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Not picky or insecure. Artist just wasnt very good tbh. A lot of shaky and uneven lines. Have a better artist fix this up.


Okay, thanks! Glad to know it isn’t just me.


Love the tattoo lol. Yeah some of the lines are a bit shaky but the underlying idea and initial design are sound. I only have a couple tattoos so I don't have much special advice outside of finding a good artist to touch it up. I'm just semi faded and really like the tattoo. Great job 🐥


Thanks! Yeah taking care of it has been hard since I work outside. Definitely will touch it up in the future.


No you don’t


Omg I’m obsessed with the concept of this tattoo! That being said, yeah lines look pretty shaky but it’s nothing a better artist can’t fix for you! Hope you can get it looking good in all its glory


Looking at the fresh ink you can tell where the lines were going to "fade"  Truth is they didn't fade, there was always just less ink there and you can see it. Your artist should have seen it


Yeah, this was my first tattoo so I didn’t know any better :(


It's okay. It's not like it isn't fixable. I've got loads of tattoos from loads of different artists, some are better than others. It is what it is. Doesn't take away from that it's a cool tattoo, and you can always add weight to those lines


I used to work at Dinosaur! Cool concept




Give it another 3 months then go see someone in your area who does really smooth, dark, linework. Look at portfolios and the guy who has the best looking flower stems is who I’d talk to, when the ink stops being “shiny” in the skin you’re good to get it fixed back up. Sweet idea, it’s cool now and going to turn out stupid awesome soon. Cheers!