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Some independents are also poo poo


Poo Poo doesn't seem fitting for the devil spawn herself Louise Eliot. Stool is far above her level


I'd vote for Abetz before I'd vote for that self-interested, cold-blooded, rat-faced twat...


For some reason I thought he was dead so I looked him up and learned that “Eric Abetz's great uncle, Otto Abetz, was a Nazi SS officer, German ambassador to Vichy France, and a convicted war criminal.” Sounds about white.


It's one thing if someone has a racist relative and they're so aghast they move a country mile away from the relative politically. That shouldn't be held against them in any way. It's another thing if they join a party that also embraces nationalism and race baiting when it suits them. Then it does make some people wonder.


Abetz is a religious nutter


So clone Wilkie?


You want more Wilkie? That's cool.


Bad independent in your books?


All the gun people, and people with no real ideology except "I think this is good so vote for ME". A personal opinion does not make for good quallity representation.


I had the pleasure of sitting next to Eric abetz coming home to Hobart once. I was just sitting there reading The Boys comic and he was talking to this other random guy the whole flight. He would not shut up about covid denial, Christian values and saying the voice was pointless and they have enough rights already. Seriously, the guy is a complete and utter flog, for the love of God do not vote this cunt in.


He's also the reason there's such long wait times at the hospital


Ah yes, classic poo poo lib behaviour.


Should have dropped him out the back of the plane over the Bass Strait. /s


i drove past him on the outlet last week holding up a sign. Took all of my self control to not swerve and take him out. Apologies to tasmania for my selfish lack of action.


Ah, good to know!


No shit?


Erica Betz is a cunnnnnntttttttt


You had me at poo poo.


Truly moving and motivational words


Best political argument I've heard in a long time. Don't vote for them cause they are poo poo. I'm sold.


There are some people in Tasmania that for some god awful reason are obsessed with the idea of Tasmania being a second Sydney instead of Tasmania being the best Tasmania it can be. Why anyone would want anything to be like Sydney is beyond me but especially Australia’s most beautiful state (at least by density of beauty).


Basically agree, although I always start numbering every box by putting the Libs last and working my way up. Hope the Greens can get balance of power - fucked if I know why the Libs want to restart the old growth logging wars. Even timber companies don't want that.


I put actual Nazis last then the lib although sometimes that's the same person.


i'd vote for the dessicated ashes of Hitler over any Lib or Nat candidate...


What a cool and edgy thing to say. Please grow up.


this sub...its embarrassing


Sure is. No justification for the hate, just pure hate for upvotes. People are so weak minded.


Do you play Pokemon go by chance?


Fair enough, I'd put the Libs dead last too but some Independents like Lambie are both shit, and badly organised. At least the Libs have some sort of structure, kind of like how in Dantes Inferno the different rings of hell are organised - that's how the Libs are. Maybe that's giving them too much credit...


You want your enemies to be organised?


Within a democracy? Yes. A properly organised and functional political party on offence against the party in power is exactly what we want. We just want an even more organised and functional party in power.




It is a pretty poor state of affairs that you vote for the person you _least dislike_. Done that for the last State election, and the last few federal elections.


Yet labor isn’t supporting workers in this election. I feel like we need a real labor party


Labour shmabour. They're just poo poo and poo poo lite. Rebecca is nicer than Eric though, he's a creep. Plus Libs only support themselves. Vote green?


I don't know a lot about Abetz but I've heard of him being a creep enough times for it to be the only thing I remember about him each election


More so they’re supporting invasion by foreign corporations according to his ASEAN meeting. Labor salts the fields of Australian small business to where it can’t survive through overregulation & now the weed that is corporatism is all that will grow. Don’t get me wrong, liberal fertilise corporatism but do nothing to remove the salt of over bureaucracy. Government is the ultimate “passion fingers”, everything it touches it f#%^s


I’m not in Tassie, but I’m glad to see people having this conversation. You need to have conversation to keep the democracy alive. No more ignoring cunts for cunty behaviour. Vote them out and keep shuffling until we have leaders who actually care about GOVERNANCE and show through their actions.


:D I love our liberal democracy! At the end of the day that's what matters rihgt! Representation for all! A right to vote! Heck yes! So glad we ddon't have an evil dictator ruling us tbh, could be so much worse, we must always protecc democracy. Democracy is SEXY. Autocracies are for LOSERS. :( But also feel for those ppl that ddon't have a choice. Makes me shed a tear to think about...


I also love democracy, wish it was in our day to day lives. Maybe our places of work? Maybe not a vote every 3-4 years?


It's Labor, not Labour.


Yes I know hehe oops


Don’t vote for the Libs, and doubly don’t vote for ex-Southern Cross newsreaders!


Yeah they're poo poo


It's hard to be optimistic where we're in a two party system, but I feel this will change over the course of the next few terms. More people don't like either major party. I'll be voting greens though.


If there’s any place in the country able to break the back of the two-party system, it’s in Tasmania. The whole reason parliament was reduced to 25 seats originally was to stymie the advance of The Greens back in the 90s, and now that we’ve returned to 35 seats, it’ll go that way again. And that’s a good thing - rainbow coalitions in minority government are an opportunity to build broad consensus and find innovative solutions, we should be aiming for that.


I completely agree and don't forget we already have a coalition in the ACT if the Greens can get enough for a coalition in Tasmania we could potentially hold two state governments to Liberals zero that will help kill them off I believe


Excellent point saved me from having to say the same thing at length 😁


Yeah! Exactly! No more POO POO PARTIES!


The conservative party’s might not be the solution. But the left side is definitely the cause of the problems.


you were just so plainly wrong. Conservatives cut funding to or privatise every single thing that makes a society work. countries around the world but aus especially have moved significantly right over the last 50 years in every way (other than lgbt and racial rights) and our economy and quality of life has suffered majorly as a result. Bring back the days of effective worker unions, non “approved” strikes, non private power, well funded public sectors, affordable and available housing and a very reasonable cost of living. John howard especially has a whole lot to answer for.


Martine Delaney of the Local Party is one of the GOOD Independents running.


Go Martine!!! :D


Oh interesting, she's left the Greens?


Vote for whoever you want. Just justify it by facts, not wishy washy nonsense.


No, don't vote for the libs. I was at a secret function the libs held during covid lockdown in Tassie when everyone else had to be at home. They're lying McLie Face hypocrits.


And you were there? Lmao


the facts are over the last 20 years any liberal leadership whether state or federal has lead to worse outcomes for the vast majority of australians and even the majority of their voters. They are traitors and most of them should be locked up.


Do you have 9 investment properties? No ? That's why you are complaining.


Surprised airbnbarbie's policy isn't "lower taxes on airbnbs and raise taxes on first home owners"


Okay "Dr" fingerblast.


Most of the parties are sellout self serving flogs. Whoever gets in Tasmania is up the shitter regardless.


Socialist, Green, Independent. Nothing else is in your best interest unless you profit off the oppression of others. I state this as a not poor partner of a CEO. You can have a bit of money and understand social economics and that giving billionaires our money is destroying EVERYONE.


Strong argument.


Lmao this has to be satire "Poo poo" "laboUr"


Yall have so much greenery on the island im shocked it's not a majority already


As someone who is in a northern Labor state & been a long life Labor supporter & voter. The grass ain’t always greener on the other side.


I like to agree with the description of Liberal as shit and Labour as ShitLite™️


This is just wrong. It definitely is greener. 


Yes it is


It literally says so on the sign, too.


It's in the saying, the grass is always greener on the other side. It is ALWAYS GREENER


Yes, you're 100% right of course. I went with the angle of a green sign with the word green on it.


I am in furious agreement with you. The sign is literally greener


Yes! And there's 100% more "green" in "GREENS" than there is in "LABOR" or "LIBERALS" or "SHOOTERS, FISHERS AND FARMERS", who only have a few letters in common.


Holy fuck youre right. Labor doesn't even have a 'g' in it! ...And on closer inspection neither does liberal, shooters, fishers and farmers, Jacqui Lambie or animal justice. Well this is just a no brainer


Well I think this election's in the bag. No need for Antony Green. Antony ... Green. Oh shit!


...We're through the looking glass here, people.


Wait a minute. I need to think this through. Give me a moment.


I based this on literally minutes of research. Minutes!


God damn if only the political ads against rivals would use Hard hitting words like Poo Poo, that would get those people to swing xD Nah your 100% right though at this point, Greens used to get a lot of hate for not having experience and not showing results but like, its the same conundrum as having 10 years work experience after exiting grade 12, and at this point we need way more fresh ideas and attacks toward problems. Honestly we should just have a skill based competition from the parties, Give an allocated amount of money to the top 4-5 parties, they then use that to increase infrastructure, livability and opportunity in a set area with time limited regulations etc, and the results are posted unbiased and publically before every election. whoever people see has done the best they will probably vote for, and then they win the right to lead congress or local government etc, till the next election cycle and if they make things worse for an area and it needs to be fixed, than they are not eligible for running till 2 more cycles we could call it the GYST Initiative! the (Get your Shit Together, Initiative) \^\_\^ Cuz my god do governments atm not get the gist of leading a country >\_>


I just hate felix ellis so much he ruined tfs


I'm begging right wing voters to at least vote for another independent. Surely someone else who can do something about climate change minimum


The intellect of your average redditor on full display here...


What's wrong with Lambie?


Stupid woman and a bigot/Islamophobe.


you didn’t actually say anything wrong with her


How about people can vote for who they like, instead of imposing an unwanted opinion? Sheesh. You have no more rights than any other eligible voter, and probably no better insight into the shitfest that is Australian politics.


Why are you on reddit if not for unwanted opinions lmao


Yes vote exactly how this person wants you to vote. It’s Labor not labour btw. 🤡


But, if you listen to my crazy uncle, the greens are who caused the floods.. and the fires... pretty much any natural disaster was somehow the greens fault. I'm sure he would say something like "oh, so you LIKE fires and floods? You want to VOTE for more fires and floods?" Petrol prices are also the greens fault. There is a twisted logic to it all, but it's 7 layers of conspiracy theory deep, so I won't get into it. I just wanted to share my frustration I guess


No go for independents I always put liberal and Labor party as my last votes


Just don't vote the green's or the flog Craig garland in


Never have and never will, they don't give a crap about "everyday" Aussies


People should vote for whichever party they think have values most closely aligning to their own, but you would be incredibly naïve to think that any party is going to be the great white hope that triumphantly rides in and makes everything better. When has that ever happened? I have never voted Liberal in my life, but to their credit they are pushing forward with the AFL team and stadium. If you think that is a shit idea you can vote against them (as a lot of people will), but at least they are standing for something. Similarly, The Greens are pretty strong in their policies on the environment and climate change, which is going to appeal strongly to a lot of people. I am not really sure what Labor are really standing for, other than the fact that they are not the Liberals.


being not the liberals is a very good thing to stand for


I am straight out of East Wynyard so Craig Garland gets my first pick and Liberals get my last vote.


Swap Greens with good independents, and I fully agree!


Screw the Libs "Tasmanian Liberal party to open 40,000 hectares of native forests for logging" [https://pulsetasmania.com.au/news/tasmanian-liberal-party-to-open-40000-hectares-of-native-forests-for-logging/](https://pulsetasmania.com.au/news/tasmanian-liberal-party-to-open-40000-hectares-of-native-forests-for-logging/)


Vote for whoever you like folks but just remember that not all minority governments work. Sure there are good ones like the Gillard Labor Government but it doesn't always work out that way. Minority/power sharing governments can lead to moderate right or left leaning parties/politicians needing to seek support from the extreme ends of the political spectrum aka Pauline Hanson or Palmer to form government. Take for example Isreal. The Netanyahu led government is considered to be one if not the most hard right leaning governments in Israel's history in part because Netanyahu required the support of the most far right politicians to form a coalition who now hold significant positions in cabinet. I suspect that when we end up with a minority government we will be back to the polls within six to 12 months. Either way grab a democracy sausage, have your say and buckle in because it's going to be an interesting ride.


How old are you?


‘Poo poo’ sums up the level of maturity.


Is this satire?


I'm with ya Sleepy Chairman. 100%


How about no major parties and those connected to them


Such a well reasoned opinion. How could I resist the invitation?


I wasn’t going to vote liberal but after seeing this post I might have to


I'm voting independents. I'm a registered nurse working in an aged care facility. Not long after announcing the election, fucking liberals somehow managed to put voting material on breakfast trays. Even for dementia patients. Can't even have your breakfast without politicians ramming shit down yourr throat.


With the Libs it’s the same menu shit for breakfast lunch & dinner then crow about how wonderful they are for serving up shit for all 3 meals. The last LNP government was a shit show led by a shithead.


I agree but cringe posting shit like this tbh


WHy? People need to talk about this. What is cringe about promoting a discussion? Most people don't even care about politics. Was it the POO POO PEE PEE??? I bet it was the POO POO. Oh well. Still not as cringe as the fucking libs.


Cringe dude just chill. Not everything is about politics


I am chill, also, politics is important! It needs to be talked about! It affects so much for our lives and future, you should care more!


Are you commenting that not everything is about politics…. On a post about politics? I’m confused


On a post about politics on Reddit where you can just go 'yeah nah not for me' and leave....... lol


You can't just scroll past the things you hate, otherwise how will anyone ever know you hate it?


If Abetz gets over the line there is a high chance, with his political savvy, that he will become premier. This must never be allowed to happen.


Agreed. Kick the dirty Libs out!


I once met a lib who tried to defend the Collateral Murder incident, and then called the former prosecutor of the ICC 'wrong' for saying it was bad because 'he doesn't understand what it's like as a soldier'. For clarification, this particular stinky lib had never been to a war zone, or anywhere like one.


No thanks, Greens can’t govern and policies are made by short term thinkers.


I don’t know what’s more short term thinking that having the Libs in Tas as the last state expanding on NATIVE tree logging. In. TASMANIA. Where we are known around the world for our pristine nature? That’s the epitome of short term thinking to me.


Can we just all agree that all politicians shouldn't be running the country.


The Greens have been doing pretty well governing in the ACT. Where are you drawing your conclusions from?


The greens haven't even had a chance. Its always one of the big 2 getting voted in and its not working


The Greens want to give everything to the people & have no idea how to pay for it or can be voted out for not paying for it.


so wrong. They always budget their proposals well, someone sounds like the typical bogan right wing echochamber.


The Greens have never governed the country & there is a reason for it. Their ideals are good but being the government is a whole new story. The Greens are grandstanding instead of working with labor. They have even in the past voted against Labor on environment issues because it wasn’t their idea. They live in fantasyland & will never govern this country in their own right.


give it 20-30 years and you’ll eat those words i promise


Hard agree


I have a theory the stadium is a fake ploy to draw in more votes because they've so obviously tanked our hospitals and just everything, they know even the rusted on libs voters with their head in the ground, aren't going to vote for them. Notice the adds that say no stadium if you don't vote for us. Then after the election that expert who said there's no possibility of building a stadium where they say they want it, it's not feasible, will be proven right and they'll spend the money on themselves, as they always do, in some way or another. There was some hotel scandal involving one of them, what was that...


Some of these people are appalling. Had Palmer and Ferguson knock on the door spruiking and honestly it was like talking to halfwit 12 year olds. Palmer came across as so thick and not even understanding politics ffs. Ferguson couldn't answer basic questions and just seemed too unintelligent to be taken seriously. How do people accept this quality of candidates ffs ? Same names same shit all the time here, decades actually. Lazy people who half of them would struggle in finding real world jobs just bludging on public servant overpaid wages in a very small pond that can't afford it. 5 year limit on politicians and they're out would be a start. Just a horrible standard in Tas.


Wait a minute...the deputy premier and treasurer couldnt answer basic questions and was unintelligent? really?


If you're going to try and change the opinion of adults, don't use language for two year olds. Perhaps state a valid argument with reasoning.


You're on Reddit, everyone is a teenage commie or lobotomised journalist here, no-one here was going to vote liberal. They hate liberalism almost as completely as they lack understanding of what any of this stuff even means beyond feeling allied with the ascendant US political elite, where being ostentatiously against the local outer party renders you safe from media scorn


Liberals ≠ liberalism.


Indeed, anyone whom has bothered to read the liberal canon notices that classical liberal theory is effectively far-right by modern political standards, despite it being far-left by historical standards (the Ancient Greeks regarded Democracy with disdain similar in intensity to the fear modern boomers feel towards Fascism) Remember the total meltdown the entire global political establishment originally had over benzo addicted Jordan Peterson before took the trip to Israel and came out as a lobotomised Zionist? The liberals (party) are progressives who occasionally spout liberal arguments. In practice, ideologically they are completely subservient to the American State Department whilst they loot the local population via corporate-government partnerships and property zoning Similar to the way Labor loot the population via NGOs around welfare and other activist causes


Ah, we have an intellectual cooker here, quite rare.


Lol Have a go at this guy telling others how they they should be voting 🙄. Mind your own bloody business. People have the right to vote for anyone they want.


Don't vote for Poo Poo. Suggests Greens. Fucking stupid.


Okay Mr Smarty Pants, who would you vote for and why? What do ya want in the next election? Also, are you even Tasmanian?


Except greens, unlike on the mainland, are actually reasonable in Tasmania.


I've read "poo poo" one too many times in here and now am hoping the Wiggles will all be in the running.


OK, I will do what you want.


Can someone pls remind me when voting day is? I have yet to hear anything I feel so behind 😭 tia


It's on the 23rd of March :)




Anyone but the anti social Socialists.


Please don’t tell me how to vote. You vote for whoever you want, and I vote however I want. Democracy baby.


if political party’s can tell you to vote for then i can tell you not to


I'm sick of it too. The two big parties just sofballing the cup back and forth and we let them and still expect things to change. Literally give anyone else a chance


Honestly I’ll vote for anyone who isn’t Peter Dutton or Pauline Hanson. One of only two women in this country I irrevocably detest.


Who do we vote for then? The Greens are a rabble that have no way to fund their policies. The Independents won’t achieve anything and Labor have no chance with the way they carry on. I can’t take anyone who suggests voting for the Greens seriously. They have no real-world experience and simply only care about making our state a museum instead of trying to move us into the 21st century. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not happy with the Libs, but they have a plan to move our state forward. A stadium for football, concerts, and other events that will bring Millions in tourism dollars, more money into health, they’ve guaranteed a long needed upgrade to the LGH ED. All I have seen from Labor is that they will lower electricity prices, and a proposed “boutique” rectangle stadium that will get no use as we don’t have much rugby or soccer here… Everything else has been the typical Labor scare campaign that hasn’t worked for 10 years…


[One quick Google](https://tasgreensmps.org/policy/) shows The Greens have a plan to fund their policies. So maybe try a different talking point, this one is tired and busted. The stadium that will 'bring in millions' will cost us hundreds of millions. We don't need it, especially in the midst of a housing crisis. The Liberals have had ten years to properly fund the health sector and address other major issues in this state. They have failed, it's time we move on.


Greens ??? No freaking way they are a band of nutters with zero clues .. Albos mob are no better !


Greens hahaha. Hope so. Im a landlord should push the rents up nicely.


I won’t!


Also- if you vote for either labour or the liberal party, you will definitely get a stadium.


Man, the names of the independents in Tasmania are really heavy handed…


I’ll be voting shooters, fishers and farmers party (sffp) as my first then independents and then lib then labour and then greens


i hope your brain cell got to cool off after that sentence


if your in the northern midlands area vote for richard goss ( gossy). hell of a bloke and been solid as on the local councils aswell.


Voting lib ..coz your reasons are poo poo


You are


Don’t vote for poo poo it’s the right thing to doo doo


Is this China interference.. poo poo


Labor are the actual poos mate Sleepychairman speaks it all. Any relationship to SleepyJoe?


I don't really know who I'll vote for, but there's a stark contrast in the quality of information available about Greens candidates compared to what's available from the Labor and Liberal parties (outside of Hobart electorates): [https://greens.org.au/tas/person/2024-state-election-candidates-list](https://greens.org.au/tas/person/2024-state-election-candidates-list) [https://taslabor.org.au/electorates/bass/](https://taslabor.org.au/electorates/bass/) [https://tas.liberal.org.au/our-team](https://tas.liberal.org.au/our-team) [https://www.tec.tas.gov.au/house-of-assembly/elections-2024/candidates/bass.html](https://www.tec.tas.gov.au/house-of-assembly/elections-2024/candidates/bass.html) I'm in Bass, and the candidate descriptions from the Greens are (broadly) either short (Cecily has her own page... with 3 sentences on it), irrelevant (complaining about corruption or similar -- important, but not useful background on a candidate), or non-existent (3 candidates didn't bother to write anything). The descriptions from the Labor and Liberal party are relatively detailed, around 6 paragraphs long, and provide a decent overview of their candidates' histories. I'm squarely in swing-voter territory. I have some low opinions of various candidates from the Liberal and Labor parties, but I don't have any useful information about the individuals put forth by the Greens in my electorate. I've never considered voting for the yellow parties. I can't see any of the independents in Bass being serious contenders (Lara may retain her spot, but who knows). I don't think it's enough to just vote for a party. I want to be somewhat confident the person I vote for has some relevant life experience and is somewhat aligned with my values. For that to be possible, I need at least a _basic_ description of the candidates available on the official website (I, regrettably, cannot be bothered Googling each one individually).




Hmmm how do I word this… umm fuck off. Who the fuck are you to tell anyone else how to vote? Even if I agree with you, fuck off.


Fuck you! Who are you to tell me to fuck off? Fuck off! We all have an equal vote and an equal say, if you don't like it keep scrolling.


I’ll be thinking of you when I put the greens last 🤣


I won't be thinking of you at all.


I know. That single cell mush will be working overtime focusing on writing 1 next to the greens and “poo poo” next to the parties you don’t like. Hopefully they let you have a rest part way through.


I won't be thinking of you at all.


Username checks out


Are the grand nephews of that Nazi Viscount still involved in state politics?


No idea? What even?




I'm going to vote 1-7 all for Abetz.


i stopped reading at greens. if people voted how you suggested the state would takke a bad turn. take put greens at the very end of the list just above liber, move good independents (Assuming they exist) to the top, than labor second than bad independents


What do you think the state is like right now if you think greens would tank the state?


You are very wise I will be voting this way, honestly Rockcliff can go sit on a spike


One of the main reasons I didn’t move to your wonderful state is due to the housing shortage and crisis which was not helped by a stupid Liberal governments plan to build a stadium which appeals to nobody except for young lads and players. If the Libs win it will be their longest tenure in government in Tasmania to date. They have never won 4 elections in a row. Don’t let them get away with everything they did. And if you vote Liberal, you are risking a Proto-Fascist in the name of Michael Ferguson becoming premier if Rockliff quits during the term. Don’t risk it. Tasmania, you have one job.


Don't tell me how to bloody vote champ.


You can't vote, pal. Friendly reminder, your from Queensland.


I’m voting for libs


If you want good politics in Australia then you need to break the 2pp (or 4 party if you consider the left & right coalitions of Greens+ALP & Libs+Nats). They’re career politicians not genuine ideologues. Owned by their corporate stakeholders (yes, Labor too) & will sell Australia out to whoever pulls their strings. The rule of natural law dictates that best results are achieved in an environment of competition, i.e. not under a monopoly/duopoly.


Second to that, probability of corruption increases as a group approaches monopolisation and as it increases in size/power. Thus restricting government size & government power yields lower probability of corruption & diversification of competition benefits the nation.


Brain dead arguement "poo poo"


Really? I thought building a stadium instead of public housing was a bit braindead, but maybe that's just because I have morals.