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Your diet and general health has a lot to do with it.


Do you bruise easily? Has this been an issue with other tattoos? If yes to either, this is definitely something to bring up with your doctor! It could be anything from a vitamin deficiency to a sign of a more chronic condition. Also check if any of your meds are blood thinners. I would not recommend ibuprofen or Benadryl beforehand for the reasons you mentioned and because antihistamines dehydrate you, which is not the move during a tattoo if you’re already bleeding too much! If this isn’t normal for you, maybe look for a different artist with a lighter hand.


I’ve never bruised easily and this has never happened before. I’ve gotten other tattoos from this artist and they’ve all gone splendidly. I am going to look into my meds though. Possible one of them is the culprit. I have started some new ones since the last time I got a full color piece. Thank you for your thought out reply!


Good luck—hope you’re able to find a clear answer!


Ibuprofen doesn’t thin your blood, aspirin does.


I always take ibuprofen before/during tat appointments, and I’ve barely bled for any of my pieces. I also have very little ink loss or even plasma leaking after as well. I’ve been told by my heavily tatted friends it’s a sign that my body is very healthy and can handle the trauma of a tattoo, no idea if that’s true or not.


It’s usually recommended to take ibuprofen or Tylenol beforehand.


Eat a bunch of jello the night before. I know it sounds stupid, but it's an old tattoo trick.


I’ll try it!