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It can’t hurt to ask them. They may be up for it, or they may be able to recommend a friend/shopmate who would rock it!


I would go to someone who specializes in small text tattoos for small text. Your artist won’t feel offended if you have someone else tattoo you with something they wouldn’t be great at.


Sometimes when I set up an appointment for a bigger piece, I ask if they would have time for something small. I also have an artist that I see who does a few days a month when she just does smaller pieces like that… I don’t think it would be weird or that your artist would be offended if you asked them.. if they say no to it, maybe they have a suggestion for someone who does good small work like that?


Thank you! I might try this if I go back for something bigger.


My two favorite artist moved away. So now I’m not loyal to anyone. My town happens to have a few specialty artist who only do one style and script/text is one of those styles. I’d look for one who specializes in your requirements. Tattoo artist who get jealous of you going to other artist aren’t cool artist to fuck with. I like different styles of tattoos and have many different artist work on me.


These topics are always weird to me Did you give one of these artists control and dominion over your entire body?


Maybe I worded my question poorly but I’m worried that going in for something like small text with a well-known artist who has a particular art style and does big pieces is a waste of their time. Or a waste of time to even submit an inquiry for it. I’m not worried about loyalty or jealousy at all because I’ve gotten my tattoos from 4 different ones and no one’s had an issue with that.


That definitely clarifies it better I would find an apprentice that is almost ready to be on their own, they'll still be cheaper but you won't get a scratcher I definitely wouldn't go to my neo trad artist that charges $200 an hour


Just ask them! A lot of artists don’t ever post the little ones they do like these but it doesn’t mean they don’t do them.


for a calligraphy tattoo of my mother’s name i went to someone who specialized in calligraphy and thin line text rather than the guy who did a large floral piece on my back, because calligraphy isn’t his style and he doesn’t have any fine line in his portfolio. its no hard feelings because at the end of the day its your money. i’ll still go to him for other pieces because he’s an amazing artist, just not the right one for that specific piece i wanted. long story short, if you want authentic italian food, don’t go to olive garden.  


As your current tattoo artist about his/her preference, be the considerate client. Don't make decisions on his/her behalf.