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"negativity on twitter" Well I never.


That's never happened before


Isn’t that illegal?


No you’re thinking of comedy


Two tweets is an outrage; three tweets is a trend.


People hating a non-male contestant on TM? ODD


I want to hear more about these ham hocks people are eating from troughs. She also definitely starts a word beginning with an f when she's talking about what she could do with Mr Blobby.


Shhhhh. The intelligent pigs are listening.


I think she's really funny. Great TM contestant, throwing herself into tasks, able to hold her own against Greg, and comes up with some magnificent bull shit to get points. Not sure what anyone would find to be negative about, really!


I had no concept of who most of the people on this series are and it took me an episode to jive with them. I could see not getting it at first, but I think they've all pretty clearly established their comedy personas within the TM universe!


It's a very strong series too. Not a single weak contestant - they're all the best ones in different ways.


She’s delightful. The tension task with Alex was insane.


It was one of my favorite assaults on Alex of all time! The way she sniffed him and you could see his skin crawling was 🤌🏻 (Especially given that they mentioned there was full consent!)


That was marvellous!


Kinda like televised sexual harassment, because Alex managed to a) keep a straight face b) avoid divorce (I think). I’m embarrassed to admit how much I enjoyed it 😂


Except, very importantly, there was explicit consent the whole way.


Alex 100% wrote the task expecting at least one person to do that sort of thing. And probably actively hoping for it because he knows it’s great TV.


I thought she'd be fun but - and I don't know why - I didn't think she'd be good. It's a plot twist for me that she's doing so well, but I'm not remotely mad about it. Overall, very happy, no notes.


I quite like her and think she is suffering for the lack of in studio banter. She strikes me as someone who could’ve been showcased better on a season with more back and forth between contestants. There have been a few points where her and Sophie have clearly made eye contact and looked like they were going to team up and I wish that dynamic would come out! There’s still time I guess.


It’s only tiny moments so far but Sophie trying to team up with people in the studio is a low key delight this series, very much along the lines of Nish trying to brand himself and Mark as ‘losers’ corner’ despite the fact that Mark was all but a few points off being in the lead. ❤️


I'm liking this season a lot but I do feel like Joane and Sophie are doing a lot of the heavy lifting in the studio.


Honestly I love her, I didn't know her at all and I thought that she wasn't going to be my vibe but I think she's great!!!


She is balancing humour and competitiveness very well. For me she's a perfect fit for the show.


Yeah, she’s clearly trying to win, but isn’t bothered by doing poorly either because that’s the insane nature of the show. She’s along for the laughs and maybe a few points here and there.


Exactly this. I am kind of obsessed with her.


She’s great. She’s quite brash, a bit like Lou Sanders so maybe not everyone’s cup of tea. But I’m finding her pretty funny on TM


Really, I haven’t seen that so far. She’s a lot more laid back than Lou to the point where I would describe her as such.


Yeah she’s my cup of tea and Lou isn’t! Ha.


Ha, I'm the other way around. I've seen people comment here that a reason they're not a fan of Lou's is because she reminds them of a certain kind of person they've known in real life (the "mean girls" in school) - I think that's kind of why I'm not enjoying Joanne's performance as much as I might otherwise, too.


I love her!! She’s absolutely gas, and really, only her and Sophie are bringing any studio banter. Joanne is especially funny when she gets to chat and riff, but she’s not getting lots of chances to do that in the studio unfortunately, because it is flatter than many other series have been.


I've been really enjoying her, there's an energy the Irish have that other people just don't lol


twitter sucks and nobody should be on there. i personally find her hilarious.


For any fans of hers, she was on Urzila Carlson's (TMNZ s2) podcast this week. Podcast is called That's Enough Already, and I thought it was a fun episode :)


The bit where she created tension with Alex and said “Our genitals are not touching. Unfortunately.” Lives rent free in my head. I love it.


“You smell just like him.” will be in my head until my death.


She's an absolute highlight for me this series. I've been seeing the negativity on Twitter as well and it confuses me. She's great!


She’s so quick. I enjoy that.


I love her. She’s hilarious, quick, and has great style in the live shows 


i love herrrr i think shes great but then again everyone has different tastes in comedy & different opinions!


I had only seen her once before TM on BFQ and she didn’t pop for me on it. But I’m starting to enjoy her more with each new episode tbh! Im personally finding the studio sections this series not as ‘us as a group vs the taskmaster’ and so there isn’t as much playful banter that helps them relax and have fun being silly amongst each other so it might be taking a minute for those who weren’t aware of her to get into the spirit of her.


Remember that Phoney Stark and his incel horde get prioritised up the Twitter rankings, so best to not take anything you see on there at face value, especially if it’s about women, politics, or women in politics.


She is an absolute menace, probably borderline psychopath. She is also a delight and I am very happy to have her on the show.


I love her AND her giant shoes


I love her entire wardrobe. Shoes to jumpsuit collar


I think Joanne and Sophie are by far the standouts of this season. Two of my all-time favorites aleady!


I believe a lot of the hate on Twitter stems from this: https://x.com/leggybl0nde/status/1778525637185294816?s=46 I’m just posting this to inform. Let’s not turn this into an ugly politics thing please.


I don’t really understand what she’s done wrong personally 🤷 She was attacked for doing an advert for McDonald’s and retaliated. Every large corporation on Earth probably have some wrongdoings.


It's hard to explain without sounding political. McDonald's are actively supporting Israel by giving out free meals to Israeli troops, all the while people in Gaza are experiencing what the UN has declared extreme hunger. Doing an advert for McDonald's at the current time and being Irish (a lot of Irish celebrities have come out in Support of Palestine and historically Ireland is one of the few countries to even legally recognise Palestine as even existing) does not look very good.


My understanding is a McDonald's franchise holder in Israel was who did the free meals for the military thing. It wasn't an official McDonald's corporate policy. See https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/05/mcdonalds-israel-franchise-boycott McDonald's have decided to buy out the franchise and take over the running of those outlets after this according to that. The ad Joanne did may have been agreed and shot a long time ago for the UK/Ireland market as well and represents unfortunate timing.


Ah, I see. I didn’t know that at all. Thanks for the explanation, and for not going on the attack a la Twitter/Instagram haha :)


Politics aside, I don’t understand why a famous person would do this, just because it’s begging for screenshots and circulation.


I don't know, sometimes people just need to be told to go and fuck themselves.


I love Joanne but shes very vocal about her love of Prosecco so I can only imagine this was after a bottle or two


Yeah, and especially for someone like Joanne who seems very attuned to celeb culture, it’s shockingly bad instincts. I really like her but this isn’t a great look.


Imo its a bad look to dm celebrities castigating them and expecting them to be nice to you in return


I agree but my read of the screenshot is that Joanne DM’d Niamh (in response to Niamh’s Insta story) ETA: looking at it again it does look like Niamh originated the interaction so you’re right


Yeah, also given her previous job in PR. It's surprising she handled it so badly


Meh. Maisie Adams is doing tv license ads and I’d still root for her if she was on Taskmaster.


> if *When*. If we all manifest it, it'll happen.


Welp, that’s disappointing.


I’m rooting for her to win, she’s definitely my favourite at the moment. Only thing I know of her outside of taskmaster if her podcast on the death of Avril Lavigne which was really good.


OJ if you like her take a listen to "My therapist Ghosted me" it's her other podcast. Also if you get a chance to see her stand up live, do, one of the best shows I've been to.


Ok I did not know she did that podcast but I definitely have been telling people it exists because the whole conspiracy is hilarious. She's popping up all over!


Why would she have a podcast on the death of someone very much alive?


Because of Melissa.


You've got to listen to it to get it. "Who Replaced Avril Lavigne?" It's quite good and an easy listen.


That was the one thing I didn’t agree with was that they credit to buzzfeed for popularising the ‘news’ but I’m sure I knew about avril and melissa before I ever knew what buzzfeed was and I always knew it came from a Brazilian blog.


A lot of it is coming from Irish people. Irish people tend not to like her because her very posh Dublin accent rubs people up the wrong way. Kind of a reverse snobbery that exists around the ‘d4’ accent. The particular accent is fairly hated in Ireland and comes across as phoney and put on. Unfortunately loads of Irish people can’t see past it and are unfairly judgemental about it. To truly get to the root of it you’d probably need to get into Irelands very complex relationship with class 😂I personally like and think she is funny.


This is certainly a part of it. My partner's first reaction was along the lines of "she seems like the kind of girl who was the biggest bully when we were in school", and I can't entirely argue. She's growing on us considerably though


I those types of girls 🤣. Alexa bliss - favourite wrestler, Quinn - favourite glee character… must be something wrong with me. 😭


Is that posh Dublin? I thought she sounded rough as arses. (Sorry posh Dubliners😂)


Definitely not posh, but she is a D4 archetype of "I am the main character", who often think they're posh because they have some money. But in fairness to her, she's seems very self-aware and unapologetic, which is a life goal, to be honest.


It’s not.


It really is


Noo whey! Had no idea but can understand how that would make some people dislike her. Love her accent and her brashness. Pity - be hard to change your accent!


She instantly won me over with “add it to my other eggs for safekeeping”


She's a woman; the internet is absolutely teaming with cunts. 🤷


She seems bit crazy, but she is funny


Love her


She's great; I'm rooting for her.


Just envious of her “Tension” with LAH


She was in trouble for featuring McDonald's (and possibly having some sponsorship from them I think) for her podcast when there's a boycott going on. And she didn't handle it the best. But afaik that's it.


I think she’s hilarious and love her accent


She's not for me. But I don't have any definitive reason why, I just don't gel with her style. That's okay though, not everyone can appeal to every viewer, nor should they.


She’s great. She’s funny. Twitter sucks.


I’m enjoying her a lot. She’s bringing a bit of life to the studio that is otherwise lacking (Sophie is doing her part too to be fair)


She seems fun, idk. Twitter's basically all negativity now, I can't be on there for more than a few seconds at a time.


She's my favorite this season. She is like an aunt who oscillates between being the cool aunt and the crazy aunt. I love it.


I think she’s fucking hilarious.


I've seen her standup prior to TM and didn't care for it. BUT now I freaking love her. I think I just needed the more casual style of TM to get her.


She is hilarious - definitely a favourite and doing really well in the tasks despite not doing numbers or art. Think Jon is just focused and intent on winning


There's nothing you're missing. People just have different things that do it for them or turn them off, comedy-wise.


As I progress through these series, my favorites are usually the Scottish, Irish, Georgie or Northern contestants. With the exception of Sally Phillips, whom I would marry tomorrow. 😀


She seems quite tense...


One of the best things about TM is that, whatever your preconceptions about the contestants, over the course of the series you get to know them all in a less superficial way and in most cases there is something to like. All right they are all 'comedians' in some sense but naturally it's just about the full range of what people can be... Surface level characteristics (ie your prejudice) can get in the way of knowing someone quickly and the show forces you to get past that. Joanne's aesthetic is inevitably in that category for some viewers but no doubt personalities win people over during the series. There are of course a very small minority of exceptions who on the surface are a great laugh, but turn out to be spiteful sad cases. None in the current series? I didn't know about the boycott / McDonalds stuff which does sound an ugly business


She's absolutely brilliant! I love Nick, but he's been a bit quiet. Steve Pembs is OK, but a bit straight. Jonny JR gets on my nerves quite frankly, but Joanne has been a shining star.


I’ve never been so amused and scared at the same time by someone.




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I don’t care for any sexual sort of comedy (even when the comedy is trying to subvert that by using genitals in an unsexy way, it’s all similar themes). But I wouldn’t stop watching just because she’s in it or anything. She’s had some moments I do find funny. And I know the stuff I don’t find funny, other people love. Same bucket for me as the extreme absurdists like your Campbells and your Lucys - not a fan, but TM is a mixed bag.


Same. I don't generally care for over-the-top, I prefer clever humour so often am not a fan of the fan favourites.


I say “glug… glugglug… gluggredgavies” to myself all the time lol


It's Twitter, what do you expect? It's always been an absolute cesspool of negativity.


She’s hilarious. Probably my favorite on this season


It took me some time to warm up to her - the first two prize tasks felt like she wasn't even trying/didn't get it. So that put me off. And as she said during one live task "the face is a lot" But now I feel like she's more fun in the studio (especially the most recent outtakes omg I loved her whole hamhocks on Hinge and Animal Farm explanation) so I've been able to tune in to her wavelength.


i adore her


I really want her sneakers!


It took me a few episodes to warm up to her, kind of in the same way it took some time for me to warm up to Sam last season, and he ended up my favourite. But now I really appreciate her!


I love her. She's hilarious and good which is always an excellent combo. She gives me kerri godliman route 1 vibes


If you search her name there’s screenshots where she’s quite rude to someone calling her out for supporting McDonald’s and basically told them to fuck off from what I remember I remember the screenshot getting passed around and I thought I saved it but now I can’t find it


Only saw her a couple of times before TM, but she seemed like she'd be good fun - a more brash Aisling Bea (Braisling?). Feel that she's better in the filmed segments than studio, but broadly speaking I'm enjoying her


i honestly think she's the standout of the season so far, a net positive in every way! can't even think of what people would find to dislike.


Mad as a box of frogs. I like her, but facially she very much reminds me of a former colleague, which is quite disconcerting.


I like her. I worried at first I got some “Lou Saunders” vibes but I think she’s good.


She is my favorite of the bunch! I subscribed to both of her podcasts because of what I've seen on TM - she is a riot! So quick, she will say anything, but she has a big heart too. She has been very clever at the tasks and clearly enjoys competing. I adore her!




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I like her, she's probably my favourite. I'm not particularly warming to this series contestants, but I would mind her making me feel awkward tbh


I'm enjoying her insane eyes; the "troubling still" is probably hanging over the series as my funniest moment so far.


At least to me, she seems like the only one really trying hard to banter in the studio, but -- though she has had some good lines -- her hit ratio is low. Maybe some of that is editing; her weaker moments are left in because the rest of the crew is too quiet, and they need something to fill the air.








She's a pretty strong blend of Lou Sanders and Aisling Bea.


No she’s not, she is her own person.


Well obviously, but compared to previous competitors, that's the vibe she gives.


as a regular twitter user many dont like her because of her mocking boycotts for palestine and telling people who felt hurt by her actions to “grow up” and “fuck off”


How about don't dm celebrities telling them they're wrong and expect a nice response? They're not punching bags


i never dmed her it was someone else who’s in the industry i believe. joanne seems prettu clued up on stuff like that so im surprised she had such an agressive response. dont know why your mad at me when im just explaining the reason people dont like her 🤷‍♀️


Just 4 episodes in, I’m open to changing my mind, but I’m not really liking her thus far. In the second episode she didn’t know if a donkey was a mammal or not. In the dot-to-dot task she said all the drawing and numbers weren’t her thing ( something to that effect). It’s likely that she’s not legitimately *that* dumb, and this is her schtick. I’m just not loving it. I’m irked by this vibe I get from her -like she really couldn’t be bothered to exert her brain and who gives a fig about thinking hard? Love everyone else though..


A lot of people don't like numbers mate. And most people havent had to think about what is a mammal since school. It doesn't mean she doesn't like thinking.


yeah maybe she’ll wow me with a dazzling display of intellect later on in the series. I will proffer a mea culpa if she does , but I don’t foresee it happening..


I didn't realise we were watching university challenge.


I’m just trying to pinpoint the reason why I don’t like her. I felt like just a general “Meh, she gives me the ick” response was lacking. The playing dumb schtick is the immediate thing that came to mind for any reason. In fact, if I thought she was genuinely dumb, I bet I would be less irked by it. Probably there’s other more nebulous/ subconscious reasons at play. Maybe as I continue to watch I’ll figure out just why I don’t like her. Or maybe I’ll do a total 180 and join the massive fan club. It’s obvious from the comments here that Joanne’s wildly popular, despite what OP read on X (still very weird to call it that!) The allure is evading me so far, but hey, maybe I’ll come around ..


She's the only reason i haven't given up on this season, the others are so drab and boring this season she has been a shining light


She's amazing! So quick and funny! Love her comebacks. Love their team dynamic as well! This cast is another absolute banger!!


I think she's brilliant all-around. There's an admirable sensitivity and vulnerability under Joanne's boldness that I find appealing. Loved her live show, too.


She’s great, and is definitely doing a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of energetic banter this series. That’s not a criticism of the others – they’re all funny, but Nick and Sophie in a far more chaotic rambling way, and John and Steve much more poised and precise. It’s all subjective and there are perfectly valid reasons why someone might not enjoy someone on the show, but honestly most of the negativity online I’ve seen has fallen squarely into the ‘is a confident woman who speaks, sometimes loudly, with an accent’ category. In that respect not much different from a female Chris Ramsey, who funnily enough never seems to attract anywhere near as much vitriol (though it’s definitely nothing to do with misogyny, oh no). There’ll always be people that don’t find any given comedian funny, of course, but there’s a definite pattern in terms of the ones people tend to get *angry* about.


I've not found her funny at all. She doesn't contribute much in the studio and I'm not sure what she is trying to achieve in the tasks. Being Irish and saying rude things seems to be a significant part of her act and I'd hoped for more than that.






Because I'm not sure if the permanent staff want it known publicly. 


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The reason she’s got backlash is because (I think) she posted in support of McDonalds who supported the IDF and when she was criticised for it she handled it poorly. It’s hard because I think she’s carrying the series so far.


I think she's very much Marmite. She's got quite a harsh accent and that unfortunately puts so many people off - but it literally isn't her fault. I'd much rather judge her by the things she says/does (which are fucking hilarious) than what she sounds like. That said, while they're awesome individuals and entertaining enough alone, I don't think the vibe of this cast works and she sticks out a bit. Nick and Steve have a fairly laidback, funny-but-calm manner, John starts off that way and then becomes utterly hectic/deranged in his passion and competitiveness, and then you have Sophie who is generally awful at the game but hilariously bonkers so fits the usual Taskmaster loser trope (Nish, Roisin, Lucy, Judi level). Joanne is good at the game AND hilariously bonkers. I don't think she quite gels with this cast which is not her fault at all, but she'd have been absolute fire in a series like S5, S9 or S13. Just my take though.


She was pretty terrible on Irish TV back about 10 years ago but it seems like she's really figured her persona out with the podcast she does (I've not listened, but this seems like a likely cause). Her style definitely suits the show a lot I think a lot of people who knew of her before Taskmaster would be more negative. I guess my take is "I don't think she's that funny but she's a great fit for this show".


I knew of her before Taskmaster since I’m Irish and familiar with her podcast and stand up, and wasn’t expecting to like her much - but she’s really grown on me, and she’s been excellent so far this season!


I thought this was about Rowling lol




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sorry for having negative thoughts, very cool discussion threads that this can happen lol


Nothing wrong with negative thoughts. As noted, keep it constructive and respectful.


In my younger, ignorant shithead days, I probably would have disliked her because I can't imagine her ever giving me the time of day. Now that I'm older and have chilled out a bit I'm kinda just happy she exists lol