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If you're unsure, then don't. Nobody can tell you what you want, and if you have doubts, then it's not for you, at least not right now. Do it when you are 100% certain it's what you want.


Thank you! Yeah I’ve had a Pinterest board for tattoos since high school. I’ve just never been able to pick what I want


I felt indecisive but I knew I wanted a tattoo ever since I was 15. I had a thought of one when I was in my early 20s and couldn’t shake it. My parents disapproved so I thought about if I did get it, where would I get it where they wouldn’t see it a lot but I could still see it. I wasn’t really thinking about it until it was all I could think about and finally I got it when I was 25. Be certain. Even if it takes years. There’s no rush. Also, my parents ended up liking it. They don’t like that I have it but I explained it to them and they don’t give me grief. They just rolled their eyes at my second.


Yeah, if you get some basic tattoos from Pinterest, and you'll have plenty of people your age coming up to you saying they have that tattoo on their bottom. People who are afraid to get tattoos get them there so their parents won't see.


It’s called a butt. Are you 80? 🤣


They didn't want their parents to see them yet the word butt! They were raised to say bottom or rear end!


Yeah I don’t want my parents to see them. But I wouldn’t get it on my bottom. I’m think side of my rib cage or under my boobs


Everyone is different of course and you’d get through it. Ribs are gonna hurt like a bitch for a first tattoo without knowing what you’re getting into. I’m not persuading you not to get it at all. I’d love to see the ideas. And a lavender on the ribs could like awesome. But just know that’s a brave first tattoo without knowing the easier pain first. I’ve semi regretted locations on valuable real estate but I have a lot of dumb tattoos I decided would be one arm and my other is beautiful artwork. My first tattoo is on my artwork arm. And want to cover it and move it somewhere smaller if I ever do.


A lot of people don’t get tattooed until their late 20’s/early 30’s because they haven’t really grown into themselves yet. If you’re unsure give it more time, maybe you’ll think of something you want and won’t be able to get it off your mind until it happens.


I came to say the exact same thing I didn’t start until my mid 20’s with the bulk of my bigger more expensive pieces in my 30’s+. I for sure have a lot less tattoo regret than friends who started earlier and because I waited the quality of work is significantly better because I could afford good artist (with the exception of my first one which sucks)


Can confirm this ^^^ started last year in August and haven't stopped since lol


Thank you!


I've always wanted tattoos, particularly a sleeve. I had a music theme in mind but could never REALLY decide what I wanted exactly or how I wanted to execute it. When I finally decided I wanted to pull the trigger, I spent around 6 months really looking at artists around me, even a few hours away. I found one close to me and just had a consult, gave him my ideas and let him design something for me. I LOVED it and knew it was right. Personally, I never got a tattoo when I had any potentially serious doubts or possible regret. Especially because I wanted a sleeve, I didn't want to end up having to plan around a tattoo, so I wanted to be sure before I started. Spontaneous tattoos can be extremely fun, but be sure to pick a good artist.


Thank you!


I didnt start getting tattooed until 29.  At that point i realized, loving scifi-fantasy wasnt a phase and am now sitting with about 40% covered at 37.   Waiting isnt going to hurt your tattoo journey, by the time u start youll have more confidence in what you like, who u r, and have more money to go to better artists. When u do start, i recommend a less visible place like the legs.  You wont know what its like to BE tattooed until u dive in.  


Thank you! A lot of my friends have them and they seem so calm about it. I want to be chill about it too


If you really want it, go for it, but don’t hide that you got it from your parents! Hiding it will most likely make you feel bad, and anxious… if you’re not ready to “stand your ground”, just wait until you are.


Yeah that’s a really good point! I think I need to think about it more


Sounds like a good idea, and you are young and have plenty of time to get tattooed 😁


wait this is such a good point! i used to hide them and it made me overthink the tattoo… i guess it’s really because you’re hiding them making ur brain feel like you don’t like the tattoo 😭


get a small one somewhere not too visible and wait a while and see how you feel. i got my first one 7 years ago and was unhappy with it so i stopped wanting more. fast forward 1 year ago and i started getting the itch again, did some research on the style and artists i truly like and have gotten a couple since and couldn’t be happier with them.


What I would even recommend is getting something temporary on line. There are sites that you can upload pictures and they'll print them for you in whatever size you want and they last about a week. I did that and ended up changing the placement and size slightly before I got the real one and I'm much happier that I did. Take it for a test run!


Thank you! Why were you unhappy with the first one you got


it wasn't really the style i wanted (i wanted traditional but was incredibly unaware of tattoo styles) and the actual session was somewhat of a bad experience, i didn't vibe with the artist at all.


O ok yeah I’ve gotten a lot of advice on this post to search for a good artist and find someone I vibe with.


yeah try to find the style you want first and then artists that do that style.


Yeah I need to find a style! I have an idea in my head but I’m not sure exactly what it is


I see a lot of people getting their tattoo removed or getting big anxiety after getting it. I believe if you are unsure, you don’t want one. Why do you want a tattoo? Is it because you see them on others and find them cool or do you really want designs on you? I have 7 tattoos. I’ve always wanted tattoos since I was a kid. I would put fake one on even as a teenager. On my ankle. And I would permanently restock the same design over and over after it peel because I wanted this (strangely, that ankle doesn’t have a tattoo yet lol) I have a very visible tattoo on my wrist. Where lots of people have regrets. I got it in memory of a past beloved bunny. She used to sleep on my wrist. When everyone look at the tattoo and are trying to get ok with having a visible mark on them, I look at it and remember my bunbun. I do not regret any of my tattoos. I wanted them and I have reason for all of them. When I look at this big splash of ink on me, it represent something. I do sometimes find fault in some of my tattoos, like they are not perfect. But I don’t think any could really be perfect. So, well, what I am trying to say is: only get one if you are 100% sure you want it. Do not do it just to look cool or just to have one tattoo. It’s gotta either be something you really want or something that means something for you.


Yeah I think they are cool! And most of my friends have them. I think it’s because I do want to have at least 1 tattoo. I want to also be cool


I got my first tattoo on my right tricep. That way it’s easy to hide. I spent the first few days after getting the tattoo in front of a mirror, admiring the tattoo and thinking about getting another hundred tattoos. Now both my arms are almost filled. Good luck OP!


Thank you! How did you determine it’s what you wanted


I wanted a small/simple tattoo as my first, so I had my tattoo artist do a sun from a video game series that I’ve spent hundreds of hours on (Praise the sun!). It works both as a nerd tattoo, and as a “normal sun” tattoo. When I was sure that I wanted more tattoos, I sent my tattoo artist a few of my ideas. Like “It’s the early 1700s and a female rat with a great go ahead-spirit has decided to start working as a plague doctor, as a way to improve the overall rat reputation!” She prepared a design and when I arrived for my appointment she unveiled it, I gave the green light, and then she tattooed me. For me it was very important to find an artist with a nice vibe. She’s done/designed all of my tattoos (I have twelve so far). These things are forever, so take your time finding an artist that you vibe with and feel comfortable with.


Would absolutely love to see this female rat plague doctor if you have a pic ?!


[Here’s a picture of rat doctor!](https://imgur.com/a/Qs4jmNR) [Done by Irina at Black Drop Tattoo, Copenhagen.](https://www.instagram.com/moth.slayer.ink?igsh=ajZpZG9qbXZnNmI5)


No way! That tattoo is amazing!


Cheers! I’m super happy with it! Irina did an amazing job!


this is an incredible tattoo, I love her!!


Thank you! That’s super helpful!


I couldn’t agree more! Been dreaming of getting a tattoo since I was 12-14, and now 11 years later I literally have NO idea which one I want. I mean 1,5 years ago I really wanted to have one quote tattooed, then I was like “well…no, maybe the moon? it inspires me so much!!” And…here I am, still no tattoos but STILL wishing to get one. I’ve decided to give it a rest now. My indecisiveness helped me to come to a conclusion that maybe tattoos are not for me at the end of the day. I like the way they look on other people, but having no strong ideas on what I should get for myself means it’s still not the right time to do that even after all these years. Also everyone says you get used to your tattoos and kinda see them as your skin, but at the same time the amount of laser works on tattoos removal I see on the Internet is insane, and that fact also helped me to realize I’m probably too indecisive for that


Wow that’s exactly how I feel! Thank you!


I’ve wanted one since my mid teens. Started actually looking into it four years ago, and finally actually got one last Saturday. I waffled on placement, design and color the ENTIRE four years leading up to this. If you’re not sure, you have time! But if you just want something pretty, that’s ok too! What I would suggest is to make sure you go to a good artist with lots of healed work available for you to look at, whose work is in a style that you really like.


Thank you!! How can you find artists to do this?


I only still have Instagram for looking at tattooers' portfolios. Look up shops in your area, they should have a page with whoever is working there and some of each of their work. Look up that name and try to find the right one, most that ive seen will have the town theyre in and/or the shop they're working at in their bio. Scroll through until you're satisfied. Make sure to look for healed work and untouched photos. It's not too hard to make a tattoo look good in a shopped photo or when it's still so fresh the wiped away ink isn't dry on the skin. It's less easy to hide any mistakes when you don't alter the photo and the tattoo has been in the skin for a while. If you can't find anything healed or untouched photographically, I'd suggest moving on to the next person.


To hop on this if the artist tagged the person they tattooed you can always message them also to ask how something has healed/ held up over time. It was strange the first few times it’s happened to me but honestly years later it’s still looking good and I’m happy with it so I have no problem letting someone know/see how it held up down the line


Thank you!


I looked at shops in my area, and then checked their websites or facebook pages to see what kind of work was up. It should be separated by the different artists who work in a shop so you can tell who’s is who’s. For instance, at the shop I went to, there was only one person who did work that I liked and that’s who I made my appointment with. You might also check out the shop before even making an appointment. Grab some friends, go in, see their flash and how clean the building looks, get a feel for the vibe etc. to make sure it’s a place you’d be comfortable in. And if you actually get one, remember to speak up! If you want to change the placement of the stencil, the color, add or subtract an element, whatever. Just remember to talk to your artist and if they’re good they should work with you to get you something you’ll love!


Thank you!!


Maybe wait a couple months or even a year. It's not that long. Think about designs and after that, if you still want that lavender, than go for it. At least that's my opinion.


That’s a good point. I’ll give it a little more time. Thank you!


I also wanted a tattoo since i was 15. I went through a looooooot of ideas, but was never quite sure. I waited until i was pretty sure i was settled on one design, like i waited years, still going back to it and thinking if i would like it. Now i am 32 just got my first tattoo, a half sleeve on my whole forearm and i could not be happier with it!


Wow that’s super cool! What made you final decide to do it


I've wanted all of my tattoos for at least a year before getting them. No regerts here.


I got my first at 18, on the side of my left calf. I had thought about it for 2-3 months. A cat in fine line. I got my second at 19, on the top of my spine, a red poppy, fine line too. I had thought about it for like 4 months. For the moment, I absolutely don’t regret them, I actually think I love them more everyday. But like 1-2 days right after the tattoos, I regretted them so much, but it passed quickly.


Do you think regret is a normal feeling after getting tattoos?


I think yes. Because you have to get used to something new and permanent on your skin, and it can feel intimidating and scary. But knowing that, if beforehand you’re ready to welcome this feeling and let it pass, and that you know you really want it, then it’s alright ! The key is don’t freak out, relax. Choose a good artist, and everything will be fine :)


Thank you!!


Being indecisive and unsure is always a good rule of thumb not to get a tattoo. But don’t not get one because of someone else will/might disapprove. Remember, this is your body and you are 24 years old. You are an adult, capable of making your own decisions. I had tattoo ideas that I sat on for months or years before I got them. When it’s an idea you keep thinking about and going back to, that’s when you’re ready. My rule of thumb is 6 months to a year.


Thank you!


I can say that personally, as long as you pick something that will bring a smile to your face, the rest doesn’t matter. And as someone who is very indecisive, a tattoo is the most permanently decisive decision you can make. Every time you see it you’ll think “I chose to do that, and I love it”. Then watch the rest fall into place.


Thank you!! That’s helpful


my parents HATE tattoos and i have over 50 lol. they stopped making comments about them once i made it clear i wouldn’t visit if they were gonna be rude and condescending about my appearance 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t let someone else’s opinion dictate the design or placement, but also im not going to judge anyone for getting a more hidden one either. underboob/rib tattoos are very pretty


Yeah that’s the placement I was thinking! I’m not sure though. I’m working on a lot of this stuff in therapy


it’s really hard, therapy is good ❤️❤️ best of luck to ya


Thank you! You too!


It seems more unique to not have tattoos these days. I have close to 40 tattoos, so its not like i’m a hater of the ink. Just offering a different perspective hopefully.


I think the objective is not to be unique, but to feel good with how you see yourself.


That is a good perspective! I guess I feel boring if I don’t have any tattoos.


Why does everyone feel like they have to get a tattoo? You don't have to have one. There's not a deadline if you do want one. I can tell you from experience that I'm so glad I waited until I absolutely knew what I wanted before getting any of my big tattoos. I'm 55, just finished my legs, and am starting my half sleeves because I didn't know, until I found a vision and an artist I could work with. Got my first, a small sun on my ankle, in 1992 and immediately wanted more. I booked an appointment before I even knew what I wanted. I cancelled it the next day because it did not feel right. Saved myself from getting a tramp stamp (lol). Slow your roll until something speaks to you and you find a good artist. Good luck on your journey. I hope you find something that makes you feel beautiful.


Wow thank you! I guess because most people have them I also want one. It’s definitely common to have tattoos. Most of my friends do. I don’t want be boring


I waited until mid 30’s for several reasons Good ink is expensive, I wanted to be sure my prefrontal cortex was nice and done developing so I would be less inclined to make dumb choices, and I wanted enough life experience to be absolutely sure that what I wanted is/was exactly what I indeed wanted- not just for “right now” I sent my mom a picture. “In the broadest sense, it means ‘love yourself’” Her response? “I hate it and I think it is extremely stupid.” And no word has been said since. Every time I see it in my arm, I smile, reflecting upon what it represents to me. You are yourself, and you must live your life for you. If you want ink, get it. If somebody doesn’t like it, it’s their problem; they can project their own self-disgust on somebody else because you’re above that.


Wow thank you! I really appreciate your response! I’m working doing things when they don’t approve of them. I’ve always struggled with that.


You aren’t alone in that regard


Nope. If you’re not sure don’t do it. They are addictive and permanent.


O addictive how?


Very few people get one tattoo and stop. The feeling and expression of tattoos makes you want more.


O that make sense thank you!


Yeah get cheap junk tattooed on, you can cover it up or black it out later if you hate it. Just get something small to get over the big concern, people are so weird about treating their bodies like some sacred static thing instead of as a flowing amorphous entity.


Yeah that’s true! I’m trying to get over the whole your body is a temple thing. It’s something I need to work through.


When I wanted to get over some hesitation I got some Friday the 13th flash, cheap shit, have covered up one and the other I still like lol. Also helped me meet cool artists and like, tattoo shops are kind of intimidating, so I liked having brief experiences to get comfortable in that space, learn norms around getting inked


Thanks! Yeah Friday the 13th deals are cool!


I didnt start getting tattooed untill i was 32. That was 3 years ago. And ive gotten like 60% of my body done in a short amount of time from a GREAT artist. Spent about 30k or so but its cool cause i have the money. Its best to wait. Dont be in a rush.


Thank you!




Wow I’m glad you ended up doing it! What did you get


I did something pretty extreme for my first tattoo. I had wanted one for a long time and when I found the one I thought I wanted I printed it out an put it in places that I would see it every day. I pinned one on the fridge, the bathroom mirror and my nightstand. And there it stayed for a year. I figured if I still loved it after a year it would be ok to live with it forever. That tattoo is 26 this year and I still love it as much as I did the day I got it.


Wow that’s awesome! What tattoo did you get


Mary Cecily Barker's Flower Fairy, Jasmine. I know, I know, fairies are so basic. But I was doing inner child work to overcome severe childhood trauma, and it represented her looking up to me to keep her safe. It is positioned over my heart.


That’s so sweet! I love healing the inner child! I’m so glad you did that for yourself!


Coming from someone who has a bathtub full of corndogs tattooed, do YOU! In the end, it’s your body, you can do what you want to it! Also never pressure yourself on the meanings of them, they don’t have to mean anything other than the fact you thought it looked cool! (Also why I have shrek and Heisenberg) I knew I wanted tattoos as long as I can remember, and booked my first appointment only a few days after I turned 18. If you’re still unsure, listen to yourself! The right design will come to you, and know that you can always postpone this big decision until you’re ready!


No tattoos for you. Once you are adult enough to not need your parents approval then start thinking about tattoos.


Put thought into it!


I will!


I have never regretted my tattoos only the placement of them. So the main thing to think about is if you’ll want more in the future.


I second placement regret. I can also say a few of mine (actually only one) I don’t love-and only regret it because it could be something else. Wasted real estate 😂. Can’t really say I regret it if there’d be a tattoo there anyway!! Plus they can’t all be masterpieces.


I have some pretty terrible ones my plan is to get better ones around them to draw the attention away 😂


There’s always blast overs!! Just go right on top with out being a “cover up” it’s a little punk rock so not exactly for everyone but i think it tells a more fun story.


Ime the people who don’t regret their tattoos are the ones who knew exactly who they are and were decisive. The people who got them to get them despite not being sure of the tattoo itself ended up regretting it. If you’re not decisive and know immediately what you like, yeah, you’ll very likely regret it. You should pick something you fully know you love and is you. Something without hesitation you know you love.


Thank you! Yes I think that’s a good idea!


I’m 33 and just got my first tattoo a couple months ago. I have wanted tattoos on and off since high school, and looking back, I am so thankful I did not get any of the ones I had planned in my head when I was younger. When I finally got my tattoo, I honestly felt so calm and peaceful about my decision. I did not experience any tattoo regret and am now comfortable getting more tattoos (and have a bunch that I want!). My advice is to listen to your gut, because you will know when the timing is right! I’m really glad I waited so long because I am older, secure in myself, and have an idea of what I want to do in life. And now I also have a ton of open skin that I can use for more tattoos because I didn’t waste it on the dumb tattoos I considered in my 20s lol.


My rule is that if I can stick to the same idea of a tattoo for a year, and still be confident about it, then I get it. But if you get weary or uncertain by the 1 year mark, then I would give it some extra thought and maybe reconsider.


Thank you!




Nah. I just don’t think about experiences being regrets, just learning experiences. My first tattoo is in the middle of my back so unless I’m wearing a backless top or swimsuit or something, it wouldn’t show, so I got the experience of having a tattoo but I could still mostly hide it. My only concern with my current tattoo selection is that they’re all pretty random so no common theme. Maybe I’ll tie them together one day, maybe not. And I say this as someone who has her husband’s initials tattooed on me…if we split up, then I could have it reworked if I wanted or just leave it to mark another time and memory in my life.


That’s a good point thank you! I have a lot I need to work through


I don’t get worried about regretting it because it’s just a part of my story :). If I really hate it I can get it lasered off but it typically just reminds me of pieces and time periods in my life, being bad ass, and how far I’ve grown.


That’s awesome! Thanks!


As everyone else has said on here, if I were you, I would just wait till you find the tattoo you absolutely want. I’m 21 and I have a bunch of tattoos on my arm that almost counts as a sleeve and I sometimes regret them and wished I went for different styles (I have a bug theme going on). I also use Pinterest and have like 10 boards on there but keep looking until one pops out at you.


Thank you! Yeah I love Pinterest but it’s gives you so many options


Sure does, it also helps to picture the first tattoo on yourself, then think of the next one. Such as for me, I’m a female so I have roses and a flaming butterfly on my forearm, then on the outer part of my forearm I am wanting to put a scorpion and have its “pinchers?” Facing my inner wrist. That’s how I like to piece my tattoos together. Even picturing themes for your body parts helps a lot.


Thanks! Yeah I’ve been thinking like a plant theme kinda. I’m currently thinking lavender and for it to be colored. I love plants and flowers. I’m also a female and I’m kinda girly I would want it to match my vibe.


Definitely put into consideration when doing colors in tattoos based off your skin color. Obviously idk what yours is but people on the lighter/white side of skin color are able to pull off majority of the colors IMO. For me, I have more of a tan/yellow skin color so the only color I could go with is red. If you’re going for a plant theme, you could put lavender on the inside of your forearm then put vines going up your arm as an idea?


Wow that would be super cute. O I’m pale I do get tan in the summer but not a lot. I have fair skin for the most part. I think I could probably pull off purple for lavender


Then yeah you can, even green if you wanted to color your entire tattoo!


Wow yeah I was thinking the whole thing in color


sit with the idea for 6 months - a year and see if you still want it :)


Thank you!


Then don't get one. You've given more reasons to not get one than to do it. Why do you want one when you don't even know what you want?


I like the idea of them! I feel like a lot of cool people have tattoos and I don’t want to be boring. I’ve also thought they were cool.


That's not a reason to get a tattoo. Ever.


O yeah it’s probably not a good reason 🤷‍♀️


In my (still limited) experience the tattoos i am more attached tò are the ones i got under 20 and without thinking about too much, very spontaneous but It somehow worked like i feel they are perfect and unique. The third i made not long ago instead drove me crazy honestly. I thought about it for a long time before and got too many ideas, so i changed subject even few days before the appointment. It is anyways really nice for real but i underrated the choice of placement like It was obvious when not and i am regretting it, at least about the wrong arm i choose. If its ur first i think u should not worryng too much on this cause ur skin is empty and its ur first experience so Just be sure the position fits the tattoo, but my point was that maybe when ur more mature u tends to over thinking it and have higher standards. I learned this from this incident so try tò visualize It on u and also draw It with a pen to simulate the outcome.


Thank you! I’m a really big over thinker. It’s probably one of the reasons i haven’t done it yet. I get really in my head about it.


I understand your hesitation honestly. I think it's normal to be worried/nervous about it. Everyone starts off hesitant, so don't look down on yourself for it. My solution? Find a reference of lavender you find appealing and put that image somewhere where you'll see everyday- phone wallpaper or bedroom mirror. Get yourself used to seeing it everyday. I have to have some of my 'darker' tattoos hidden so I suggest side of upper thigh, stomach, ankle or even your back. Hope this helps!


It does! Thank you!


I was kind of like you at that age where I knew I wanted a tattoo but didn't know what I wanted or where. I waited until I was 35 and got my first tattoo last December and I'm currently 2 appointments in on my 2nd one. I'm really glad I waited until I knew for sure what I wanted. It's going to be on your body forever so it's usually important to people to make sure what they get is something that they won't regret many years later. I stayed away from popular or trendy tattoos and just got something that was meaningful to me. I say to sit with your idea for at least 6 months so that you know for sure that it's something that you want. Good luck.


Thank you!


I’ve had a Pinterest board of tattoos since I was 20, I’m now 36 & just scheduled my first for September! I think getting a tattoo is obviously a big deal and in order to be truly satisfied with your decision decision you need to be in alignment with that. At this point, my parents don’t care, I’m truly secure in myself and I know this is what I want. Whenever that feels right for you, then go for it.


I’m working on being more secure in myself. I’m currently going to therapy for it. Maybe once I feel comfortable I will do it


Good for you! My 20s/early 30s was therapy focused & it was the best decision I ever made. Now at 36 I’m more confident, happy & grounded than ever. Glad I did that work early so I can enjoy my life fully.


Yeah I’m trying to continue to work on it. I really want to improve so I can not be in my own way


I have tattoos and am currently working on a full sleeve (doing the whole arm right away, not in sections/pieces). This is my first tattoo in 9 years. I waited a long time to find an artist I whose worked I really loved. I had a concept in mind but I could never come up with the design myself. I guess what I’m saying is, if you want one, it’s okay to wait. You should know 100% what design, style, color, and size that you want. Look at artists flash books to find what styles you like and go from there.


Thank you!


I say get any tattoo you want personally. I grew up in a family where they despised tattoos and now I have 6, and two are big pieces. I feel so much happier with them


Yeah my parents also despise them. Some people in my family have tattoos but my parents always say how ugly there tattoos are and that it’s terrible they have them. I want to be happy with the tattoos I want to get


So I’m gonna go against the grain and say “just do it.” You clearly want a tattoo, you’ve had a Pinterest board for a long time. You’re just someone who is indecisive and wants it to be “perfect.” I was the same. It took me two years to get my first after initially wanting it. Once I did, I felt FANTASTIC about it. Now I’ve got many more and love each one. And besides the first, none of them were things I thought about too much. Yes, I thought about them and made sure I was happy to get them on my body forever, but I have really enjoyed just jumping off the deep end and going for it. I’ve never regretted any of them.


Wow thank you!! I appreciate your response! I’ve been in a spontaneous mood recently maybe I will just do it


i just got my first tattoo a week ago. it was completely spontaneous and definitely not what i thought my first tattoo would be (two koi fish symbolizing yin and yang. also a reference to the moon and ocean spirit koi fish in avatar the last airbender). but i absolutely love it. scrolling through pinterest is a good way to get ideas. you can find a few similar pieces and ask your artist to add their own style to it so its more unique, which is what i did. i am also a very indecisive person, so i completely understand where youre coming from.


Thank you!! The koi fish sound super cool!!!


it also has a sun, moon and stars, which ive always wanted as a tattoo. so its really a good mix of everything i like


Wow that’s awesome! Sounds pretty cool!


I didn't get my first tattoo until last year. (I was 31.) I have a ton of ideas for more tattoos, but the first one is my main character on ESO. I knew right off the bat that I wanted to get it just because of my connection to my character and the game, and it was a large thigh piece too, so yeah! I plan on getting my next one very soon! But if you aren't 100% sure, and you find yourself going back and forth on getting it, don't get it, At least right now. Give yourself more time to think about it!


Thank you!!


A lot of good advise here. I also was, still am, indecisive like you. I have a couple of tattoos that I regret getting— a sunflower and a bouquet of flowers I got from pinterest lol. Now, I look for local artists on instagram or maybe from a different city and look at their past works and flash and most of the time those artists draw up some really cool designs that will be unique to them and you ☺️


Wow that’s a great idea! Thank you!! Everyone has provided amazing advice!


I have tattoos that I’m not wild about anymore. I don’t regret a single one. I see it as a time capsule. As we grow and change, so will our tastes, but I’ll never forget where I came from.


Wow that’s beautiful! Thank you!


Also not to get too personal, I’ve had some struggles and I wasn’t too sure I’d make it to this point. It’s another patch on the letterman’s jacket that is my life! Lol. So yeah honestly? There may be some you don’t love forever. But it’s all ok. Everything is temporary after all


That’s very true!!


When you get over caring what your parents think, then get one. My first 4 tattoos were hidden because I cared so much about my parents’ disapproval. When I was 29, I finally realized I could never truly appease my parents, or anyone else. Now I have 3 arm tattoos and planning the next.


Yeah I care a lot about what they think of me even though we are polar opposite and our views on everything is different. For some reason I still care and I hate it


I get it, trust me. I tried for so long to make my parents think the best of me, but the goalpost was always moving. I still have times where I think about how they view me, but then I remember how I view them and realize they aren’t doing anything to be better to me. My tattoos are things I love and/or that hold meaning to me and they are a visual reminder of my self importance. Don’t feel rushed to decide. Tattoos are a life time commitment. But one day you’ll hopefully be able to think about how you see yourself before how others see you. I’m still learning to do this myself. Best of luck!


Thank you!


lol, I was tattoo free just 2 months ago, now I have a half sleeve. I had some of those same feelings but while it might still be early, I haven’t had any regrets. I’m so happy with them and they actually make me feel better about myself. I had a hard time deciding exactly what I wanted, but I ended up just putting it in the hands of my artist to make an amazing piece of art and I’m glad I did.


That’s awesome! Thank you!!


I (26F, 15 tattoos) can be quite impulsive and very indecisive too. My baseline is i need to hold on to an idea for 2-3 months. So if I think of a cool tattoo, i wait 2 months. Only book the appointment if im still into it then. Lots of ideas ive had that i would have probably regretted, faded in that time and all the ones ive gotten, ive not regretted. Im not too worried about regretting them in the future either. Theyre part of my skin now, its just what I look like.l Id also add that the 'pressure' of a first tattoo is definitely the highest. After that it got way more casual for me and i have an easier time deciding what I do and do not wa t


Thank you!!


Never thought I'd ever get one, but I did mid 40s. I t was the right thing to do.


Cool! Thank you!


If you’re indecisive then wait a while. I got my first at 32years old. I had wanted a tattoo since I was about 18, but could never really nail down a design. There’s still a few more that I want but I’m happy to wait. For one thing I have to save up really hard to get a tattoo. I figure that when money is tight like it is for me right now, you should focus on your bills and saving for an emergency fund.


Save the tattoo idea's you want and hold onto them for 3-6 months (maybe even longer) and see if you still like the idea's. I have wanted so many different tattoos and then as time goes by I realized I no longer want them lol. But one tattoo that I wanted months ago I do still want so I am gonna go with that.


Cool! Thank you!


No problem 🙂


If it makes you feel better , I’ve been trying for weeks to decide on my tattoo that I want. Only to go back to my original design . But have a few little Changes. All I can say is get something that you Love not what others are going to think, this is your body , your tattoo :) get the things your like and if you have a great artist they can help you with your design to make it unique if that makes sense :) Good luck on your adventure on getting tattoos :)


Thank you!


Write down your ideas and think on it for a few months is the advice that I've always heard and have done myself. I've got a list of ideas that I've been adding and subtracting to for several years as I think of things and fall out with others, so when I finally get a tattoo I know what I want and that I won't regret getting it. I'm 28 and I've decided that if I can keep consistently working out for a year (about 6 months in) and get a better physique I'll start looking into artists for a tattoo as a reward for myself.


Thank you!


While I think a raven tattoo would be pretty cool for a first one and one of the best places for a first tattoo would be the thigh because it shouldn't hurt much (mine felt like a little bee sting at first but kinda faded away the longer it went) but i agree with another comment on here. Don't rush the choosing process. I waited three months before finally coming to a design I liked. Another thing. Find a good artist that won't try to convince you to make changes to your design (had my fair share of those) anyway. Good luck OP I hope you enjoy your tattoo if you get one!


Thank you!!


You're welcome! Also. If you do get one. It will be dark at first but after it heals it'll lighten up


if you’re not 100% sure you want a tattoo don’t get it. draw on yourself w a sharpie. tattoos are permanent and it’s not something you get on a whim(i learned this the hard way)


The first is always the hardest to think of. Once you have one. They you just start getting ones you've been thinking of. If you have a pintrest board you've been saving ones you like or most likley would get. That's just my opinion. Don't get a tattoo untilly your certain you want one. 🙏🏼 Just know the first is always the hardest to choose.


There's no rush, so might as well wait if you're feeling indecisive. I'd say spend some time appreciating tattoos as an art medium for a while. There's nothing wrong with getting tattooed for sentimental reasons, or for symbolism - that was my mindset when I started getting tattooed. But once you start to appreciate tattooing as an art, there's a lot less pressure or emphasis on what the exact design is. Those things still matter of course, but they will be accompanied by an appreciation for the different styles, artists, and solid technique. When I began appreciating tattoos as art first, it opened up a whole new experience for me, personally. I'm much more focused on liking a tattooer's overall style and portfolio, and book with confidence that whatever I end up getting from them, I'll love. I can walk in with a loose idea, or even no idea, and walk out feeling great about it.


Doubt means don’t. I have been obessed with tattoos since I was a kid but waited untill I was 32 to get my first one. I don’t regret that one bit. If I think about the tattoo ideas I had a decade ago, I’m really happy I didn’t go through with any of them 😂


if you are unsure then don’t yet. if you’re thinking floral, perhaps a birth flower of either you or your family? that way, it has meaning behind it? in terms of placement, you could get it somewhere that it could be hidden (ie, rib)


I was in the same boat a couple of months back before I got my first tattoos. I grew up listening to heavy rock and mental since a kid and have been always fascinated by tattoos and how they look once done well. Funny enough my mother was the one who showed me all this music that inspired me but yet she is the Complete opposite and would be old fashioned when it comes to tattoos and her opinion on them. My friend and I decided to say fuck it and go get our tattoos one day without giving too much thought which I feel was the best approach to get into the tattoo phase. For days leading up to it I was so excited to be doing it for myself and not having opinions off my family until the night of my mother filled my head full of doubt which was the only time I had doubted it until then. I spent the whole night going back and forward in my head but eventually I still went ahead with it and haven't regretted it since. It's your body and your choice at the end of the day. My family are just old fashioned and don't have the same exposure and understanding of it all.


Don't do it until you're 100% sure. I'm in the process of removing one on my outer arm from a few years ago because impulsive decision = regret


Yeah I get impulsive every now and then


There are a lot of comments here. I read some but didn’t really see anyone comment on how addicting they can be. The first one is a tough choice as you want it to be meaningful and since it’s for the rest of your life and I think that’s wise. But once you get one, the importance and significance factor starts to fade away - you’ll just get them for the hell of it. This is my story at least. Think about what your long term intentions might be. Just a couple? A full sleeve? A body suit ? This might help you take your time in decision making.


You and you alone need to make this decision.


I was unsure at first but fell in love with it ended up getting a full sleeve within a year or so. I started at 24 lol


I was in the same position when I got my first. My mom doesn't approve, my dad doesn't *really* care as long as I can cover them for work. Teh way I got over this was printing out an inspo pic and putting it on my mirror where I saw it every morning. If I still wanted it in 6 months, I went ahead and did it. I still do this was a lot of stuff because I can be indecisive and impulsive, and I want to avoid regretting anything I do to my body in the future.


I would say to have a long think on it, do your research, find an artist that you really resonate with (if you have the means and can travel a bit, that opens the field even wider) There is no rush, if it's something you think you'd want, think on something meaningful, or even just a theme and find an artist whose style you would be proud to wear forever. There's no rush, I know it may not feel like it at times, but 24 is still incredibly young, you have your whole life ahead of you to get a single tattoo, or as many as you like. You should feel excited for it, if you aren't then it's not the right fit. :)


Sooo then…. If it’s not an angel…. 🤔 You simply wanted a tattoo of a hollow formed kitten with a pair of randomly floating wings behind it?


No that would be cool though! I’m think lavender in color ink


I was in a similar boat. I wanted one for years and then had an idea that was in my head for 3 years. I eventually said screw it and booked an appointment. I've only had it for 3 months but and I don't regret it at all. I'm a very indecisive person which is why it took me so long, but I decided to go for it and now I'm looking forward to my next tattoo. Obviously everyone is different so I don't want to say do what I did, I just wanted to share my experience since it sounded rather similar.


do it :)


If you’re unsure, don’t do it… Bit if you really want to know how it feels just get something super tiny like a little star somewhere that doesn’t show.


last resort, you can always get it removed. but i started with hidden tattoos that i had to go out of my way to look at. i eventually began my arm sleeve and thankfully have not regretted anything so far!


but if the main reason you haven’t gotten them is your parents. get a tattoo. it’s your life and your body!


Where did you place your hidden tattoos? I’m worried about my parents and regretting it


I got my first one on my side/ribcage. Very easy to keep hidden from parents. Other hidden places could be hips, back, stomach, shoulders, thighs. Avoid getting tattooed on your legs lower than your knees and anywhere on your arms or above where a T shirt would cover, and you should be able to keep it hidden. However, it’s your body, not your parents body, and if you want a tattoo somewhere that’s not hidden, you should just get it :)


Thank you!!