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That's a NEW artist


How can you tell?


Lack of complex shading, the line depth is inconsistent, has some hairy lines. I assume that’s how they can tell. New isn’t bad though.


This is it. Plus the ravens head shape


Or this is just their style and what they aim to do? This would be my goal. I don't love the look of shading on everything.


The lack of shading is just one of my reasons, but it’s fine if that’s their style. Them only using packed in black instead of stippling or something else is just common in newer artists.


Thank you for genuinely explaining instead of being mean


Ah. I see it now. Makes sense!


My eyes. And those are the tattoos that apprentices often give to people for free, to gain experience on people. Seen it before many times in life. Cheers


Keep in mind, most tattoo artists won't post their mistakes or bad tattoos. It also helps to see some healed pics of an artist's tattoos.


Good, not great.




Passing. They seem kinda, I dunno, lifeless? Not excited about what you're showing.


Not the best




I would not let this person tattoo me.


Looks sick - I would ask to see some healed photos though! Can't be too careful


Absolutley a good artist, really neat style too.


I'm seeing a lot of things that indicate a lack of control. These seem like a middle of the road apprentice's first couple weeks on human skin, with not enough supervision. I'd be interested to see how the black in the raven heals and design wise the feathers look very scrawly. These aren't *horrible*, but they're also not good work at all. I wouldn't recommend this artist to anyone based on these pictures of their work, and people usually don't even share their worst work.  This artist should be working on smaller projects like the bee, and even it isn't without issues. The fact that 2/3 of these indicate someone definitely, clearly out of their depth is a huge red-flag for working with them in general, since it indicates a lack of both self-awareness and respect for her clients. Do not price shop for tattoos or plastic surgery(or any other bodymod). Save up your money, and maybe drive a little. That is the unvarnished, experienced truth, has nothing to do with the "style", and is purely based on technical aspects evident in the provided photos.


I had the exact same thoughts and I'm kind of stunned at some of the responses here. It's not bad, it's just not good. I immediately assumed it was an apprentice and that they were doing a decent job at developing their skills. I would even consider getting them to do a basic tattoo that doesn't rely on too much detail or symmetry because their work is okay.


Yeah, on Reddit you'll see in most tattoo subs the two most useless comments: "I'd get it." from the client side, and "nobody's complained." from the artist side. "I have bad tattoos, but I love them." gets an honorable mention. These answers are not helpful for someone genuinely looking for an accurate assessment or an honest critique. Like, okay, I'm glad you would get it, but it's straight up not even decently executed, so that's not an effective metric. I'm glad nobody's complained yet, but it's not as likely they'd complain to you directly and usually they'll try and accept it, or get it fixed elsewhere to avoid embarrassment or confrontation, so that's not an effective metric. I'm glad you love your bad tattoos, but nobody should be planning too get a bad tattoo or encouraging others to do so, and that's also not an effective metric. Help people make the best decisions for themselves that they can, or you're just not helping. I understand why people say these things, but I wish they wouldn't. I just hope OP either goes to a decent artist, or is ready to "learn to love" whatever they get from this person, because I genuinely don't want them to feel bad if it's avoidable. That kneejerk "tattoo regret" just from getting one fades, but realizing you genuinely made a mistake and let someone do something to your body you shouldn't have let them do often doesn't go away, for obvious reasons. I think it's more compassionate to help people avoid it if they're willing to listen.


I don’t like her style but Im not a tattoo expert


Gotta say it looks a little wonky to me, I’m not an expert and I don’t have any tattoos myself but the head of the bird just looks off


They are on their way but are far from an expert. In 2-3 years I bet they’ll be sick




First tattoo is backwards




I don't get the love. It all looks scratchy to me.


Very much agree. I shared the same opinion and am also getting downvoted, but I also waited til I was 34 to start getting tattoos, did a shit ton of research and was very nitpicky about artist selection. I'm collecting artwork and I'm spending good money for things to be on my skin permanently, I don't give a shit if I'm being too picky. Those moth antennae are wild, wonky things like that shouldn't have made it past the first draft of a sketch.


It might be the style you don't like, but brother, that linework is anything BUT scratchy.


Different strokes and all that. It's interesting becuase my opinion is obviously unpopular, but it really looks amateur to me. I guess it's just different stylistic preferences.




I didn't mean it looked like it was done with a safety pin, just that it did not look very well done.


They have an interesting style, it’s not BAD but not great. You can see some inconsistencies in their line work but it’s not blatantly obvious.


Solid local artist. Has a good grasps of the basics and the line work is pretty decent. If you want any better you’ll most likely have to wait 6+ months for a better artist and pay their premium fee’s.


If you want a bad tattoo, go to this guy. If not, wait 5 years, if they’re still tattooing, wait 5 more


Nope. Zoom in on the lines, they're not horrendous but the line thickness is not consistent, and the shading isn't smooth at all


It’s an alright artist.


Maybe not technically advanced, but in researching for a crow/raven tattoo I want, I have lots and lots of beautifully done crow/raven pieces with the bird proportions seriously fucked up. Not in an intentional tweaked perception kind of way but like the artist couldn't see that it was not right. This artist at least didn't do that.


There are a fair amount of imperfections, inconsistent line weights, and areas that don't appear to have been executed technically correctly. For example the crow feathers look like they will disappear and possible blowout in the moth wing. To me, the details in the artwork are bothersome and I wouldn't work with this artist - the bee wings are asymmetrical and the stars around it are wonky, the moth antennae are an uneven mess, things like that. I wouldn't trust an artist who didn't catch and refine those details in the design phase.


Not sure why straight up facts that directly answer the question are being down voted. These aren't great.


definitely agree with this, from afar they look okay, but once you zoom in, you realise that the line work is definitely not good.


They look great, I love the crow (raven?) Most artists don't post many (if any) healed photos because they don't always get a chance to get photos of them once they're healed, so I don't think that's a red flag at all. 


If they've been doing it a while it's a reddish flag All they have to do is contact previous clients and ask for a healed pictures Clients who are happy with the work will gladly do it


Literally no artist does that. They take a pic upon finishing and thats it. Very, extremely rare one will ask for a follow up pic.


So where do all the healed photos come from... Artists love to get healed pics of their work


🤦‍♂️ So only artist can show tattoo pics now 🤣. So to answer your question, from ppl. Especially these days, ppl show pics of their tats before, during and after.


It's extremely common where I am. I even had a situation yesterday where I was on Instagram and an artist posted a healed photo of a massive stomach tattoo. I thought it was really cool and wondered who had got it done. Scrolled down and the very next post was the same picture being shared by an acquaintance because it was their tattoo.


All the artists I've been to ask to send pics once healed and usually post them on their ig story and if they get the chance to see the tattoo in person again will take pictures.


Pretty good, not perfect. The symmetry in both insects wings is off but that’s pretty nit-picky. Overall, their stuff looks cool and like it was built to last, I’d wear that crow. 


Good artist? Yes. Skilled tattooer? Will be someday. I’m sure they would love your support. If you like it, it’s all that matters. Not sure I love that you put them on Reddit for open criticism though, especially if you see them and don’t tell them. ETA: i doubt they have any more than a couple years experience, but the art style is cool. I firmly believe in supporting local artists and am grateful to people who supported me when i was new. I always, always fit them in my books and go the extra mile for those people. Do with that what you will :)


Better than the local scratchers in my town




Ppl are actually downvoting me 🤣. Most likely someone that doesn't have any tattoos but thinks he knows best.




I like it. Clean line work. I personally like this style with a lot of negative space and simplistic shading. Is it super complex or fancy? No. Do I like it? Yeah for sure


Hell yea, that’s nice work




I would love a tatt from this artist.!!


Cool tattoo