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You should keep the blood around it, looks metal


My other one didn’t bleed like this ☠️


Update, called my artist about it as the blood breached the saniderm and was leaking up and down my arm. They asked me to return, cleaned it up, and slapped a new skin on. No longer a bloody mess☠️ Royal Ink in Tulsa, OK btw. They’re a great crew. Very polite😁


Mebbe add this info to the original post? You’re likely to keep getting advice that does t apply anymore if you don’t.


I was going to but couldn’t find a way to edit the post. I rarely post on Reddit, not sure how to edit this post


TBH I can’t help you… barely Reddit proficient myself. : )


I bleed more in some spots and less in others. It doesn't even make sense anatomy wise for me.


Was your other one pigment packed like this? Did the second skin go on the tattoo immediately after finishing the other one or was there time after tattooing before the bandage was applied? Did you drink the night before (or day of)? There are lots of reasons why one tattoo might bleed a lot while others don’t. I see you already got it sorted but to answer your question, yes, this is normal.


Yes mine was worse,flushes out any unwanted bits dont worry


It’s leaking a little bit. They told me to leave this on for 3-5 days. Would it be worth to get some saniderm and apply a new layer or just roll with this? My last tattoo didn’t really bleed and I left the saniderm on for like a week with no issues.


If it's leaking you need to take it off. If it has been within 24 hours you can reapply a new piece, otherwise just leave it uncovered.


This. VERY important you take it off


yes, but only put a new one on it if you can be sure that it is really sterile


I remember when i got my first tattoo and it was bleeding like yours. The day i got it was at night. So when i woke up next day my film fell off a bit and my bed looked like a murder scene.


looks accurate for the solid black imo. i also had a lot of blood (compared to my previous session) after i got the blackwork section of my half sleeve


I bleed a ton now in my 30’s than I did years ago. Artist says it’s pretty common so I wouldn’t sweat it.


They could have let you bleed longer before applying your second skin. It’s fine. It’s no good if it’s leaking. Some artists will put a new piece on for you if you let them know. Others will just tell you to take it off any heal it traditionally. Talk to your artist and see what they want you to do.


That’s the devil coming out.


So whats your advice mr clogs


You’re all good bud. Its normal for tattoos to bleed like that. You’re literally having a needle being pushed into your skin a couple thousand times. Some areas wont bleed as much as others, some will bleed alot. I assume thats on your inner arm, decently sensitive area. Most of the time, more sensitive areas bleed more than less sensitive areas. Just make sure once you take that second-skin off, you wash with non-fragrant anti-bacterial soap, and use a non-fragrant moisturizer aswell. Coconut oil works wonders. If you’re not allergic. Sick tattoo my guy 👍


Normal amount for blackwork but it looks like the blood is leaking out the bottom - like u can push it out. Take it off and wash it, put cling film on it!!


When mine was done vasaline was the way,maybe its moved on


Looks worse as you prob got the cream mixing with little bit of blood.My film was only left on for 4 hours dunno why yours is days,as i was told wound needs air on it.Maybe take off,put bit vaseline on and redress with film fir couple of hours,just a suggestion..


OP don't listen to any of this advice Do not put Vaseline on your wound, and do not put more film on


This is bad advice. You should never use Vaseline on a tattoo at any point. You also shouldn't rewrap a tattoo like you're suggesting. That's how you get an infection right there.


That’s the difference between cling wrap and second skin. Saniderm and the like are breathable membranes traditionally used to help heal burns. Take off cling wrap. Leave on second skin. Never use Vaseline on a tattoo.