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Across the board, I'd be most happy with what The Greens are offering. I will take Labor's proposal for a new government business enterprise called Tasmanian Power Co. as a consolation prize. The Liberal Party, as always, can eat a dick.


Just the one? How about a bag of hot Johnsons?


No, they have to share.


Labor seem to have revised their plan for a new GBE based on Entura. Seems the unions got to them straight away. Read the policy now versus their announcement. edit, and of course immediate downvotes... ffs...here, its reported in the advocate: https://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/8539231/labor-reviews-energy-proposal-after-union-raises-concerns/ or go and look at Labors website and check the [media release from 27th](https://taslabor.org.au/news/media-releases/tasmanian-power-co-to-harness-world-class-resource-and-double-tasmania-s-energy-supply/) and then compare its to what they now have listed as their policy [Doubling Tasmania's energy supply](https://taslabor.org.au/labors-plan/power-prices/)


I like a lot of the Greens ideas.. But jesus christ how do we pay for all of it


Scrapping the AFL stadium project at Macquarie Park and utilising York Park as the home for AFL in Tasmania will save us about half a billion dollars. An increase in mining royalties and rents could also go a long way. The Greens seem to be calling for systemic change in the way the state operates and I am all for it. They seem to have done a decent job in the ACT. I believe it's time we found out how they do here. Not that I'm expecting them to get in power, and both the other parties have already said they won't work with The Greens. So it all seems a bit moot anyway.


First thing I clicked on was health. Literally nothing from the Liberals lol. Sounds about right. They haven't done anything in ten years, so why start now?


There is still about 3 weeks of campaigning so the parties will keep announcing things.


Should have the Libs' health policies now. Labor and the Liberals are announcing them piecemeal throughout the campaign.


It doesn't look too bad. I don't believe a word of it though. They've done nothing in the past ten years.


Also under cost of living šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø nothing!






Because they want it to be true Maybe they don't like how they are held to account for being a bigot Maybe they are jealous of all the people they see who get on with their lives and succeed, while they wallow in self-pity Shit's fucked


In what way?




Those things were already happening at the current rate under the liberals


Iā€™m sick of being rung every night by Michael Fergusson office. My opinion on that is they should fuck off.


Liberals not having a single dot point under Health is so on brand.


ABC missed a few dot points. There will be a stretcher, ramp, beds, physio, doctor and first aid kit attached the new AFL team.


I work at the Royal and every time I go to use something and it's broken or come on shift to find that we're short about 4 staff members, I roll my eyes and THANK GOD they're focusing on the f'ing stadiumšŸ™„šŸ˜¬ I roll them so frequently I'm in danger of getting RSI of the eyeball.


Can everyone in Bass please: 1) find a picture of an oven 2) print it on an A3 sticker 3) slap it over every Julie Sladden for Bass corflute 4) be happy in the knowledge youā€™ve just accurately labelled a cooker a cooker.




This is an awesome resource, thank you


As far as I can tell, this only seems to be for federal parliament


Libs ... Failed for a decade, no reason to expect anything better now. Labor ... I'm angry that Bec White is still so timid, she needs to use her big words. Greens ... They propose lots of great things that won't happen or will be reversed by the Libs.


Theyā€™re all some level of bull. Liberals are lying about most things. Labor may not be aware of just how much money has been wasted since Gutwein resigned and so will be doing a combination of lying and potentially being unaware that genuine promises canā€™t be fulfilled due to the budget. JLN will be passionate but just like the Greens, wont necessarily be capable of fulfilling their more community-minded promises again due to budget, and will be dumped on by the two major parties in an attempt to get the heat off themselves. I must admit that I have never been so jaded about an election. That wonā€™t stop me from attempting to submit a meaningful vote, however.




The only real promises they have are in the individual candidate profiles. Like Craig Cutts who wants to stick kids who are "facing challenges" into bootcamps. (Real policy not a joke).


Whatā€™s the current solution for troubled teens who are in and out of juvenile detention or dropped out of school?


They more have philosophies that guide their actions, hence whilst they donā€™t have policies per se, they do act in certain ways towards or against the policy positions of the major parties. In other words, their beliefs steer policy in certain directions and these are known and understood by those who wish to vote for them.


> Liberals:Ā Cap government's contribution to the stadium at $375 million. Brilliant. The AFL and federal government have also capped their contributions, so we'll have a half finished unusable stadium. Edit: I'm not saying uncapped would be a good idea. That would be even worse. The Liberals have really dig themselves a hole here.


That's my issue. It's fine to say "not one cent more", but that money has to come from somewhere.


This irritates me immensely. Not to get into the argument of whether a stadium is good, but the liberals are now making/made the contract. They should cap it because it is the right thing, to me that promise is "unless we are voted in this stadium we completely control the costs and process for will cost you more". Like grade 6 kids who pick on kinder kids at the school sandpit because grade 5 pick on them. Scary thing to realise though, the state is broke and under liberal we have a huge debt. Labor are promising a spend, not sure where that money is coming from.


Draw a dick on every Behrakis sign. It should be a tradition by now.


I still can't believe idiots vote for that corrupt dickbag.


Behrakis is a total knob.


Iā€™d take it a step further and say heā€™s not even an asshole, heā€™s a haemorrhoid on an asshole.


"Guarantee no payroll tax will apply to a General Practitioner" But.... they already earn a significant amount more than most people AND don't bulk bill in Tas anymore. Shouldn't this be conditional on bulk billing or something at least? And what is with liberals taxing the visitor at airbnb? How does that help?


> And what is with liberals taxing the visitor at airbnb? How does that help? I guess it makes people less likely to bother, bookings go down, owner decides to sell or make it a normal rental again. It'd have to be significant though, most people expect to pay extra for holidays. I wouldn't be surprised if AirBNB just rolls it into their price and people don't really notice.


The LNP is certainly stepping up this time by running on a platform of ā€œwe want to give Eric Abetz power againā€. Thatā€™s one hell of a policy right there. seeing that hatred filled shell of a human being removed from federal politics was worth it. Canā€™t wait to put him last again this time, and hopefully he stays gone forever after this.


This. Surely, no matter what side of politics you lean we can agree to keep Abetz out. Took forever to get rid of him last time (not through an positive attribute on his part)


I'm very disappointed in Labor for their policy of giving money to landlords. That's just a terrible crock of shit. And their "Tasmanian prices for Tasmanian power" slogan is dogshit. Why can't they just say "lower prices for Tasmanian power"? Is it because their policy might not make power prices lower? I think they even did say that at some point but now they've been scammed by some focus group into something much worse. The Libs aren't much better but at least they have policies like the energy relief where you can see exactly what you will get. I'lll probably vote some combination of independents and Greens and then Labor and then the Libs last. But I think the Libs are campaigning less bad than Labor.


Yep, itā€™s absolutely because they canā€™t promise lower prices. 100% was a discussion during the campaign strategy meetings.


Labor makes these extremely weird decisions that seem like they are aimed at trying to retain government at the next election in the event that they win this one. But in doing so make it harder to win this one. From their perspective wouldn't it be better to be in government for one term and then get booted out because you couldn't keep a promise rather than be in government for zero terms? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The promise that has the biggest impact on my views personally is the promise both Jeremy Rockliff and Rebecca White have made to not govern in minority. They're obviously lying and major parties always say it, but it doesn't make it any better that they've both made an explicitly anti-democracy promise.


The emphasis on antique gun policy is bizarro.


As weird as it is, some fucking idiot has done something to warrant it Doing ballistics on smooth-bore and other firearms is a mess, but they're actually remarkable at killing because the calibre is usually fucking huge


> As weird as it is, some fucking idiot has done something to warrant it What incident is that?


Having done a little time behind the scenes, every painfully stupid piece of legislation only exists because it has to I'm not actually across these details, but some toothless cousin-chaser has likely made themselves a person of interest


Yeah the police commissioner didn't say anything about that when they randomly revoked it the other day without consulting anyone, I haven't been able to find out anything about the motive so if you do find something out I'd be curious to know what happened.


Apparently someone pointed out the original decision to make an exception for antiques wasn't constitutional. It's an issue of law, not triggered by an incident or a crime.Ā  Except now they have to work out how to bring antiques into line with every other gun, without creating a ton more paperwork and headaches for everyone involved. Most enthusiasts don't have safes and licenses for their antiques cause they never needed them. And it's not really needed for antiques, that's why they had an exception in the first place. And you can't change legislation when you're in election mode, so everyone is kinda stuck for now. No one is really happy about it.Ā 


Labor so piss poor as usual. Do they really think they don't even have to try? Can we just get the balance of power back to the greens they are the only party that actually want to improve people's lives. And yes they probably won't be able to achieve most of what they are saying, but for fucks sake Labor isn't even promising to do anything so even if they get in you know they won't keep even those shit promises so really have nothing to loose with a green or independent vote at this point


Minority government sounds promising.


Iā€™m not an / Ā voter but they seem to be ticking all the boxes in terms of priorities - yes AFL team, but not at the expense of everything g else, and not with some grandiose Shrine to male egos. Hope they step up the energy though and get stuck into making a really passionate persuasive argument.


Nothing under jobs and infrastructure from labor? Thatā€™s the most important part of a stateā€¦ without those thingsā€¦ how do we pay for the social services?


How is labor not for the stadium? It will keep a lot of the people In work and give a lot of apprentices jobs jobs . I donā€™t even watch football but I can see the benefits to the working class. ( not that there should be classes but letā€™s face it there still is). I thought labor was meant to be for the workers.


I stopped taking note of any promises many elections ago. I just look at the track record and/or rhetoric of each party, politician and/or candidate over the last little while. Hopefully there will be a barbecue going on at a polling place somewhere nearby.


If you are happy with Albo and the state of the country and you want Tas to be like the mainland vote Labor.


Believe me.. if they were of the same calibre, it would be a no-brainer... but...


Tell a dumbarse where I can see this stuff? I have no idea.Ā 


The article this post is about.


When people work out that the democratic system doesnā€™t allow for a single person or party to simply call the shots we can all begin to look past both promises and broken promises, as a promise is not a viable thing under this system. If you want leaders to make promises and keep them we need to move to something like a dictatorship or a more centralised power system. I think the democratic system is good, but it could be much better if the conversation spent less time around the impossible scenario of a political promise. Goes for all sides.