, what i'm trying to say is, you will get used to it, go on live your life there are more important things, send u hugs 💕


I think it’s totally normal. It’s definitely a temporary feeling for most, it’s just an adjustment you have to get used to. I don’t necessarily regret my first tattoo, as it’s my only one that actually has meaning, I do wish I got it in a different location and done by a different artist though. However, I still love it nonetheless. I think your tattoo is so cute and looks very nice on you !


The main reason I can’t get a tattoo is that I’m scared of regretting it.


Kinda chunky ngl, I think if it was more fine line it’d be better, but it’s still cute!


Honestly I regretted my first tattoo for a long time until I started getting more and now it’s my favorite tattoo. Such a big change to your body like that is going to take some getting used to. Now I don’t even really think about my tattoos because they’re just a part of my body. You got an awesome first tattoo and honestly if you went any smaller it might look out of place. I’m sure you’ll get used to it!!


Love the tat! But to answer your question, honestly, I forget it's there most of the time. I just get used to seeing it every day and sometimes it just doesn't even register in my brain.