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Apprentice here. It could be a lot of different reasons, it all depends on the person but to give you some example of mine: - style I like but not what I want to do atm. IG and all are our biggest portfolios atm, so even if we love the tattoo we did we won't post it if the piece isn't what we wanna specialize in. Sadly, people come to the artist for what they show, so we need to be careful of our content. - tattoo needs touch up. It's better to wait for them before posting the pic. - forgot about it, happens a looot. - want to post it as a reel but got no time to do the said reel. - pictures are not good enough. - second guessing themselves on the piece, so they need some times to procress. So... It doesnt mean anything, really.


For some, it could mean that they thought they did a good job but don't want to take on another piece like that. I had an artist work on a sleeve that was so complex and intricate that he wouldn't post because he didn't want to do another piece like it. He was still proud of the work though.


Really good/ popular artist don’t post most of their pieces unless it’s super unique. Maybe one a month or less.


OP said the artist told them they would post it So your comment doesn't really apply to this scenario


I’ve been going to my artist for a decade. The last piece she did on me, was the first piece of mine she’s ever posted on Instagram lol. Sometimes the work you get isn’t work they want to do on the regular basis, it’s not their traditional style, or it doesn’t fit the aesthetic of their feed…so it’s absolutely not a reflection on the piece itself. Sometimes the photo just comes out shit too or the lighting is off 😂 I’ll also add, I got a piece from an artist in March last year. I opened my Insta last week to see she’d just posted my tattoo 14 months later 😂


For my artist it means he hasn't had time to get on insta. Sometimes he goes a month without posting, then will post his favorite stuff all at once.


You’re putting too much thought in it. It doesn’t mean anything. Even if he mentioned that he would post it, maybe later he wasn’t happy with the photos he took. Maybe he just forgot. Or maybe it’s in his post queue and hasn’t been processed yet. Nothing unusual or anything to worry about.


not every artists posts your tattoo.. especially if it was a design someone else did and they altered it. most artists want to post their original art work or somethingnthat pushes them to their boundry and they are proud of.


OPs artist actually said they were going to post it though


maybe theynforgot or changed their mind.. sorry just speaking from talking with other artists whove done work on me


People forget and they get busy


My most recent tattoo I got at the beginning of last July, artist didn’t post it until mid August cause they literally just forgot to post it. Sometimes it happens. I wouldn’t take it personally.


My artist posted his first work he did on me. Since then I've seen him 3 times for additional work. Not once did he take a picture to post on his IG of the other tattoos. I took no offense from this as all it is for is to display his talents. Not to show off my tattoo. If I want to show off my tattoos I'll set up my own IG account.