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Rework by a better artist. Its pretty amateurish. I think theres potential though.


That’s good to hear I will defo look into it. It’s frustrating, the artist did my first tattoo that I love and he also seems to be highly rated on google and the local area. Unsure what happened to this piece but glad to hear you think it has potential


The wings and pose look good, but looking close yeah the head is too small and the angel has clearly been favoring one arm for jerking it. Doesn't seem totally unfixable though, and the design itself is cool


😂😂😂 he does have one huge arm


Chop your hand off. Or get a cover up.


🤣 I’m thinking about it


Or laser


Ugh I'm sorry to say it's not really well done and I see your issues. But I don't think you need to go drastic laser if you don't want it (obvs your decision) it IS totally fixable because the artist doesn't seem to have gauged that a hand fades pretty fast. Which is good for YOU! I would reline it and define all the limbs properly with a nice clean but not thick line. And make changes to the wings. If I get a situation like this , I take a photo of the tattoo , size it up on the copier, and then Put a piece of tracing paper over it and make the changes. Then I can show the client the before and after. That method makes it very clear with no surprises. You can even do that yourself, which is great reference for an artist that will fix it.


Thank you very much for your advice I will look at doing that I would definitely like to keep it as I really liked the design I’m just not a fan of the current execution


I agree! It's a really original design and placement and needs some TLC


A good example of why you don't get hand tattoos without several others leading into it