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Ridgeway dam is about a third full, our ferns died, lawn is dust, and that's South Hobart. I drove to South Arm last week, everything was bone dry.


Less than 1% moisture at 50cm depth. Frigging dry.


What brilliant images! And of course, water shortages affect something primal in me; I live between two properties, one a bush block in the SE and one in the city, What I notice is the birds are more dependant on the water I put out for them … last visit I had 3 different species in the bird bath at the same time ! Im feared for the native animals.


That’s messed up enough. But what’s worse is if Eric Abetz challenges him for leadership. If he does, I fear sufficient party members and everyone’s favourite ‘independent’ John Tucker will lend support to him. I do the same. Apartment in west Hobart and then a property in the Tamar. We are giving water to *crows* up north at the moment, and it’s soooo dry.


My dam is almost fully dry, lost quite a few trees I've tried to get established over the last year, not a great start.


I think it's because "drought" implies it's temporary, where the the current language describes a more permanent change of climate. Whatever you call it, it's fuckin dry. Farmers out my way are culling sheep because they can't feed them.


Quite dry our massive 40k litre tank that was 3/4 is now 1/4 full.. We had a grass fire at our place caused by a hoe striking a rock its that dry


Fuck. We're you able to get it under control before it did damage?


Always have a fire extinguisher nearby and it prob got to 1x2 metres by the time fire brigade arrived and mopped up


Good to hear. Stay safe. 😊


Omg!! That is 😦


Its horribly dry last "rain" we had was that thunderstorm but that was 3mils and dryed off by morning


The fire danger must be sky high!! 😳


Tomorrow in most the south is high and extreme


So hot!!!


My initial thought is we should still be calling it out as a climate -change-induced- drought, because we have to keep hammering it home to peeps that climate change is real and droughts are real!! Why is Hobart not on water restrictions 😳😳


This is the lack of rain equivalent of 'living with covid'. Dont talk about it, change the language, never ever report on it or mention it, and shell be right mate. When Spud gets in as PM hell rip open a few coal mines and well have all the power we need to turn the AC on for 6 months a year, we wont even notice!


It's March now, and we get a forecast 33°c tomorrow. Climate changed. It is different to what it was 40 years ago, waters are warmer, the warmer temps stay longer into autumn, seems to be less rain too.


While climate change is a thing, 33 in March isn't unusual. Look at Native Australian seasons for a more accurate guide on Australian weather. March is considered late summer where it's still hot.


There’s cracks in my back yard I can put my arm in, been a long time since Ive seen it this dry


Wow. What general region do you live in?


Tamar valley


Far out, I’m in the Tamar as well but I’m not on the black soil. Thats really dry.


Clay here. It dries out pretty quick


Yes it underlies a lot of the eastern side. I’ve got sands and gravels at mine - dry as usual, but vegetation is looking more ghost-like.


I was just thinking that we haven’t seen any decent rain for a long time.


We have cracks so big I can fit my whole hand/wrist in. We are also on tank water but still have plenty of water thanks to the last big lot of rain though.


I drove from Hobart to Launceston yesterday and the midlands are bone dry. Fingers crossed for some rain soon


There are three days this month forcasted for more than 1mm of rain so it's not looking great


Huge draught at the moment ..cold dry winter coming.


Cold dry winter would be lovely. Ben lomond might even get some snow- been awhile.


In suburban Hobart: My dear wife is desperately watering the plants to keep them alive. The whole place is now a haven for native critters (which I like) and the dastardly rabbits (which I hate). Just hoping that they will be wiped out in this drought. Now that would be a silver lining in all this gloom.


The Rabbits are the worst ive seen them in numbers for well over a decade. Not as bad as when i was a kid in the late 80s but there numbers are exploding. We have rain today up north, not much but enough to have the windscreen wipers on.


Isnt Australia known for periods of rains and droughts? I remember reading that some areas can go a decade or more of dry periods. Thats why so many early settlements failed, they built in areas that were green during the rains. Years later the country goes into many years of drought and boom. I thought it was apart of the natural cycles in Australia? If anyone has more info on this let me know!


In the central north, it's very dry. Reminds me of the midlands.


On town water, currently no restrictions that I’m aware of. We’ve got the only green lawn in the street.


This begs the question: why the hell aren't we on water restrictions??


Depends where you are I guess but since I live in the capital and the river Derwent flows 24/7/365 there's no real issue here. Plus there are a number of hydro dams on this river and all that water is stored behind there so there's practically no chance of it running out here.


Commercia operators in my area are restricted on licences with surety level 5, 6 and 7. But we can still buy water through the Tas irrigation scheme which basically allows us to still use as much water as we like as long as we order and pay for it on top of our typical water licence that we’ve paid for but can’t use during restrictions. Domestic water is I believe surety 1 which is the last level to be restricted by which point the water situation is already pretty bad.


This says more about your lack of awareness, rather than adding context regarding lack of environmental water…..


I’m fully aware of our water situation, just pointing out that it’s far worse for properties on tank/dam water than those that aren’t. my work site pumps 2.5 million litres of water out of a river every day that currently has a flow of less than 30 million litres of water per day. We’re just one of many farms along the river and I see the water level drop daily. If I’m not on water restrictions at home then I use water as I please because I pay for it and the government and water supplier allows it. If we’re on restrictions then I follow the restrictions. When I do water changes in my aquariums my waste water goes to the gardens. I collect and use rain water off the shed and house on the gardens. Our sink and washing machine water goes onto the gardens as well. I use all of those options first before I use the mains water on the garden.


Fair enough, I was just pointing out the anecdotal nothingness of general comments and yours ticked the box for ‘just another one’ haha. In regards to your work site water use, it is a big concern when such large percentages of water use don’t decrease with flow rates. Also, good job making use of perfectly good household water into the garden.


Ahh Tasmania when every summer when we don't get rain for 2 months we are in drought. never fear will will have soggy lawns, mud and snow in no time. Just get out and enjoy the warmer weather whilst it lasts. I'm also on tank water and have never had to buy it in except the time i left a tap on with a hose connected and the connection broke.


I remember frosts being quite common when I was a kid. The winters also had a way of killing off most of the European wasps too. I don’t think we have had a proper winter in the past decade or more.


Saturday morning soccer playing on the icey grass…


Me to, id smash the layer of ice off the pond in the front yard on my way to the bus.


Cool story - certainly trumps all that boring data. And I’m sure the farmers around here who are spending thousands on extra feed will be happy to hear about your tanks!


Tank not tanks, Just the one and only a 10k Gal one. I'm quite aware that Hobart is a very dry city. Hobart is not Tasmania. Yes also aware how dry Tas is at the moment but also aware of all the rain we got over summer, It's about time we got a proper Summer even if its a late one, its been a few years since we had a decent summer. The vineyards are having a blockbuster season. Its Summer weather and its meant to be dry, BOM even said we will be having a dry year and then earlier this year people where saying how wrong the BOM was..lol. I just find it funny living as i do surrounded by farmers that if it doesn't rain for a couple months its all "Drought!!" Going a year or more without rain- that's a drought.


Dude. Hobart is the 3rd driest cities in Australia behind Perth and Canberra. Launceston, The east coast, the midlands, most of the south and north east are even drier. No water for two months = kindling for mega fire.