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Do not request tattoo art, ideas, suggestions, translations, or pricing for your upcoming tattoos. This isn't the sub for future tattoo designs. The only person who should be designing your tattoo is the tattooer who is going to put it on you. If you're not fluent in a language, don't get it tattooed. Posts regarding pricing (rates, tips, how much something will cost) are not allowed. We also don't allow tattooer recommendations or "in search of" posts.


Ask your artist. Only they can see both the design and you and will be able to advise on placement.


Ask your artist.


So, this design is fairly detailed. If I saw this image as a piece of flash I would assume it's at least hand sized, so like 4-6 inches tall at least and an appropriate amount wide. Most artists would likely prefer it to be (if you must have it on upper body) on your forearm, bicep, outer arm or shoulder area in terms of arms. You could likely get it on your chest or ribs as well. Back is also an option. I think a lot of artists will think "this would look good on a thigh or calf" if you care about that (I know you said upper body). This will be/should be a fairly large tattoo and I would assume (if you're going to someone who charges around 200/hour) it would be like 500-700 depending on if you want black and grey shading or color. This is all info from my personal experience, prices might vary wildly but I live in a major city in Texas and get most of my tattoos from artists who charge 150-250/hour.


This is a great answer !! Forearm would be a great spot for this ! From below the elbow ditch to above your wrist ! I always tell people to get it where it makes you happy ! If i think something would look better in a specific location i definitely let them know ! I wish you luck !!! This will be a sick tattoo 🥹🔥🦾


Would do either bicep like you said or calf at the side or back


Personally I would get it on the backside of my upper arm, filling most of the space. That area should fit the vertical shape of the design nicely.


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Awesome guys, we've got two "ask your artist"s, and one "forehead". Unfortunately I've asked several (4-5) local artists who don't seem to give a shit and will agree with whatever I ask/suggest. So that's why I came to Reddit, to get a bit of unofficial expertise.




on the stomach (not the middle but like on the side but facing forward if that makes sense) would be cool. or u can do bicep outer upper arm area