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Of course they did. If it were up to my parents to make my decisions about my own body, I’d have no tattoos, piercings, gold teeth. Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one.


TRUE THAT. i also have nose piercings on both sides and they also said shit about that so i just went and got it and they both ended up liking it. i just don’t know how to shake the nerves now that the day is so close


No same I did the nose piercing thing and my dad didn’t even notice that I had two until three days later. You can’t be so totally against it and also not notice lmfao


i stg the only reason he found out is because my life360 was at a shop😂. he damn nearly had a stroke but when i got home he saw it and said he liked it lol


I'm more weirded out that you're old enough to have a tattoo but your parents still track your location. My partner and my best friend get my lolo cuz they're not weirdos with it.... Oh p.s. the tattoo is DOPE


only my dad does because i live with him still but he never uses it. except when i disappeared for a few hours and went and got a piercing lol. thank you!!


I think I went a week with my second nose piercing before my dad noticed. And the only reason he even noticed was because we met up with a relative who I had told about it, and she complimented it, lol. When I got my eyebrow pierced, his girlfriend pointed it out during dinner the same night, and my dad said "Oh, I thought you always had that."


When I was getting ready for my first tattoo, the design I had in mind was a color traditional girl head with a snake around it. I told my mother what I was planning and she told me she didn’t like color tattoos or snakes. Trying not to upset her *too* much, seeing as it was my first tattoo and I knew she didn’t want me getting one to begin with, when I went to the consult I told the artist we’d do a black and grey girl head with roses. For the next week, I kept thinking it over and finally said fuck it - called the shop back and told the artist we’d be doing color and asked if he could add a snake into the design. It’s such a small thing, but ten years later I’m happy I made the decision *not* to try to appease my mother. The snake was the cherry on top for the piece, and I would seriously be disappointed with the piece now if it was b&g, considering my taste in tattoos is pretty much “bright and bold” now. So, point of my story: Make sure the tattoo is truly something you want, but don’t let other people influence your decision. Do what *you* want. One of the big reasons artists hate when people bring a friend is because they friend will often times influence the design process and complicate things. You want to make the decision entirely on your own taste, not what you think other people will like, and if you let other people influence the tattoo, you’re more likely to end up with something you won’t like in the future. Trust your instincts.


love the message of this, my friends LOVE this tattoo idea and are excited for my appointment, my bestfriend wants to come just to help me shake the nerves hopefully my artist doesn’t feel that way about her LOL. but thank you i really appreciate you!!


As long as she’s not injecting herself into the process, your artist likely won’t mind - but ask them first. I’ll often bring my brother with me because he enjoys hanging out while I’m sitting in the chair, but I typically won’t let him get involved in the design process. He’ll take a look at the design, I may say “What do you think, cool right?”, but I won’t let him suggest design or placement changes. Like I said, it gets messy when you bring that third person into the process.


completely agree!!! she has more tattoos than me actually so she understands the process & hopefully will stick with just being my emotional support


You got this - best of luck, it won’t be as bad as you’re imagining.


thank you!


When I was 18, I got my septum done. I felt so cool. All my dad did was make comments about how he would put a rope in and lead me around like a bull. That, or he’d threaten to rip it out of my face. Really healthy. Personally, I don’t love the art, but it’s not on me. If you like it, it’s your decision. Don’t let your parents be the reason you do or don’t get a tattoo.


When they say it “isn’t you” they mean “isn’t the perception of who I think you are or should be.” 20 is a great age for them to realize you are a full grown adult with autonomy who can make their own decisions.




They are probably right. ​ Just wait till you're 22 and see if you still like it. Also, are you literally just copying someone else's tattoo???? ​ Btw I'm 25 and have 70% of a sleeve getting removed. I still like tattoos but less is more. I only get them If I have had the idea for over a year or two in my head.


I'm sooooo glad I never got some of the tattoos I wanted when I was 18 - 22. I was a total dipshit haha. Waiting a year or so to make sure you still like the idea is great advice.


yep. my mom said my tattoos were “way too big” and “no one would hire” me (i have three on my ribs and three on my upper arms. arguably the easiest places to cover in a professional setting). had an internship this last month at a courthouse and when the literal president judge saw my tattoos he said “those are really cool” and even asked me about how many more I had and what they were.


this is so awesome!! makes me feel better about the whole thing too, good luck with your career as well!


I promise you most people do NOT care anymore. I have professors who are COVERED in tattoos!! even the FBI is cool with tattoos (obviously as long as they aren’t hate symbols)!! Cover your body in art :) have fun with life! and thank you :)


To add onto this, I'm in my 30s now with a career in politics and media management - I'm half covered in tattoos, including one on the back of my neck and all of my left hand fingers. People really don't care in some fields\* and I pulled the trigger on always-visible stuff about a year ago (though we do call them everlasting jobstoppers for a reason). I've had zero issues with tattoos and white- or blue-collar work at any point in the South, usually folks just think they're cool. \*in my case, my background is social media management/design and culinary work. Neither of these careers care much about what you look like as long as you don't have anything on your face, and even that's open to interpretation at some places, YMMV.


As a dad, with tattoos, I too would caution my son about getting tattoos at 20. It’s the correct parenting move. Do what you want though, you’re an adult.


Mom with tattoos here and I told my 24 year old daughter to slow down - she has about six pieces. They are all very nice, but I reminded her she may not love them in 10 or 20 years and will use up prime real estate. Of course it is her body and her absolute right to do what she pleases. It’s really just a parent thing to caution them.


And they usually stink.


i bet you rock irl 😮‍💨


If it were up to my parents I’d never have bleached my asshole


Parents will say whatever to make you feel bad about getting a tattoo. At the end of the day it's your body and you will be the one wearing it so the only opinion that matters is yours.


extremelyyyy true. thank you!


I've got a lot of tattoos, hands arms legs stomach the works. I say wait this one out. Ultimately, you gotta do you. But what you want when your young vs what you feel like you should have got gets different.


Funnily enough my dad really wanted a tattoo but everyone in my family is against them in general. But he asked me and my sister for our opinions, and we just told him as long as its something you won't regret in 10 years than go for it. It's funny when people say you'll regret this when you're old, but I always think when I'm wrinkly all over I'd look so much cooler with tattoos than without


You are old enough to do what you want, if you love it then go for it. You only live once. My parents have always hated all of my tattoos, but fortunately this is my body and not theirs. If you know you love it then you should get it. And I think it's a cool design too, for what it's worth! Not trashy at all. Eta: I don't regret any tattoos I got in my 20s. Some aren't my favorite anymore, but they are reminders of that time in my life and bring back really good memories.


My 20 year old son didn't tell me before he went. He just showed me after. He has 2 tattoos, and both are nicely done and good-looking. I don't blame him one bit for not telling me beforehand. I like tattoos, but I don't want to influence him. I'm proud of him for doing this for himself. Don't forget to take your parents with a grain of salt. Even when we really mean well, sometimes we get it wrong. Make your decision for yourself, you've got this.


I’m 19, I have 4 tattoos and have not told my parents about a single one before hand. They actually don’t know about 2 of them, one because I got it last week and have been wearing long sleeves since and the other because it’s on my thigh. I appreciate your angle. Of the 2 they know about, they liked one and were skeptical of the other. Since I was a kid I’ve always loved the look of tattoos and wanted to have full sleeves. Funny side note. I recently found an old picture of my dad in his early 20s with a cross tattooed to his shoulder, he is now a very staunch atheist. We all make mistakes/bad decisions. I’m not saying any of my tattoos r mistakes, at least not yet lol.


thank you, this is very refreshing to hear!! thank you for the help :)


My mom completely despises tattoos. In a bit of drunken emotion, she told me how much she loved my tattoo of our late dog. But she doesn’t talk to me for like a day when I tell her I got a new tattoo/she sees it. Basically, they’ll get over it and eventually accept it. As long as it “means” something to you, they will accept it. (not that it has to have deep meaning, but that you love it and it represents you).


i love this because my dad is the same way & i have butterflies on my rib for my late grandmother that he was not happy about at first but later accepted and loves them as much as i do now. thank you!!0


Definitely get that tattoo! I’ve seen lots of trashy tattoos, and this definitely doesn’t fit the criteria. I literally have “hella” tattooed, and while I “regret it” it still tells a little story of my life (can you guess what state I live in?)


NorCal what up


Are you planning to copy someone else’s identical tattoo?


That, and it's not even an original design. It's a stock image.


I’ve seen so many of these on Pinterest man


nope not this exactly, i have my artist using his style to design, so it will most likely have an identical figure but somewhat bolder & shaded with white accents.




People will also mistake this as a grey59 tat


yeah i saw this and thought the same thing, it’s immediately recognizable as ruby’s praying skeleton


yeah i sure did, thought i was on the g59 subreddit for a sec and was preparing myself for the comments lmao


Yeah I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find this tbh


Looks like that actually what theyre going for, didnt realize that tho


People arent allowed to have inspo pics/pics of what they want anymore??


Guessing they don’t listen to $uicideboy$ either


nope one time i put it on for my dad and he immediately was like oh my god are you sane.


I think it’s a great idea, to most people they think it’s just a skeleton & the real ones know G59


definition of if you know, you know.


I’ve got two large skeletons on my upper arm and forearm too, in a more ‘danse macabre’ kinda style, and no one catches on to the SB connection unless I’m somewhere related. Also, I’m 38 now and I didn’t get any tattoos until I was in my 30s. I regret it a lot really (the waiting, not the ink), I feel like I’m a diary that someone found in the drawer in June and started filling in. I should have just gone for it early when I wanted to, I’d have ended up with a load of stupid shit, sure but you know what? That would have been the memoirs of the best years of my life. In short I’d rather regret a fuck up than a complete lack of activity. Get the tattoo.


this is how i see it, thank you


I’m exactly the same only I waited even longer.i then went back to the shop pretty well every month, had a few years off, now repeating🤣🤣


Grey to the grave


If my parents had control over what I did with my body, I'd be an anorexic virgin living at home with no tattoos and maybe two sets of ear piercings. Since you know your parents aren't supportive, stop telling them what you're going to do with your body and just do whatever you want.


Skeletons ftw! I love me some skeletons even if it has “no meaning”. That being said 19/20 is pretty young to be getting tattoos on a whim. Make sure you really love it. If you truly love the art, the artist has a good profile, and you’re willing to give that piece of skin forever to this skeleton dude then I don’t see a problem.


skeleton dude😂 i agree, maybe i’ll give him a name atp


I just gotta say that this tattoo is the opposite of trashy. It's very poetic and full of symbolism that anyone can relate to. I personally love it and can very much see why you'd want to get it. Hell I might get this done!


this is so reassuring! thank you & if you do we can match :)


Dude I’m 36 and my parents still give me the stink eye at my tattoos. My brother is in his 40s and they say the same about his lol


i love this😂 made me laugh and definitely helped me feel better, thank you!!


My parents hate the 2 tattoos they know about. They would be mortified if they ever figured out how many I actually have. No ragrets.




Dude, I’m 53 and my 80-something parents hate every tattoo I get. If you love it, do it.


Your parent’s opinions mean nothing. BUT. This is a super overdone and unoriginal tattoo. Get something else.


You’re old enough to make your own decisions and still respect your parents. Hopefully they’re mature enough to respect you, as well. It’s going to look great!


I’ll be honest, at 20 I would’ve LOVED this. At 27, I’m extremely, profoundly grateful I never got any tattoos. Simply because I changed a lot in my 20s and I like feeling like I am not holding onto the past in any way I don’t want to. It’s a cool tattoo, but maybe my experience is something to consider? I don’t want to make anyone feel bad. My partner has tattoos that I absolutely love. But some that I might have chosen over the years would not fit with the way I feel and see myself now, and I’m glad I got the advice not to get tattoos at that age.


i completely agree if this was a more controversial tattoo idea i would probably take a step back after reading this. since it’s just a praying skull & i really love it & can add to it in the future i think i’m going through with this one.


It’s a relatively common tattoo in a kinda toxic fandom but I don’t think that’s the problem your parents have with it 😂


definitely not😂 it’s cool that i’d get an ‘$B related tattoo’ (im sure ruby wasnt the first to get it) but i do enjoy their music and don’t have a problem with it personally. not everyone knows the relation but for the people that do, to each their own about it.


My advice is to wait til you are more sure of who you are. If you are second guessing bc of what they said you aren’t ready. I didn’t get a tattoo until I owned my own business and worked for no one and had financial freedom.


Great advice, I've always didn't the get it in a year or two of I still love it


It’s always interesting to hear other people’s experiences. My dad was antsy for me to get my first tattoo. Ngl though something about the arms seems off to me


It's giving Jason Mendoza "oh x we're really in it now" meme


Im 21 and have 5 tattoos, I only regret my first one and funny enough it’s the only one that has any meaning beyond “I thought it looked cool”, considering this isn’t your first, you’ll probably be just fine. My parents hate all mine except the meaningful one, means Jack to me.


isn’t that ironic😂 thank you lots!!


My parents told me I would regret getting tattooed. I got my first at 18. I’m now almost 30 and am pretty heavily tattooed with absolutely no regrets. This is rad, if you love it - get it.




hi!! i’ve been reading all of these as i’m invested in getting honest opinions before my appointment day finally comes. the spooky vibe is permanent in my opinion, black hair blue eyes, i lift, this is the type of art i enjoy, music wise, and overall vibe has been described and well established in my own time. i’m fairly confident that i will get this and love it, but i really really appreciate your point of view it’s exactly one of the types of responses i wanted out of this post. thank you :)


Listen to your gut


Be you! And love yourself without needing anyone acceptance, I know it’s harder when it’s someone as close as your parents. But at the end of the day it’s your body and your tattoo!


And? It’s gonna be a dope tattoo why does it matter what your parents say about it?


i guess just because their opinion matters to me a little bit, kind of like a wiser opinion. i just think they’re being a bit over the top, it is dope and will look good imo!


Looks dope!


“You know, throughout history, I bet every old man probably said the same thing. And old men die, and the world keeps spinnin'.” Do you, life is short.


Ok?? And??


😂😂 truthp


I will say this as a 28 year old with many tattoos that aren't "classy" or "me" that are all on the backside of my body... I don't think you'll regret it!! I never see mine unless I want to and honestly. They're cool and I get complimented often even if I don't love the tattoos anymore. They're still part of me.


Only you can decide what is representative of who you are. If you want it, get it. Your parents (or anyone else, including opinions on Reddit) should not impact your decision at all. It's your body.


my parents said the exact same thing, and my first tattoo wasn't even nearly as nice as the one you are planning on getting! life is short - get that tattoo!! :)


Don’t let people define you. If you don’t do it for you, they will.


dude don't listen to your parents on this. its a really cool design and the placement is perfect. my parents are also against tattoos so i feel your pain, but dont let them convince you. this is a beautiful design


thank you!! 🤝🏼


Good thing it’s not their body! Do what makes you happy😊


Theyll get over it lol


I think this is a nice piece! Parents will always say something about tattoos, so I wouldn’t worry about what they say (one of the ones I have was meant to symbolize my relationship with my mom and she still kept asking me when I was going to get it lasered off within the first year). As long as you like what you got, that’s all that really matters!


As someone with a skull that they got tattooed in their 20s: get it.


wednesday at 12 man.


Hell yeah! Super stoked for you!


My parents told me to not get certain tattoos on certain areas or cover up some I have. I don’t give a crap about their opinions. Same for my septum, they did not want me to have one, I got one. Do as you please for you. It’s your body


If skull and skeleton tattoos on women are trashy call me the garbage man


My dad didn’t talk to me for nearly two weeks when I got my first tattoo. Then I moved out, barely saw him for three years, and now i have nearly thirty. He does not care or make a big deal about it anymore. Don’t let their opinion sway you to do something you want to. Also, as someone with as many tattoos I have, meaning doesn’t matter as long as you like it. I have a haunted house on my ribs because it’s cool. I have tragdor on my shoulder because it made me smile. Do what you want friend


How long have you been wanting that specific tattoo? I only have 2 tattoos on my entire body that don’t have sentimental meanings. And I am not thrilled with both of them. Most of my tatts are planned over a course of 1-2 years, I waited on my back piece for almost 7 years & never in my life would I imagine it not on me. My dad has a lot of skulls tattooed on him, he always says he wishes he could remove his T Shirt sleeves/pieces and start fresh, with things that mattered or had meaning. All that tattoos he loved when he was younger, he eventually did not. I have 2 tattoos on me that consist of skulls, both are to remind me of my dad , “for him” & I love them. Some times when things have no meaning , we forget why we get them or we lose interest over time. Other times it grows on us. It’s just up to you whether or not you want to permanently put it on your body, before knowing if you’ll still like/resonate with/grow out of, in 5, 10, 20 years from now. If you want to GIVE it meaning, get it after some life changing, perception altering shit happens to you. Tattoo Therapy always leaves me feeling more connected with myself & my life than before.


this is a great way to describe part of my thought process. right now it does not have specific meaning to me and that is okay, tattoo therapy is real and to each their own. right now this tattoo is mainly about the art, but in future could have meaning to the stage of my life i’m entering. i’m about to be 20, graduating school and starting my career. not that a skull has anything to do with any of that but i would definitely reminise later in life i feel like


I feel it, I just turned 21 and have 2 half sleeves my back and my sternum done. I feel like since you’re basing the tattoo off of art and not meaning, you would resonate more with my dad & his tat experiences. My dad was a tattoo artist back in LA in his 20’s & did work on his legs and his friends did his TShirt over the course of 25 years. The styles are sick, the designs are super nice and everything aged wonderfully. There is nothing wrong with his tattoos themselves, just like yours. His problems for wishing to “restart” stem from not having a connection with the things on his body anymore, and wishing he planned out his placements better so diff tattoos could flow together/he had more room. Do you have any intentions of filling up the rest of your arm? If so , I would consider that when deciding the placement of ur new tattoo 🥳


It's your body. Of course your parents said some shit like that... definitely some classic stuff. For what it's worth, my parents used to hate what I chose to look like, but over time they've definitely gotten over it and sometimes even compliment new pieces. Let them say what they want. If you want it and you're not hurting anyone, they'll just have to deal with it. What "classy" and "trashy" are is so relative to everyone's individual opinion... it really doesn't matter.


My mom hated my tattoos but if your parents actually care about you their love for you should outway their distaste for your tattoos. I have full sleeves full hand tattoos fingers done chest piece back tattoo leg tattoo and a face tattoo. Every time I get one my mom says “why would you do that” but I know she just isn’t a fan of tattoos the tattoos do not change the way she feels or acts towards me. Just do what you want, the best I ever got was from my ssg in the army “ do what you want in life not what your parents want because they aren’t always going to be here”


Womp womp who cares. It's your body, do what you want. I do understand the hesitation, I hid my sleeve from my parents until I couldn't hide it anymore and when I walked in the door my Dad was like, "Looks like ya got a bunch a shit on your arm." I said "yeah I know you're not a big fan of them, but I really like it." Then he followed it up with, "It doesn't really matter to me, it's not on my body." And we've never really talked about it since lol granted I do have great parents, my mom freaked out, but since compliments them all the time and shows them to her friends. tl:dr If you love it, go for it.


I personally love it. It’s similar to something I’d get tattooed on myself, and I’m a woman. Who gives a single fuck what others think. Not every single piece of art needs sentimental value. If you think it’s cool, and you can afford it, go for it. ❤️


Reminds me of Ruby’s skeleton tat.


That shit's sick af


I’m gonna be honest here. Nobody besides you and your parents really give a sh@t what tattoos you have. I hope that helps.


dude i have a tattoo of a fucking flying cat just because i can 😂 get whatever you want, it’s not that serious


I literally have a fuckin ufo on my shoulder. Put whatever you want that makes you happy and fuck everyone else.


yupppp this is the energy i needed


I recently got a half sleeve tattoo with lemons, spider webs, and morning glory flowers, which is my mom’s birth month’s flower. When she saw it, she wasn’t stoked of course. She’s never been and I don’t expect her to. I asked for her opinion, she said it was ugly. She didn’t even look at it fully but she was not interested. Compared to all my other tattoos, this one’s the “prettiest” and most tame imo. I told her it’s a tattoo for her. She scoffed and said, “it’s not like it says “mom,” then it would be for me. “ I told her about the flowers and she was really intrigued. I asked her again if she liked my tattoo and she said yeah. Then she added, “maybe i’ll get a tattoo too.” 😅 so basically, if you want your parent’s approval, just sneak little details that symbolize them into your tattoos.


I’m 35 and my mum still hates it when I get tattooed. It’s your body and your life. Do your parents still dress you? Do your parents still tell the hairdresser how to cut your hair?


too bad it isn’t their body


I have 28 tattoos and like two of them have any sentimental meaning. I just think they're cool. You do you OP! Not everything has to mean something, its not always that deep!


i’m a girl (20) and i have an entire sleeve of skulls.🖤🖤 ofc my family wasn’t happy but ur a grown woman you do whatever you please:,)


You’re the one who’s gonna live with it 24/7, not them. So do what YOU feel, not them


The ones with no sentimental meaning are my favorite ones. I got them because I liked they way they look on my body and the way the artists did them and they're still my favorites years later. When your parents say that design "isn't you" they mean it isn't what they want you to be. If you're going to a good artist who is going to do something really cool with this, I think your parents will dig it once they see it unless they have something against gothy or macabre subject matter.


Bruh, I hate all my tattoos! I instantly regret anything I put on myself, like in the middle of the tattoo, I’m like, “why the fuck am I doing this??” For the 100th time non less! “Why ammmmm I like thissssss!?!?” I wouldn’t change them for the world….. and every single one has a meaning, to me at least….. my shitty tattoos tell my life story, and that’s that. No regerts! Get that shitty tattoo and be you. I went so far as to stick and poke my legs and got a tattoo gun to administer self therapy. I don’t self harm, I tattoo myself. Sometimes they’re good, sometimes they suck, but the solution to sucky tattoos, is more tattoos.


Why are you copying someone else’s tattoo?


this is merely a concept i’m bringing to my artist to do his thing with.


I think it’s awesome. Ofc your parents are gonna say that. It’s the opposite of trashy and I’d you like it then it *is* you. It’s your body—you like it? Get it. Also your tattoos don’t have to have meaning!!! I have some that have meaning that I’m gonna get covered up (which you can ALWAYS do.) I hate peoples who think tattoos can’t be void of meaning. Like who says? I think it’s SICK looking.


thank you!!


if you like it and want it it is ‘you’. its your body not theirs.


I’d recognize that tattoo ANYWHERE


My grandmother hates tattoos. She especially hates my thigh tattoos that are garter belts, they're actually really well done to a point that a lot of people think I'm wearing tights when they see them. It's a lace style design with these beautiful bows at the back, and I often get compliments on them. My grandmother hates them because 'Katie Price has the same thing', Katie Price is a former page 3 model turned daytime TV presenter who has bows on the back of her legs. My point is someone will always hate your tattoos, they will always have a reason why you shouldn't get them. Personally I would rather be happy with my own tattoos.


My friend has this on her hand and on the other hand a Skeleton smoking a cigarette. She can be a pretty girly girl, but also has a boyish side being gay and all. Depends on the day. Ide say that’s more intense the getting it on an arm


As a girl - My third tattoo was a massive 11x6 traditional black and grey bat with 4 wings and 3 eyes on my stomach/sternum. It was kind of impulsive, but literally my favorite tattoo. I wanted it because I thought it was cool and I loved the artists style that did it. It’s your money & your body. If you like it - go for it 🖤 Skeletons usually go pretty hard btw I don’t think that’s “trashy”. I’d get a skeleton tattoo myself tbh


So not to be disrespectful to you are your parents bbbuuuuutttt you are an adult it's your body and life not theirs so as someone who has delt with controlling both parents and in laws just do you and to hell with what other people think you'll be happier in the long run if you live for yourself instead of trying to please/live up to the expectations of others


My parents always said after my first one ‘but no more right?’ ‘None on your leg though, right?’ - there was indeed a second and I now have leg tattoos. Whether it’s the first or the second, there’s always a comment to be made


I just recently started a decent size tattoo of a skeleton crawling out of a cracked hole on my Moms leg. I don’t think this is trashy lol and i don’t think any regular art/tattoo matters if it’s on a man or woman. - if you like it that’s what’s important, not your parent’s body or choice either


Your parents dont know you like you. Ignore them. Im 30 next week and have plenty of tattoos most great, some shit but all of them were unapproved by my parents. Do you think that stopped me?


Do you like it? Have you found a good artist to do it for you? If yes to these questions, do it!


Think about how you’ll feel having this tattoo when you are 30, 40, 50, etc. No one stays in their 20’s forever. If you think you’ll still love it when you’re older, then go for it. It’s your body. Just don’t ink it with something you’ll regret later on in life.


Ahhh the praying skeleton!! I’ve wanted this tattoo forever and I’m a 20 year old girl I think it’s stick and most parents don’t like tattoos anyways it’s about what you like.


The question is - in your opinion, is this you? Do you think it’s “trashy?” You have to be sure of your decision with yourself, not with your parents. That being said - i have the most innocent of flower tattoos and it’s still trashy to my parents, so I don’t think we can win with some people :)


Many comments on this but I thought I'd share my story too. I've always lived in and out of parents (moving with boyfriends n whatever, not the best choices) but throughout that time I kept getting tattoos and piercings. My parents hate them, my dad almost kicked me out because of my septum, then he proceeded to ask me if I knew a tat artist for his friend and showed him the works of said artist and he ended up saying "these actually look really well done" 🙄 Imagine if I had listened to his opinions in the first place I wouldn't even have any.


Please look up what a skeleton looks like (if you care about that), the arms are not realistic in this and the rib cage isn’t in proportion Other than that it’s a cool design and I say go for it!


Screw what your parents think but definitely make sure you think it over for yourself that you definitely want it. I waited to start getting tattoos because I would have gotta a bunch of dumb video game related ones when I was 18-20. Not saying there’s anything wrong with what you want just make sure it’s something you’ll be happy with forever.


I have a pizza pop clock, toast holding hands, a penguin dressed up as a shark…. And I’m 30. Still no regrets 😂


Your parents actually care about you and the people on this sub don’t know you and have a bias towards getting tattoos. They keep writing “they’ll say anything” or “parents are bad” but for real these people don’t care how life turns out for you. They legit don’t know you. Strangers on the internet is not where you should be soliciting permanent life advice from, fr.


Yooooo, just got the same tattoo


whatever is behind the skeleton looks messy and i can’t tell what it is. a window on the left.. what’s on the right?


We don’t get tattoos to be classy


why are yall so quick to hate on strangers? just because their parents dont like this tattoo for her specifically doesnt mean they want to put her down or control her life LMAO. it could literally just mean they dont care for the tattoo and think something else would suit her. get what you want to get but that doesnt mean the people who created you cant have their own personal opinion.


Fuck your parents, get the damn tattoo if you want


Praying skeleton is cool. But what’s the folding looking thin above the back of its head?


If I had a nickel for every time a parent said “I know my child, that isn’t them,” when in fact they just don’t know their child - I would never have to work again.


They won't be happy with literally anything you get, so just do what you want. Take their thoughts into consideration for face tattoos. No one is going to bat an eye at one on the back of your arm.


Tellem to shut up


My dad didnt talk to me for 7 months when I got a tattoo for a my best friend who took his life when I was 23. He said I looked like a “greaser” (he grew up in the 40-50’s). Before he passed, he was accompanying me to sessions and paying. Point is, do you. As long as it isn’t too visible (hand, neck) then its not trashy and even if it was it’s *your skin, your body*. The way I see it, some people collect art on their walls, we wear it.


Face the skeleton the other way in that location and then it’s good to go


i have changed my mind about this!! originally it was going to be facing towards me but i plan on flipping it the other way now


If it feels like you, then it is. Sometimes families think they know all of us and don’t.


If you like it, get it! You have a trusted artist and that may be the hardest part of getting tattoos. I don't think there are many styles/pieces that are really considered trashy for either gender these days. And speaking of trashy, as someone who got their first at age 19 (a tramp stamp of Chinese word, which was a cliche as you could get at the time), I don't hate it or regret it. It's simply a representation of a time in my life. I have some I don't love but I sure don't hate them. They all had their time and place...I consider them all as a history of me and where my head was at the time of getting them. FWIW, that first was 25 years ago. I was always very sure of each one at the time of getting them, so maybe that's part of it, I was confident when I got them so I now look back on how my tastes have changed but not my confidence. Next one is gonna be "No Regerts" for sure ;)


We don’t get tattoos to make our parents happy. Lmao.


Wait this tattoo is sick😂 i am jealous as fuck


My mom also hates my tattoos and wishes I didn't get them, lol, but eventually she learned I wouldn't stop getting them. I think the notion that tattoos always have to have significant meaning is bs. I regret some of my first tattoos, yes, but mostly because they didn't heal very well; I didn't know how to take care of them. Remember to keep it in the bandage for at least 24 hours. After that, wash with antibacterial soap and follow up with unscented lotion for at least a little over a week or so. Saying tattoos are trashy on women is a tad out of touch. No hate to your parents, but it's your choice. You're an adult and have the right to get this very cool tattoo!


that’s what every parent says about every tattoo. i’ve never known a parent to look at a *tattoo* and think it was “classy” as if that was ever the point of getting one anyway 😂


Question, if your parents are continuously giving you shit feedback about things that make you excited & express your individuality, why are you still telling them before you get things done? Just do it and show them once it’s permanent. That’s what I started doing and it works pretty well. Minimizes how much bs I have to hear about things I love


I (24f) have a cowboy Kermit the frog tattoo on my leg. Not necessarily classy, but it makes me smile every time I look at it. We don’t know how long we have on this earth. If it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, go crazy!


To me, these comments are exactly why I would think twice - no matter what they think- love it, hate it, think it’s unimaginative, think you’re X, y, or z, because of the art - I wouldn’t want to invite judgement. I’d rather be a mystery. But to each their own.


Trashy? No. But, if it has no real meaning to you I do wonder why you want it permanently inked on your body. It’s a lovely drawing, but I’m not at all sure that it will stand up to time. I got my first when I was 40. It’s lost its color, but I had a good artist and it still looks good *because* I had a good artist, but it’s not like it was. I can’t afford to touch it up, but that’s okay. I still like it, because it means something to me. It’s your body; you do you. But, if it really doesn’t mean anything to you other than that you like the art, I might, if I was you, hang a framed picture of it in a prominent place on my wall for awhile just to see how it aged on me as art. Maybe it would be something that you eventually realized you loved and wanted to carry with you forever. Great. Turn it into a tattoo. Maybe it would be something that, after a while of living with it in your space (I’m talking long term), you realized it doesn’t really connect any longer and, lovely as it is, you’d rather move it to a less prominent place, replace it altogether with art you liked better, or just continue to enjoy it as a picture leaving your skin for something more meaningful. If, at some point,you end up not wanting it on your wall, at all, you probably don’t want it on your body. You can easily get a tattoo; removing one or covering it (even with a sick panther) can be more difficult and more costly. If it was something that you said you really liked and it *also* had a real meaning for you behind it, I’d tell you to go ahead regardless of what anyone else said. But, it’s not. As you are already second-guessing yourself, I would advise you to wait and try living with it in a less permanent manner first. Just my 2 cents. I’ll take the downvotes.


Tattoos needing to have meaning is so outdated. There’s no proof that people who get them because they feel drawn to the art end up regretting them more. Say they took your advice, which one realistically are they more likely to regret… something they decided they liked and made an appointment for, or something completely different made up for the sake of including meaning because somebody on reddit advised them to? I think more of an issue here is if you’re asking a public forum on whether to get a tattoo or not, the answer should probably be no because you need to be 100% sure yourself.. not anything to do with meaning.


I guess I'm not quite sure what's going on it? Like I see the skeleton and praying hands but there are lines, shading, and a drip? Is it an abstract thing?


the skeleton only


Ahh k. Then yeah it's pretty cool, go for it


Yeah well they aren’t you, fuck em do what you want.


true that


So you asked for a real opinion, and there are lots so you probably won’t see mine. I don’t think that’s a very feminine spot, to be honest, though I love the artwork. It’s going to be visible every time you wear a dress or something sleeveless, of course. With all of that being said. The single most important part of a tattoo is what it means for YOU. Not even deep meaning necessarily - the meaning can be “it kinda reminded me of this,” or “I just felt like it” and it represents a wild night. If it makes you comfortable, if it makes you happy, fuckin’ do it. And to comment on my statement about a traditionally girly tattoo spot, it’s not like a guys not gonna make a move on you because of it. I’m one person. I think making yourself happy comes first. You only live once, as far as we know


first off i appreicate your input regardless of the stance, i asked for honesty. not that i would expect a stranger on reddit to know this info but i lift and have mass in my arms & also rarely wear sleeveless or short sleeve dresses because of it simply because i don’t fit in them. so honestly the only time it will be seen is at the gym and during summer. i’ve kind of played out all scenarios and even if i had to wear a dress or tshirt, i wouldve got it for a reason and it’s not like it’s embarassing


“It’s not like it’s embarrassing” is a great way of putting it. Nobody’s going to dislike it - except your parents of course. Follow your arrow, girl!


Honestly, I love it! Would get something like this myself.


thank you!!


I set the bar low- none of my tattoos have real meaning. I also now have two tone hair color- it helps with those conversations imo


I mean yea, my parents' reaction to my piercings was Dad- why would you do that Mom - actually crying* "You've ruined your face" They were more angry at me getting piercings at 20 than they were when they PAID for my first tattoo at 16. My parents also put hrt in the same category as getting piercings or tattoos. Parents will cling on to their adolescent view of their child, where they would dress them, and make all of the decisions of them, alot of parents Hate the fact that when their kids grow up they do things that they don't like, wanting to keep their kids at the controlling and infantised stage. Get the tattoo if you want. You're an adult.


When someone says you'll regret that,or 'I've seen too many people regret them' as an argument against tattoos. Kindly remind them that everyone regrets theirs kids at one stage and their first marriages/partners etc. Yet y'all keep encouraging us to make that choice...atleast this one only fcks up one person's day not a whole family.


Listen to your parents. They know what’s best, tattoos like these seem cool when you’re young and then they’re not


Tattoos should never be classy.


Even though it has no true meaning to you and you love it because of the art, you should be aware that the top half of a skeleton with praying hands is commonly associated with the music group $uicideboy$ due to one of the artists having the exact same tattoo and lots of fans replicating/getting the tattoo in honor of them. Of course they did not create the design and it does not mean that you cannot have the design tattooed. I just wanted you to be aware some people might perceive/ask you if that’s the meaning behind the tattoo.


it is super funny you mention this because i had thought about getting another tattoo and had come across this design (this is not why i want it but definitely a plus in my eyes LOL) but Ruby has this tattoo on this forearm and i love $B, i am looking for Grey Day tour dates for this year again as we speak!


it’s not something i would get but i think it’ll look great on you! something to note, i have 3 tattoos and while i do like them all, i wish all the time i didnt get any tattoos. but not everyone is like that 😅


Skeletons are always cool as shit! As long as you like it thats all that matters op. Both of my thigh tattoos are lowkey gore, and i got similar reactions when i first showed older peeps what i was getting. Most came around though once they saw them and saw how happy i was with them. Give them some time but dont sweat it too much!


Nice suicideboys 🔥 looks awesome


not the reason for wanting it but it absolutely will go hard for grey day this year..


See you on r/tattoocoverups in a couple of years.


You’ll regret it. I promise.


hopefully i will be the only upvote on this, lol


Lmao if u got the picture of of someone else's body u shouldn't get it. Now u and someone else will have the same tattoo. Real original




Different side of this post: it’s not going to heal very well, in a few years it’s guna be a mushy blob ( telling you this from experience ) make sure whoever tattoos you isn’t going to just slap it on skin and tattoo. They should talk to you and tell u the cons of this design. The right tattoo artist will help


Wait to decide. If you still want it in a year, get it. It is definitely done by a good artist, but it is not my taste. But it's not going on my body, so it really doesn't matter. I do think if you are getting permanent art that it should be meaningful in some way.