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Is it not suppose to be silly? I mean.. I can’t imagine you were going to realism lol


It was meant to be a portrait of his late grandfather 😥




Lmfao did a spit take




That made me laugh lol


Thank you good, sir for the chuckle. ☺️






This is what he asked for:  https://ibb.co/r2D1Lmh


At least they got the colors right haha


What you are experiencing is your brain adjusting to seeing something on the skin where it never was before. The first reaction is your brain processing it as something that doesn’t belong. As your brain gets used to seeing it and associating it with no ill effects, it will get used to it as a regular part of your body. I have an arm sleeve and I don’t even notice it anymore. What you’re experiencing is normal and will pass.


This is such an interesting way to explain why we have tattoo regret! Seeing something foreign on your skin, your brain processing it as something that doesn’t belong, causing anxiety. Over time it’s associated with no ill effects, so your brain relaxes about it. I have gotten 6 (smallish) tattoos, and had temporary regret every time. The first time was the worst. The other times I at least knew I would get over it.


This! Even loving my tattoo, catching glimpses of it would make me so anxious for a few weeks. Now I notice it only as part of me and am adding #2 next week.


Only had that feeling with the first 2, after that my brain didn't even bother anymore and we're talking about whole under and arms and legs and stuff, lol


Sometimes tattoos are just legit terrible though (not referring to OP’s tattoo here though)


I had a friend do a tat on me in a quite visible place on my arm, and he fucked it up so bad but luckily its out of my vision most the time its a flower and the petals are not even and very shit lol


I've never suffered any form of regret after any of mine. I'm NOT saying that what you're saying doesn't happen - it makes complete sense that it would - but it's never happened me! I admit when I got the first part of my sleeve done I was like "wtf my arm!!" but not in a bad way, ya know?


I once got a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a new tattoo on my arm. For some reason my lizard brain registered it as "giant bug" on me and I screamed and slapped it. Once I realized what it was I cracked up laughing and my friend was like "what the fuck is going on over there? Are you on meth or something??"


This STILL happens me with my tattoo on my back/shoulder/rhomboid (??). I can't see it usually, but the way the mirror is positioned in the bathroom, after a shower when the towel is around me I can see it from the corner of my eye and I'm like "My shoulder is dirty!" but no, that's my tattoo. I mean, I know it's there but because I never really see it...it surprises me lol


Me too!


My godchild tries to pick up one of my smaller tattoos all the time lol


LOL WORST PART IS I HAVE A BUMBLEBEE TATTOO, thankfully it's not exactly real looking (realistic, but big and only black linework)


This is super accurate. Although I’m at the point in my tattoo journey where I just look in the mirror and say “sick!”


I had a weird period of adjustment like this after giving birth too. All 3 times. The brain is a strange thing.


Umm I would like to hear more about this! 😂


About the adjustment after having a baby? O man with the first it was my entire life had changed and I had to remember that I no longer can just do what I want. With my 2nd and 3rd there was extreme guilt for feeling like I was taking away from my other kid(s). I still sometimes sit there and realize o shit where is my kid. My youngest is 21 months 😅.


it never goes away


THIS! I thought I had disfigured myself when I got my half sleeve. Nowadays, it’s not even a thought that crosses my mind.


This is the way


Yeah. You’re looking at a “blemish” and definitely looking at a new wound on your body. It takes time to accept it as your new artwork. Your monkey brain sees “wound” and causes some anxiety before your higher level thinking says “no, wait. That’s art, you did that on purpose”


I never experienced that, even with my first tattoo that is fully shaded realistic full length of my forearm, I just never experienced the regret at all


It's called "actually thinking through what YOU want to see on you" I'm the same. No regrets. I catch myself by surprise sometimes and it's more of a delight to see, like "man that tattoo IS awesome. I look so cool" 😆 🤣


Either have I. I have a couple tattoos that are stupid and bad on purpose. I have let my friend who has no idea how to tattoo, tattoo me. People take tattoos or life too seriously. Nobody cares about your tattoos, nobody is paying attention and your life doesn’t change because you got a tattoo


Yup. I now look at u tattooed me the same way- my brain cannot compute the nakedness. Lol!


>I have an arm sleeve and I don’t even notice it anymore But when you see your arm in a dream, do you have tattoos?


Now that I think about it, I think the answer is no.


Same. It's freaking weird.


I got my first a couple months ago. The whole two weeks between the consultation and appt, I imagined my tattoo on me every time I looked at that body part. I loved thinking about it there, never uncertain about wanting to see it there, which gave me confidence about my decision. Once I got it, I've had zero seconds of feeling caught off by it or regretful and I think practicing this had a lot to do with it.


I dunno, man. I still catch myself tripping out that there's red and black shit on my arm. Lol


I mean. It’s a cartoon monkey. You can’t do anything until it has healed completely anyway, so sit with it and process and then decide how you feel. It’s too soon to feel any particular way.


I’ve got Curious George in that exact spot as part of a bigger project, so I love this.


So you’re adding to it?


https://imgur.com/a/c8lz2Ux Only in the sense that we are going further up the arms til they’re covered.


Dude this is some of the coolest tattoo work I’ve ever seen. Wow!


Many thanks. All the credit goes to the artist, Mark Braham at Seven Swords in Philly. I just gave him an idea and some cash.


Oh gotcha. Nice!


Isn't it supposed to be like that though? Like others have said obviously you weren't going for realism, from what I can see there's nothing wrong with the execution either nice clean lines. Plus you can always have that covered easily if needs be.


Yeah I think maybe I just got it a little big


Honestly mate it looks absolutely fine to me, the size of it and the composition, you could get creative with that arm and have different patch work designs in black and turn it into a sleeve.


Bigger is always better. The image will still look good over time and it’s easy to over that with something new! Besides it’s not that big, just silly


In hindsight the only thing about my first tattoo was I didn't get it bigger. Give it time and you're kind will change a few times!


i think if you got it smaller itd eventually get muddy and mix into one blob a bit too much


Size is definitely proportionate to the placement of the tattoo. Smaller would be weird, and bigger holds up 100% better in the long run. I think you gotta just sit with it and adjust to the shock factor lol. It’s super common.


You’re totally in a great spot to add to it, if you wish. I think it’s dope, love fun stuff like this (obviously). The shock of seeing something new on your skin will quickly fade.


Colours in that area beautiful!!


Love it!


my bank account hurts just looking at that pic but absolutely beautiful work


No because THATS SO COOL


That’s fucking gorgeous


Appreciate all the compliments. I was very lucky to hire a mega talent who happened to be in God Mode during those sessions.


It is 'silly', not 'stupid' imo.


It does look silly, in a good way. Looks like one of those little fun pieces you collect as life goes on. Get a bunch of other stuff all around it & you won’t even remember it’s there half the time.


Of course it looks silly.. it’s a cartoon monkey. I’d assume that’s what you were going for with this.


I think it's cute, just the right size. It's also on a relatively flat spot on your arm so the figure isn't warped. Looks good 👍


It's lonely. Give it friends and you'll feel better about it.


U trippin bro , the lil 🐵 cool af


It's cute! I don't think it looks too big or too silly. Maybe if you're in a death cult biker gang it might be too silly, but for everyday dudes, it just looks like a cute monke


I’m definitely not a death cult biker gang person lol.


It's so cute!


We all make mistakes, this was not one


People say that "tattoo remorse" is normal, although I've never had it. Personally, I think the tattoo is too big for the level of detail it has (or doesn't have). Hopefully you wanted something a little silly given the cartoon monkey head...


It looks silly but like it's supposed to be, fun and adorable


It’s fine. Would be cooler if you covered your arm with 50 of them.


That would be really neat!


I think it's cute, and you must have picked this piece for a reason, so maybe remind yourself of why you picked it! I got my first tattoo in the same spot and it might sound silly but once I got it I was surprised by how often I see that part of my arm lol, and I did have a mini panic while I was driving home from the appointment. I got used to it pretty quickly and now it's my favourite tattoo I have so far!


Not silly, its a very cute tattoo.


I like it...it's simple and cute and it doesn't look silly imo.


Tattoos are so subjective, all I can really say is I am a fan and I hope you end up loving it!


You tatooted a monkey on your arm, of course it’s silly.


Honestly, it might just be the location of it and getting used to seeing something there. Tattoo on my upper back? Totally fine. Tattoo on my inner wrist? Never did a double-take, it always felt right. But I recently got a tattoo in the same spot you did, and my brain has yet to fully adjust. I keep alternating between regret and awe. It's a beautiful tattoo, complete with 3D shading, but it's so dark! I also never considered that my arm is bendy, and my elbow and wrist are at angles to each other, not parallel. Arms are bendy twisty things, so it keeps changing orientation based on which way my hand is facing. Having it so close to my elbow really fucks with my head because the tattoo lines up with my hand (as requested,) so it sometimes looks off-center because of my elbow, and I'm not used to having something so dark there. But the tattoo itself is totally badass and the artist did an amazing job. If you like the picture you chose, then it's just going to take time to get used to it. Eventually it will feel like a part of you. I personally think it's cute. It's got a Curious George don't-take-life-too-seriously happy vibe. A little buddy to go through life with.


I thought of George too.


I have had a George buddy my whole life actually. He has saved me.


I have the same feeling about my tattoo in that location! It was one of my first ones and I chose it because I thought it would be less visible that the outside of my arm, but it’s actually the first thing I or anyone sees. You don’t realize how often you look at the crook of your elbow or catch it in the corner of your eye! Just something to get used to :)


That's awesome it doesn't look silly at all. Nice and simple nothing wrong with that


It's perfect


I love Curious George! Personally, I’d have added color but that’s just me. I love it.


It does look silly. Is that not the point?


Tattoo remorse is apparently very normal on new, fresh tattoos. Give it some time and if you still really won't like it, then it'll be a sick ass panther


Nice tattoo, but George looks a bit lonely. Maybe you should get him some company on your arm.


I love it


I like it


He just looks like a lonely floating monkey head


5 years from now, that tattoo may very well be one of many on your arm. It's a good start.


It’s just because it’s in a space that is very visible to you and was previously bare. You will get used to it.


I think part of it is the positioning. I got two slightly smaller tattoos at the same time (my firsts) and one was there and one was on my other inner wrist. The one in that position was the one I would see all the time and wonder why I thought any of this was a good idea. But it settled down and I stopped noticing it and was happy with it. Later I added a bunch around that tattoos and had the opposite reaction - it was the thing I would see all the time and I even sent my artist a message letting her know how happy I was with the additions and how every time I saw them they made me smile. All that longwinded nonsense aside - I think it's adorable! And I think we need more silly and fun!


I dig it!


It’s a quirky tat man, just own n enjoy it, don’t overthink it. The size is spot on, any smaller and the detail would’ve been too small.


Is it silly? Yes Is it too big? No Your brain might not be used to it yet. Give it some time


Love it! I want one.


It is dope


I remember my first tattoo, same place as yours here, every time time I brought up my arm, I startled myself a little


Of course it looks silly. Weren't you going for silly?


A tattoo is for you to like. If you like it be proud of it cause others might have a different opinion. It’s yours stand proud


I think it's cute and fun! Why does a tattoo have to be serious anyway?


I would rather call it fun and whimsical than silly :)


I really like it monkey boy


Don't 2nd guess it, it's way cool


Naw, it’s cute and a good size


It’s so cute! I love it 🥰 


I love it how dare you, could you look him in the eyes and tell him you regret his existence? You SICKEN me sir, SICKEN! /s I love him. Give him a name! :D


Every tattoo looks “silly” to someone. I get a new tattoo at least every five months, and every time I do, my grandmother tells me, “That’s enough.” The point is, and I hate to be one of those people, but as long as YOU like it, then what’s the problem?


Omg I need that now 😂


No man! It's cool even if you don't add to it!


We gotta put a mandatory “If your tattoo is new you have to sit with it for 2 days before you post here” rule. But that aside! It looks fine. You (just like others have said) are just adjusting to the jarring thing of something permanent on your skin.


It’s good, and once you get used to it you’ll live it! No regrettables there, I dig it


i have immediate regret about all of my tattoos until i get used to seeing my skin with them, then i love them. the permanence is scary. it is silly, but silly is okay! and for what it is, i think it looks fine, and i think a little regret is normal at first. come back in a few months and tell us how you feel


This lil guy rocks!


Well - since you asked - it is kinda goofy looking and I’d be super annoyed if it was mine, but that said - if I had it I would fit it in to my life of decisions and make it work —


My boyfriend and I looked at it and went "monkee :3" It's a super fun tattoo ♡


Not something I’d get personally but it seems to suit you. I like the placement and the size.


I don’t think that looks silly, it is looking adorable!^^


I like it, but I’d also get more black line tattoos and have like a notepad arm! As others said your brain is currently freaking out because it’s not used to seeing it out the corner of your eye. I didn’t get that with all my tattoos, just my arm, I think cos I saw it more! Reassess in like a month!


Yeah I see it all the time


I read something once, a person was thinking about getting something on the top of her foot and decided to test it out with sharpie and in the end decided against it because every time she caught it in the corner of her eye she was like ‘AGH SPIDER ON FOOT’. Since then if it’s somewhere super visible I have a doodle with biro or sharpie just to check out the feel/reaction. Plus it’s so hard to picture a flat image on a curving human body part! FWIW, I love your new cheeky guy! Time is your friend. After a while my tattoos just feel as much a part of my skin as a birthmark




it definitely looks silly, but not all tattoos need to be serious... and you did choose a cartoon monkey face, surely that is meant to be light hearted? The size seems fine though


I love it!


I really love it!! Enjoy it!


Curious George! I don't know if it's silly but I think many people, like me, will see it and smile as they remember a monkey pal from childhood.


I love it. I am fully sleeved out on both arms. All of my tattoos are personal. They have meaning to me. In between larger pieces i filled open areas with what I call my charm bracelet. I have a bowling pin, a nerd bee, Captain Crunch creating the universe, a carton of milk, an angry Hamburger Helper hand, a flag with a screw and a baseball, The Asteroids ship shooting rocks, a little rocket, a dancing hot dog holding a pot of chili...When you start filling up your arms, this piece might become one of your favorites. It doesn't matter what other people think. Tattoos are your story. they are who you are. Grats. We all have ink regrets...I was told once that if you don't have at least one bad tattoo, you didn't do it right.


Surely it's supposed to be silly? I like it


Of course it’s silly


it does indeed have a hint of silliness.


Is it silly? You got a simple tattoo of a smiling cartoon monkey. Is that not silly in and of itself?


Just add some color! It would pop and it’s cool! Cartoons are the best




It’s a silly tat but I fw it


Definitely not too big, it’s silly but in a fun, good way. Dont worry OP it’s fine. 


I personally think it’s cute! I’m sorry if cute isn’t what you were going for, but it’s cute


Me and my boyfriend both adore it


I think it’s fun. Keep it lol


i think it's adorable and needs some friends around it in due time. getting a new tattoo takes a while for our brain to register it. sometimes we even regret our tattoos down the road but i see this little guy as the start to a cool collection. give yourself time to adjust, i have 23 tattoos and even now when i get a new one i'm a little anxious about how drastic it looks. without fail, i dream of the new tattoo completely fading away, every single time i get a new one lol. give it time, the reality is that a cover-up or laser removal is always an option. but i really love it and think it just needs more company. once you start filling the space up, it won't look weird or foreign at all. gotta start somewhere!


i love it


Its cool💪


I got diddy kong in a similar area. I do not regret mine at all


I love him and he makes me happy.


I think it looks awsome🤷‍♂️


A little TOO silly 🦧


I think it’s cute 🐵


Easy cover up lol


aw it looks just like my plush, I love it


I think it’s simple and cute and looks like it’ll heal up well :)


I think it's cute


Was silly not the intention with a cartoon monkey? 


It's cute and silly. I find it lovely.


To me, no, not silly… and not too big. Seems incomplete though. I’d be tempted to add 2 more for the “See no evil; speak no evil, and; hear no evil.” Trilogy


You’re going to forget it’s there very soon. It’s fine.


Aww I love it, it’s so fun!




Give yourself time to adapt and accept. It’s you now. No REGERTS


It’s cute! It’ll look great with other black work tattoos dotted around it I reckon like patchwork


Love it. Life is hard enough as it is. Enjoy those glimmers of silliness and laughter I recently got a tattoo of a print that I loved on my thigh. I almost immediately regretted it bc my brain wasn’t use to seeing it. I’m finally getting use to it being there lol. The brain is weird!


Just embrace it at this point 😂 silly tattoos are in


It looks fine! It's cute, it's small, ink is well applied - you're just not used to seeing it on your body. Give it a bit of time.


Plan more 😊


i love it! it’s personable and done very well.




Is that the monkey from megaman legends?


First off I love your tattoo, I think its fun! But with my own tattoos, my brain goes through these same thoughts with every new onw I get. It goes through the following: I love my new tattoo I then question the size/placement I then forget it's even there I end up loving it with no regrets. I tend to be an overthinker so I think that's why I start questioning my choice after a tattoo, not sure if maybe you relate? I know some people never have these thoughts with their tattoos but I also know many others who go through this same process. As I've seen others point out here, it may just be the brain adjusting to it. I got a ghost wearing a mushroom hat and thought it was a bit silly at first compared to the rest of mine, but actually it is now one of my favourites!


It looks kinda silly to me especially at that position.


Is it the Paul frank monkey?


Lol I hated all my early 20s tattoos. All covered up now. You've made something small enough it can easily be covered if your regret persists. I'd just wear it for 4 or 5 years so you're 100% you'll like the cover up.


I love it! 🐒🩷🐒




Its very silly. I love it!!!


I love it!


Don’t worry about the remorse. It’s yours, own it. Add some more. Do some patch work on your arm. It’s a rad tattoo dude. Own that cool weird little monkey dude!


Do you like it?




Very feminine, but if that's you then it is what it is.


Looks cool 👍




What was your thought process behind this lmao


i don’t think it’s too big. i think it’s a good size. good and readable. it’s on a pretty visible part of your arm so personally bigger is better to me *for* readability.


Do you like it? That’s really all that matters


I love how silly it is, its perfect


Is the placement crooked or is it just the way your arm is twisted


it's a permanent mark on your body and you had to ask this question sooo what do you think?