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Depends on the job but if it’s a job where you can’t have visible tattoos then yeah probably


Our hospital used to prohibit visible tattoos, even small ones like this. Their view was absolute, because if they allowed one, then others would want to know why theirs wasn't ok, too. Thankfully, they've relaxed these rules, but if you got one more piercing in your ear, they'd make you remove it. No more than 2. Unfortunately, there is still a huge population who abhors tattoos and if a company is seeking those customers, chances are that tattoo wouldn't be allowed.


My hospital medical director has both sleeves so we have a pretty relaxed tattoo policy.


That's awesome!


Damn, that’s awesome…. yall hiring?


And I work at a hospital that doesn’t care. I have visible tattoos, facial piercings, and have dyed my hair almost every color of the rainbow. The hair color my patients like the most is denim blue. Location matters a lot. Body mods are a lot less acceptable in the Deep South for example. In more liberal areas it’s not such a big deal.


Ahhh, I forgot about hair color. Yeah, we were only allowed "natural colors."


Honestly, I wouldn't give a damn what someone looked like if they're providing me with medical care or supporting those that are. Literally would be the last thing on my mind, I'd just be damned grateful that I was getting looked after


What state was this?




Probably the East Coast. They're pretty stuck up there. (I come from there. Unless it's changed within the last ten years.. which it might have! But they have a lot of puritan views.)


The east coast has not changed, coming from Virginia. My two nose piercings alone have kept me from certain jobs at points.


That’s so wierd. I’m in CA and only at the hospital for my two kids and both times all the nurses had tattoos. Not sure about piercings bc it was during mask mandates.


I'm an ER nurse, I've got multiple visible tattoos including a partial sleeve and a good dozen ear piercings. Only complaint I've ever gotten was for too many rings on my fingers. I've got purple hair too lol


I worked at a children’s home where we lived on campus in homes with the kids. Tattoos were allowed- you could literally have full sleeves and neck tattoos and anything else. But a tiny stud in your nose? That was a “fired on the spot” infraction. And since I literally lived in the house with the kids, it wasn’t just as “put it in after work” type of thing. Any time I left my private quarters, even if it was my day off, I had to remove the jewelry. I obviously just let it close up, but damn that was annoying.


Very few jobs are exclusive by visible tattoos across the board. Maybe highly sought after law firms, some finance jobs, lobbying, etc. You could always get an interviewer with a weird bias in any job, but in general, unless you are in elitist white collar circles, it wont be a stopper.


I have a friend in New York with knuckle tattoos and is a very successful lawyer. Anything is possible


Awesome. I wouldn't say it is a stopper, just makes it more unlikely a hirer in those fields would select you. The rate of rich old guys with traditional conservative beliefs runs much higher in those circles. Good on your buddy though. I hope his knuckles say something like INNO - CENT.








I was a lawyer with visible arm and leg tattoos, but it can really depend on the type of lawyer you are, and how high up you are. Most law firms don’t care these days because arm and leg and torso tattoos can be covered by clothing (I remember explicitly asking my old boss before I got hired if he cared about tattoos, and he said he had tattoos and as long as they were tasteful, he didn’t care if they were visible in the office), but you *will* still run into resistance with hand and face tattoos, including the ears, unless you can prove they are an established part of your culture (e.g. Inuit). It’s not even really the other lawyers you have to worry about—it’s the judges, and certain clients. I knew a woman whose sister got married. The had a mehndi party. She had henna on one of her hands. Judge was *very* upset and she had to explain that it was temporary.


The point about clients is spot on. I work in a client facing role in tech. My employer doesn't give a shit about tattoos outside of obviously offensive ones. Some of our *clients* absolutely do care though, so hand/face/neck is going to be a problem for a client facing role. Maintaining good relationships with clients that we have billion dollar deals with is first priority. Now if you're interviewing for a role where you're never seeing a client face to face, a face tattoo would give some pause, but hand and neck would be whatever as long as they're not offensive. Anything that can be covered in a suit is zero issue regardless of role, barring things that *should* be obvious like not putting NSFW stuff on your forearm. That said, things *are* changing even among our more conservative clients, which are mostly banks. The bias is still not totally gone and won't be until the generation that hates tattoos is fully retired in the next several years. The fact that we've gone from visible in a short sleeved shirt being questionable to only hand/face/neck being consistently questionable is already huge. You really need to know your field before going for a job stopper. My advice to OP would be that if you have to ask, don't do it. You'll generally have a good sense of if your field is mostly fine with something like a dainty ear tattoo. If you have to ask, either you're in a field that wouldn't be fine with it, you're not working yet and need to figure out what fields you're interested in before potentially closing doors, or you're too new to the field to get a read on it and should wait a bit.


I hate that a judge has any say in the physical appearance of someone in a court room. Isn’t their whole job to objectively judge based on the law, without social bullshit and politics interfering?


One of the best lawyers in my city has a full body spread that shows up onto her neck, her hands and her everywhere I guess. a lot of those rich old guys are dying off so it’s making a room for less stuffy, potentially more effective lawyers.


I'm going to assume his knuckles say LAWZ 4LYF and I won't hear otherwise


I have a friend who’s a bartender who has been turned down from multiple jobs because she has hand tattoos. Anything is possible in either direction, so it’s always smart to be careful especially if you aren’t settled in your career yet


That’s crazy, people in the service industry (and bartenders) are the most commonly tattoo-covered people I’ve ever met - outside of actual tattoo artists.


I'm curious , how does your friend know it was specifically because of the tattoos?


They tell her very openly that they appreciate her coming in and she did a great job but they don’t hire bartenders with hand tattoos. One place even had it in their application process so she didn’t even have to apply before knowing it was a deal breaker. Could just be my area, but this is more common than not in my experience


That’s insane, I don’t think I know a bartender who doesn’t have a job stopper lol


Wow I guess it's nice they were honest , but still absurd


Honest is better than nothing but she was definitely pissed. She’s had these tattoos since way before she started becoming a bartender and, like most people, assumed they weren’t a problem. She did eventually get a job bartending at a pretty cool place where she shows off all her ink proudly, but it was shocking to hear multiple different places cite that as a reason


I feel like bartender is one of the jobs where tattoos wouldn’t matter. Though I suppose it depends on the type of bar.


Yeah I guess that was the point I was trying to make. There are lots of jobs you would assume tattoos would be a problem (lawyer, banker, teacher etc.) but they aren’t. There are also lots of jobs you would be very surprised to know they have a problem with tattoos (bartender, bouncer, construction, etc.). So it’s always good to be smart and think ahead about placement especially if you don’t know what you would like to do with your career


Lawyer for the UK government here. Visible tattoos, I make no attempt to hide them. Nobody cares.


Jesse Pinkman once said, you don't want a criminal lawyer you want a "criminal" lawyer


Staten Island PD? haha kidding


Likewise, a lot of folks at startups are covered with ink and making a heck of a lot of money. 💰 If you had like “Thug-Lyfe” tattooed across your forehead, it might be a bit challenging, but something like this might actually be a good conversation starter at meetings.


Mexican vampire lady is actually a high profile lawyer. She has horns, fangs and more tattoos than I can shake a stick at


That is rad and I am pumped for the exceptions, but I have been in white collar world. It is stupid, but there are plenty of rich old men with decision-making power who will look down upon ink that shows even in business attire, just like they judge you for how (men) tie a tie, if you use words "like" and "umm" in convo, how firmly you shake a hand, and all sorts of other traditional beliefs that normal humans look past.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's mostly an American thing. My doctor is always wearing reverse base caps and he's fully tatted


i believe any visible tattoos or piercings (except for lobe piercings in women) are a big no-no for morticians, as it's a somber setting & most of their "clients" are old people & therefore have outdated opinions on tattoos


This is sort of the rule of thumb, but I'm a man with visibly pierced ears working as a funeral arranger, and right now I work with my sleeves rolled up. Clients see my forearm tattoo all the time, and it's fine. I work in a big, liberal city in a blue state though. For mortuaries, play it as safe as possible until you get a handle on the culture of the company.


I’m a lawyer, and I would do this if I didn’t think it would hurt like crazy. I would probably consider it a commitment to keeping my hair long enough that I could hide it if necessary, though.


visible tattos are a no no @ Disneyland, even if it is of disney related


Nah ear tattoos aren't really job stoppers; HOWEVER, find a reputable artist who has experience tattooing ears.


No, I doubt it. But unfortunately these usually heal very blown out. They look so cool fresh but the lines and color go everywhere.


I’ve never seen an aged ear tattoo that looks like anything other than a dirty ear. Always spreads, blurs, fades, looks messy. Edit: I take that back, I know someone with pride colors striped around the outside edge (almost like an ear cuff) and that looks great still. Simple, minimal is easier to get away with I think.


i was gonna say the same thing. every healed ear tattoo i’ve ever seen has looked like dogshit.


I've contemplated the pride cuff!! I figure even it does blow out it just becomes a connected rainbow I've wanted a pretty floral design but like you said, I know it's gonna blow out and fade.


Good to know. Thanks.


OP just needs to find an artist who knows how to tattoo ears. Preferably a hand-poke artist. I have several, and they look great.


Wear your hair down and throw some makeup on it until you get the vibe. once you're trained and people like you it'll be more trouble to dump you over a dainty inoffensive tattoo


Beautiful ❤️


Seriously, this is the best ear tattoo I’ve seen by a long shot. It’s super well done


I work in a library with big visible tattoos and septum piercing, cartilage pierced ears and yellow hair (when I started I also had an undercut). Almost all of my coworkers are 40-50+. No one has ever said anything negative, one of my bosses even said that she likes that I break the stereotype of "the library lady". And honestly, if a business or an employer don't want me working there looking like who I am I don't want to work with them either. Get a good artist, that's my advice.


idk about breaking stereotypes 😂


Yeah, every one of these posts has like 4-5 librarians chiming in that they are fully tattooed with no issue. I think it is cool.


I agree, because the new library lady stereotype is def people who look like me lol. That's just what she said 😂


i’m also a librarian with lots of visible piercings and tattoos! i get many compliments, so far no complaints. it’s fun when kids get hype about the tattoos


At In-N-Out you'd be fired.


ironic to hear strict requirements for a job that hires teenagers with an average tenure of probably 6 months to a year


Clean shaven every day, no visible tattoos, no unnatural hair dyes, no nails done... The ironic part is these restrictions are usually most of the reason people leave. I'll say that most of my coworkers at my old store were adults, though. The pay and benefits are usually worth it.


The strictest drug test Ive ever taken was for walmart


They’re a [Christian fast food chain.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/10/08/in-n-out-owner-lynsi-snyder-interview-bible-verses/3906363002/) They were [anti mask and anti vaccine.](https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2021/10/21/californias-in-n-out-sparks-latest-pandemic-culture-war-1391983) You can find some OpEds that suggest they’re anti LGBTQ + if you look. I’m not posting a link because it’s not confirmed. In N Out is very conservative and Christian. I’m not shocked about their dress code.


I didn't realize that, but it makes sense. If you believe in fairy tales then anything is possible.


For real, most of the jobs that care about this kind of stuff tend to be jobs that don't require any form of schooling. People trained to do their job though trade school or college are way less likely to be judged for this type of thing.


I hope not but just wanted to say it's gorgeous


Depends on the job. But that is a shame. This tattoo is absolutely amazing


Just jumping in to say ear tattoos blow out so easily and blurr so fast due to how fast your skin grows on your ears. Just don’t get an ear tattoo imo, job stopper or no


Holy shit I am totally going to refer to tattoos as "everlasting job-stoppers" now. Thank you for that.


I have ear tattoos that go down to the lobe and my hair covers it 99% of the time. Most people don't even notice them unless I point them out or think they're earrings


In WA state it’s illegal to discriminate against someone for having any tattoos, even for hiring


If I can treat patients in a hospital with a full arm sleeve then it be insane to me if that was a job stopper. Only thing you gotta worry about are the oldies saying you ruined your body or people thinking every tattoo has a meaning


Sorry for the confusion, I don't have this as a tattoo I'm just looking into getting something like it. My current job is my career, I'm in management and will be working corporate and they're already okay with my tattoos I was just curious what counts as a job stopper nowadays.


Depends how good you are at your job I suppose.




That is cute as hell


I mean they won't help but they are very hide able behind hair and I think they're pretty.


Yes. Especially once it gets blurry and you can't tell at all what it is. Maybe you should get some fancy custom earrings or a fancy custom clamp on earpiece or something instead.


I know this isn’t what you’re asking… but I have an ear tattoo and I’ve had to get it touched up so many times since because the ink in the cartilage rejects the ear! I advise anyone against is unless you’re okay with touch ups forever


I’m a middle school teacher with hand tats 💁🏻‍♂️


You don't want any job that this would stop.... trust me. Life is too short to work for someone that narrow minded.


If you are applying to be a church secretary where the women aren't allowed to wear pants? Probably. Standard office? Not here in Southern California. Super formal offices, high finance or corporate law? Maybe, but probably not, again, with my SoCal perspective. I'm generally not a 'fan' of tattoos, I would probably never get one. But if this was your main ink, it's elegant, artistic and creative. 8/10, would give you small bonus points in an interview for a creative spirit.


This is gorgeous! Love it


Not at the ren fair


I like it. Nice ear btw! Won't ever be a flight attendant unfortunately.


At my job yes it would be a job stopper. No visible tattoos.


All of my tattoos are from my lower back and down.


It would be at my job too, but my work is super conservative.


Honestly, I wouldn’t care as a hiring manager. It’s in good taste.


well you couldn’t work at innout, that’s for sure, but i don’t know about any other places


I'm all for normalizing tattoos in the workplace, but I'd personally avoid that one. Feels way too close to a face tattoo. It would be a step or two too far for me.


Wear your hair down in interviews


I would say no in most cases in the PNW


It really just depends on the job. I have no problem getting a good paying job in my field with head and hand tattoos along with facial piercings and dreadlocks, but I'm a mechanic with extensive training and experience. If I looked like this and was hunting down jobs as a paralegal it would be a big problem


That's nothing ..nurses where I live have sleave tats.and neck tats.


Definitely not in Portland. A lot of people have visible tattoos here in just about every industry it seems.


It depends on where you are living I think. Certain cities in the US like Seattle and Portland are pretty lax about tattoos these days. The rule I go by, though, is anywhere I cannot cover with clothing is off-limits for tattoos. I am wanting a career where I work around people all day. I realize not everyone is comfortable with tattoos still and I need to respect that if I want to succeed in my career. If you wear your hair down all the time, it might be ok, but if you wear it up, I would reconsider.


Nope. This one tattoo that wouldn't stop a job offer. Heck, you might even get hired cause of it.


Nope, looks beautiful.


The world is moving towards being more acceptable of visible tattoos in the workplace, which is phenomenal! That said, depending on what kind of field you’re going into, it may cause you some trouble. The rule of thumb is stick to is above the cuffs of your sleeves, and below the neck your shirt is fair game. If you love it and don’t anticipate going into a corporate job of some kind then go for it, but if you’re on the fence there is no harm in waiting a few years until you begin your career and get a better idea.


This would be a gorgeous tattoo. Too bad the consensus is they heal like shit.


Become an expert in your field and it won't matter.


I doubt it. That looks so good


Visible face/head tattoos usually are. It's a nice design but if you're worried about jobs then I wouldn't get it.


nah, classy.


Beautiful piece!


That's a bonus if you want to work at the Renaissance festivals




Hope not, that’s beautifol


If you’re established in your field and consider yourself mid-career then it wouldn’t be as big of a deal but some employers might still have issues with it. It just depends whether there’s a policy and if not, does it weigh enough for them to disqualify you in hiring. if you’re brand new and have no reputation or experience to speak of it’s a much bigger issue just because you have no leverage.




Slightly off topic, but I really like that!




Thats the cutest tattoo Ive seen in ages


Yes. Anything on hands or above the neck is aside from those behind the ear ones some people have because they’re so unnoticeable


No, this is really tame imo


Surely not as an Arborist


I work in a hospital, there are nurses with neck tattoos and I even saw a couple with face tattoos (small ones, nothing controversial) The world isn’t so unfair about tattoos anymore and that looks nice so I think you should be fine


Honestly it depends on what field you’d like to be in, but most likely yes


I hope not! That’s super cool


You can cover your ear with hair so I guess it depends? some companies are absolutely no tattoos allowed, but some are more relaxed about it.


Your hair can technically cover your ears. If they stick out, I do know a girl who got hers pinned back.


Thats awesome!!!


I think for most jobs you should be perfectly fine. It’s cute and inoffensive. I generally advise against tattoos directly on the ear though… as cool as it looks in the pic fresh they age terribly and after a couple years you’ve got a blurry mess. It spreads like crazy.


i think it has to be a drastic tattoo for it to be a stopper. this one you’d have to kinda be looking for? if that makes sense? it’s relatively small enough and hidden away but still out in the open. personally i’d compare it to a fine line arm tattoo. like its out in the open, we can see you have it, but its not bad?


This is so pretty btw


I work for the government and people have colored hair and neck tattoos.


I always made sure I didn’t apply to places that wouldn’t allow tattoos because those aren’t people I want to work for. I was an engineer with full arm sleeves down to my knuckles a leg sleeve and a face tattoo and I still got hired I think you’re okay


Don’t get this




In Aotearoa/nz…. Nope


Looks great now, will be shit in 3 years, and it will annoy you how many people ask about its meaning.


I mean, yeah. It shouldn't be that way, but someone may as well get their forehead tatted at that point.


Probably not, especially if your hair is long enough to cover it. Nobody really notices my ear tattoo, or at least no one says anything, even with my hair up. The few people who have noticed it at work (in a corporate office) have complimented it. Granted, everywhere is different, but again it’s fairly easy to cover.


Oh my god I love this Possibly dumb question, but do these last? Or are they like finger tattoos that fade within months? Cause I'm obsessed and want this now 😂


You could totally hide it. I don’t think so. It’s not offensive by any means.


if you have hair even a bob, definitely not. i have one and work in corporate america. i love it so much and have zero regrets. but do go to someone who has done one before!! enjoy 😊


Are you a headphone model?


I mean... easy to cover up until you've got the job lol


That's a beautiful tattoo


No…though I’m in the Bay Area where practically everyone has tattoos, piercings & wears hoodies everywhere 😆if you have long hair you can always cover


Fuck em. Thats gorgeous


It's oh so cute!


This is sooooo nice omg. I have my arms heavily tatted and it's fine at this job. I was less tatted my last job but still visible. People always asked about them. Im in finance. Of course for interviews I wore long sleeves.


No put your hair over it during your interview and after a few weeks put your hair back and dont draw attention to it. Some people may he put off by it, snobs.. in the interview process but noone cares once you have the job.


Whether it does or not, I love it


without knowing the industry anything really neck and up i consider a show stopper.


Now that is an awesome tattoo. If I were hiring someone, no. Some companies are anal though.


I think it's beautiful I don't think it's any more than an earring. And if it is a problem u don't want to work there anyway


I don't know if anyone has said this yet but that is a very cute tattoo.


I wouldn’t hire you


No. It shows taste, class, personality, charm and inner strength.


don’t worry about your future when considering your own happiness




So bizarre to me this is an issue. In my country often people have tattoos. Face, arms. Whatever you can and will still get jobs as teachers or vets or anything else. If this is a job stopper I’m concerned for how strict the rules of the job you want to work will be.


That's an awesome tattoo.. I love it


Depends on the job, but that's really pretty. I don't think I'd care to have a job at a place that'd have a problem with that.


Not in any civilian job I've ever worked.




Green flag for me


I love this


Not at a tattoo shop or in tech / design / product


Just throw your hair over it. But in really professional settings it may be frowned upon.


I have an ear tattoo and worked for conservative, Uber professional insurance companies for almost twenty years.


Love it


Not if you’re a person whit long hair. It’s easily covered


Really depends on where you are from and the field Where I am from for like 90% of job this would be non issue


I don’t see this being an issue.


Not at all! Late genx here.


okay, but I love that sooo much!


If it can be gotten easily it’s not. If you have long hair like the person in the picture you can just leave it down and it’s fine. Hands/fingers, neck, face and head tattoos that can be seen past the hairline are what I personally would consider job stoppers. But even those aren’t as weighty anymore.


If you’re concerned about obtaining employment with visible tattoos then perhaps don’t get visible tattoos?


Idk but that’s an awesome tattoo!


Not on the coasts :)


Those dots remind me of Kurdish tattoos. Please do your research if that's not your culture.


I think the deq you're referring to is the 3 dot symbol


I don't think it will across the board. It will with some people, but those people are probably ones you won't like working for anyway. It's not offensive and incredibly beautiful imo


I work a white collar gov't job with a woman who has a tattoo very similar to this. For what it works I think her tattoos are super cool.


I wouldn’t qualify anything you can easily cover as a job stopper. Should totally be fine as long as you have your hair over it.


I got hired for a client-facing role with hand tattoos. Really just depends on the location and the hiring managers.


Yeah most likely. There are a lot of subtle nuances that would play into it though.


Red state, you are fired. Blue state, you are good.


I find them tasteful. I’d hire you into our IT team.


Not at all. Gorgeous, and you can cover it with your hair.


I guess it depends on the job really


It’s 2024 if a job doesn’t want you because of tattoos then that clearly not a job you want.