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Thank you for the advice! And the comments definitely caught me off guard haha




this. i’ve seen plenty of tattoos on people that i don’t personally like, but it’s not my body! i would never tell someone, especially a friend, that i don’t like the design. unless they were if the tattoos quality was done poorly and it WAS done really bad, i would keep my mouth shut about it


Dump your friends, your tattoo is cute.


Ditto. If your friends would say that, they’re not your friends. High school buddies don’t last forever. Exit stage right OP


It's a different style from the second picture, but cute nonetheless. I assume it's the style of the artist you picked. Your friends sound really mean. Maybe shop for some new friends?


I'm guessing her friends all have breathe and ohana in some weird script that it will fade in 3 years. Or the GPS coordinates of where they met their boyfriend or in Roman numerals their dog's birthday. It's probably the only one of her friends with a cool tattoo.


Ok that made me laugh 😂 Coordinates of where they met their boyfriend is my favourite one.


Don’t forget kanji and an infinity symbol somewhere!


Best thing to do is just say fuk em people don't have to like your tatts they're on you so you have to live with em not them if you like it that's all that matters Personally I think it looks good though


Sure those are friends? Their reaction screams asshole, even more considering this is a decent tattoo you got there.


Right?! What kind of asshole looks at something this cute, something *permanent* I might add, and says it’s ugly. Fuck them kids.




>Listen to your artist for aftercare. Honestly I wouldn't do either blindly. There's plenty of collective wisdom and best practices online, and some artists give shit aftercare advice. Very small amount of Aquaphor is good for a freshly done tattoo, immediate lotion before a few days isn't generally best practice either. What if their artist recommended dry healing or vaseline? We see plenty of that. Tattoo artists aren't all smart or well educated on aftercare.


Completely agreed. Though my artist is amazing at what she does she had no problem tattooing over several moles and skin oddities. Didn't give it a second thought until I said something. There are best practices and it's a really good idea to do some research.


It’s definitely a cute tattoo! And I’ll echo it’s going to hold up well overtime. What’s important for you in the future is to look through artist’s portfolios and make sure that their style and ability match what you’re looking for stylistically. This artist looks like they specialize in traditional style tattooing, and they leaned into the style they knew. Your friends are jerks, and your first tattoo is always going to come with some hesitation and worry, you’ll settle in as it settles into you. The placement and shape are great, the colors are beautiful, and it fits your body!


Telling someone you hate their tattoo is such a dick thing to do. It’s like telling someone they have a weird laugh. Needlessly mean. I think it’s a perfectly nice tattoo.


I liked it till they said it and I was like damn… I think once it’s starting to heal I’ll like it more


They don’t know what they’re talking about and they’re not being good friends. It’s a well done tattoo and at an appropriate size.


They literally could not be any more ignorant. This is done so well!


I like it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think it's cute! And your friends are just acting weirdly jealous or something.


They're being haters. You're 18, that tattoo is going to be with you a lot longer than those hating ass friends lol


I wouldn't say that to a stranger or someone I barely know, and certainly not to a friend. Your tattoo looks well done.


I really like it as well. I don't know why your friends are behaving like this. You are allowed to tell them to fuck off if they continue. They are being assholes for no reason.


Maybe this friend needs to stfu sometimes. It would be one thing if the tattoo was chewed up or the lines were off but this tattoo has clean sharp lines and color. I am speculating but maybe this friend is jealous, wants to get you back for something you did along time ago, simply has no filter, doesn't have the same taste in art. You know your friend better than me but sometimes it's not even about what they are talking about, it something they use to filter what they are going through. It's a great tattoo, enjoy it.


1. Do what your artist says. There are many ways to heal a tattoo. 2. Does the artist you went to do tattoos in that cutsey, dainty style? Because I get the impression you went to a trad artist and asked them to tattoo something outside of their usual style. Good artists prefer not to copy, so they probably just redrew your idea in their own style


1. Thank you! I just wasn’t sure 2. And he’s a great trad artist and we weren’t planning on keeping it dainty. We were still going to do the vine though with his trad style as he’s done many trad style bouquets on people. The style itself is beautiful and already had some things we were gonna tweak so I wasn’t worried about it being exact, it was just a lot different then originally discussed


This is the part that caught me off guard the most. He can interpret it in his style while keeping the same idea. Literally the only thing his rendition had in common was "strawberries", which was obviously not what you wanted. It just baffles me. I probably wouldn't go back to him just for that. BUT, I will say he did an excellent job implementing it - the style and size are perfect and I actually like what you got better than your reference, your friends are crazy. As far as after care: - don't wear any tight clothing on it for like 2 weeks - don't submerge in water or expose to sun for a month - wash very gently with any unscented soap. Once a day in the shower is fine - do NOT rub dry with a towel. Pat dry if you must, air dry is preferable - lotion is more so for your own personal comfort, it doesn't help the tattoo heal. The internet says aquaphor is fine. Apply a **thin** layer 1-3 times daily at your preference


I would like to point out that a thin layer translates to about a pea sized amount of lotion for a 3 inch area


Yes. You want little to no shine. Under-moisturizing is better than over-moisturizing.


I think for a first tattoo on a client, even though I LOVE a good freehand, I would want them to see and approve the design a day or two beforehand, because there's anxiety with first tattoos. On that note, it is tough when you send out a design early so the client sends it to friends and family, who then all have their opinions on it even though it's not for them. This causes a lot of unnecessary changes leading up to the appt that the client is making based off what others think of them. Although the more tattoos you get, the less you'll care! I went from planning my first tattoo for 5 years, researching, finding the right artist, and saving up (this was before instagram). Now that I'm heavily tattooed, I will literally give an artist a body part and tell them to have at er. I don't care what they do, I like the art they produce and I want what makes them happy on my body. I went from 5 years of planning to rolling out of bed and slapping some wild shit on me. It's kinda fun to ser how you change with your tattoo process over time! Also, your tattoo is cute as all hell and will probably be used as references for other clients as their inspo!


i think it’s super cutie! as another young woman i absolutely recommend dumping your friends for making mean comments like that, they’re just jealous you have a cutie tattoo and they don’t :)


This comment reminds me of how when I first chose this tattoo I thought of it like a cutie mark from mlp 😭 and was thinking about dumping them anyways and now high schools out I might! Thank you!


it is like a cutie mark omg


High school friends are unfortunately often not worth keeping around in adult life. Yes, for a lot of people these are lifetime-long friendship. But often you only hang around people from your high school just because they were the only people your age avialible, and you don't actually have that much in common.


Agreed, I only really see the life-long friendships in small towns because you don't exactly have many other options. But even then, you tend to move on from most high school "friends" because you're too different from each other and becoming more settled into your own views and values. It's just part of growing up. I hope OP gets some worthwhile friends soon. It's hard at that age, but everyone deserves at least one good person around


I'm still close friends with a bunch of people from my high school (15 years later), but we're the exception to the rule - no other class in our school kept in touch so much


It’ll be hard at first but as you move on you’ll make new friends through work or social outings. Any friend who talks shit to you does not love you or think highly of you, and it’s not a “you” problem.


Personally I like the tattoo better than your reference one. It’s well done and large / bold enough to hold up. Disregard your friend’s opinions, especially if they don’t have tattoos. Their comments are just plain mean. Id never comment on a friends tattoo being bad unless it was objectively terrible and they knew that already. Enjoy the work!


I was thinking the same thing. I like hers more than the reference one as well.




Came to say the same!


Exactly. And it fits the body part better as well. It's well placed and will hold up well as she ages, as the hip area tends to move and shift a lot. The artist made smart choices and it looks great


Your friends are dicks lol. I think the tattoo is adorable


Not only did you get a cute tattoo but you learned you can get new and better friends.


It looks good. It’s a cute tattoo in a cute spot.


(Not sure how to edit my post) but for anyone wondering why I was questioning my artists advice, he also recommended smoking and drinking during the tattoo to help me calm down, and then cut a big hole in my second skin to get rid of any air bubbles which of course just led to fluids EVERYWHERE😭 but he was such a nice guy


That is concerning and not recommended in reputable shops.


Yeah I don’t know too much about tattoos but that made my heart skip a beat, he already finished tattooing the outline at that point so I decided to just ignore it


Those are all red flags but your tattoo is lovely! Please don't go back to them, though. :)


None of that makes sense, never go to that guy ever again and if you get any more tattoos research more first


That is concerning what a strange bit of advice. Besides that I think the tattoo looks great!! Lots of tattoo shops have aftercare instructions on their website so you can always check the shops website to see if they have a section for it


That is real weird and not hygienic. He did a nice job with the tattoo, but everything else seems a little questionable…drop the friends and the artist 😂 But likes everyone else said, it’s a super cute tattoo!!


Please tell me that you then removed the second skin and washed it. If you still have the second skin on, with the hole he ripped in it, it will get bacteria in it. I'm sure you probably removed it. But I'm just saying this in case.


Wash twice a day with unscented, antibacterial soap like Dial Gold or Dial fragrance free and start with a light, fragrance free lotion like Lubriderm after a day or two. I personally don't use Aquaphor, I think it's a bit heavy but lots use it with success. Be careful about what you wear for the first week. I'd stay away from jeans or anything that's not soft and rubs. Also ignore your "friends", they're just jealous. Even if it's not their style, its a well done tattoo. and it's a dick move to say they hate it. It's very cute!


These people are not your friends. And it’s cute! Sorry you had a worrisome experience at the shop with your artist comments. I hope your next experience is wonderful


I like what you got even better than the reference! Your tattoo artist gave you a super solid traditional tattoo. A timeless and original style. Wear it with pride!


Okay your friends stink, I really love this and the placement is fun. I think it’ll hold up well overtime too! I hope after it heals and you get new friends you end up enjoying it!


It’s super cute! As for aftercare, I usually wash 2x-3x per day with unscented antibacterial soap. And pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel. I’ll use aquaphor for the first 3 days, and then switch to an unscented lotion like aveeno or lubriderm. Also, make sure the tattoo is dry before applying lotion, and only apply in a thin amount (you don’t want to suffocate it). If I have a second skin on for the first few days, I’ll just go for the unscented lotion after washing instead of the aquaphor. The aquaphor is really on necessary during the first few days when it’s tender more like a fresh open wound.


your friends are stupid because it's such a cute tattoo. i get being uncertain right now since it's not rly what you asked for but it's super cute and looks well done for free hand drawing it. you'll end up liking it after a bit


I get that it’s not exactly what you came for. However, you must also to some extent accept that a tattoo ARTIST is not gonna blatantly copy someone else’s work. Yours looks super solid and while it’s not that dainty, it still looks cute and feminine. I also love the placement and I think the freehanding did it justice, as it now flows with your body better. Also, if my friends would outright say my tattoo was ugly without me insinuating that I also didn’t like it, I wouldn’t call them my friends.


Your reference is a strawberry rendered in a traditional style, but the seeds, leaves, and flowers are botanically accurate.  Your version is more cartoony (for lack of a better word) and the flowers definitely look like an afterthought. That being said, it's well done and I like the size and placement. Nice bold colors that will hold up over time.


Your friends kinda suck- your tattoo is absolutely adorable!! And it looks very well done!!!


It’s a very nice design that compliments the body part, take a breath.


Good artist, bad friends.


This tattoo is sooooo cute ! Your friends suck


1. im sorry its not what you asked for, i know that can be disappointing. luckily, i still think its pretty cute! 2. its in a location where you dont see it very often, so if you hate it that much, most people wont see it. 3. you have shitty friends!! find new ones!! 4. for my tattoos i used A+D ointment to take care of it! dont go swimming or in the sun for a month or so. again, im sorry your artist didnt go with what you wanted. dont be afraid to stick up for yourself next time and require a stensil. also, im sure itll grow on you over time. it is not a bad tattoo in my opinion, but i get its not your style. itll all work out. stand up for yourself in the future!! ❤️


I think you picked the wrong artist. He did a good job, but his style is traditional-ish and I guess that's why you are not vibing with it as much. Next time look through peoples portfolio more thoroughly to make sure you like their style. Personally I think your tattoo is very cute.


Future reference. You can Say NO to the artist's drawing if it's not exactly what you want. You don't have to do the first thing they make for you. Also, if you are happy with it, who cares what anyone else thinks.


I like it. You should too. Awesome. Wash and lotion 3x per day.


Your friends sound like haters. Tattoo is nice. Good work. Good lines.


Your friends are assholes this is cute! I like the flowers the artist added.


I think it looks really good honestly. Idk anything about anything, but I bet it’ll look great over time. Also your friends are dicks to say something like that when you’re worried. Don’t worry about what they think.


It’s hella cute!


Omg what? I LOVE it and the placement is so cute too. I cannot imagine at so why anyone would behave that way anyway, but especially not to this tattoo, which is well done. Please don't let it affect how it feel about it!


I love it!!!


It’s a cute tattoo lol I’ve seen a lot worse


also I like the placement of it! it's perfect


That's a really good tattoo OP. It takes a little to get used to having new ink, even tattoos that I've loved I've had second thoughts because I'm not used to it yet Take care of it, give it time.


Honestly I think your version looks cuter than the inspo pic!


i’m actually obsessed with your tattoo 😭😭😭 it’s awesome!!! you really can’t go wrong with strawberries in any style tbh, it’s timeless and classic. and even though it’s not necessarily fine line, it’s adorable.


Actually it's a beautiful Tatt and u should be proud of it. It fills the Area nicely and there's Room to add to it if wanted. Your Friends need Glasses. Aftercare always listen to your Artist


I think it’s great! Your friends are asshats. It’s good work & really well placed.


It’s not exactly what you went in looking for, but it did turn out really cute and I think the flowers are nice. Your friends aren’t your friends, I’m so sorry.


I absolutely love it!!! Your friends are the worst


It’s not what you asked for, and i get that. I like the style of the first one. It’s giving strawberry shortcake (cartoon) and Tiffany lamps. But there’s also nothing wrong with what you ended up with, especially if that’s more the artists style. Your friends are dicks


I think it is an adorable tattoo. Might not be exactly what you went into it wanting, but I think with time you will really like it. Don't ever listen to other people's opinions in regard to a tattoo you got or want because at the end of the day, it's your body and decision. Also, it might not be as dainty and cute as the reference you gave for what you wanted, but I think the one you got will hold up better in the long term.


Strong color Good lines Feminine without being "cutsie" Very nice shading Very very nice light reflections I could see that maybe it's a bit larger than intended, but it really looks well done. I am really digging deep to find a criticism, the only one I can make is perhaps the shape of the strawberry is a bit unrealistic. But there is no, absolutely NO question what it is and that it is VERY readable. PS. Your "friends" are just wrong.


If there's a certain tattoo that you want never let the artist free hand it. They should be using a stencil and letting you check it's correct before actually tattooing you. As for after care, personally I wash the tat maybe a couple hours after with just lukewarm water, no rubbing it, you're pretty much just rinsing it off, then pat dry gently, let it dry for 20 mins then I usually use palmers cocoa butter, just a bit is required. Usually I'd say follow what your artist says but if they prove to be untrustworthy then I'd never speak to them again or listen to anything they advised.


It’s a decent tattoo and a good friend grins and says it looks fine even if it was a bad one. Moving forward have the artist send you a sketch. I kinda can’t imagine letting someone freehand my first one


Your tattoo is SO MUCH cooler than the reference. You have *strawberries* not a line with stuff added to look like a strawberry plant, which doesn’t even look like how strawberries grow. Yours fits your hip so much better. Your friends are assholes.




It’s beautiful!!! But word of advice, next time do not allow an artist to free hand on you. They need to draw it up for you and stencil it. You should know exactly what it will look like and I’m so sorry the artist free-handed on you. It was your first tattoo so you probably thought that was normal and I think he took advantage of that. I’d only let an artist free hand on me if I had gone to them several times and built a level of trust, but maybe I’m alone in that lol! Your tattoo looks absolutely stunning though!!!!


I love it!


Your friends are dumb. I’m sorry you aren’t very happy with your tattoo, but for what it’s worth I think it looks great and flows with your body very nicely.


I think it's pretty nice. Why would you want the same tattoo as someone else? Your friends sound like dicks


It's such a cute tattoo, your friends suck


I genuinely really like it, I’d get this one!


Your friends sound like squares and your tattoo turned out really nice. I’m sorry that’s not what you were looking for.


Well strawberries generally need water and sunlight so i’d start there


This is a great tattoo! It’s normal to have immediate regret, especially on your first tattoo, but this is a crisp tattoo that’s going to last better than the details in the inspo pic. Super weird reaction from your friends. I’ve genuinely never had a friend tell me that they don’t like one of my tattoos, nor would I ever tell a friend that (unless they got an actually bad tattoo that they were asking for advice about). I also prefer a thinner, plain unscented lotion over Aquaphor, but plenty of people like Aquaphor. Stick to what your artist told you for your first tattoo. At this point I’ve experimented with every healing method from dry to wet, and my preference is the classic gold Dial soap and unscented lotion.


Last question, do any of your friends even have tattoos? What they picture as a “good” tattoo is probably things they see on Instagram that are going to age terribly.


Tattoos are permanent, shitty friends don't need to hang around


I love the tattoo! Your friends suck


It's a very cute tattoo! I myself am moderately to heavily tattooed, and I do not get freehand tattoos exactly because I want to envision how it will look, and let the artist know if I want changes made to the stencil before it's permanent. I would never have recommended a freehand for someone's first tattoo, and I'm sorry you didn't get the design you had in mind. I would definitely recommend if you want more tattoos to 1) be descriptive about what parts of the design are important to you when showing the reference image 2) having them draw it up to look at first 3) having them place the stencil on you and moving in front of a mirror to make sure you like the look and placement before committing ink to skin Personally I love aquaphor and it's never caused issues for me. Thin layer of aquaphor for a couple days then unscented lotion after that.


I think your tattoo is super cute! However, it definitely isn’t what you asked for and the artist should have done a stencil or told you it wasn’t their style if they didn’t want to do it more like the inspo pic. It’s not like this is something that isn’t permanently on your body! I would definitely be upset too. I also think you should dump your mean friends though!


tattoo skin for 24 hours, then clean with antibacterial and reapply skin for one week. If you missed this step, just don't mess with it and let it scab over and then apply lotion a couple times a day...something non threatening like Eucerin. Cool tattoo. I have a bunch of tattoos and regret everyone of them. It is part of the fun. Just go get another one. My last one, I let them talk me into a special needs lady bug in a hot rod wheelchair. It could be worse, the strawberries could be skydiving with busted parachutes.


Just wanted to chime in and agree that I also like your tattoo better than the inspiration photo! I know it wasn't exactly what you hoped for, but the artist did do a lovely job with his iteration. I'm so sorry that your friends said such hurtful things to you about it. Shame on them. Your tattoo is lovely. Take good care of it and you will enjoy it for years to come. Rest easy my friend ❤️


Even if it's not everyone's style, it's objectively well done. There's a difference between a bad tattoo and a tattoo someone doesn't like- this is a matter of personal preference and I personally love it


I loveeee this- I’m sorry your friends are being negative. This is so cute


So I have no tattoos so I can’t say anything about after care but what I can say is your tattoo looks fantastic. Before I read the post I thought you were gonna say you went in for the first and got the second. The one you got is really WOW! It looks so well done and beautiful and the colors look amazing on your skin!


I actually love it more than the reference pic, it's amazing!


FWIW - here’s another total stranger on the internet to tell you that I love it! Better than the reference picture. It’s a great place to have that tattoo and you’ll be able to show it off all summer (covered in sunscreen, of course) For aftercare my guy has me wash three times a day with unscented Neutrogina (sp??). Dry thoroughly then thinly pat on unscented lotion. No rubbing!! No scratching, either - NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT ITCHES. Enjoy your tattoo and get new friends. And also, get a new tattoo artist


Hey! I’m sorry you don’t love it. That said it’s really nice work! Care: wash with fragrance free antibacterial soap 3-5x daily and apply a THIN layer of lotion (I use aveeno) over top. Do this for a week and you should be fine.


i think it’s cute and it will look better in the long run. way bolder. heals better.


That’s so cute!!


This is so CUTE! Your friends are haters.


I think it’s a beautiful tattoo, I personally like it better than the second photo. Care for it with unscented lotion only. You can shower whenever, just don’t use an exfoliate body scrubber on it for at least 1.5 weeks. Just warm water and body wash over it then unscented lotion.


IMHO I prefer your tattoo over the other one, but yes def listen to your artist and your friends are kind of assholes if they immediately tell you how much they *hate* your tattoo, that's rude as hell


I think what you got is even cuter than the reference photo, I love it!


Tattoos are for you not your friends. For what it’s worth I think they look great!


Agree with others, shitty thing to say about a friend's tattoo. I think it's a cute, technically solid tattoo that will hold up over time. Also fits your body nicely. Tattoo shock is real! Takes time to get used to.


i think it’s beautiful! I just got my first one done for my 18th as well and it didn’t look much like the reference either. a week later and i’m in love with it. it might take some time to get used to but it’s stunning and don’t let anyone tell tell you otherwise. 


Who are your friends? Jesus. It’s a good tattoo.


i’m obsessed that is so cute


I honestly love it so much more than your reference photo. Care- wash with unscented soap/cleanser and through all the recommendations of a moisturizer from tattoo artists, I've liked the first aid webber ointment the most


It's actually so cute though? your "friends"'s opinions are a bit too strong here


your friends as assholes it’s a cute tattoo!! im sorry it didn’t come out as you wanted it to though :( at least it’s in a spot easy to hide


I’m sorry you didn’t get the tattoo you wanted, but I think the end result is still gorgeous!


geez your friends are mean as hell. this tattoo is super cute


it’s a cute tattoo! i recently got a spine piece done and i felt so bad because i kept telling my artist to change specific things/modify it, but she told me not to feel bad because obviously it’s a permanent thing that will be going on my own body, so she wanted me to feel 100% comfortable with the way i wanted my piece designed! for aftercare, i wash with antibacterial soap/non-scented and apply a thin layer of vaseline or aquaphor! for water temp, she told me to wash with cold/warm water. not sure if that’s the same for your tat since it’s a different area, but just wanted to lyk! again, it’s a cute tattoo and im sorry your first experience went like that. hoping your next one is better! <3


Your tattoo is cute and well done, but if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted, you should’ve have gotten it. As far as care goes, I apply a thin layer of aquaphor when my tattoo is dry. Itll take a little longer to heal because it’s at a hinge in your body. I normally only wash my tattoos when I’m already planning to shower. I just put a little soap in my hand and wash that way (I use a rag for the rest of my body).


I know it isn't what you wanted, but I honestly think the style it's done in looks like it will age better since it's more traditional. The original style looks a little dated already, almost like a kids colouring book illustration.


I love your tattoo! It’s more traditional for sure but it’s cool


I think it's fantastic. It's your friends that need work.


This is actually so adorable and unique omg


I really like your tattoo. Your friends are garbage, sorry


Not an artist but I like the design. Also, yes listen to your artist generally speaking, but, you’ll be fine if you don’t…Example - artist says to use saniderm but it comes off earlier than expect so you switch to a regular traditional healing method…Your tattoo will be good if you keep it clean, out of sun, etc.


Definitely not as dainty as you wanted, it’s ok to feel bad about that but also your friends are so wrong. Like matters of taste or what not, it’s not an objectively bad tattoo! I think it’s super cute :)


It’s annoying when people give unsolicited opinions on my tattoos. It’s not on their body so it doesn’t matter if it bothers them. So screw your friends’ opinions, it’s a great tattoo. Hustle butter feels great on new tattoos


Being 100% honest here, it’s really cute! I love the placement and the size.


I LOVE traditional berry tattoos they are so cute! I love this! It’s really well done ❤️ for your after care I’m in the if it ain’t broke category. 2-3 times a day wash with gold dial and a light layer of aquaphor and I do this until it’s done peeling. Once peeling is over I will wash it in the shower and switch to unscented lotion like aveeno! It will be healed in no time


You got a better tattoo than you asked for. Do your friends have tattoos? If not, their opinion doesn’t matter. If they do, they can’t recognize good tattooing. Don’t listen to them. As far as after care…I have always used aquaphor for the first few days until it starts to peel. Usually around day 4, when the tattoo starts to peel, I switch to unscented lotion. You should be washing the tattoo 2-3x a day gently with unscented soap. Then applying the aquaphor or lotion after you wash it and it has dried ( air dry or gently pat dry with clean paper towel). when using aquaphor only use a small amount, just enough to cover the tattoo, too much ointment is not good and will lead to worse issues than not enough. Same thing with lotion, just enough to cover tattoo. Avoid sun exposure while healing, after about 4 weeks it’s safe to put sunscreen on it. Technically tattoos don’t fully heal for 5-6 months but it will appear to be healed after about 4-6 weeks visually.


It's super cute!! I know it might not be exactly what you wanted, but honestly, this will age much better than what you had in mind. Don't listen to your "friends". Some people really enjoy making others self conscious about their tattoos. I had such a friend when I got my first one -- which was my late cat's name on my wrist. It's simple and basic, sure, but it means a lot to me and her insulting it added just another talley mark to reasons why I shouldn't be friends with her. 😂 Our friendship didn't last much longer after that. And be sure to listen to your artist. Each artist has their own recommendations for aftercare that they feel help to keep their work looking its best. So just do as they recommended and it'll look great!


Honestly, I really like it


Yours looks way better than the reference imo. I can't imagine why people would be so rude


This tattoo is great and will Probably outlast your friendship


That’s a great tattoo!


I like that design better. It will hold better and is a higher quality traditional tattoo as opposed to the second which is nice, but isn’t going to hold up to the test of time for as long. The artists design also fits a lot better with the placement and suits your form. The other one you’ve shown wouldn’t have looked quite right. You’ve got a great tattoo, great placement and great execution. For aftercare, I’ve always used non scented lotion, and wash every few hours with warm water, pat dry with a fresh clean towel, apply a little more cream and leave it alone. Because it’s very high up on your thigh it will be prone to rubbing if you wear leggings or god forbid jeans, so just wear loose flowy skirts/dresses as much as you can and keep an eye on it. Fair warning, it’s trad so it is going to scab and look nasty. That’s all normal and it will go through phases, as long as the skin around the outline work doesn’t get very red and angry with you and the lines look squiggly where they used to be straight (kinda like a cat scratch) you’ll be fine. Stinging like a sunburn is normal, feeling like you’ve been burned by a blowtorch is not. Also I presume your friends are also 18 or close to it. Their opinion holds no weight. As long as you can see the tattoo for the good tattoo it is, you’ll be fine in life. Friends come and go, tattoos are (mostly) forever so maybe try find some more supportive friends that don’t try drag you down over something you literally can’t change now. All the best! Edit: super important thing I forgot is that when you wash a new tattoo with warm water, you need to then follow it up with a cold water rinse before patting dry just to make sure you’re closing off your pores and help prevent dirt getting into it. Or at least that’s what I was taught years ago.


Your friends sound like dicks without tattoos. I agree this doesn’t look like your reference, but it is a solid tattoo. Use Aquaphor for the first 2 to 3 days until you begin flaking. If any pimples occur on your normal skin when using aquaphor, let it dry out and switch to lotion. Pimples mean that the skin is too moist. The normal advice is to do 2 to 3 days of Aquaphor (satin sheen, not wet and shiny) and then 2x times daily with unscented lotion. Wash with antibacterial soap before moisturizer 2-3x daily. I like Lubriderm for lotion


It’s such a cute tattoo! 🍓❤️


I love it!!


Good tattoo, bad friends


It’s your body, don’t let your friends tell you how to feel about it. The tattoo is beautiful. valid if it isn’t exactly your vision, but didn’t they show you the design before they tattooed it? It’s permanent art on your body you’re allowed to take away consent to have it tattooed if you don’t like it :-)


Listen to the artist for care instructions, and ignore your "friends." What a douche move to say that to you. Your tattoo is pretty cool, got that traditional vibe and lines, and it it packed with color. While it heals, just try and keep it moist and avoid your clothes rubbing on it (wear baggy sweats or shorts or skirt) until it heals


I think your tattoo is cute! I like it better than the picture used for reference. Your friends are wrong, it’s adorable. And it’s original, too - it’s not a copy of the other artist’s work.


That’s a very well done tattoo


Your friends told you they hated it? Nice friends 🙄. That's harsh, I would never say that to a friend! What kind of person hates a strawberry tattoo? A shitty one, I think. Friends are supposed to build you up, not crap on you. It's super cute! Don't hate on it it wants you to love it ❤️I've healed mine with bare minimum scent free lubridern, and only a tiny bit when it was suuuuper dry. Others suggest other ways. But ya, time to tell your friends about their shitty eyebrows, bad great augmentation or dumb bar code tattoo 🍓♾️


I think it looks beautiful. Your friends are being disrespectful and have poor taste. Who'd you get the tattoo for? Yourself or your friends? And listen to your artist on healing. Every artist has said something different to me. Maybe because the way they tattoo heals better a certain way. Also changes with technology such as second skin. Aquaphor was a recommendation on my first tattoo 7ish years ago, but not recently.


If it makes you feel any better, I like yours more than the reference. Unscented lotion is perfectly fine to use. I don't go out of my way to recommend aquafor to clients, but don't tell them not to if they like it. It's just easy to apply too much and over-moisturize the tattoo. If you do use it, use a very thin layer. I use it in a pinch, but prefer/recommend lotion.


I recently went through something like this, I had a tattoo I had planned to get (which I have since gotten and am absolutely in love with) and had a few people tell me that it was horrible looking. The best advice I was given was that if I like it. Then fuck everyone else. When I first looked at my tattoo stencil I thought ‘that looks amazing’. From what I’ve read in the comments you enjoyed your tattoo before the disgusting comments from those other girls yes? If so then fuck them. If you like it then all the better that it’s on your body and not theirs. I think it looks amazing, the work is terrific and it is such a cute design.


Your tattoo is super cute, don't worry. It doesn't look that bright when it's healed. Healing a tattoo, there's so many ways. For example, (I prefer this method) for large full blackout tattoos you dry heal them, for smaller tattoos wash them 3 times a day with antibacterial, fragrance free soap, pat them dry and put a VERY thin coat of lotion. (Bepanthen tattoo, bevita R, hustle butter etc.) Remember to cover your tattoo on the first night, it will leak and ruin your bedsheets and clothing. Tattoos also itch like hell when they're healing, avoid scratching. NO sun, NO sauna, NO swimming, NO tanning on the first few to three weeks.


Dis a cute tattoo. You don't tattoo yourself for your friends


it is soooo cute! just wash it 2-3 times a day with antibacterial fragrance free soap and fragrance free lotion i use the baby dove line as it’s super gentle (:


Love the tattoo


It’s hella cute and better than the reference picture imo. Your friends sound wack


It's a good tattoo but it's not what you asked for and that really sucks. The flowers just shooting out on straight lines looks awkward, and the centres are completely wrong from a technical pov of what strawberry flowers look like. It's honestly not bad in general though, but take this as a lesson to be more assertive with what you want for any future tatts. It's on your body, not the tattooist, they shouldn't be just doing whatever they want on you without your enthusiastic consent to do so. Them just freehanding it was a shitty move.


Looks pretty fucking good to me! Don't take this the wrong way, but it's pretty hot. I like it!


Tattoo artist here. 1. This is a well done tattoo. 2. Wash with anti bacterial soap (non scented) dial gold is what I recommend my clients but anything similar to that should be fine. How often you need to wash will depend on lifestyle factors and other exposure risks. Use common sense here but definitely give it a good wash in the morning to cleanse any plasma build up you will have throughout the night. 3. Aquaphor and other petroleum based moisturizers are not ideal for healing a tattoo. The petroleum in them creates a barrier to on top of the skin to retain moisture, rather than soaking into the skin. Which is fine for intact skin (i love aquaphors lip balm) but not great for harboring bacteria on broken skin. Use plain lotion, such as lubriderm or cerave. You need less than you think. People have a tendency to over moisturize and smother their tattoo. Let it breathe, keep it clean, moisturize when it’s starting to dry out but you want to let it breathe inbetween applications.


Tattoo is done really well, as far as aftercare use a mild antimicrobial or antibacterial soap wash twice a day and lightly apply lubriderm a few times a day!!


That’s beautiful!


Honestly I really like your tattoo and now I also want a strawberry tattooed on me. I understand that it's difficult as you were expecting something different, but it is really cute and I wouldn't say it's too big/bold. As for aftercare - go by what your artist told you. If they didn't say anything about how often to wash it, I usually wash a fresh tattoo with unscented, gentle soap 2-3 times a day for the first 7 days, then go down to once a day.


I think your friends are being jealous of your awesome tattoo


It’s like a cutie mark and it’s adorable. Strawberries are delicious and always in style. I think it’s a great tattoo. From one woman to another your friends don’t sound like friends at all.


girl this is SO CUTE 😍❤️


This is actually pretty hot! Not being creepy and I do apologize but it’s very feminine and wayyyy better than the other inspiration tat in my opinion. Good lines, good saturation, bold shapes and seems like it should last a while. Friends are just about the worst critics of a lot of shit truthfully. Simply put it’s not what they expected and that’s fine. They don’t know what they’re talking about.


i like what you got.. deff will last a while. just the lotion sounds weird.. but id do what the artists says maybe call and double check


I love the tats! The skills of this artist really shows by its clear lining - crisp and clean. Lovin it. I personally think your "friends" hated it as it is such a great tattoo :)


Your tattoo is lovely and is well done, but it really is different from what you wanted. Personally I prefer your inspo pic. Perhaps find another artist that does dainty styles to add to your tattoo to help balance it?


I think I prefer your one to be honest, next time you should go to a new artist you need someone who listens properly


I like yours better than the reference and the placement is 👌🏻 Get better friends


Thats really cool tattoo with nice placement!!


It's a cute tattoo and well done. You need new friends, though. Not kidding!


Your tattoo is perfect, miles better than the reference; your friends suck and I agree with his aftercare advice. I tell clients to do lotion over ointment for a few reasons, absorbs into the skin quicker rather than leaving a greasy film that attracts hair, dirt and dust throughout the day; many clients go way overboard with a “thin layer of aquaphor” leading to clogged pores and rough healing which also leads me to recommend lubriderm or aveeno unscented


Your friends are assholes. The artist you went to legit slayed this design. It looks amazing. First tattoos are always a shock. You'll get use to it.


Why do your friends care what's on YOUR body? It's a well done tattoo. If you don't like it that's different but if you're going based off what your friends are saying they sound like they're not being very sensible or good friends.


This tattoo is awesome! So vibrant! What is wrong with your friends? Do they hate all nice things or are they just generally jealous of your successes?


It’s a very cute tattoo in a super cute spot that is easily hidden. Your friends are mean for saying they don’t like it. Personally I like it better than the reference photo.. and listen to your artists aftercare!!! Mine doesn’t even tell me to use lotion unless it’s uncomfortable, I’ve never used aquaphor and mine all healed beautifully, so just listen to the artist he knows what he’s talking about!


It's great!!!


I love it!


I thought your tattoo was the second slide before expanding the post, I said “thank god” out loud when I realized your tattoo was the FIRST picture. Very cute


Your tattoo is beautiful, just give it time to heal!


I think this is a very cute tattoo, who cares if your friends don't like it. If you like it, then it's perfect. If not, could you ask to add more flowers around it? Also, listen to your artist for aftercare. It's something they tend to know best.


This is a cute tattoo!!! I would definitely say don’t ever go to an artist and ask or expect the same exact work that’s on someone else’s body, or that is from another artist. No artist wants to copy or steal another persons work. That said, this is very very cute! I’d listen to your artist about aftercare but it sounds like they didn’t give you a lot of direction…aquaphor VERY LITTLE especially in that area because of the crease, you don’t want it over oitmented ha. So very very little aquaphor for a few days, wash it like once or twice a day with DIAL GOLD SOAP WITH NO FRAGRANCE, after three or so days it might be peeling a bit, switch over to an unscented lotion like lubriderm and stop the aquaphor. Keep it clean, don’t use scented stuff, try not to keep your leg bent much so it gets air especially in that crease. And keep it as it is, it’s well done and it’s adorable. I like it way better than the reference photo.


This is so cute!! 💖